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Vampire Kidnap

Jack walked down the street. He did a huge yawn. His black hair falling over his eyes. His fangs popped out. He smelt blood and he loved it. He looked around seeing if he could see the blood he was looking for. He sighed when he didn't see anybody. It was night time and Jack was on the hunt for food for him and his boss. His boss would always make him get food for him and it made him tired that he had to hunt for both of them. He flipped his hair a little bit and yawned again. He was tired when he wasn't suppose to be. He started walking again a skip in his step and a glow in his eyes. Even though he was tired he was pretty happy. He never got to get out of the house in a long time. He was always a inside person and ate whatever his boss would provide. Usually Animals Yuck animals I hate them! He thought shaking his head. He wanted people blood not any animal blood. It started raining a bit so he put his hood over his head and smiled. Rain was another thing he loved. He sat down on the side walk and looked around. He raised a eyebrow when he didn't see anyone on the streets. Is it really going to hurt someone to go out in the rain? He thought. When he was little he would always go out in the rain it was his favorite thing to do when his parents weren't home. He stood up and almost fell. Thanks sidewalk He thought with a growl. He stood up and looked around once more was there really no one out on the streets on this fine night?
Abigail looked outside. It was pouring. "Are you sure you have to go?" she asked the dog next to her. It started barking loudly and she sighed. She didn't had any other choice than to go into the rain. She put the hoody over her head and walked outside. "We are not going to be here for long," she told the husky. Abigail started walking. It was quiet. No living soul would think about going out in the rain. No one, but her. She felt her hands getting wetter and the leash getting slippery in her hands. Her dog pulled the leash hard, freeing itself from her. "Max!" she screamed at the dog, who started running away. Immediately she started running after him, her jeans getting wet as she ran through the pools of water. "Max, come here boy!" she kept screaming. She took a turn, into a dark alley. Was someone standing there? "Hey!" she yelled at the figure, "have you seen my dog?!"
Jack had walked into a dark alley. A dog ran up to him. Another animal are you serious!? He thought. He picked it up and saw a girl stand a few feet from him. When she asked if he'd seen her dog he looked down at the husky in his hands. He took a few steps to her and held out the dog to her. "Is this your dog?" He asked in a deep dark voice. He took a look at the girl and smirked. Oh look dinner He thought. He shook his head and hid his smirk. He put the dog in her arms. His hood was covering his eyes so all she could see was his nose and his mouth and some of his hair. He looked at the dog then thought of his own dog Kheda. He just shrugged.
Abigail ran towards the figure and saw her dog. "Thank god!" she said, taking Max into her arms. She put him down and grabbed his leash. For some reason, Max had started barking and growling at the figure. Abigail tried calming the dog down, but it wouldn't work. "I am sorry, normally he is really friendly. Anyway, thank you for helping." She smiled bright before turning around and walking away from the guy, pulling Max along with her.
Jack watched the girl go. He walked out of the Alley and followed the girl. His footsteps were louder because of the puddles of water. He smirked as he followed. He wasn't going to let his food go. He picked up his pace a little. Maybe he could give the dog to his boss. He shrugged and started jogging since he was a little behind. His eyes narrowing at her and his mouth wouldn't stop smirking. His hair going back and forth as he ran.
Abigail heard noises behind her. When she turned around she saw the figure following her. She swallowed and a sudden fear grew inside of her. The guy who just helped her find her dog, was now following her for no particular reason. She started walking faster. She needed a few more blocks before she got home. She grabbed the leash tighter, while Max kept barking and growling, trying to pull her back so he could attack the figure.
Jacks eyes went red. "Hey I wont bite" He said smirking. He took his hood off and ran faster. He raised his eyebrow at the dog. He shook his head. Dogs... He said sighing. He appeared in front of her. "Hey" He said smiling. It didn't look like a friendly smile at all. He went a little closer to her. They were face to face now and his eyes glowing a brighter red.
Abigail stopped walking when the figure was in front of her. His hoody was off this time, and his eyes red as blood. She swallowed again, walking backwards. "L-Leave me alone," she whispered. She wanted to sound brave and not scared, but her voice was trembling. Max kept barking and growling. It started getting louder. "H-here boy," she muttered. She tried pulling him next to her. Yet that didn't stop Max. He dashed forward, trying to bite into the leg of the figure.
He grabbed the dog before the bite could happen. He didn't want to hurt the dog so he held the dog up to his face and hypnotized it. He put it back down and it started running through his legs. Jack always liked that power of his. He pet the dog and it barked happily. He smiled. He thought of what he was doing. "Eh..i can go another day without eating..." He said grunting. He made the dog go back to her. He stared at her fear witch made him smile. He threw his hood back over his head.
Abigail watched her dog suddenly getting nice at the stranger. She wasn't sure if she rather had Max biting him or playing with him. She took another step backwards, away from the figure. She frowned at him, not understanding what he was going on about. "E-eating?" she asked him, not understanding. There was something in the back of her mind that told her that he was not human, but she dared not to believe it. It couldn't be possible.
He was looking another way. He looked back at her. "I'm a vampire how else could I get that dog of yours not to bite me" He said crossing his arms. "I apologize.." He said. He was a vampire but he was still nice in some ways. He turned and walked the way she went. His hands in his pockets. I can't be this nice or I wont get any food! He thought.
He confirmed what her mind was telling her. That he was a vampire. Of course he was. It explained the red eyes and why Max was so violent towards him. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. If he was going to kill her, he would have already done it. At least, that's what she kept telling herself. "I am not really... eatable," she said softly, "I am... uhm... sure you can find something better."
He stopped and looked back at her. "Aren't you going to run away and scream I mean your still standing there" He said raising a eyebrow. He sighed and crossed his arms and stared at her. "Oh I would but I wouldn't be eating it!" He snapped and growled. He twitched and looked back forward and started walking again.
Abigail watched the figure walking away from her. Her heartbeat was going a bit more normal. She nodded, even though he didn't see it. She should be running away. She quickly turned around and started walking away from the guy, pulling Max along with her. Every now and then she looked backwards. About a minute later she was in front of her door. In her pockets she tried searching for the housekey.
Jack sat outside in the rain. He looked around. He saw keys on the ground. He grabbed them and looked at them. He put them in his pocket and brushed his hair back. He yawned a bit and looked up at the moon. He knew he was in trouble for not getting food for this night too. He laid down on the sidewalk and frowned.
Abigail cursed. Where the fuck were her keys?! She took them with her. She looked at Max, who just sat next to the door. She then decided she had to go look for them, even though she did not wanted to. The idea of running into that creep again made her shiver. She took a deep breath and slowly started walking towards the way she came from. She walked everywhere she was, but somehow could not find her keys. She looked up when she saw something laying on the ground. It was the vampire. "Wh-what are you doing?" she asked him, frowning, "and... I lost my keys."
He looked up at her. "Enjoying the rain" He said shrugging. He got up off the ground he was all wet but it didn't seem like he cared. When she said she lost her keys he shrugged again but smiled a bit. He took out the keys he had found. He held them up. "Are these your keys?" He asked with a smirk. He put the keys behind him. He backed up a little bit with a big smile on his face. He didn't mean to take her keys but he just found them.
Abigail looked at the guy. He was weird, yet interesting. She didn't quite understand him though. She nodded when he showed her the keys. She recognized her keys and the pink keychain. "That's it!". She wanted to reach for them, but he put them behind hem. She sighed deeply. "Can I please have my keys back?" she asked.
He thought for a moment. "Oh fine.." He said then put the keys in her hand. He grabbed her hand and shook it. "Nice meeting you" He said smirking. They appeared in a cell. He opened the cell and let him out then closed it and locked it. He still had the keys. He shook them in front of the cell.
Abigail wanted to close her fingers around the keys and gratefully take them, but suddenly she wasn't outside anymore. She wasn't standing in the pouring rain with the stranger. Instead she found herself in a small prison. It was cold and dark. Before she could even realize what happened, the guy had closed the door and locked it. "Hey!" she shouted, walking towards the bars, "what is this... what are you doing? Let me out!"
He was about to turn and walk. He turned back around when she started questioning. He looked at her and smirked. "I'm just doing my job and I can't let you out...this is a prison and this is a vampire kidnap" He said smriking. He turned and started walking. A laugh came from him as he turned the corner and went into a office.
Abigail wanted to open her mouth and protest, but he already had walked away. She looked around, scared. Max wasn't with her anymore. A small light made sure she could see a little bit, but it wasn't much. She tried pushing against the bars, but it would't work. The metal was not going to bend. "Help!" she started yelling loudly, kicking against the metal bars, "someone, help me! Please!"
A dog came toward her. It was a collie. It turned its head and looked at her. "Oh well hello Jack never took anyone before I thought he was to nice for that" The collie said. The collie had red eyes it was a vampire too.
Abigail tried a few more times, but nothing worked. She sighed deeply and sat herself down in the middle of the little prisoncell. She pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them. She didn't know what to do anymore. She was gonna die here.

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