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Fandom Viribus Unitis (Fandom Crossover) CS



*Not an actual caveman
Roleplay Type(s)
Here is the CS thread.

(Insert Image Here)




Who/what are they romantically and/or sexually attracted to?

What series do they originate from?

Powers & Abilities:
Either a brief description or a wiki link will work here.

Equipment (If any):
Either a brief description(s) or wiki link(s) will work here

A summary of who your character is as a person. I’d like to see at least half of a paragraph here.

A summary of your character’s life up to their summoning in the world of Viribus Unitis. Preferably at least a paragraph (a wiki link would also work for this).

Theme Song(s) (Optional):
Is there a song or two or three that sums your character up? Share it with us!

Other Information (Optional):
Anything else you would like me and/or your fellow players to know about this character?

Feel free to add anything to the sheet you feel would be helpful for your character(s).

Edit: Once I give your character sheets a like (the cookie symbol for those who may not know), you'll know your character(s) are approved.
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Name: Tanjiro Kamado
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Canon: Demon Slayer
Personality: Tanjiro is a kind hearted young man. You can be mean to him and we still interact with you with kindness. That is another story if you threaten his younger sister, Nezuko,then he will not show mercy.Despite his kibd demenor,Tanjiro will not show mercy to his enemies,specially Muzan Kibutsuji, the demon king.
Powers/ abilities,history:

Equipment: nichirin katana

Name: Zenitsu Agatsuma
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Canon: Demon Slayer
Personality: Zenitsu might seems like a cowardly,anxious and lovesick young man. Despite all that,he has a heart of gold. He will overcome his fears and his friends are in danger,and thar goes for when he's not sleepfighting


Equipment: nichirin katana


Name: Giyu Tomioka
Age: 21
Gender: male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Canon: Demon Slayer
Personality: Giyu Tomioka,the curent water hashira, dosen't speak alot. He seems quite aloof. Though he is caring for his fellow demon slayers and love ones. As a member of the Demon Slayer Corps and the Water hashira,he will not show mercy on the enemy.


Equipment: Nichirin katana

Name: Muichiro Tokito
Age: 14
Gender: male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Muichiro can be airheaded most of rhe time. He can seem rude and uncaring,but don't blame him,this young prodigy lost his memories. If he could regain them,he would once again be a caring and optimistic young man.


Equipment: Nichirin katana.
Name:Mitsuri Kanroji
Personality: Bubbly but cares about others and can stand up for herself.

Equipment: Ninchirin katana which is customised to fonction like a whip.
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Marius Titus, Centurion of the 14th Legion of Rome

Mid 30's?



Ryse: Son of Rome

Powers & Abilities:
Focus Mode: (Need examples, let me know?)
Alter Ego: Damocles?? Alter-ego or activates as a soul revived by the gods in Marius?

Equipment (If any):
Damocles' sword [Handed down through his father]
14th Legion Gladius, spear and arrows

General/Centurion of the 14th Legion: Becoming a Centurion doesn't happen overnight as Marius shows his fearlessness leading his men toward something they know they are going to die for. Marius is proficient with his speech skills, leading his men from the front and not shying away from battles he knows he is going to die in.

-Skilled with the Roman (Sword) Marius is great with his ability to fight enemies from any angle with his sword. He is proficient from his early on skills fighting his father being a skilled swordsman himself.

-Damocles Passed down from family member to family member in Marius's family, his father handed down the sword with Damocles in it. It works upon "death" of Marius himself as a demon Democles possesses his own body. Given to him after his "death" upon drawing by the Goddess Summer.

14th Legion shield

Being in the war had numbed his emotions to the point of being fearless. He sucks his own feelings and morals to support the whole 14th legion over himself. This makes him many friends and allies for sticking up for his own men on and off the battlefield.
He has often told his Commander and mentor, Vatallion, to go off without him in battle, believing only he can fight the threat at hand. Yet his overconfidence at fighting foes that he can go toe to toe with often ends up with him winning. This gives him a much-needed boost in confidence on the battlefield.

Only in battle does his morals stand the test of time. Marius shows his wit and courage through firefighting after firefighting the barbarian horde to get out the men he trusts and those he does not care for very much.

(Taking him from an earlier point)

Theme Song(s) (Optional):

Other Information (Optional):
Anything else you would like me and/or your fellow players to know about this character?
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Name: Star Butterfly

Age: 15

Gender: Female (she/her)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Canon: Star Vs. the Forces of Evil

Powers & Abilities: Wild magic, usually manifesting in cliche "girly" ways. Her control over it is questionable, to say the least--she will create more problems than she solves if she tries to use this for much more than fighting. She also has general fighting prowess that allows her to punch above her weight.

Equipment (If any):
-Royal Wand: The channel for her magic power. Without this, she's essentially a mundane teenager, though a skilled one. Comes with charger.
-Magic Book: Almost as big as she is, and so not practical to lug around everywhere, but it finds its way to her somehow. Comes free with condescending tiny blue man.
-Dimensional Scissors: Whatever stranded Star in this world has rendered the scissors NON-FUNCTIONAL, so they are essentially normal scissors. Could still come in handy!

Personality: A little weird, a little wild--Star is a teenage girl and it shows. She is constantly hyper, obsessed with heroic badassery, easily impressed, has Subway-Surfers-on-the-side attention span, and is always eager to "help" with her magic. She's going to give the average Tsarist Russian citizen a heart attack, probably. All this said, she's ultimately a good person who fundamentally wants to help others, and she can calm down a bit and get serious when the situation requires.

History: Star Butterfly is the Princess of Mewni, sent to Earth to live with the Diaz family and learn to control and properly use her magical abilities. This Star is in the first season--her power is still unhoned and uncontrolled, and though she is close to Marco as a friend, not much more has developed yet. She has at least mostly gotten used to Earth, though the new time period may throw her for a loop.




<:: OPENING FILE. . . STANDBY . . . ::>

<. . .>

<. .>



Name: Thor ‘Zulcamai

Age: 204

Height: 8’4” (2.54m)

Weight: 380lbs (172kg)

Species: Sangheili

Reported: February 1st, 2531

Rank: General

Photo(?): Y <OPENING>


Image was taken by PO1. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ following mission compromise. All members of Alpha Team failed to report, and are listed as K.I.A

Under Command of: Shipmaster Khoro ‘Tudomai (formerly)

Ship: CAS-Class Assault Carrier Unyielding Faith

Observed loadout: Type-25 Carbine, Type-1 Energy Weapon/Sword

Subject profile: This General behaves differently than other high-ranking Sangheili; preferring to lead small elements of hand-picked lances into combat directly- delegating the rest of their ground command tasks to Ultras or Officers. In addition, this General seems to be solely concerned with the elimination of strategic military targets; caring little to go out of the way to engage Civilians, unlike other footsoldiers of the Covenant Empire. Lastly, this General displays a keen sense of battlefield experience and hypervigilance even when not in combat; making attempts to assassinate this elusive target highly difficult if not impossible.

Subject status: M.I.A LAST SEEN: Oregon, Earth

[updating parameters. . .]

[updated. Record update applied 8/12/2553 06:00 am. Revision edit approved by CPO. Aaron Meyers]

Following the conclusion of the Human-Covenant War, the target was last seen on Sangheilios in the Sunaion region. Preliminary reports indicate ceremonial induction into Evocati following the formation of Swords of Sangheilios. Continual monitoring of HVT authorized by HIGHCOM.

Personnel entry from Aaron Meyers:
"Just because we allied ourselves out of necessity to stop Truth doesn't make us pals. If Command didn't have such an interest in tracking you, I'd personally put a bullet in your head for what you did to my team. The second they lose interest, I'm finishing what you started."

[updated. Record update applied 10/21/2556 08:23 pm. Revision edit approved by CPO. Aaron Meyers]

Target has taken an unknown interest in UNSC operations following an incident in the Sunaion region. SPARTAN-III personnel deployed via SOEIV to intercept and apprehend wanted URF fugitives. Personnel made contact with Target, who was conducting an independent operation at the time of discovery. The mission proceeded without incident other than a tense standoff. Following the encounter, inquiries into UNSC presence on Sangheilios have been increased by Target and Silent Shadow Division.

[!ATT: Dossier update applied 10/27/2556 11:23 am from INTCOM. Lost contact with Target.]

Character Information:



Fandom: Halo (OC)

Faction: Holy Covenant Empire (formerly)

Swords of Sangheilios (current)

Order: Evocati

Title: Blademaster

Abilities: Sangheili are strong, fast, and agile- with the second most rank, a Major, able to efficiently hold their own against an entire squad of Marines- provided ambush or numbers are in their favor. They're unaugmented, yet wholly considered equal in comparison to UNSC Spartans.

Personality: Thor is intimidating, stoic, a cunning tactician, and a brutally efficient warrior- yet he was seldom observed outside combat operations. What can be said from what is known, is that he carries himself with a high degree of honor; preferring to allow an enemy to arm and armor themselves before engaging them in combat. While mostly seeing other species as purely below him, he does hold a fond respect for Humans, particularly soldiers. It would not be impossible to form a bond with whom he would consider his equal, yet for him to consider anyone outside of his own kin an ally or even a friend would be something of a legendary feat.


-Type 51 Carbine: This semi-automatic alien marksman rifle holds 15-shot cylinders; firing 8mm caseless radioactive projectiles shot out at supersonic speeds. Despite the obvious sounding risks to the user, the weapon itself is well-insulated to protect against accidental radioactive contamination from the loading, firing, and ejection of the hazardous cartridges. When fired, the projectile is powered along its entire flight path, consuming up to 50% of its total mass by the time it reaches its maximum effective range. Against lightly armored targets, the rounds' supersonic speed and super-heated nature ensure armor penetration on either the first or second impact. Impacts to the flesh can vary dependent upon range and speed - a single round impacting flesh at close range will penetrate deep into the target and can nick bone. The kinetic energy from the impact of a round at close range can knock back an individual. Two rounds that impact the same area at close range will pass through the target easily. At longer ranges the damage and kinetic impact are much weaker. After a round comes to a halt inside the target's body, the round will continue to burn the victim's viscera until the round has cooled off. However, the aftermath of being struck with a round from the Carbine is moderate to severe due to the round's deadly radioactive nature. A surviving victim will require additional radiation treatments to ensure survivability.

-Type-1 Energy Weapon/Sword: A holy weapon that is exclusively used by Sangheili swordsman, this sword is actually two ionized plasma ‘blades’ secured in place by a magnetic field, with a generator housed in the handle of the weapon. The weapon’s blades can cut through armor and shields with ridiculous ease; able to slash through UNSC Titanium-A plating used exclusively on their ships. The disadvantage to this weapon, coupled with the close range of melee combat, is the battery. Each sufficient strike will drain the battery by ten percent, allowing for ten strikes before the generator deactivates. However, the weapon is capable of recharging- if such a means is to be found.

Armor: Gheocin-pattern combat harness: Introduced in the fall of 2552, the Gheocin-pattern combat harness was seen as an upgrade to the older Bausatti-pattern raid harness- yet both see continual use by members of the Evocati in the throes of the Blooding Years in 2553. This harness exchanges armor bulk for a more streamlined and cleaner design- made of lighter and stronger armor plates at the expense of exposing the 'body glove' undersuit. Capable of absorbing and deflecting smaller calibers, the armored plates can easily be pierced with larger and more powerful rifle calibers under sustained fire. Many UNSC would compare this combat harness to the MJOLNIR Mk. VI Assault Armor, which was coincidentally introduced the same year.

Sangheili Personal Energy Shield: Located in the backplate of the harness is a built-in shield generator. Using a field of repulsing electron particles, this invisible shield 'wraps' around the form of the user when in use. When shot, the shield lights around the target in a flickering blue-white hue; growing bigger until collapsing from either sustained kinetic absorption or complete energy overload. When broken, arcs of the energy field will shoot out around the armor and leave the plating exposed. A five-second delay will allow the shield to complete a two-second recharge back to full capacity, provided there are no interruptions.


Dell Conagher, The Engineer

Unknown, speculated to between 31 at the least while 40 being the oldest, shall be considered 35 for the rp.


Heterosexual, currently uninterested


Powers & Abilities:
-Slightly enhanced physical features:
Despite seeming like a normal human being, The Engineer has some traits that no average human has. Ranging from being able to pick up heavy machinery in a simple toolbox for long distances with ease or withstanding multiple attacks or even rockets head on and survive while still being capable of fighting, Dell certainly has things going for him that will keep him alive.

-Superhuman intelligence:
One of the most notable things regarding the Engineer is none other than his intelligence. Being easily capable of designing multiple different machines and gadgets (ranging from the damage dealing autotracking sentries or the ammo and health dispensing dispensers), the Engineer is certainly capable of creating or improving various machines and weapons when given enough time to work with. He is also capable of understanding other different machinery and weapons if given the time to inspect and analyze them (as well as any improvements he can add), certainly giving him the opportunity to improve things and aid others out. The Engineer also has 11 multiple PhDs within fields of science and engineering… certainly nothing to scoff at.

-Repairing machines… by hitting them?:
You heard that right, Engineer has the strange ability of being capable of repairing things by hitting them! Whether it’s through using his wrench or using his robotic right hand, the Engineer is more than capable of repairing things with just a couple of hits. Of course, this uses up metal within the Engineer’s inventory, and without metal, the Engineer’s hits are incapable of repairing anything unless his metal supply replenishes. Can also upgrade machines by hitting them as well, although it can only be his own machines made by him (if they even have a upgrade available, not including ones such as the mini-sentry).

-Hammerspace inventory:
Being easily capable of storing everything (ranging from hats and guns all the way to his wrenches and metal supply), the Engineer isn’t bothered one bit by the weight of all the things he is carrying. Although there are limitations to such, like being unable to bring other living beings like a hamster or a living loaf of tumor filled bread into his inventory, nor is he capable of fitting something larger than himself into his inventory.

-Primary weapons;


-Pomson 6000:

-Rescue Ranger:

-Secondary weapons;



-Short Circuit:

-Melee weapons;

-Gunslinger (said robotic hand is hidden underneath his glove):

-Eureka Effect:

-Construction + Destruction PDA:
A specialized pair of PDA devices that Engineer wields, the two PDAs contain data and blueprints for the various devices that Engineer can build, making it easy to create a building with a simple push of the button or destroy one instead. While having the standard four buildings for now, the Engineer is capable of adding new ones to his PDAs whenever he needs to. All buildings created through the use of the PDA will materialize as an red toolbox within Engineer’s arms and deploy from there, while they simply explode if chosen to. The Engineer could also re-pickup his buildings through the use of red toolbox’s as well if need be.

The Engineer’s pride and joy, the Sentry is arguably the most strongest weapon that the Engineer has in hand. The sentry is a stationary turret that the Engineer had, capable of automatically tracking and shooting at targets as long as it had ammunition, with the Sentry’s aim making it so that it’s practically impossible to miss unless a target were to be invulnerable to said damage or cloaked with invisibility. The sentry has three stages, with the first one when it is first deployed, a single barreled, slow firing turret. The second stage after some metal used to upgrade it makes it into a dual mini gun using turret with high fire speed and more damage as well as increasing the health of the sentry. The final stage adds an quad barreled rocket launcher on top of the turret, dealing far more devastating damage with its attacks. The Engineer could only have two of these out at an time.

-Mini Sentry:
A more miniature version of the first stage sentry, the mini sentry has less health and damage than that of the standard sentry, but makes up for with quick deployment time as well as being disposable in a way or for setting up a quick defense where upgrading a standard sentry is too time consuming. Up to three mini sentries can be deployed at an time.

The dispenser is another useful addition to the Engineer’s list of buildings. The Dispenser takes a more rectangular (but still red) shape with a large screen to show the current amount of ammo stored within the Dispenser. Once someone approaches a Dispenser, the Dispenser will attach a red beam to said individual, not only healing them with time (the level of said dispenser will dictate the rate at which it heals, with the third level being the fastest), but converts some of the useable ammo within it into ammo that the individual within range of the dispenser can utilize (essentially, it’s a source of infinite healing and ammunition restoration as long as someone stands nearby it). It’s major weakness is that it requires someone to be close in order to replenish an individual’s hp and ammo as well as being more than capable of being destroyed by someone else (or short circuited through things such as EMPs), but like the sentry, can be picked up within a toolbox and moved around if need be. A limit of 2 dispensers can be deployed.

-Teleporter Entrance/Exit:
Useful if one were to need help getting around quickly to the frontlines, the Engineer can create a pair of teleporter entrances and exits that teleports whoever is standing on it to an available teleporter exit instantaneously. And despite what is said, the teleporter does not give anyone tumors… and sidenote, do not teleport bread, or there will be severe consequences if one were to teleport bread.

-Fanch Spellbook:
A fancy looking leather clad spellbook, it contains a list of spells that allows individuals holding onto the book to use the spell stored within. Thanks to some modifications, the Engineer is capable of using a spell without the need of storing a spell from a spell pickup, although it requires some time in order to recharge for another spell. Can also pick up spells from other books or magic casters as long as it’s written into the book or the magic spell is casted into it. A list of spells can be seen here:

Unlike the other TF2 mercenaries who usually talk loudly, the Engineer is very calm, collected, and soft-spoken, mostly speaking in Western slang, but enough provocation may cause him to start yelling or talking in an angry, and much louder tone. He takes great pride in his buildings, especially his sentry gun, to which he refers it as a "cute little gun". Engineer is strongly supportive and caring of his team, but most importantly the administrator, as when the latter's health began to fail in the coming months, he would do whatever he can to keep her life going so that she may settle an old score.

Born with an ingenious mind and remarkable intelligence, Dell Conagher is the only son of Fred Conagher, the Engineer from the Team Fortress Classicseries. In 1968, Dell was hired as a mercenary to fight on either RED or BLU during the Gravel Wars. In 1972, after Gray Mann took over Mann Co, Dell was fired along with the rest of the mercenaries. Shortly after being fired, he disappeared without a trace. As of now, Dell's whereabouts are unknown, even to the rest of his team. Six months later, he began to take care of a now messy-haired Administrator in her secret quarters.

As her life and health began to fail, Dell installed a small life extender machine into her arm so that she could continue to live to settle an "old debt". He would later, install a second and more improved life extender machine (which he called the Mark Five), as the previous one is not working well. Later, he called the Administrator's assistant Miss Pauling, saying that he needs the cache of Australium from New Zealand, which is what the Administrator needs. Dell expressed dismay when Miss Pauling tells him that its in space, having been launched by the Sniper's birth mom Lar-Nah.

Theme Songs:
-Main theme for the TF2 series:

-Personal Theme:

-A theme that fits with the Texas style nature of Engineer:

Name:Gaetano Bresci


Gender:Cis Man

Heterosexual. and he also has a wife and a kid.

Real Actual History

Powers & Abilities:
Good marksmanship, ate five scoops of gelato? once tackled a would-be killer with a gun, preventing a speaker from being killed. speaks Italian, English, and some spanish.

Equipment (If any):
.... gun? A copy of maletesta

Bresci was, in life, a protective and loyal man, who cared deeply for his family and his community. he worked at the looms in the primarily italian immigrant cloth mills in Patterson, NJ. he was highly idealistic, putting himself in harm's way, and at one point tackling a man with a gun who tried to kill Enrico Malatesta, one of the most infamous Italian anarchists, who Bresci was an admirer of.

well, after the

Theme Song(s) (Optional):wip
Is there a song or two or three that sums your character up? Share it with us!

Other Information (Optional):
Anything else you would like me and/or your fellow players to know about this character?

Name: Leon Czolgosz

Age: 28/undead

Gender: Cis Male

Sexuality: probably something on the demisexual demiromantic spectrum, maybe just a lil bit bi, but that's a whole other problem. also, a relationship anarchist. monogomy and maridge is so bougsuie

Real Life

Powers & Abilities:
Gun concealment, steelwork, brilliant memory and a fast reader, empathetic to the point of homicide. eclectic memory, for his special interests. fluent in English, Polish, knows some Russian and a little Yiddish.

Equipment (If any):
an Ivor Johnson .32 caliber revolver, purposefully the same one that Bresci used. nerd.

A summary of who your character is as a person. I’d like to see at least half of a paragraph here.

well, after his death

Theme Song(s) (Optional):
Ballad of Czolgosz from Assassins the musical, I Shot President McKinley (and I’m gonna do it again and again and again) by Out of System Transfer

Other Information (Optional):
Anything else you would like me and/or your fellow players to know about this character?

Name:Luigi Lucheni



Who/what are they romantically and/or sexually attracted to?

What series do they originate from?

Powers & Abilities:
Mental instability, he's the wild card of this trio. he's a military man

Equipment (If any):
a file, sharpened



Theme Song(s) (Optional):

Other Information (Optional):
[tab=Joint history]
After their demises, the trio of anarchists found themselves resurrected
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Name: Ada Wong
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hetero
Canon: Resident Evil

Powers & Abilities:
  • Marksmanship - Ada is thought to have been trained by a crime syndicate and is excellent at handling precision firearms.
  • Hand-to-hand - She is well-versed in martial arts. Up-close, she fights with strong kicks and a knife.
  • Acrobatics - Ada is very light on her feet and nimble. She can perform somersaults, flips, rolls, and other complex maneuvers to get out of harm’s way.
  • Stealth - Ada is perfectly capable of slipping past foes, utilizing cover, darkness, distractions, and gadgets.
  • Deception - Physically and socially, Ada is hard to pin down. She is known for her cunning in most situations.
  • Investigation - Ada has solved more than her fair share of bizarre puzzles in her search for viral weapon samples. She also has a penchant for discovering hidden clues and secret passages.
  • Medicine - Due to the frequency of injuries in her line of work, Ada knows how to mix special medicinal herbs originating in the Arklay region and perform first aid.
  • Savage Model 1907 - A small .32-caliber pistol. Its early double-stack magazine allows it to hold more ammo than even its larger peers.
  • Steyr Mannlicher M1895 - A straight-pull bolt-action rifle, common in Austria-Hungary and the surrounding countries.
  • Bayonet - A large dagger with a lug and ring for mounting on Ada's rifle.
  • Hookshot - A grappling hook with a spring-loaded launcher. Excellent for traversal and setting elaborate traps.
  • Green Herb x2 - A peculiar herb native to Ada's universe. It contains fascinating compounds that heal wounds rapidly.
  • Outfit - Ada comes dressed to kill, literally. In this era, she wears a burgundy women's military-style coat, a white blouse, black breeches, gaiters, and high-heeled boots, plus a tear-away skirt she can use to obscure a foe's vision just before attacking. She also has holsters for her hookshot, bayonet, and pistol.
Ever secretive and cunning, it’s hard to say what Ada is really like. She is difficult to pin down in conversation, giving half truths and bits of information when it’s useful. She is resourceful, but really dislikes getting dirty. She also tends to not follow rules set by someone else, subtly breaking them when it's convenient. In her world, her true motivations were seemingly never revealed, but past employers with ill intent never seemed to get exactly what they bargained for.

Ada's past and her exact identity are among the great mysteries of her universe. What is known is that she is a world-class spy often tasked with stealing biological weapon samples. In 1998, Ada went into Raccoon City amidst a viral outbreak to retrieve a sample of the G Virus, a gene-altering pathogen with horrific effects. She manipulated police officer Leon S. Kennedy, feeding him bits of info so he could clear the way of any T Virus zombies and access the Umbrella Corporation's NEST laboratory. She was successful, despite sustaining heavy injuries from a Tyrant bio-weapon. Her employer, Albert Wesker, routed her to an Umbrella helicopter so she could stow away among its cargo. She escaped just before the city was nuked to prevent a global T Virus outbreak.

Ada resurfaced in 2004 to steal the dominant Plaga sample, a parasite in the possession of cult leader Osmond Saddler. She aided Leon, who had become a U.S. Secret Service agent, in rescuing the president's daughter from the cult's isolated fortress in Spain. Once Leon killed Saddler, Ada swooped in to steal the sample at gunpoint. Knowing Wesker was insane and would destroy the world, she cheated him, sending a nigh-useless lesser Plaga instead. To this day, what she did with the dominant sample remains a mystery.

Theme Songs:

Other Information: N/A
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Unknown, presumably as old as the sun

Universe From:
Õkami HD & Õkami


Sexual Orientation:

Amaterasu is known for being quiet, mature, and kind. She always aids those in need, but is
also unafraid to show her opinion. For example, when Mr. Orange talks to her after drinking his
sake, Amaterasu looks away and breathes, implying he has bad breath. She is also very
intelligent, as when she encounters Rao at Queen Himiko's throne room, she figures out that
she is the demon lord Ninetails. Amaterasu is apparently offended quite easily, shown when Mr.
Orange says she doesn't look very smart, as well as Issun saying that "Ammy gets kinda
sensitive about her flaws!". According to Mrs. Orange, Amaterasu is quite fond of her cherry
cakes. She also has a low attention span, which results in her falling asleep if someone explains
something for too long or if she already knows what is being explained.

Like Issun, she is not very keen on bathing, showing her dismay with the activity when offered
free bathing at the Sasa Hot Springs.

Amaterasu originally existed in and from the Celestial Plain, home of the Celestial Brush gods
and the Celestials. As ruler of the Plain, it was a time of peace and tranquility, and Amaterasu
enjoyed playing with the Celestials in the fields of the Plain.

One day, however, they received a mysterious visitor: Waka, a member of the mysterious Moon
Tribe which inhabited the moon. A great catastrophe had wiped out the Moon Tribe, leaving
Waka believing that he was the last one, although there are two others of the moon tribe that
were alive during the time. Waka and Amaterasu became friends, and things were peaceful
once more.

However, disaster came to the Celestial Plain unexpectedly: Orochi appeared from nowhere
and attacked the Plain. Many Celestials were killed in the onslaught. Along with Waka,
Amaterasu rushed to their rescue, but Orochi was protected by a mystical barrier which repelled
their attacks. Waka was forced to flee with the surviving Celestials on the Ark of Yamato he had
arrived in. As he fled, he used his clairvoyant powers to look into the future to Orochi's defeat
and discovered that Orochi could only be slain by the chosen one: Nagi. Amaterasu understood
and pulled Orochi down to the mortal realm of Nippon to await the birth of Nagi, who would
eventually bring the end of Orochi.


Celestial Brush Use-
Sunrise-This creates or prolongs daytime by placing the sun in the sky. Sunrise can be used
freely, although the technique may be ineffective under certain circumstances. Cursed areas will
remain naturally dark, even if Sunrise is used to bring the sun into the area; also, Sunrise
cannot be used to prolong the sunset deadline for the rush from Sei'an City to Watcher's Cape.
Rejuvenation- This restores damaged or broken objects to their original condition.
Power Slash- A versatile technique, Power Slash is useful both in and out of battle. Strategic
manipulation of the Celestial Brush screen's viewing angle can allow a Power Slash to attack
multiple targets.

Greensprout- The collective name for three distinct plant-based techniques, acquired from the
three different Celestial Brush gods known as the Hanagami.

Part 1 (Bloom)- This can restore cursed plants or make buds open into flowers; it can also be
used as a weapon against a weakened Bud Ogre, Bone Clam or Demon Nut to open up their
protective shells.

Part 2 (Water Lily)- This creates a lily pad on the water which Amaterasu can stand on to catch
her breath while swimming. The lily pad can be placed in open water for Amaterasu to jump up
onto, or it can be created directly underneath her to buoy her up.

Part 3 (Vine)- This creates a vine between an open Konohana Blossom and a target, or
between to targets. If the target is Amaterasu or Chibiterasu, the vine pulls them up to the
center of the flower, although upside-down blossoms will instantly drop them back out; if the
path was drawn through a solid object, the vine may snap and drop them to the ground when
they hit the obstacle. If the target is a hooked projection, the vine will pull the hook toward the
flower, although multiple vines and hooks may be required for a noticeable effect.

Cherry Bomb- This creates a single round bomb with a burning fuse. The fuse normally takes
several seconds to burn down and detonate the bomb, but it can be quenched by water;
alternately, if the main body of the bomb comes into contact with a target, it will explode
instantly. Before exploding, the bomb can be rolled back and forth, but another Cherry Bomb
cannot be created until the first one explodes, unless Cherry Bomb 2 or 3 is obtained. In digging
minigames, a Cherry Bomb can be placed inside solid blocks, but it may also fall away from a
desired target if placed incorrectly.
Waterspout- This can quench fires or drench demons from an existing source of water, such as
a pool or river. It can also convert a bubbling spring to an elevator-like geyser by drawing a
vertical line upward from the bubbles.
Crescent- This creates or prolongs nighttime by placing the moon in the sky. This is very useful
for farming, as there are more Demon Scrolls at night and they follow Amaterasu for a longer

Galestorm- This creates a gust of wind; the loop sends the wind sideways (in the direction of the
brushstroke used to draw the loop) and the spiral sends the wind forward. This is a versatile
technique with many uses. It can extinguish fires, knock down flying demons, or move objects
around. Water Lily pads can be "sailed" over the water this way. If a set of banners is hanging
down, the wind can make them fly up to create crossable horizontal surfaces.
Inferno- This ignites a target from an existing source of fire, such as a torch or the equipped
Solar Flare.

Veil of Mist- This slows down time to a near-stop for four seconds, allowing Amaterasu to act
more quickly against fast-moving enemies.
Catwalk- This creates glowing pawprints from a statue of Kabegami onto a vertical surface,
allowing Amaterasu to climb along that surface until the pawprints fade away. A few locations
already have permanent glowing pawprints which do not require any brushwork.

Thunderstorm- This electrocutes a target by using an existing source of electricity, such as and
overhead lightning storm, a portable lightning key, or the equipped Thunder Edge.

Blizzard- This freezes a target by using an existing ice source or from equipped Tundra Beads.
It also can create a path of hovering icicle platforms at chasms filled with ice crystals . In both
cases, the ice will automatically shatter after a short time, or it can be slashed or melted away.

Divine Retribution Reflector (pictured on her back)
Celestial Brush
Ink for Celestial Brush use

Amaterasu can only swim for a limited amount of time, and unless she uses her celestial brush
power, Water Lily, which requires ink, to draw a water lily to stand on, she can drown.

Theme song(s):

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((The image for Dana does not show up on its own, you have to click the link to view. The artist is unable to fix it on her end and the 'Insert Image' button on RPN just results in the link instead of the image appearing automatically.))

View attachment DanaFinal.jpg
Commission done by HiyaKare, you can find her on Twitter with that name.

Name: Dana Landale
Age: 30 years old
Gender: Female
Species: 1/2 Human, 1/2 Palman Esper
Sexuality: Bi-curious

Canon: OC, but has ties and heritage from the Ys series and an alternate version original Phantasy Star series

Personality: As she's not had the tough times and deadly challenges her parents had by the time they were her age, Dana remains a rather cheerful woman who tends to hope for the best from people that haven't given her reason to think otherwise. However, while she's not as bad as her mother, Dana does have a bit of a temper whenever anyone she cares about is threatened or slandered. Is excited to finally to be able to go out and do stuff on her own, but time will tell how these adventures will affect her.

Personal strengths: Rather determined and not prone to giving up, not easily bothered by weird entities or situations, can draw courage from the stories her parents have told her about their adventures

Personal flaws: Has a temper that could lead to threats when triggered but is less likely to jump straight to violence when angry than her mother was, would be highly tempted to counter any noble's attempt to throw their rank in her face with some version of "So what? I'm the princess of a planet, your rank doesn't mean shit to me.", a bad habit she picked up from her mother.

Likes: Apple milkshakes, harmonicas, cats (especially talking ones!)

Dislikes: Grape milkshakes (much to her mother's disappointment as that is her favorite drink), people who treat others different just because of a disability, dealing with money

Dana was born to Sarah Christin-Landale and Siegfried Landale, members of the Neilgo royal family. The people of Neilgo are descendants of refugees from the Algo star system who were forced to flee before it was destroyed. Her mother however is not a native of Neilgo, she instead was born on a space station, the daughter of people from two different versions of the Ys universe. However, due to her medical issue that caused physical difficulties and inability to control her abilities, Dana's chances to travel away from Neilgo were few and far between when she was younger. Despite her difficulties however, it was a requirement of her parents that she learn how to fight, just in case Neilgo and its ally, an inter-dimensional military organization from a different multiverse called the Freedom Army, ever again faced the kind of threat they did during the Ecnal War.

To that end a custom Assault Armor, essentially a small mecha, was built for her. Thanks to the Freedom Army's brainwave control technology, she was able to direct the machine with just her mind once she was inside of it and the various magitech devices built into it allowed her to safely use at least some of her powers. This meant that she could at times assist units of the combined Neilgo-FA Alliance military force in different missions, a task that she was happy to volunteer for as it enabled her to help her people despite her condition. Perhaps the most important battle she took part in was not even for the Alliance, at least not officially. She was one of the allies a small team of people had recruited for the fight against a telepathic entity called the Seeker, and she took part in the assault on the villian's main base, helping to clear the way for the team to reach the Seeker and destroy him.

Shortly after that battle a family friend who had been helping them look for a treatment for her condition, a doctor by the name of Eron Talyn, proposed an experimental solution. A crystalline substance in Sarah's body called Emelas was granting her improved health and physical abilities, including a longer lifespan. If they transplanted it to Dana, it was theorized that it might solve her physical issues and thus allow them to effectively treat the problems with her powers. He warned that he didn't know if it would work and that he didn't feel entirely comfortable with it because of that, but he knew at the same time that Sarah would eventually have the idea herself and insist on it being done anyway.

The procedure was thankfully a success and Dana was finally able to move around without the need of assistance and be able to use her abilities naturally. This meant a fresh round of training with her parents and other instructors was needed as she needed to relearn almost everything from scratch as fighting on foot was a vastly different experience then fighting from within an Assault Armor. Once the training was completed Dana decided that she wanted to have a bit of an adventure by traveling somewhere on her own like her parents still sometimes did. After searching for a while, she picked out a world that seemed interesting to her. The Alliance in general, and her parents in particular, had largely been to universes and worlds that were either steeped in magic and medieval weapons, highly advanced technology, or a mix of the two. This world however, located in yet a different multiverse from either Alliance faction, seemed that of a version of Earth at around its WW1 period, but with active supernatural elements. While there were safer options to get practical experience, Dana decided that it would be better to go somewhere that she couldn't be as prepared for.

Powers & Abilities:
Like her parents, Dana has access to multiple sources of energy and a wider variety of abilities, however her development of said abilities has been hindered until recently. Depending on how events go, she will either focus on developing her melee abilities (Sword and Spiritual abilities) or her ranged abilities (Magic and psionic Techniques). For now she has a smattering of largely basic powers.

Sword Skills: Abilities that rely on Dana wielding a sword to function. Many of these rely on spiritual energy that Dana's body produces. Below are the ones she's currently able to handle but she knows others that she'll be able to use later on.
Crosscut: A simple sword skill where the user strikes twice in rapid succession, cutting a 'plus' or 'cross' shape into the targets body if performed correctly. Requires no special energy to perform as it is simple the result of training and being physically able to execute the attack. Requires Dana to be standing still to do correctly, essentially trading some evasion ability for increased damage.

Airslash: A swing her sword releases a blade of wind capable of cutting into a group of enemies a medium distance away. It is possible to imbue this attack with elemental energy to change its damage type, but Dana can not currently do this on her own. Any elemental enchantments placed upon her sword will have this effect however.

Ocean Slash: A defensive sword move that allows the user to utilize innate spiritual energy to split incoming energy attacks in half, keeping them safe from harm. The user has to be able to react quickly enough for the Ocean Slash to be of use, and dividing a sustained beam attack causes a constant drain on the user’s energy.

Spiritual Powers: Like the sword skills, these abilities rely on Dana's innate spiritual energy. However, she's not currently able to use any of them.

Magic: Dana can draw in mana from the environment around her for a variety of magical spells. She can currently only use a limited variety of her known spells safely.
Wind Dash: A basic movement spell from her mother's side of the family. Propels the user a short distance forward at incredible speed. While Sarah was forced to use an enchanted item to allow her to use the spell to go in any horizontal direction, Dana hopes to one day be able to do that on her own with enough experience.

Flaeli: Single target fire spell, power scales to Dana’s experience and power level.

Blinding Light Sphere: A spell taught to her by her mother, Sarah. It is a simple orb of light magic that explodes outwards away from Dana, possibly blinding enemies who were looking in its direction for a few moments.

Psionic Techniques: The mental energy produced by Dana's mind is sufficient to use a number of Techniques originally created by her Algolian ancestors and later improved by the people of Neilgo. Much like with her magic she can only handle a limited variety at this time.

Res series: Single target touch-based healing ability. Currently can use standard Res and the more powerful GiRes. NaRes and RaRes are beyond her at the moment.

Rep series: The Technique Rep is a newer one designed to repair androids and other mechanical lifeforms akin to what Res does for organics. Can currently only use the base version of the ability.

Wat series: Single target ice based attacks. Can cast Wat and GiWat.

Emergency Trump Card
Megid: This incredibly powerful Technique is something innate to her father's side of the family. It is an AoE attack that breaks down the molecular bonds in the target area, typically visually represent by red-orange explosions. Anger empowers the ability. While Dana is able to cast the Tech, it is incredibly risky as she currently lacks the control needed to keep it from harming allies in the area. Furthermore casting it in her current state will drain all of the mental energy she needs to cast Techniques until she rests and it will inflict incredible harm onto her body, enough to immediately remove her from battle until she receives either medical aid or enough rest to regain consciousness again. Eventually she will learn how to cast this normally, but for now it is for only the most desperate of situations. ((Not planning on using in this state, only currently included just in case something like this could be useful in a story scene))

Landale Bloodline: As protectors of a powerful seal originally created by the Great Light, Palmans already boasted improved physical abilities compared to humans. The Landale bloodline is even more powerful, both physically and in regards to psionic Techniques and magical abilities. This also grants Dana access to the incredibly powerful ability, Megid, however it is currently impossible for her to use without endangering herself and everyone else around her. In addition, this bloodline has been mixed with that of the Espers, granting access to their unique magics.

Fact Bloodline: The genetic heritage from Sarah's side of the family holds unique and powerful magical abilities, however Dana isn't able to fully tap into these abilities at the moment as the Landale part of her heritage is overpowering this one. It is hoped with the recent treatment that things will balance themselves out and she'll be able to use more of these abilities as well.

Emelas Enhancements: As part of a hypothetical treatment for Dana's genetic disability when nothing else was working, this crystalline looking material that had been in her mother's body had been removed and placed within Dana instead. It was hoped that the properties of the substance that had granted Sarah improved physical abilities, health, and a longer lifespan in addition to empowering a particular ability of hers would help Dana with her disability. The treatment was more successful than expected, completely suppressing her physical handicap and allowing for a treatment that would restore control of her powers. This has allowed her to finally start learning how to defend herself without relying on magitech in addition to making life in general a bit easier for her. She also benefits from a minor increase to physical abilities.

Spiritual Sense: Like her parents Dana is capable of sensing the spiritual auras of those around her. However, as she was reliant on magitech to fight until recently, she typically just used the sensors of her Assault Armor to detect nearby enemies and to gather information on them. As such this ability is largely untrained, making her almost as bad with it as her mother is.

Child of Infinity: Born of those who fought in the final battle with the Supreme Darkness, the core of this individual is formed of a myriad of cosmic essences. This grants them an unique ability to adapt to other realities, a quality that even supposedly omnipotent beings lack. The child adapts immediately to the laws of reality governing new environments skipping the often slow and dangerous transition altogether. This quality has both advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. As both of Dana's parents are Children of Infinity she has inherited this trait in its entirety from them. ((What effects, if any, this has is up to GM discretion. Can provide examples from other RPs if needed))

Medical Knowledge: Dana had picked up an interest in the various tests and treatments that were being used to try to help with her condition and over time she ended up learning a number of first aid skills that can be helpful on a variety of humanoid species.

Knowledge about other universes: Dana is most familiar with the Ys and Phantasy Star universes due to her heritage, however she has studied up on several others that her family has interacted with to one degree or another or are especially of interest to the Alliance. While she had access to a large portion of the Alliance database that contained information on even more universes and multiple multiverses, she had no reason to read up on most of them and remains uninformed about them.

Combo Attacks: It is common practice on Neilgo for two or more allies to combine spells and Techniques together to create far more powerful attacks than either individual could do alone, for example combining the fire Technique Foi with the wind spell Hewn to create a devastating Firestorm. However this requires each participant to understand each ability being used in the combo and to be able to act in concert with each other. This means that typically only those who have experience fighting together can pull it off reliably. Dana is well versed in this skill and has done it in the past. With time she might be able to teach others how to do it so that they could perform combination attacks together.

Two Sword Styles: Dana has gotten extensive experience with both the sword and shield style that her grandfather on her mother's side developed as well as the two handed style that is popular on Neilgo. This gives her increased flexibility when dealing with various situations.

Equipment: While Dana is entitled to a variety of powerful equipment, she's opted to take almost none of it as it would defeat the purpose of the adventure if she could rely on her equipment for everything.

Laconian Sword: A powerful sword forged from a silver colored metal native to the Algo star system and later recreated on Neilgo. The weapon is is extremely sharp, durable and the unique properties of Laconia grant it a damage bonus against entities of an 'evil' or 'unholy' nature. It is not enchanted in anyway however, which means in the end its nothing more than a blade that was well made using a powerful metal.

Laconian Shield: A durable shield capable of warding off most attacks. It is especially effective against ones from an 'evil' or 'unholy' source. The straps that would keep the shield bound to Dana's arm are part of a magitech mechanism, with a thought she can have the straps release and the shield will fly to her back where the straps will wrap around her shoulders. This allows her to easily swap between sword styles in battle as well as granting additional protection against attacks from behind when needed. The shield itself has no enchantments on it.

Laconian Chainshirt: A fairly lightweight piece of defensive equipment, but the Laconia used in its construction gives it a surprising amount of toughness. Easily worn under regular clothing. Like the shield it is extra effective against 'evil' and 'unholy' attacks. There are no enchantments.

Travel Boots: These boots appear to be regular leather boots, but between two layers of leather there is a thin mesh of the Freedom Army made metal Synth-Acrux that provides excellent protection against physical and heat based attacks. While a physical attack on par of advanced Gauss weaponry would be needed to damage the mesh, impacts from weaker attacks can still cause bruising and potentially break bones in the otherwise protected area. Due to its properties, traditional smiting methods can't be used to repair the mesh, only nano-tech or magical means can do the job.

Exploration Clothing: Rugged and simple clothes meant for regular exploration and travel. Had a mild enchantment to ensure they stay clean and in good repair, but otherwise functions like normal clothing.

Protection Circlet: A mandatory piece of equipment for members of the Neilgo royal family. This silver colored band provides protection against mind control, mind reading, poison, and disease. Will not work for anyone not of the royal bloodline.

Royal Bracers: This quartet of Laconian bracers are a product of Neilgo's magitech development. Normally as a member of the royal family Dana would be entitled to the best possible version of this technology, but as she's undergoing training to get used to her newly healed body and powers, she's using a weaker model to help prevent herself from being too reliant on it. These bracers grant Dana a 10% boost to physical and spiritual abilities. Additionally they allow her to reduce or increase gravity's hold upon her by 10% with a thought. Reducing her weight allows for greater speed as well as increased jump height and distance, plus it can be helpful when dealing with things like quicksand and marshes to avoid or reduce how much she sinks, finally wall running and other fancy acrobatics becomes more feasible. Increasing gravity's hold offers increased stability and allows her to better resist effects that would push her around as well as increasing the force behind her downward sword strikes.

Implanted Escapepipe: A single-use magitech device that was implanted inside Dana's body for the express purpose of taking her home once the adventure is over.

3x Trimate: Liquid medicine originating from Algo but still in use on Neilgo. Works akin to a powerful healing potion found in many realities.
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WIP dont look yet please.
(Insert Image Here)

Name: Gaetano Bresci

Age: 31 at time of death (May, 1901) has been undead for the past while


Sexuality:In life, he was heterosexual, and married. in death, he still loves his wife. he's dead now, so he's uh... not romancible.

Canon: Real life! the same universe as you, me, Empress Sisi, Kaiser Franz Josef, Mad Prince Rudolf.

(Since most people have brought powerful characters, I'm making my characters from this world, which hopefully means I get a little more lore info, but I'll take weaker powers)
Powers & Abilities: on account of being dead, Bresci does not need to eat, drink, or breathe air. he cannot feel pain, nor can he bleed. As a result of being brought back, his body is much more durable, but he still looks slightly decomposed the more you stare, and his body is covered in scars from his reassembling. if a limb pops off, he can stitch it back on, his brain would have to be destroyed to fully kill him. again

Special Ability:
"Some days, I feel like the only one who knows what's going on" Bresci has an uncanny sense of truth. whenever someone lies to him, even whenever someone echoes something that they believe to be the truth but is an objective falsehood

Equipment (If any): given as they do not need to eat or anything, the three only work occasionally. as a result, the only possessions bresci owns are personal items. a photograph of his wife and child clipped from a newspaper. a copy of Malatesta. one italian-french and one italian-german dictionary. two changes of clothes.

A summary of who your character is as a person. I’d like to see at least half of a paragraph here.

I know a Wikipedia link isn't great. I'll make a real bio later, I just want to be given the go ahead first.
as here, so there.

(Insert Image Here)

Name: Leon Czolgosz

Age: 28 at time of death (October, 1901), undead for the past while

Gender: Cis Man

Sexuality: Honestly, we dont know. in life, this man got. negative bitches. maybe he's bi. maybe he's ace. Anyway, he's dead now. non-romancible.

Canon: Real life. or at least, the same universe as this universe. with magic and zombies

Powers & Abilities: due to the deadness, Czolgosz does not need to eat, drink, or breath, and is immune from the ill effects of fatigue. since he no longer needs to breath, he no longer suffers from the asthma induced by working in a glass bottle factory since he was like 12. (you're shocked why he became a radical?)

Special ability: because of both his death and reanimation involving electricity, he can shoot bolts of lightning from his hands. it's draining, and he does not have the best control over it, though he will not be damaged if he shocks himself. in order to control it, he usually keeps his hands covered, bandaged with handkerchiefs. but he has no need to hide a pistol underneath anymore.

Equipment (If any):

A summary of who your character is as a person. I’d like to see at least half of a paragraph here.

What happened here happened there.

Theme Song(s) (Optional):
Ballad of Czolgosz from Assassins by Steven Sondheim.
I Killed William McKinley (and I'm gonna do it again and again and again and again..) by I forgot

Other Information (Optional):
Anything else you would like me and/or your fellow players to know about this character?

(Insert Image Here)

Name: Luigi Lucheni

Age: 37 at time of death (October, 1910). Curently undead

Gender: Cis Man

Sexuality: there's not any evidence from records of his personal life as to his sexuality. I’m going to slap him down as a relationship anarchist, and non-romanceable

Canon: the real world! Or this version of it

Powers & Abilities: on account of being dead, Lucheni does not need to eat, drink, or breathe air. he cannot feel pain, nor can he bleed. As a result of being brought back, his body is much more durable, but he still looks slightly decomposed the more you stare, and his body is covered in scars from his reassembling, although fewer than the other two, as the process is much more refined. if a limb pops off, he can stitch it back on, his brain would have to be destroyed to fully kill him. again

Special Ability: I'm not crazy, you're crazy. Claims of mental illness have been slapped on any propaganda of the deedist. you would have to be crazy to want to change things so radically! only... lucheni actually was kind of uh... y know. a little bit delulu. but his power lets him very effectively gaslight others. if someone not in their group starts questionin

Equipment (If any):
Either a brief description(s) or wiki link(s) will work here

A summary of who your character is as a person. I’d like to see at least half of a paragraph here.

exactly what happened in real life has happened here.

Theme Song(s) (Optional):
Is there a song or two or three that sums your character up? Share it with us!

Other Information (Optional):
Anything else you would like me and/or your fellow players to know about this character?
When each member of the trio was killed (Czolgosz by electric chair, Bresci and Lucheni by the same individual breaking into their cell and garroting both, making it look like a suicide), the three atheists were expecting a cut to black with a gasp and a short sharp shock. And that did happen. But then, there was as more.
You see, no one wants to practice the art of resurrecting the dead for the first time on a Queen. And how better to pay penance for being king killers than to be made to live again?

Gaetano Bresci, killed specifically for this, was the first to be practice resurrected. Or at least, the first one where it worked. There were some side effects, of course, Bresci had a few strange and unnatural abilities. But on the other hand, he was ripped from the dead, successfully. back in a cell, then, albiet a slightly larger one than the prison where he couldn't even stand to full hight.

Leon Czolgosz was the real challenge. Only in America would a Propagandist of the Deed be so loudly hated. It would be a challenge getting the corpse out intact. In this world, the autopsy was faked, and Leon’s body was smuggled out, rather than being. Dissolved in acid. Damn, Americans. You really hated this chump. This test was more and less successful, more in that the method of ending and restarting was so similar that it practically undid what was done, less in that Czolgosz’s new ability was unfortunately harmful. He had to be moved into a cell with an insulated floor and door.

Bringing back Luigi Lucheni was just pure spite. The process had been nearly perfected over the ten years, Sissi had spent long enough on ice. it was time to revive her. but one final test that everything was in working order would be good. The only problem? the deal with anarchists is that they don't follow orders. Czolgosz and Bresci had been planning their escape. One more on the run wouldn't hurt. how exactly these three idiots managed to make a break for it, I have not quite figured out. but whatever. Sissi's undead army would rise and reclaim her throne, regardless of three pesky zombie commies.

from there on, the three undead have tried their best to get around, plotting on how to fix... all of this. Czolgosz wants to write to Emma Goldman and his siblings. Brescia wants to see his kids. but they cant let the world know they're back... well, they could, but then there would be an international manhunt. zombie hunt? anyway, the world at war now has bigger things to worry about. they've got to stop Elisabet, Rudolf, Franz Josef, and all the other forces at play, including their reserector. For the sake of the people, even if the people hate them. only then, maybe, will the three be able to rest easy again.
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Name: Atalanta

Age: 137

Gender: Female

Sexuality: She hasn't given relationships any thought for many decades, she's not even sure anymore.

Canon: Original character

Personality: Hardened against the horrors of evil but has not lost touch with her humanity. As the powers of her weapon can make it dangerous for allies to be near her, she has largely fought alone and is no longer used to being a part of a team or even being around people she could call friend. This has led her to becoming quiet and withdrawn, but Atalanta would gladly take the chance to be with people she could trust again. She is fond of animals and her hobbies include juggling and coin collecting.

Personal strengths: Isn't easily disturbed, scared, or intimidated by horrific things anymore, is good at remaining focused

Personal flaws: Isn't used to dealing with people outside of 'work', hasn't had to do much with money for a long time

Likes: Juggling, coins, animals, friends

Dislikes: Being alone, dark colors, alcohol

History: In ancient times the gods created a spear capable of releasing divine flames that could incinerate evil and cleanse the land. The weapon was given to mortals to aid them in their battle against a powerful evil and it quickly proved its worth, gaining the name Blaze of Hope. However, during the final battle much of its power was depleted and when the killing blow was struck, the spear had been weakened enough where it became cursed by the fiend’s vile essence, the weapon’s very nature quickly becoming warped. Despite that, enough of its original nature remains where it protects the mind and soul of its wielder from the curse, allowing it to be safely used. With that fact in mind the Blaze of Hope was not destroyed, but instead given to a warrior that had a natural resistance to curses and thus could bond with it. This warrior would be sent to deal with areas inflicted with curses so vile that even the most powerful of holy warriors would risk death or corruption there. As such the weapon could still fulfill its original purpose, just by a different means than originally intended.

Atalanta is the latest in a long line of wielders for the Blaze of Hope, but originally she was a simple guardswoman for her hometown. However, her exceptional skill with the spear and that she survived an encounter with a cursed monster without any lingering effects caught the eye of those in charge of finding candidates to wield the cursed weapon. As such she was approached and made an offer, if she was able to bond with the weapon and lead the fight against evil, they would ensure that her town received deposits of money sufficient to keep them prosperous so long as she survived. But Atalanta would have to give up her family name and sever all ties with her past as her life would be filled with battles against horrors beyond imagining, and having friends and family involved would almost certainly lead to their deaths. She took some time to consider the offer, but ultimately agreed.

While she's not the most powerful wielder of the spear to ever live, she has done well enough to survive for long enough to take advantage of the longer life given by the spear.

Weapon: Blaze of Hope - Cursed spear that releases waves of fire with each swing that is bound to Atalanta until her death. Capable of absorbing negative powers that it comes in contact with, including curses, evil corruption, and negative emotions strong enough to affect the world. This absorbed power augments her physical abilities and can be used to enhance her attacks.

Armor: Atalanta wears lightweight armor in order to be able to move swiftly on the battlefield without totally forgoing protection.

Other: A small collection of coins from various lands.

Powers & Abilities:
Curse Enhanced Body: The power from the curses and other vile energies contained within the Blaze of Hope empowers Atalanta’s body and sustains her life beyond mortal limits, granting her increased physical power well beyond what any normal human can have. In addition she has good resistance against curses.

Fiery Strikes: Each and every blow is imbued with supernatural fire while active, increasing the power of attacks. In addition she gains high resistance to fire damage, allowing her to walk through natural fire without injury for short durations. Fire can be freely released from the Blaze of Hope to light things on fire. Naturally enemies with fire resistance have little to fear from her attacks while she is in this state.
Finisher “Volcano’s Core”: Manifestation of the curse that caused a volcano to erupt and destroy a town. Upon impaling the ground with the spear, lava erupts from the opening and coats the immediate area with a thin layer while a barrier of intense fire and heat encloses the area, replicating the harsh environment found inside the heart of a volcano. Those trapped inside suffer continuous fire damage (including allies), though those with sufficient fire resistance, shielding abilities, and/or swift enough movement abilities can cross the barrier and escape. While the ability is active, Atalanta is virtually immune to fire damage and every attack releases waves of fire and lava, granting them AoE properties. Lasts for 30 seconds and can only be used once a day.​

Cursed Flames: Releasing the power sealed within the spear results in a moderate increase in power and alters the damage type of attacks to be that of curses. In addition, while the fire resistance is lost her curse resistance is increased. However the entire time this power is in use Atalanta and her powers will appear to be ‘evil’ to those with the correct detection abilities and she may have difficulty harming those who are resistant to curses. Prolonged use can saturate the area with cursed energy, possibly bringing harm to innocents if Atalanta doesn’t absorb it again before leaving.
Finisher “Monarch’s Demise”: Manifestation of the curse that consumed an ancient monarch. Atalanta takes on the form of a shadowy wraith, gaining resistance to physical attacks and increased speed. In addition the ghostly nature of her attacks bypass most physical protections and leave a lingering curse that deals damage over time for the next few minutes. Can be used for a few minutes a day, divided up however she wishes.​

Blazing Fury: The Blaze of Hope can absorb evil or dark energies in an area or that were left behind by an attack nearby. Over time this will increase the power of the spear, and thus Atalanta’s power as well. In addition, when absorbing such energies while in combat, a portion of it can be stockpiled and then unleashed in a short lived eruption of power. This vastly increases her combat power and adds the ability to bypass most curse resistances while also allowing for use of additional abilities.
Finisher “Cursed Hope”: Manifestation of the curse of the Blaze of Hope itself. For a brief moment the divine nature of the spear makes itself known again, twisted and corrupted as it may be. Atalanta is able to use this power to deliver a single, incredibly powerful attack against a target that deals Evil damage. Can only be used once during each Blazing Fury use and it immediately ends Blazing Fury.​

Curse Absorption: Atalanta can use Blaze of Hope to absorb most curses from an area as well as living things. However, to drain it from a person or other entity requires stabbing them somewhere with the spear and leaving it in place for the duration. She can freely adjust the speed of the absorption, but the faster she goes the more painful it is for the one she is trying to help. Curses closely entwined with the soul of the victim can’t be removed without killing them, often prompting her to try to find someone else to help the person if at all possible.

Return to Me: The Blaze of Hope does not tolerate being away from Atalanta. When thrown or otherwise separated from her, it will after a short duration fly back to her hands if it isn’t summoned back beforehand. If there are obstacles in the way it will release increasingly high amounts of fire and/or curse energy to melt through and return to her. If it is somehow kept from her, she remains aware of its location but is unable to replenish the curse energy empowering her body.

Healing: Due to the curse, Atalanta can not be healed by holy abilities or by anything else that has a divine source. Other healing powers and tools work as normal and resting in a cursed area is actually good for her health, helping her to recover more quickly and she recovers quickly from any curses that do manage to affect her. However the opposite is also true, anything that would weaken the curse empowering her will harm and/or weaken her.

Evil/Curse Detection: Atalanta is granted the ability to sense when there are curses nearby and often evil beings as well.

Magma Spike: Atalanta throws the Blaze of Hope, the weapon becoming covered in fire and exploding upon impact. Can be held in a throwing stance for up to 10 seconds to increase range, speed, and power. At maximum power it has a range of half a mile and can destroy a small building. Turns into Cursed Spike when using Cursed Flames or Blazing Fury, but functions the same way.

Inferno: A series of whirling strikes engulfs the area in front ofAtalanta in intense fire, dealing damage to anything in front of her. Turns into Cursed Inferno when using Cursed Flames or Blazing Fury, but functions the same way.

Ember Rain: Atalanta throws the Blaze of Hope into the air where it releases dozens of fiery projectiles that fall down in the area around her to cause AoE damage. Turns into Rain of Death when in Cursed Flames or Blazing Fury, but functions the same way.

Curse of Fraility (Only usable in Blazing Fury): Curse energy is released from the Blaze of Hope in large quantities, eating away at the physical and supernatural strength of those she's fighting against. The debuff can range from mild to moderate depending on each individual's resistance to curses. The area is contaminated by this move, which means that Atalanta will be forced to linger afterwards to re-absorb it if its somewhere that innocents would be in or travel through.

Drawn to Curses (Only usable in Blazing Fury): This mobility oriented power allows Atalanta to quickly close the distance to cursed or evil targets, but does not work if the enemy lacks any type of ‘dark’ abilities or alignment. Can be used to close within striking range of flying targets, but does not help with dealing with the landing.

Life Drain (Only usable in Blazing Fury): For a small duration of time, the Blaze of Hope drains life energy from anyone it hits and feeds it into Atalanta in order to heal her, but in exchange it releases less Curse energy, reducing its damage for the duration of this power.

Expert Spear Warrior: Atalanta has extensive experience using the Blaze of Hope in combat and has developed a combat style revolving around agility and power.

Curse Scholar: Decades of dealing with curses has taught Atalanta plenty about them. However, despite her knowledge she remains unable to break them without using the Blaze of Hope.

Armor Repair: Is experienced with doing simple repairs and maintaince on her armor.

Flexible Warrior: Atalanta is able to freely swap between Fire and Curse damage, giving her the ability to engage a wide variety of enemies.

Protection of the Curse: The curse of the Blazing Hope protects her against other curses and similar energies, allowing her to safely explore areas and deal with situations that would be lethal to normal people.

Holy Bane: Should an entity wielding holy power decide to turn from their path and engage in evil acts, Atalanta’s curse attacks are highly effective against them.

Iron Will: Decades of fighting against evil has exposed her to all matter of horrors, but despite that she keeps fighting, her determination unbroken.

Curse Reliant: The spear’s curse is the source of her power, effects that suppress curses will weaken her, potentially drastically if the effect is strong enough.

No Physical Attacks: Atalanta is unable to do attacks without the Fire or Cursed energy, making it difficult to fight enemies that require more mundane attacks to deal with effectively.

Holy Weakness: While in Cursed Flames and Blazing Fury modes she suffers additional damage if hit by holy attacks. In addition healing from a holy source does not work on her.

Unwanted Attention: As Atalanta would be detected as being evil when using Cursed Flames or Blazing Fury, this can lead to situations where she is attacked by those that would normally be her allies or other situations born of that misunderstanding.

Wanda Blake, Spawn




Au Spawn

Powers & Abilities:
Super human strength, speed and endurance: Nothing to special exactly what it says on the tin

Regeneration: By using her necroplasm or absorbing evil energy or beings Wanda can heal from just about any wound if given time, though it hurts like hell.

Healing: Wanda can heal others and has brought others back to life though the latter is very taxing.

Shapeshifting: using her suit Wanda can take on a great many forms though never her original human look.

Hellfire manipulation: Wanda can summon and control hellfire most often using it as a hellfire breath.

Hallucikinesis: Wanda can create illusions to trick or torment opponents.

Teleportation: Wanda can move through the shadows near instantly though it is only reliable if she has been to the target area or it is in sight.

Intangibility: Wanda can phase through objects and people though she can't attack like this
Empathy: A gift from greenland Wanda can sense the sense and emotions of others and is slightly aware when evil acts are committed.

Chain control: Wanda as part of her suit can summon and control multiple hell forged chains she uses to attack and kill opponents.

Equipment (If any):

K7-Leetha: A symbiotic suit composed of necroplasm which can feed off necroplasm and evils sins. She can project and shapeshift weapons and shields and gives Her ESP senses. She can sense the suffering and sins of people and gives the abilities listed above. It gives him nigh-unbreakable chains that can reach possibly more than 100 feet with relative ease as well as able to turn into razor blades and can also act on their own. Her suit also allows her to extend his bracelet's spikes for a surprise attack.

Cape: Spawn possess a cape, which can transport anything into her own personal hell as well as being strong enough to slam the Redeemer.

Wanda is or has become a rather cynical person after her rebirth as a hellspawn. her temper tends to flair far faster and far more violently these days. This is all because of the suit which nurtures her negative traits and the taunting of her demonic " guardian". Wanda tends to want to take the quickest route and dislikes when situations become complex. She is rash, and blunt, and often seeks to hurt others when she talks to them. Yet, despite all this a good nature is still somewhere deep in her as she actually has been kind to the bums around her, often defending them from gang members, crooked cops, and worse when they come into her alleys. Despite all her complaining, her self doubt, and cynicism she still will try to do the right thing and help people.

Rather than become a Lawyer Wanda in this universe was the solider and Al Simons the lawyer, she would go on to distinguish herself and after saving the president from an assassination attempt be taken into the CIA. This would lead her to becoming an assassin and taking on more morally dubious jobs. This also lead to her home life starting to break down due to her almost having to live a double life. This culminated with Wanda deciding she would leave the agency and her being betrayed by a trusted friend Chapple. after being shot she would be burned alive and end up in hell. There she would make a deal with malbolgia, she would become a spawn and lead his armies if she could see her husband again. The demon however sent her back years latter and with her mind scrambled.

Lost and confused Wanda would find herself with the bums of New York city and in the middle of a web of both mortal and supernatural plans. After touching an angelic weapon Wanda would find herself in another dimension.

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