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Fantasy Valsena Chronicles: TGR Characters!


Ya Boi

Who's that guy?
Character Rules:
  1. It is perfectly fine for characters to be following the same track of Magic.
  2. If you want your character to have prior history with another character, that's fine. Just let the other RPers (especially me) know beforehand.
  3. There are no specific limits when it comes to your character's backstory. Although, I'd appreciate it if everyone wasn't an edgy bastard whose whole clan was slaughtered by their secret twin brother that they never knew of.
  4. I'll be sending out PMs regarding your character. (ex. if s/he was accepted, detail changes, questions, etc.)
  5. Rules may be added as necessary. Everyone will be informed of any changes.
  6. Just have fun with your character, man. It's fine if you submit a character who's just a regular dude trying to make a name for himself.

Character Roster:
  1. Empty

Valsena Chronicles: The Grand Reboot!

(No children.)
Orientation: (As in sexual orientation, if you didn't know.)
Appearance: (A photo is required, non-realistic preferred. A description is ok, but does not replace a photo.)

Brief Bio:

Weapon Of Choice: (Remember, this is fantasy-land, no guns or any of that stuff.)
Magical Abilities: (Please describe the scope of your powers.)
Extra Information:
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Hello there! I'm new here! Also, I am interested! (Well...obviously, since I am posting...) Anyways! I have a question: What's the magic like here? Is it like D&D and Pathfinders, is it like the Eragon series, or is it something else? I saw in your main RP (via a tag) that it was Legend of Korra based... can you confirm that?
Thanks for reading this!
Hello there! I'm new here! Also, I am interested! (Well...obviously, since I am posting...) Anyways! I have a question: What's the magic like here? Is it like D&D and Pathfinders, is it like the Eragon series, or is it something else? I saw in your main RP (via a tag) that it was Legend of Korra based... can you confirm that?
Thanks for reading this!

Hey, man.

The magic that I had in mind is more like D&D where you can cast spells, rituals, cantrips, etc. There are different schools of magic, too. Alchemy, Sorcery, Auramancy, Elemental Magic, etc. You're character can specialize in a specific school of magic or be more of a Jack-of-all-trades kind of guy.

The Legend of Korra thing is because of Salvation being really similar to the Anti-bending Revolution. Magic is a big part of life in Valsena just like Bending in LoK and they want to get rid of it as a way to elevate the civil status of people who don't/can't use magic.
Name: Axel Wagner

Nickname/Alias: Some people just call him X

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Orientation: Straight


Personality: Axel is a very honest person, he's not afraid to speak his mind whether it'd be good or not. He has an air of arrogance to him though it just runs in his family. He tends to forget that his actions affects others and isn't good at reading others feelings which makes him come off as an asshole sometimes. Axel is a very judgmental person, always making assumptions of you whether they be right or wrong. Despite all of his other less appealing qualities, it's quite easy to have a conversation with him and he enjoys the interaction, though he will not admit it, he enjoys the company of others and tends to get lonely quite often.

Brief Bio: Axel grew up around a lot of mages as his parents and siblings were elementals as well. Because of his upbringing, he quickly became proficient in magic and started to show skills beyond his own family. When he was 17,he used his magic to make a living by helping others in return for a cash reward. He would travel around different villages and jobs doing jobs for people who needed it. While Axel was traveling he noticed the growing resentment towards magic users which worried him quite a lot. The future worried him and he was worried about what would become of him.

Weapon Of Choice: His staff and a small dagger.

Magical Abilities: Elemental powers, the power to manipulate and create ice.

Strengths: Loyalty, Strategy, Deception and Elemental Magic.

Weaknesses: His lack of teamwork, Inability to take orders and his arrogance.

Extra Information: N/A
Name: 406-k

Nickname/Alias: Some people just call him 4

Gender: Male

Age: unknown

Orientation: asexual

Appearance: E69DBA3C-41EB-44B7-8017-3A96331EAA7C.jpegdefensive mode
Normal stance
Phasing through walls
Personality: 4 is generally an objective minded creature that doesent really have much emotions that side along with him , he has a simple task and he has to complete it , simple as that .

Brief Bio: made of unknown origins , '4' (406-k) was made in a dimension Incomprehensible of what lies inside of it , reguardless he was summoned out of the dimension and into this world , his first master , San , was not the nicest one where he casually tries to beat 4 but was hopeless , hitting '4' head on was like punching a pure granite wall. 4 of course didn't like this kind of treatment but was forced to stay with him till his masters end . as the years went on the master got older as 4 stayed the same size and age appeareance , watching his master die from something he cannot protect , many years later his master died with hatred in his heart as 4 is left in the mortal world without a master .

Weapon Of Choice: None/arms

Magical Abilities: high damage resistance, arms that can be morphed to

Strengths: Loyalty to master, ability to walk through solid objects , arms can morph to solid impenetrable blocks used to block against enemy/hostile targets

Weaknesses: His inability to multitask , unable to climb due to abilities (only way to move up is by master picking him up) , completely defense type of creature ( cannot attack at all but can block and push away hostiles )

Extra Information: cannot talk (mute) due to not having either a mouth nor vocal chords . Sentient creature but doesent think hard or think anything deeper than simple objectives or what master orders to do .
(oof okay fair warning I did a good chunk of this while disgustingly tired, so not sure how good this'll be hah. tried to edit it as best I could, I'll clean it up more in the morning if need be)

  • edennnn.jpg

    Name: Eden Akker

    Nickname/Alias: Edi

    Gender: Male

    Age: 26

    Orientation: Bisexual

    Personality: Eden, despite his quietness, is typically an easy going guy who has time for just about anyone he comes across. He enjoys listening to people and hearing their stories, even if he isn't particularly open with his own (he's always seen himself as a better listener than speaker). Empathetic though he may be, Eden often struggles to be transparent with the people around him, hiding away any particularly bad feelings from the world, and from himself. Additionally, though he is generally quite gentle in nature, Eden can be stupidly stubborn once his mind is made up about something-- even if he knows he's wrong. Half the time, he just doesn't want to admit it.

    Strengths: Attentive, musically talented, passionate

    Weaknesses: Struggles to accept when he's made a mistake, reserved, weak fighter


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