Chitchat Vent Thingy


Creator of Moms of Jabberwock
I'm at a school lock in at the moment and my friend is there and all.....but she just keeps talking to her "better" friends and ignores and alienates me. And it seems whenever I'm near her and her friends, they run off somewhere else. and whenever I do speak to her, she just seems to laugh it off before going back to talking to her "better" friends. I want to confront my friend about this but I don't want to ruin our friendship. I just feel like my friend doesn't care about me anymore and I feel that her other friends are better than me. I feel so alone and there's nothing I can do to fix it. No friendships seems to last for me and I'm getting tired of it. I just want a shoulder to cry on for once in my life. Why can't I ever be with someone who care?
Don't let it get to you. That should show you where you stand with her compared to her other friends. Who wants that kind of person as a friend anyway?
Of course, i was speaking objectively. I don't know the dynamic of the relationship (obviously) and was just putting in a suggestion. Toxicity can be a very bad thing in any relationship be it platonic or no and thusly should be removes (from a logical standpoint).

Then again, at times, we have no control over these things. And i believe that's something we all have to accept.

I hope my bit of advice helps. -.-
Of course, i was speaking objectively. I don't know the dynamic of the relationship (obviously) and was just putting in a suggestion. Toxicity can be a very bad thing in any relationship be it platonic or no and thusly should be removes (from a logical standpoint).

Then again, at times, we have no control over these things. And i believe that's something we all have to accept.

I hope my bit of advice helps. -.-
It does a little bit. Thank you.
No problem at all. If you need any more advice, i would do my utmost to provide it...the little i may have. =p
Highschool is a social nightmare I can only compare to Lord of the Flies but trust me when I say that things get better and people get better (for the most part) when you get out. People are less fake for one thing.

For now all I can say is hold fast and focus on getting good grades.

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