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Fantasy Uprising in the City of Amartia | OOC



laugh hard, run fast, be kind
Roleplay Availability
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You can ask any questions about the lore or plot here. Also if you’d like to begin discussing potential character ideas you can talk about it here.
Hey there BoltBeam!

Have you got any character ideas so far? I know there isn’t a CS yet but I’d like to hear about any ideas you may have already.
At the moment, not yet. I'm sure I'll think of one, I'll just need to settle on everything and re-read to be sure. Not really used any of the species listed so far apart from human, is weird.
Okay, well if you need any info on Seira or Amartia that I haven’t provided yet, feel free to ask for it.
I feel it would be best to wait until the CS thread is in business before I dwell on any character related decisions. I will let you know any questions 'then', whatever they may be. I hope that's no problem.
OK... I've got the concept I want, but I worry if it won't actually be allowed (considering what and how it is). Am not sure how to combat this.
Okay, just describe your idea and I'll see if there's any major problems.
See, I had this plan in the background of a parasite and a host kind of shtick (like a disease/virus kind of situation), where of course the parasite in question needs to live off of a host (the character I'll be playing, or at least one half of it - aside from the virus itself).

My problem arises is that it may be a bit too out there or maybe too much given the... demographic... of the details I have written down. I just hope to use it somewhere, and I hope here is the best place.

Can I-?
Well it is possible, while it would be a bit out there, I'm sure that there could be some rare monsters hidden either within the forests or ancient caverns of Seira that fit that description.
OK, so... I can give it a shot? That's all I wanted. If otherwise, say so now. If not, I'll get to that CS.
Yeah, go ahead with the concept, as long as it has a good explanation and is an interesting character (which I'm sure it will be) it's good to go.

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