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Fantasy Up With The Kaiser!

John Raptorfist

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man
August 3rd, 1914, 

The SMS Victory is ready to leave port in Hannover to begin its trek to Belgium. The recruits are fresh...But they will learn in time, unless they wish to die. In that case, I welcome them. We have no room for the meek in this business. This is war. Within the hour we will be off to support our brothers and sisters on the front lines. The entente has seen nothing of likes of the Victory and I expect a remarkable result. Possibly even a full enemy rout, though something that severe is on the more unlikely side of things. Ah! How I ramble! I must attend to the task at hand, my Kaiser. May God be with you, Wilhelm. - Commander Korbl of the Luftstreitkrafte 

Up With The Kaiser!  Is a Rp that takes place in a alternate history of the world with a steampunk setting. WW1 is just beginning and both sides are using technology that is foreign to our world such as massive weaponized airships and pressure-based firearms. The Rp will take place on the Imperial German Airship the SMS Victory, as it's new recruits see the real face of war for the first time. If you are a history stickler such as myself, keep in mind that their will be some differences (excluding tech) from the war that happened in our world (such as the Netherlands being in the Entente and Sweden in the Central powers, as well as women being able to serve in the military). 

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The SMS Victory
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Hannover was a bustling city, but the hustle of that bronzed city betrayed the tension that was lying just beneath the surface. Potentially the greatest conflict mankind had ever seen had begun recently, and once again, Germany was at war. As Erik walked through the lofty, raised, platforms he reminisced not quite so warmly on the months of brutal training he had gone through in Saxony. At least that was over now, and the man could get to what he had dreamed of. The newest airship, and the pride of the Luftstreitkrafte, the SMS Victory. Though he wasn't at his destination yet, Erik could see her impressive bronzed prow from his position. Posters with pictures of the Kaiser were slapped seemingly over every surface besides from the ground itself. A man screaming in Polish nearly ran Erik over with his Steambike without saying so much as an 'excuse me'. Erik simply shrugged it off, this was Hannover, not the small town he grew up in in Saxony. He'd have to become accustomed to such things. The city itself seemed to be alive, as the rattle and groan of both oil and steam powered devices filled the late summer air. Curriers, satchels in tow, dashed in all directions. Today seemed like a busy day of the press. They were probably covering the liftoff of the Victory. Erik was soon face-to-face with the beast itself. It was even bigger up close. It was as if somebody took a town and lifted it into the air, people scaling the rigging on its imensse sides looked like mere insects. Hazel eyes wide in awe, the man stepped in to line with the other recruits waiting to get on, all soon to fill various rolls from mechanics, to gunners, to cooks. Erik simply did not know what he was going to get, they would tell him at the entrance, where a man with a neatly trimmed mustache looked over the papers of some nameless soilder. Taking a gulp, he leaned over to the person in front of him. " You a Special?" He asked, trying to make the time in the line go quicker by asking this person if they where assigned to a specialized job, or were going to be a generic grunt like him.
Erwin stood in line, zoning out as the wait went on and on. He hated standing in lines, because there was not really much to do. So he ended up daydreaming. His thoughts wandered from imagining what life on the Victory would be like, to what war would be like and even what Belgium would be like. He knew obviously it couldn't be that much different from the empire, but it still must be at least a bit different. After a bit of daydreaming, he yawned and turned his attention to the metal beast that he would soon be boarding. The ship was awe inspiring to say the least. Erwin figured that the ship could level an entire city if it the captain desired, or more importantly, tear through an entire fleet. It made him proud to know that he'd serve on such a ship, and get the chance hep his nation utterly annihilate those who would dare to oppose it. He was snapped out of his daydreams by the person behind him asking him a question. It took the man a second to process what had been said to him. "uh...nope, i don't have a role yet. I'm gonna find out what i'll be soon. what about you?" He asked, turning to face the man behind him, and greeting his fellow German with a smile.
"Aye. Same here." Erik's hazel eyes drifted to the Goliath before him, and away from the man he had just questioned. He marveled at its sheer size. Erik shook his head slightly and turned back to the topic at hand. Easily being distracted wasn't a good quality to have when serving in the imperial airforce. You needed to be on your wits at all times. One mistake could prove fatal. With a wry smile, the young man extended his hand to greet the man he had just spoken to. "Erik. Erik Fritz." It was entirely possible that the man before him would be put in a higher rank. He looked well groomed and quite calm, while Erik, on the other hand, had rushed to the station, leaving himself unkept and fidgety. "And you are?"

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