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villain 101

Las noches veteran

The Gillian that peers into dreams
Evening you cutladdies and lassies, I want to ask ever been born bad! Ever felt like when your sister does some painjng and you say "huh that pictures good", the draw all over it.

Or pranked a neighbour, any type of little deed to say your "naughty" hehe...let's get real, how'd you like to be the number 1 villain, if so come to villain Co.

Here we will teach you:

Evil doing

World domination

And most importantly

Evil laughter!!! MUAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Now for the rules:

No overpowered abilities or ridiculous feats: remember your beginners, sure you can have something but don't be over powered kay

No fighting: villains gotta stick together (unless you two don't get along rp standards by all means get in trouble)

Have fun:

Now let us begin!!!

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