Vocal Things with Grinson


Whiskered Writer
So, I've been starting to mess around a bit with some voice recording things. Hopefully I'll be tossing some more up now and again, but here's a good one for starters. ^^

Lemme know what you think. Comments and constructive criticism accepted!
Hey, thanks! It's a reading of the poem All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter, by J. R. R. Tolkien.

I did one more quick snippit tonight, perfect if you're planning on staying up late. It's called "Jeff Went Left" and it's a short reading of horror fiction. Have a listen!

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]is veru good b0ss.
but, b0ss, I'd tone down the music a little in the future. It's not enough to overpower your voice ATM, but it is a little distracting.

I will keep that in mind. Which one had the most issue with distracting music? Was it the entire thing or just parts?

I'll make sure to check the levels on the background a tad better before uploading moar in the future. ^^ Thank you!
Areas like 0:55 to 0:57 where it really picks up. I think it might be because of the track though, with out it randomly picks up from being barely audible to nearly matching your voice.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Areas like 0:55 to 0:57 where it really picks up. I think it might be because of the track though, with out it randomly picks up from being barely audible to nearly matching your voice.

Yeah, those spots were a little jumpy. I'll see what I can't do to even those out in the future. Thanks again, dude. =]
I did another thing. =)

This one is a little further than the others in terms of my voice, but I had quite a fun time with it.


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