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Realistic or Modern Virus - New York

"Ok, one, two, THREE" he said poping the top open the quickly aiming his gun inside.
Sergei walked down one of the numerous abandoned streets of New York, Sergei had always hated this place, and being stuck here only made him more angered with the 'Big Apple'. But he didn't have time to complain, his modified painting mask's filters were running dangerously low, forcing him to breathe at very slow intervals. Sergei was too far from the next checkpoint to exit the Black Zone to have any hope of survival on that path, and after 30 mintues of roaming streets for others or at least gas masks that worked. But to no avail he had only found one mask with the visor.

So he had lost all hope of surviving, until he saw two men, one oddly dressed in what he deduced as attire from 80 years past. But Sergei payed no mind to it, and made a plea for help, "Hello, I need help, can you help me?" in his fractured, accented in english.
After hearing Sergi, Josef turned and aimed towards him "Should we shoot him?" Josef asked.
"not unless he gives us a reason to" he said back (well have to it the hay)
Riley dashed down the wooden docks above the cold, infected water. She held her submachine gun with her right hand and holding a wound on her right side with her left. The wind hit against her hair, making the ponytail fly behind her. Gas mask on her face, she could hear her heavy breathing echo inside.

"This couldn't get more obnoxious", she'd think to herself, her thoughts interrupted by gunshots in the distance and bullets passing dangerously close to her head. She immediately turned around to face her hunters, Sanitizers, and relieved her left hand from her wound to grab the fore grip of her UMP 5, the bloody glove leaving the red tint on it. She proceeded to fire in their direction for a few seconds before turning around and running again.

One of them hit her in the shoulder, causing her to stagger and fall to her knees.
Dominik fired his weapon into the Sanitizers, catching one in the gas tank. He then exploded after a brief amount of screaming.

The two remaining Sanitizers caught fire from the large amount of flames that were generated from their comrade's fuel tank.

He then offered his hand to the "Damsel in Distress". "Hey, what's up? You were in quite a predicament back there."
"on second thought I saw we just shoot who ever it is " He held is gun up and shot the guy in the head. "who ever he was. hes dead now"
"Thats good, now we should start moving before anyone else finds us" He starts looking around for places to go.
@Invalid User

"Agreed", she replied, taking in a deep breath and taking his hand into her own, anchoring herself up to face her saviour. She holstered her SMG and put one gloved hand on her wounded side. She looked back at the corpses, then at the man.

"Agh... Hey thanks, buddy."
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Dominik pulled out his first aid kit and pulled out a roll of bandages. "Hold on, lemme just apply this..." he then wrapped the bandage around the wound. "We need to move, Sanitizers don't rest until they kill their target." Dominik said as he slung his rifle over his shoulder.
"Yeah, no shit, I know that first handedly", she replied with a slight tone of sarcasm to her voice. She stretched her arm and started walking with Dominik, Albright staying a little bit behind
(I wonder what is it with people always trying to protect girls in RPs and stories.

They're reducing them to innocent damsels.

Heck, if it were up to me, Riley would've faced that grenade yelling "No guts no glory!")
GalacticalMoonMan said:
(I wonder what is it with people always trying to protect girls in RPs and stories.
They're reducing them to innocent damsels.

Heck, if it were up to me, Riley would've faced that grenade yelling "No guts no glory!")
( If it was a man he would have done the same )
[QUOTE="Invalid User]( If it was a man he would have done the same )

(Didn't you say that Domink didn't trust anybody that easily?

Why is he trusting Riley after only knowing her for less than 5 minutes?

I know, exceptions exist, but, why?)
GalacticalMoonMan said:
(Didn't you say that Domink didn't trust anybody that easily?
Why is he trusting Riley after only knowing her for less than 5 minutes?

I know, exceptions exist, but, why?)
(( Okay, I'll delete part of that post.)
Riley attempted to follow suit, but she was caught in the blast radius as she approached the dumpster, sending her flying back and making a rough landing on the wood. The shrapnel hit the majority of her left side, shards sticking out of her arm, leg and some even managed to get stuck on her face. She gasped for air when she hit the ground.
Josef heard the grenade and ran to a nearby alley, Sliding behind some trashcans.
Dominik looked to his left. "Uh, who the hell are you?" he stared at Josef. "Well, no time for that." he looked over to see a man with a very large bomb suit and an LMG walk up. "Huh, holy shit."
Riley was in tremendous pain, gasping for air and grasping Domik's arm at random intervals. She managed to get a sneak peak at the armored unit, and her eyes went wild as she attempted to call him out.

"Bu... Bulldozer..."
"I know that!" he said as he went out of cover to fire at the Bulldozer and came back into cover. He attempted to provide medical care to the best of his abilities, extracting shrapnel with his fingers, which would cause severe pain to Riley.

"Well, sorry." he yelled as bullets went through the dumpster. "We need to find better cover!" he yelled.

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