Vermillion Monarch Williams


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Vermillion is usually garbed in crimson button-up shirts and blue jeans. He has a trademark yellow and red scarf that he will always incorporate into his outfit. Vermillion also has two butterflies antennae on the top of his head that usually angle backwards.



Vermillion's main concept comes from the idea of monarch butterflies. but I'm sure that was already apparent. Vermillion is another way to describe the color orange, the color of his hair, and the middle name Monarch obviously comes from the name of the type of butterfly his concept derives from. The last name, Williams, is unique in that it comes from King William III of England, as he was believed to have thought up the name for the butterfly. So, the middle name comes from two sources: the butterfly itself, and the person who supposedly named it, as he was the monarch of a country.











Weapon Appearance:


In the form of Sunsinger, Vermillion's weapon looks like a rather advanced bow. The string radiates with a bright orange light, and when drawn back, the weapon generates an arrow within the gap between the three rods protruding from the front. The arrow is really a plasma shot of pure heat, and he can fire these as fast as he can draw back the string. He can also create an orb of heat energy by the tips of the three rods, and launch it in an arc at enemies. Depending on the temperature or time of day, the power of Sunsinger changes. The darker it is, or the colder it is, the weaker it is. 

In the form of Stormcaller, the weapon becomes a gauntlet that fits on Vermillion's arm. The weapon reaches up just before his elbow, and Vermillion must grip the handle by the front of the weapon in order to use it. The gauntlet serves as a repeater gun, firing balls of electrical energy in quick succession. The orbs are rather slow, thus easy to dodge. In close quarters situations, Vermillion can make electricity arc along the tips of it, and shock foes. This form takes time to charge up, and when it is out of juice, it will transform back into Sunsinger.



- Expert Bow Profficiency

- High Endurance

- Efficient Agility

- Patient

- Keen Eyes

- TInkerer

- Photography



Vermillion was born in a small town that had a primarily Faunus population. His mother, Jaquiline, a butterfly Faunus like him, his father, Darius, a sheep Faunus, and his older brother, Daemon, a spider Faunus, all lived in a small home, with his father working as a Hunter, and his mother working as a nurse at the hospital in the nearby city. Vermillion and Daemon both enjoyed listening to the stories their father told them, growing up admiring the Hunters who lived to slay the Grimm that threatened the peaceful lives of humanity. Even before they started school, the two brothers were hellbent on becoming great Hunters like Darius. 


While his older brother was a model student, Vermillion tended to lag behind. He didn't enjoy attending class, instead deciding to skip class and go explore the woods that were located around his hometown. This got him in trouble on multiple occasions, mostly with his mother. He would never learn his lesson though, and continued to skip out on his classes. Daemon would get him to learn a few things, though, when he got home from school, as Vermillion loved listening to his brother. 


Many people weren't surprised that Daemon eventually was accepted into Beacon Academy. When he left, Vermillion began to slack again in school. His grades fell to the point that he almost had to drop out, and he was focusing more on his little side projects than anything else. These side projects, while most people thought them to be only things to pass the time, actually was him building what would become the first versions of his weapons. He knew he had to get into Beacon Academy somehow, so he needed to get good at fighting. So he began to train, practicing at shooting ground targets and frisbees he had the other kids throw into the air for him. He became an expert with the bow, and once he knew he could use it almost as well as a professional, he began focusing on school again.


When Daemon came home after a semester at Beacon, he brought with him some knowledge at creating weaponry, as he had hand-made his own weapon. When he first looked at Vermillion's weapon, he was amazed at it, and decided to improve it for his brother. He made the second version of it, which is the current version of said weapon now. He taught Vermillion how to handle it and clean it properly, so he could use it for a long time. Vermillion was so happy about his new weapon, he started to practice everyday after school, not going home until it was midnight at times.


Vermillion continued to train, improving his skills with his weapon and also bringing his grades back up in school. He applied for Beacon Academy three different times, and each time he failed. On his fourth attempt, the year after Daemon had graduated and became a full-time Hunter, Vermillion was accepted, much tot he surprise of his family and friends.



Loyal Spirits

Vermillion's Semblance is a rather strange one. When activated, butterflies seem to grow out of his body, made out of what seems like fire. However, these butterflies are not hot in the slightest. They will float around Vermillion, moving in a way to shield him from most attacks. Vermillion can manipulate these butterflies, moving them however he wishes to. While not able to harm people with this Semblance, he can stand on the butterflies and, in essence, float around on them. This can help him get to a new vantage point when using Sunsinger.
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