Various Races in Glade


Elves are known for their pointed ears, closeness to nature, and extended lifespans. Many elves are named after plants, animals, or other nature-like things, though the translation from elvish to common is not perfect in most cases. As such, many elves that are in constant contact with humans and dwarfs elect to give themselves a common name. Their cities are a part of nature, making them camouflaged. Elves also live, on average, for 300 years. This makes many elves slow to change or act, as they have plenty of time to contemplate their decisions before worrying about death.

Unlike humans, there are several Kings and Queens that lead the elves. The elven Royals work together to ensure prosperity between the elfish kingdoms. The kingdoms vary in size, growing from marriages and dividing based on inheritance. As such, the Elven Royals try to stay on each other's good graces, as their subjects can change several times.

Elven mages are very common, as most elves are born with some magical ability. Elven mages are allowed to join the Guild of Mages, and will be assigned a rank based on their abilities. Many elves are first assigned to be Adapts or Pundits, though there are occasional elven Educators.

Elfish names do not translate well into common. The names relate a personal trait with an element of nature. However, because several families can use the same element of nature, each with their own saying, as well as using the element of nature as an object and not as a name, seeing several non-related Elves with the name "Above the Wind," makes the common translation confusing at times.
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Dwarfs are well known for their manipulation of metal, though they are a reclusive race that prefers to keep their secrets to themselves. After many years of trade and negotiation, especially with people with beneficial knowledge or resources, the Dwarfs will reveal some of their secrets, though they will always be hiding something.

The dwarfs that rule the Dwarven Coalition are the dwarfs with the biggest businesses. Taxes are non-existent, and the laws are built to create a market based on fair trade. However, corruption is apparent, and many of the biggest businesses are not above sabotaging a competitor threatening their spot in order to stay profitable. This serves to separate dwarfs between the ones wanting to make money and the ones wanting to be a part of the government.

Dwarfs are magically resistant, meaning magical dwarfs are rare. However, they do exist, and are treated no different than other dwarfs. Most act like they don't even have magic. The few that do decide to embrace their magical abilities will leave the underground cities and join the Guild of Mages. They are usually Adepts, though their abilities are closer to Apprentices or Disciples, and will struggle to rise higher. The few that do are promoted based on their intellect or contributions to enchanting, and not on their magical ability.

Dwarfs have simple names. Their Identity (first name) is blunt and simple, and more often than not easier to pronounce when drunk. Their Lineage (last name) is how they make their money (Silversmith works with silver, Swordseller is a weapons merchant, etc.). Retired Dwarfs living with their family don't have to change their name should the family changes storefronts.
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Half Elves


Half Elves are born when one parent is a human and the other is an elf. Their appearance varies due to their human half, though most retain one or two traits from their elfish parent (pointed ears, tall frame, paler skin, etc.). Their lifespan is longer than humans, but shorter than elves, averaging around 120 years. They are typically raised by their human parent because of this shortened life span, but as with everything involving humans, anything can be possible.

Half Elves do not have their own government. They follow the rules of whatever society they are in, be it human or elf.

Half Elves, like Elves, are commonly born with magical abilities. Depending on which parent is which will affect the strength of the magic. If the mother is human and father elf, Half Elves fall below average in life span but have higher magical power. With a human father and elf mother, the Half Elf will live longer, but their magic is less effective.

Half Elves typically take a human first name and elfish last name.

Elves typically do not like Half Elves, due to their human parent and shorter life span. While it is not normally brought up, it is a deciding factor that limits what positions of power Half Elves can take. Among humans, Half Elves are always seen as mages, even if they have minimal magical ability, and their judgement is based off how well mages are liked. Very rarely will someone who likes mages hate Half Elves. Dwarves don't care, as long as they pay.


Dryads are born when an Elemental blesses a Weisp's budding. The resulting bud slowly gains sentience, taking on the appearance of its surrounding. However, it's face is devoid of features except for large eyes, and many Dryads have some features from the Elemental "parent." The speak in hum-like vibrations that convey emotions and feelings instead of words. The live long lives, with the oldest recorded Dryad living to be over 600 years and still kicking.

Dryads do not have a system of government of their own. They either live in the hidden communities that their Weisp "parent" lives in, or explore the world (despite the resentment that many people harbor towards magical creatures).

Dryads are typically magical beings. Unlike the Weisp or Elemental, Dryads have joined the Mage's Guild before. They are usually assigned as an Adept upon first joining, and rising to higher ranks is possible. However, Dryad's magic is more often than not specific to one element (based off their Elemental "parent"). As such, they tend to lag behind other Elemental mages, who can use any element at will.

Dryads pick their own names. The names may be hard to pronounce.

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