Vetrol Krygor and Hector Trilo


Follower of Sigmar's Holy Path
Name: Vetrol Krygor

Age: 44

Gender: Male

Species: Human Cyborg


Faction: Confederation of Sernpidal

Factions position: Sernpidal

Archetype: Powertech

Force sensitive?: No

Skills: Charismatic, strong and relativly agile, good at defending, can make unique and powerful technologies

Gear: E-24 Heavy Plasma Rifle, MDT-44, Thermal Detonators

Personality: Merciless, defiant to the end, independent, brave

Bio: The result of countless years of war and experiments, Vetrol Krygor is the representation of everything strong powers despise: A defiant leader, capable of leading a rebellion well. He fought the Republic and Separatists for years, defending countless free worlds against the unrelenting torrent that assaulted them. He became well versed in the art of mobile defense, learning how to make devastating traps and weapons in the heat of battle. During one particular battle, a blast from a thermal detonator wounded him terribly. However, he had quite a few favors he could call upon. After a month long recovery, Vetrol returned to his homeworld of Sernpidal, right when the revolt began. In a quick election, his mere presence guaranteed him control of the planet. He became the High Lord of Sernpidal after defeating the Imperials above the planet in a daring series of battles and saving the capital from a decimating orbital bombardment.

Name: Hector Trilo

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Faction: None, favors Separatists and Serpidal

Archetype: Mercenary

Force sensitive: No

Skills: Agile, expert marksmen, intelligent

Gear: A380K Blaster Rifle,  2 TL45 Blaster Pistols, IL-8 Firelauncher, IL-4 Rocket Launcher

Personality: No talk, only action. Silent, brutal.

Bio: TBA
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Can you expand a little on that back story a bot, how he got cybernetic and how did he come to power? Otherwise looks good.
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