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Fantasy Upon the Sea - A Tale of Emethia [REBOOT]


Procrastinating Perfectionist

Did you hear of the brand

New and unexplored land

How can we go and see?

We'll travel upon the sea

Who knows what we'll find?

Treasure of body and mind

Come, my dear, with me

And travel upon the sea

Adventures there will be

What beauty we will see

Our futures hold the key

Let us travel upon the sea


Word has come from the Capitol that a new continent has been discovered! What secrets must this fresh, new land hold?

Either way, going there will get you anything you want. Fame? Riches? Women? You name it. But you won't get any of that if you don't get on a ship and sail there!

You'd better hurry, though, before somebody else gets there first...


Currently On The Quest

Ethi Ropish, F, 26, Elf, Ship Captain ----- (ThatOneCrazyPerson)

Octavia Valentine, F, 19, Human, Witch/Alchemist ----- (NetherLightGod)

Azure Zelo, M, 20, Human, Surveyor/Survivalist ----- (Advent Azure)

Carter Stigram, M, 29, Human, Doctor ----- (Rook)
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Ethi Ropish surveyed the deck, just as she had done many times before. But this time, it was hers. Sure, she had lived on this ship for most of her life, and even after her beloved mentor had passed on, she had still sailed aboard the vessel. But the crew hadn't really been hers. The ship hadn't been hers.

However, today was a new day. Today marked her ownership of the seafaring ship, 'Rmfitsmvr'... which was 'Endurance', in Elvish. After all, she was an elf, and though the old name of the ship, 'Tranquility', was fond to her, it was only a reminder of what the ship had been. Or, really... what it hadn't been-- hers. The ship was named 'Endurance' because it was a very hardy, well-built ship; not to mention, she and her crew would endure even the hardest of hardships to get their desires.

Or at least, that was the idea.

Ethi sighed a little as she scanned the empty deck. Her crew should be arriving any time now. Well, with the exception of Azure, of course. He had been caught as a stowaway, shortly before Ethi's recieving of the ship, and the new captain herself had let him stay. He was a survivalist, and he knew a lot about traps and the like. The only thing was that he was a bit of a thief, prompting the new captain to keep a close eye on him. Other than that, he seemed like a good crew member.

It was the others she was wondering about. Four more humans, two male and two female, were the ones who made up her new crew. One of each gender were currently unemployed deckhands, though Ethi knew they'd be busy soon enough. The other man was trained in medical arts, and the other girl in arts of the arcane variety. They should have been arriving any time now...

Ethi watched as her cat, Swamo, hopped up onto the ship's edge, where she stood and rested her elbows. The small beast meowed in greeting, then rubbed itself against her chest fondly. Ethi stroked the cat's fur affectionately, though kept her eyes on the lookout below, on land. This port certainly was busy.

With good reason, she supposed. After all, not a month ago a new land had been discovered! Not much was known about it, save for the fact that it existed. Ethi figured it was a good excuse to go sailing, and maybe earn some fame and fortune along the way. She doubted her crew would much object. Only thing was, the seas were perilous in that region, and the way there was not going to be easy. Ethi hoped these landlubbers knew what they were getting into.

((@Bills352 @Rook @Advent Azure))
Carter Stigram stood on the docks, admiring the way the sun managed to reflect perfectly on the tumultuous ocean waters. The combination of blue and yellow was one of the few truly beautiful things he could see, when his eyes are constantly trained on oozing wounds and pale faces. Oh, the perks of living in a port city, getting to see this view all day.

Oh, what was he doing getting distracted? He had a ship to find. Carter couldn't exactly pass up an opportunity to find work on this new continent. As sailors began leaving the port, so did his patients. The only way to stay in business was to follow them. His eyes slowly drifted from vessel to vessel, searching for the name he had received: Rmfitsmvr. It would be hard to miss a name like that. Carter knew very little elvish, and only enough to say hello and good day to his elvish patients.

"Ah..." he said quietly, spotting the vessel a small distance from the spot where he was standing. She was a reliable looking ship, well made for the journey ahead. Without hesitation, Carter made his way to the craft. His boots made a slight thudding sound as he walked up the plank connecting the Rmfitsmvr to the dock. Now, the captain... ah. "Captain Ethi Ropish, I presume?" he called out to the woman standing on the highest part of the deck, above the captains quarters. "I am Carter Stigma, the doctor."
"Captain Ethi Ropish, I presume?" called a voice, by the sound, of a man, maybe a few years older than herself. The newly appointed captain turned to see just that-- a human man, perhaps three or so years older than her. "I am Carter Stigma, the doctor," the man said, and Ethi gave him a cross between a smile and a smirk.

"One and only," she said, and the cat on the railing meowed softly, flicking its tail. "Pleasure to meet'cha." She rested on the railing herself, then glanced at Swamo, who had hopped down and was now circling Carter's ankles, studying him. "I would say you'll be pretty busy on this ship, but hopefully, that won't be the case." The elf hopped down to be at the same level as the good doctor, mentally frowning upon discovering she was a few inches shorter than him.

"Azure should be around here somewhere," she added, putting her hands on her hips and glancing around. "As for the others, they should be here soon. You're welcome to have a look around." Swamo meowed again.

(( @Bills352 @Advent Azure @NetherLightGod ))
"Can you make me a love potion? What kind of request is that? Don't get me wrong I can most certainly make it but what is love if it isn't true. I swear on my ancestors some of the people who visit my shop are simply too foolish for my tastes. If I wasn't such a nice witch I'd have smit her right then and there."

Octavia was complaining as she was on her way to her new ship. She didn't remember how it happened but she ended up being recruited as part of her crew. She was a bit happy because this new place was some place that one of her ancestor's mentioned in one of her works and she was determined to find any magic secrets at this location.

She slammed the magic tome she had in her hands shut and she found herself at the docks. Perfect, this is where she needed to be. She closed her eyes for a moment. What was the name of the ship again...? It was Elvish or something like that.

She snapped her fingers. "Rmfitsmvr" She spoke aloud when she recalled the name of the ship. She closed her eyes for a moment but then she found herself walking onto a ship and there she saw a lady there. She adjusted her hat and approached the woman with a glow in her green eyes. "Ethi Ropish"

Octavia bowed politely, holding her hat to prevent it from falling. She offered the woman a rather sinister grin. "I am Octavia Valentine. One of your new crew members. Pleasure to see you."
"Hmm... maybe its better this way?"

Azure was just resting the upper half of his body on the side of the boat, staring out at the sea where he figured he'll be at soon because of how things turned out, and in his favor... probably. A lot of things could have gone wrong when people often describe you more as cute than handsome when you are trying to be on what he assumed was a pirate ship secretly, and are discovered... It's probably more of a height issue than anything that sells attribute to him, but regardless, things still he's alive and out of this terrible place if things go right just a little bit more at the very least.

"I guess I couldn't hide forever... I don't even know how long I'd be out at sea with the rest of them anyway. Or maybe I'm just to used to doing things the unrealistic hard way..."

He decided to go back to the generous Ethi Ropish, since he heard a soft mention of his name. That one shiver you get up your spine when someone mentions you in a way that you are certain that you are wanted made him sure he was being called in some way back to her, and wondered back quietly, when the others exactly would be getting here again, when he spotted... someone dressed in a way that seemed to suggest exactly what kind of person they were... then again, people dress however they will... but he wasn't sure to make of the girl's big hat. Since Ethi did say something about other crew members coming aboard, he figured now would be a good time to see who that is, rather than alone when who knows what may happen... or maybe that would be more 'fun' that way, either way, he wanted to pick the probably safer option. Going up toward them, he over heard her stating her name, and that she would be a crew member. He didn't manage to catch whatever facial expression she may have been making from the angle of his approach.

There appeared to be another guy there as well, who looked like he had some experience in... something... there was just something rugged about his appearance that said that he's done stuff, and here he is today, but wasn't really sure about anything otherwise... since he was talking with Ethi, he probably was going to join the crew as well... its to bad he didn't get a chance to hear his name...

"... You're... Octavia Valentine if I heard right? I am Azure Zelo... and uh... nice to meet you..."

He was a little nervous, between the almost daunting man, and the unfamiliar girl there as well, as he went up just introducing himself like that toward the girl, and not knowing who the other person was, but he sort of wanted to just get it over with if he could right here and now.
"Ethi Ropish," said a young voice suddenly, and the captain turned to see the human witch girl, grinning at her eerily. "I am Octavia Valentine. One of your new crew members. Pleasure to see you."

"Yeah, yeah, hi," Ethi waved, trying not to focus on the other's sinister smirk. "You're the witch, right?" Before Ethi was sure if the girl had heard her or not, Azure appeared from nowhere.

"Octavia Valentine, if I heard right?" he asked, "I am Azure Zelo... and uh... nice to meet you..." Ethi would have chewed the boy out about sneaking around like that, but then again, it didn't really matter, and besides, they needed to make a good impression on Octavia. So she managed to keep her mouth shut.

(( @Bills352 @Rook ))
Carter eyed the two other crew members that had just appeared. Both just kids, a boy and a girl. She called herself Octavia Valentine, but the doctor felt a bit nervous when he captain referred to her as a witch. He had never trusted magic before, after seeing the possibilities it could bring forth. The second was a boy named Azure, who looked rather fidgety. He was a human, but didn't seem to be much of a fighter. Well, appearances had surprised Carter before, so he shouldn't assume things about the kid that he couldn't confirm.

Carter turned back to the captain, smiling. "Is there somewhere i could put my equipment? The last thing we need is to be missing a medicinal herb in the middle of an emergency." Or a tool in a surgery, for that matter... " Perhaps somewhere clean?" He lifted the arm carrying his medical kit a bit, seeing as it was the only thing he had with him.
Octavia's attention was grabbed by a young man who introduced himself as 'Azure Zelo'.While she didn't ask him, let alone notice him, she offered him a polite bow. "Pleasure to meet you Sir Zelo. I take it you are a crew member as well? If so, I look forward to sailing the seas and exploring the world with you and the others who will be joining us since I'm fairly certain we won't be out exploring the seas and the new lands with such a small group of people." Octavia paused for a moment and smiled slightly before her smile began to look fairly sinister. She rid herself of the smile in exchange for some words. "So, tell me something Sir Zelo, what is it you do? What skills do you posses? Are you skilled in combat? Exploration? Map making? Hunting? What?"
"Ya, I'm a crew member... So uh... ya there'll probably be more coming as well"

He was sort of hoping that would be the end of it when she began pressing on about what his usefulness he provides, doubting him that he's actually good at anything? Maybe that's just him though who knows.

"Well, I guess, my strong suits are those sorts of things you mentioned, doing things without getting killed in the process. I don't think its anything really special. I guess what I mean is that I can be self-sufficient and survive."

He wasn't sure if he was seeing things right, but for some reason her smiles were getting weird... creepy or something maybe. It might be worth while to know what she does, and if that creepy smile has anything to those.

"What do you do then Octavia? I'm... can't really tell what you'd be doing around here..."
As the two younger crewmembers began conversing about their occupations and such, the doctor turned to Ethi, a warm smile on his face. "Is there somewhere I could put my equipment?" he asked, holding up his medical bag. "The last thing we need is to be missing a medicinal herb in the middle of an emergency. Perhaps somewhere clean?" he added, and Ethi nodded understandingly.

"Right," she agreed, "of course. I would show you to your quarters, but..." She cast a sidelong glance at Azure, the only other person who knew their way around the ship, who was too caught up in talking to the pretty witch girl. Ethi rolled her eyes mentally.


"...We're still waiting on two more crew members, and I can't really leave the ship unattended until we've set sail." She gave Carter a slightly sheepish smirk. "Hope that won't be too long for ya?" she said, almost challengingly.

((@Bills352 @Rook @Advent Azure @NetherLightGod I'm going to be in Texas on vacation for the next week or so, but I should be able to be on in the evenings ^^ Just wanted to let you guys know if I'm not very active))
@Bills352 @ThatOneCrazyPerson


Azure felt that one glare coming from the captain that sent a few shivers down in spine... he knows that it was the captains grace that let him stay on board, and probably should see that she keeps her happy, and tends to her needs first

"I'll uh... by right back..."

He approached Ethi, hoping that she didn't frustrate her to much

"Was there... something that you wanted me to do Captain?"
Before the good doctor could respond, Ethi heard Azure's voice. "Was there... something that you wanted me to do, Captain?" he asked, seemingly hesitant. Ethi turned to face him, raising an eyebrow.

"What? Oh." She glanced around. "Well, if you're still up for talking to your girlfriend over there," --she jabbed her thumb in Octavia's direction-- "you can always show her around. Just keep an eye on her, don't let her hex you or whatever it is witches do." She paused. "And take good old Doctor Carter here with you. Show him the infirmary, where to put his things."

She cast a sidelong glance out at the port again, sighing. "I've still gotta wait on those two deckhands... if they don't show up soon, I'm leaving without 'em." Ethi crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently. Swamo, the black cat, plopped down beside her on the deck.

(( @Bills352 @Rook @NetherLightGod @Advent Azure ))
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Girlfriend? If Octavia herself could handle a ship, she'd have killed her would-be Captain right where she stood. She let loose a low and annoyed sigh, she would dismiss the comment this time but she made a mental note not to be so lenient the second time around. She looked over to the doctor that Ethi pointed too and she raised a brow curiously. There was something off about this one. Octavia stared into space for a moment and then back at Ethi when she made mention of her hexing. Her hand flared up with magic but she stopped herself from removing Ethi's life force. Maybe some day but not today. She didn't like the comment very much. Witches weren't all bad and they already had to suffer the Great Death. She sighed lowly and adjusted her hat. "Oh, a tour would be nice." She said sarcastically.
Carter eyed the strange mood swings of the witch beside him, eyeing the fact that she seemed to have been holding herself back from using magic. He didn't exactly feel confident being in the same room with her, let alone on the same ship. But maybe he had the wrong idea- perhaps she was just in a bad mood? Carter sighed, running a hand over his forehead nervously. What had he gotten himself into... The captain seemed nice, at least. He wasn't sure about the younger boy, Azure, who seemed to be evading Carter's gaze.

The witch's sarcastic comment put him on edge. "I am fine with whatever works for the rest of you," Carter said, hoping to defuse the situation. He didn't want a fight to start out; healing injuries before the ship even set sail would be embarrassing, even for a lesser known doctor such as himself.
Azure staggered backwards from Ethi, surprised that she'd just so brazenly say that. He took a few double take looks between Ethi and Octavia with a confused shocked look.

"... what!? Girlfriend?! She's not my girlfriend! We just met and I barely know her!"

He was just trying to conversate after all, since Ethi would probably want him to briefly get to know everyone before he could get away with just hanging around, resting where he could. He thought that he probably didn't need to put that much emphasis on his declaration, but it was the heat of the moment. He calmed down quickly though, and thought that showing the other guy around would be great as well.

"Well, you two can just follow me then, I guess..."

He didn't sound overly enthusiastic, just another thing that he was going to have to do before people could be left to their own devices. Bringing along the guy should prove useful as a third wheel. With him around, there's no way Octavia would do something while they are alone, like scaring him straight that she's not interested, or worse, that she is..... hmm hard to actually tell what's worse so far...! ... er. The last thing he wants to talk about is this stupid girlfriend issue alone in the halls with a girl with looks ni... looks okay. Ethi called her a witch anyway, so its not like getting involved with magic would be entirely safe anyway...

He lead the two indoors, cursing Ethi under her breath for using that word, 'Girlfriend'. Azure didn't even so much as think of having relations with her or anything other than being a next door roommate at most. Now it's the only thing he can think about, because of her stimulating his imagination. GAH!!! Best to just try to block out the thoughts.

He showed them around a bit, trying to keep explanations obvious and vague, since there wasn't really anything complicated about this ship that he knew about anyway... its not like knowing your way around a ship and its halls could impress a girl anyway. GAH, ETHI!!!

"... er... sorry about what Ethi said earlier... about the girl friend thing. She can be kinda blunt or sarcastic about things, and probably just wanted me to get a move on. I wasn't even thinking about what she was talking about earlier, was just asking questions..."

Azure was half hoping that he could sorta stand behind the other follow as he said those words, but he doesn't even know him. Still, just with him being there gave him the confidence to know that when she does, and probably will, splatter him all over the wall, there'll be a witness... and is not fooling himself that if she could off him that easily, that carter could get away safely as well. He thought that he probably should have more faith in Ethi, its not like she'd bring someone aboard who is unstable beyond control anyway, right...? Nah, maybe he's just trying to man up for once... who knows...? Definitely not him...
After waiting around for a few more minutes, (Ethi was very patient; what are you talking about??) the captain sighed irritably, standing up from where she had been leaning on the railing once again. It was a habit, she realized. She'd have to remember to lay off.

"That's it," she frowned, moving to get the ship out of the port. "I told 'em when to be here; if they aren't punctual, they aren't my crew." Swamo followed her, black paws padding along the wooden deck silently. Ethi peered down at the beast, then up at the deck. She wanted to just yell to tell the crew they were leaving and they better not have left something on land, cause if so too bad, but she decided against it.

It was better to draw as little attention as possible in this port. Everyone here was talking about the new continent, and everyone was in an unofficial competition to get there first and earn the fame. Ships had been leaving frequently, though in secret (Ethi knew people, okay?), all hoping to get there when no one was looking. And as little as she liked following the crowd, Ethi was no fool.

(( Sorry for the lateness of this ^^; I thought I posted it @NetherLightGod @Rook @Advent Azure ))
"Alright, let's get going then. The sooner the better then." Octavia suggested. She gazed at the sky and smiled slightly. She was quite excited to get going, the secrets she would discover left behind by her ancestors. It made her blood rush and she was about a second away from lifting the anchor herself and steer the ship and she'd fight Ethi to do it too. She cleared her throat and eased her mind. "Don't get too violent." Octavia mentally reminded herself. "Remember what happened last time you...cut loose..." She shuddered slightly from her own thoughts.
(( @NetherLightGod @Rook ))

(( Was waiting for Rook, but oh well ))


Octavia seemed to be in her own little world or something, he wasn't sure if she was paying attention or not... or if Carter was either for that matter. He didn't want to get told off by Ethi that he wasn't doing what she asked, or be scolded that he was a good for nothing boat jumper or anything of that sort, he's more than willing to do the work. It's better than what this place here has to offer anyway. It probably would be a good idea to try to get her attention... but, is she's a witch, who knows what on earth she could be doing... or could do... He thought of something that could work.

As he continued down the halls showing off the ship, he finally made it to where the rooms would be.

"You can just pick a room that no one's using, and just claim it for yourself I guess... does that all work for you... you and Octavia??"
Octavia nodded slightly towards Azure. "Yes, yes it's quite alright. I'll have to set up my workshop here but it'll take sometime so I ask that no one disturb me while I do so, I really hate to be bothered when I'm busy, it just doesn't work out for the one bothering me" She mentioned, she removed her hat and looked into it, when she did, a small purple light began to emanate from it and then she turned to Azure. "Alright, I'm going to get started so I recommend that you leave me be, warn our captain of this, so that she doesn't make a fatal mistake..." Octavia, looked quite serious towards the end of her sentence but then her face softened for a moment before she entered one of the room, closing the door behind her immediately.
((Forgot to warn you guys that i would go inactive for a few days, sorry))

Carter nodded at Azure, allowing Octavia to speak before talking himself. "I'll go ahead and set up my equipment in the other room. Thanks for showing us around, kid," the doctor stated before retreating into an empty room. It was very dimly lit- the only light came from the cracks in the ceiling, shining through the deck. Sighing, Carter pulled a small candle out of his bag and lit the wick, enveloping the room in a warm, flickering light. Making sure not to drop anything, the doctor began unpacking his medical bag: placing jars on shelves, his surgical tools in a drawer, his herbs in a locked container.

As soon as he had finished his work, Carter made his way back up to the deck. The captain had just set off from the mainland, which filled him with excitement, even if his face didn't show it. To be out at sea again- it felt like he was home.
Ethi was perched on the ship's railing when she caught sight of Carter making his way from underneath deck. "Doctor!" she shouted to him, cupping her hands around her mouth and grinning. "How did you like the tour?" She crossed her legs, letting her elbows rest on her knees and her chin on her fists. "Did you find your lodgings... up to standard?"

A small smirk crept onto her lips as her dear pet cat, Swamo, streched beside her. After a quick stroke from nose to tail from Ethi, Swamo leaped down from the railing and padded over to the good doctor, meowing in curiousity.

"Hope you aren't allergic to cats," Ethi added as an afterthought, still smirking, though she seriously oped no one aboard was. Azure didn't seem to be too affected, so he didn't count. Octavia was a witch... they had a thing for black cats, right? So she should be fine as well. She assumed that Carter, as a doctor, wouldn't be allergic to much, if anything at all, but there was always a chance.

((@Advent Azure @NetherLightGod @Rook ))

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