Verity Hall ( 1v1 by the Toasty Sol)


Martin Hanes

Today's the day we get new residents to the dorm then. I wonder what kind of people will be roaming the halls this time? I wonder if any of the former residents "graduated" at the end of last school year? Would I really be the only one of the first residents from two years ago? If so, I'd possibly earned my title of outstanding student, definitely outstanding in everything much that I stayed longest in the dorm. Except one problem.....I got held back a year!

Of course my musings were interrupted as the bell signaled the end of the day's classes. So I am Martin Hanes, also known as the most outstanding student of Verity School at least in some underground circles I suppose. I was also held back a year due to several finance related problems. Well that's as far as I'd like to introduce myself, despite my title I'm totally introverted and takes me many days to actually gather up the courage to speak to anyone, even those people a grade below me, who are currently my classmates. I straighten up my cap, yes, I'm so outstanding they allow me to wear the thing during class, and walk out the door into one of the many busy hallways of Verity School.

One of many hallways bristling with activity from the students who are enrolled here, despite the fact that there aren't many students enrolled here at all. Then again you could attribute the quirkiness of the entire operation to the personalities of the students, we've got everything from musicians to geniuses in several fields to artists and everything else in between. This school technically caters to multitude of interests of all its students. You could say it's a one stop shop for all your learning needs and prides itself being second to none in anything. Such a school that boasts a reputation like that also has harsh entrance exams, which only a few actually make the cut. It helped curbed the population of the school, I mean it couldn't possibly fit thousands which meant they'd only accept the best and brightest or the absolute worst. Yes, the worst, it doesn't matter really, when you enroll here you're guaranteed to be a better person overall when you graduate, and everyone graduates, just not on time, like me.

Anyway, I should head out to the dorm now. I'm pretty sure Mikey is already there, prepping a welcoming party to the new residents. God knows I have to stop him before the newbies arrive, then again, it'd be a very good eye-opener for them. Nah. I need to stop that moron from staining his pristine reputation, he may have been successful keeping two years of students quiet but no one knows when his luck will run out on him. Yes the dorm, Verity Hall, that one with all the crazy students. Now I better get going, the sun is going down and our beloved and respected homeroom teacher turns into something else when the moon rises. Keep. This. Between. Us. Got it? Good.

Now you wouldn't mind me taking your notepad then.............I promise I'll return it you tomorrowwww!

Michael North

Micheal sat in his office, wondering what he'd do to the new blood this time. What sort of prank to play and whether or not Martin will foil his plans again. Seriously, would it kill that boy to have some fun with the new residents? Ah well, to each their own. Now, drawing me plan this next one. The drawing board kept silent. The teacher would be hard pressed to find inspiration, now, of all times.

He reached for the folders stacked on his desk and quietly ran through the profiles of the students he'd be dealing with this time. Micheal believed that between him and Hanes, they'd be able to fix whatever is wrong with the students or show these poor souls what it means to have fun the North way. Whether it was fate or destiny or simply a metaphysical human playing sims over his life, Hanes was practically the best foil to his truly chaotic nature. I'll miss that kid......So these are all new residents then? The old ones, have migrated to a better place, aka, beyond the school's walls. It'll be lonely.....

"All by myseeeeeelffff~...whoops. Anyway, what should I do for the new comers? Some snacks for their end of the day I suppose. Well I can't cook which means...."

He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. It rang for a bit before an voice responded.

"Hey, Carol. Mind taking over my shift later today, I need to go get the dorm cozy for the new comers. C'mon you're the only one I ca- Yes thank you."

He reached for his wallet on the desk and headed out the gates of the school into the quiet afternoon of the town. Micheal would never believe that such a prestigious school would be located out here nearer to nature than most places. Then again, that's the point of having dorms built within the complex. Three dorms, a boys' dorm and a girls' dorm, both large structures and then there's Verity Hall, a building just a little bit humbler than its siblings. The complex itself was located on a hill overlooking the town, the walk to and from the town limits takes a student roughly 5 minutes.

Micheal returned with a plastic bag filled with some ingredients from the local store as well as freshly cooked chicken should his efforts fail him. He had full confidence in his abilities and class wasn't about to end for another hour, plenty of time to prepare. That and those students may or may not be taking their time to explore the relatively spacious campus grounds, there was so much to see.

He had finished cooking the food in exactly one hour. Then again the food wasn't exactly sitting on the plate, but rather squatting malevolently on it, hating all and being hated by all. Micheal was sure that at least one of the students would notice it for what it is, a pork something. It was a new recipe by Micheal, in fact it was so new, he had no idea what to call it, neither did the dish conform to any culinary norms.

He decided to prepare the pork something and make it look at least a little bit more prettier than its current appearance. Make it look a little bit......porkier. He had set it on the dining table of the dorm and had not noticed his old friend that already a took one of seats.

"Hey there, Mikey. What's that......thing on the plate?"

"Martin? I thought you graduated the dorm already? And it's pork."

"Sure as hell doesn't like pork. Did you even taste the thing? And uhhh, I suppose I kinda filed to transferred back here. I couldn't let exactly let you prank the new residents. I'll be bunked in my old room, already have my things there. Besides, I'm pretty sure there aren't that many new comers and the tastes like broccoli....exactly how is that even possible?

"Lesson one: You're an idiot and welcome back. Lesson two: I expect you to carry your weight veteran resident of the Hall, help out your underclassmen when they look like they need it Lesson three: I have no idea how that's even possible or how you could come to that conclusion my pork win this round."

"Well then, I suppose I should search the dorm for traps and pranks and disarm them then. Good luck fixing"

Micheal waved the boy off as Martin turned to do his inspection of the entire dorm. This time though, he didn't set up any pranks, he'll save those for when the students got to know him. He tried some more of the pork that tasted like broccoli. He left it there anyway, at least it was a step up from the past dishes he made, if they could even be labelled edible.

"I'll just wait for the new comers here then!"

"Alright old man. Don't strain yourself."
Fiona Carter

Fiona sighed as she exited from the extravagant Verity Hall. She wondered how she even got accepted into a place such as this. It was just so prestigious and full of the smartest kids while she was just her... There were also just so many people here it was making her anxious. She pulled the other strap of her backpack on and wiped her palms on her skirt. She looked at the map of the campus and saw where the dorm was.

"I-I have to walk all the way over there?" she said to herself. Her hand trembled as she stared at the massive amount of people having fun on campus, reading, playing football, or protesting about some stupid thing. She shakily started to walk towards the dorm. She had a person bump into her, causing her to drop her map. She looked back and saw that her map had already blown away. Fiona sighed "Oh well, guess I'll just have to get a new one tomorrow..."

Fiona started to walk towards the dorm which which was slowly coming into distance. "It looks so nice" she mumbled, walking towards it slowly. As she reached the dorm, the front doors were already propped open with a traffic cone, a sign saying 'Welcome to Verity Dorms!' taped onto it. This didn't make Fiona feel any better but she thought it was nice of them to do so. "S-So where should I go?" she asked nobody in particular. Fiona decided to head up the magnificent spiral staircase that was in the middle of the first floor of the dorm.

She plodded up the stairs and walked into her room. She sat on her bed and stared at her two suitcases sitting on the other side of the room. "So I guess I should start on my homework, maybe?" Fiona took her backpack off and pulled out three sheets of paper. One sheet of math, one sheet of English, and one more of science. "Alright, time for homework!" Fiona sat at her desk and took out a pencil. She started to fill in the answers, determined to finish.

Skyler Shaughnessy

Skyler ran straight to the dorm as the class bell rang. This school was such a drag! "Finally, time to get back and mingle, preferably with people of the female gender" Skyler chuckled and picked up his pace, walking to the dorm ever faster. He had memorized what the campus looked like so he didn't even need that stupid map he had gotten when he first entered the school.

Skyler reached the dorm in nearly five minutes, the door already propped open with a cone. He noticed a sign on the cone saying "Welcome to the Dorm" or some crap like that, but Skyler quickly dismissed it. The dorm wasn't empty but it wasn't necessarily hopping with life either. People were probably checking out the campus and making new friends. Skyler hadn't made any friends yet, but he knew he would soon.

He heard his stomach growling and realized how hungry he was. He hadn't had lunch so he walked to the kitchen to see if there was anything good to eat. On his way he discovered a platter on the dining table. "Looks pretty appetizing." he smirked and took a paper plate from the kitchen. He took some of it and took a bite.

Skyler spit it out almost immediately. "Ew, this is like broccoli or something!" Skyler was upset. He threw the plate in the trash and rummaged through the kitchen to see if he could find anything better.
Samantha Jensen

Class ended with the bell ringing. The class itself was boring but she couldn't afford to show that, she needed to look very positive and energetic. She needed to keep appearances despite her obvious desire to reach out for her guitar stowed near her spot at the back of the classroom. She hadn't officially moved into her new dorm, but was told her things were already in her room and she just needs to sit through the orientation by the dorm's supervisor. Everything felt planned out for her first day, which wasn't exactly what she pictured being a highschooler as, Sammy expected to have some freedom and just vague instructions on what to do after class. She was supposed to make her way to the dorms after class but had the unfortunate luck of losing her campus map before the day even began.

Sammy made it a point to go ask for directions after class but somehow found it impossible to navigate through the expansive campus grounds. It was prestigious school, but she hadn't expected it to be seriously huge either. She lost her way several times but was able to find one of the staff willing to guide her to the dorms. She found out just how far she was from the dorms and, in a sense, how far she went in the opposite direction from the class building she just came from, as they had passed the building on the way to the dorms. It would have been faster to ask one of the students, but try as she might, she was just too shy as opposed to the image she tried to build for herself a while ago, which was outgoing and active.

The dorms were located at the center of the campus complex. Three buildings that within a reasonable distance from each other, two titans flanking a smaller yet equally elegant building. The staff member had asked her which dorm she was supposed to go to to which she answer "I don't know." The staff member then asked for her name and ran it on the general database stored in a cloud server that synchronizes to all the electronic assistants that were used by students and staff alike. The freshmen were told that they receive theirs within the following week according to the opening speech of the principal. She was directed to the central building, apparently it was filled with the most outstanding students in the entire campus and was co-ed as opposed to its bigger brother and sister which was the boys' and girls' dorm respectively. Co-ed. She couldn't wait to see what kind of people she'd run into there, maybe she could even fulfill her longing of finding a boyfriend after a streak of not so very successful attempts during her life. Sammy took a deep breathe and reinforced her cool, it'd be a turn off to the guys if she was designated as desperate right off the bat. She was a closet otaku and had watched many romances for this moment in her life.

Sammy took her first step toward her goal and opened the door to the dorm and stepped into what looked like the common room. A decent looking guy with a hat on was descending the steps when he noticed her and waved to her. She kept her cool and waved back.

"Welcome tooooooo.........the madnesssss, allow me to be your guide. My name is Martin, would you mind taking a seat? I'll go get the supervisor and tell him that a resident has arrived. "


Sammy could manage a stuttered reply and promptly took a seat on the couch which faced a coffee table and the entrance to the building. That guy was way too creepy, the way he smiled at me sent one too many chills down my spine and his hissing.... My god where do I start? Well, I suppose I'll find a better guy in here, I mean since there are outstanding students here, maybe there'd be an outstandingly hot guy?

Franco Valdez

Today was another productive day that bore its fruits for Franco to pick. He had missed out on most of the ceremonies during the day and was largely absent in class the rest of the afternoon. He was, however, taking his time to explore the school campus which he knows like the back of his hand. It felt repetitive for the most part but there was always something new at strange times of the day, today it was watching the freshmen get dismissed early and then roam the campus like it was an entirely new venue for their adventures. True enough, even his batchmates have a hard time navigating through certain areas of the school and he had only known the layout by cutting so many classes and attending only if there was a quiz of sorts. The teachers often comment how he'd have very high grades if he actually shows his face in class, his performance on the class requirements were always more than adequate and some times a cut above even the best. But those scores wouldn't matter as he submits almost everything late. It seems as though that slip up last year did not affect him as the rest of the faculty thought it would. He still sticks to the same lifestyle all day, everyday.

Franco thought it would be a good idea to transfer his things from his old dorm room to his new one and began doing so over the course of the afternoon classes which he skipped. There wasn't much to transfer and he had already peeked the room assignments beforehand, it seems that special cases like himself were already guaranteed a spot in the dorm, without their consent or knowledge. Typical dad, you always assume the worst from me huh? Like moving me from my established spot in my old dorm room and making me live with the best and brightest as well as the worst. When will you understand your own son? Franco took at nap after he transferred his things at his usual spot, which was a fairly secluded area of the campus that was closer to nature and was apparently quite the breezy spot as well. It was behind the school's library, and almost no one goes there save for the book club, himself and the library staff. He'd usually find interesting novels there as well as some advanced reading material for some of the subjects that they took up. That explained his knowledge on the subjects he was acing tests on, as well as being the plain answer to the teachers' question, how did he ace it?

He decided to bail today and just lounge around in his dorm room instead, possibly play a few games on the console and tv he smuggled in that one time, the tv itself was just a 19 inch flat screen which was easily concealed slipped between his books. He placed the TV on the desk and beside it was the console and a few games. He'd at least have something to do in his downtime aside from frequent hops to the library. He thought about what to play as he made his way to the dorm. He stepped in and continued on until a voice called out to him from behind, apparently a girl looked like she was trying to get his attention but didn't exactly have the confidence in her voice.

"Um, they said we should wait for the supervisor. So uh, you shouldn't go upstairs yet."

Franco stared at her a for bit, before shrugging and taking the seat opposite to her, she must have thought he was glaring at her because she suddenly became fidgety, or she may have already been fidgety before. It didn't matter, he had something to study right now, trying to solve the jigsaw puzzle that is the identity of this girl and how she acts. Simple actions always said the most about a person or so that textbook said that one time.

"Alrighty then, freshman, we'll wait for the supervisor."

Martin Hanes

So I got bored organizing my stuff in my room, but who doesn't right? I mean there wasn't much to organize to begin with, such is the ways of a perfect student if I do say so myself. So I changed into something slightly more comfortable and easy to move in, I basically swapped the pants of my uniform for shorts and went barefoot. Yes, I still had the school's blazer over my white longsleeves buttoned up with a red necktie. I didn't really expect that the new residents would be here so soon and I really intended to mess with Mikey. Of course, plans are blown out of the water because the world just doesn't want to go your way.

I went down the spiral steps to find one of the freshmen in front of me. I knew she was a freshman because people get better at hiding the lost expression on their faces as they stay longer here. I pulled out my best smile to make her feel welcome. Unfortunately, Mikey rubbed off on me and I ended up messing with the new girl. I mean who really welcomes the madness, am I right? Then again, madness does add flavor to life. So I think I did a good job welcoming the new girl though she didn't look like she felt welcome. Ah well, Verity Hall will always be an acquired taste for anyone.

I go straight to the kitchen to find Mikey, instead I pass by the dining room to find his abomination gone. Perhaps Mikey had found the sense to dispose of that thing and just stick with the whole cooked chicken that he shoved into the fridge. The idiot most likely kept the whole chicken in the fridge and prepared nothing for the new residents. I moved over to the kitchen to find not Mikey, but another new resident.

"Hello there, my name is Martin Hanes, a verteran of this dorm. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to reheat the whole chicken in the fridge. Please make yourself welcome, there are already people gathered in the common room."

I did my best to sound as polite as I could while I crept over the fridge, took out the stone hard chicken which was shoved into the freezer and therefore almost frozen. Thankfully, the microwave oven was large enough to house the whole chicken, so I crammed the thing in there and left it to reheat in high temperatures. Honestly, Mikey puts too much stock in himself if he thinks he could pull this stunt off.

"Oh you're still here? Well then, I should be going. I need to fetch your supervisor, I guarantee you that this'll be an eye opening experience. See you in bit."

I address the new comer again and head for the next possible location that idiot would be in. His office.

Micheal North

Micheal was once again in his office sorting through his collection of "ideas." The ideas themselves were past pranks pulled on the residents as well as future suggestions by the more mischievous seniors. He was staring at his drawing board trying to come up with something new, when Martin had burst through his office door.

"I swear to god you're an idiot, sir. You dispose of that thing but forget to reheat the chicken you bought? I don't even know how to react to that. Oh and there are some new comers in-"

"I didn't dispose of my pork, that's preposterous. I'm pretty sure the residents would like it."

"Well it's not on the dining table anymore. And the-"


Micheal was sure whatever Martin had to say could wait. The fact that his delicious creation was disposed of without his knowledge was something that can't wait. In fact, he was still in the middle of saying "nooooo" as he ran out of the office and made beeline to the dining which was conveniently in front of his office. It was true, his creation had disappeared, and there was evidence that someone moved the dish.

"Marty, why?"

"I didn't do anything, the dish was gone when I passed by. Look there are new residents in the common room, so I suggest you greet them and make them feel welcome while I work on getting dinner operational. I mean you don't expect me to walk out there and entertain them dressed like this don't you?!"

Martin motioned his current apparel. Which was simply the top half of the school uniform while wearing shorts and being barefoot. It was true that it wouldn't make a strong first impression or even any positive impact if Martin was to go out and receive the new residents looking like that. They'd most likely laugh at him, not that Martin is a stranger to laughing at people or getting laughed at by people but first impressions go a long way and this was something the duo could not afford to screw up.

"Alright, I'll go greet them then. You better have that dinner ready and go change afterward, you're making the place look too unprofessional. Be sure to look your best, because I swear I'm not the only one going to be introducing myself to the residents I expect you to introduce yourself as well. It is your responsibility as an upperclassman, no, as a super upperclassman, as a supposed-alumnus of this school."

"Enough rubbing it in my face! Let's just get this done with."

With that, the duo went their separate ways ready to fulfill their obligations to the new comers.

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