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Unusual [MxF, female partner needed] [Closed]


Master Of Disharmony
Hello, and welcome to my search thread!

First off, let me lay out some criteria, which I do hope you will follow when deciding to contact me regarding the RP:

- I need a female partner. It will be an MxF plot and I'd feel much more comfortable knowing a female is playing the female role. Just a preference.

- I need detail. 3 paragraphs and up of coherent writing is what I enjoy! I will provide a writing sample in the next spoiler tag so that you will know what to expect and what I expect.

- Be creative. I give you a blank, completely blank slate for your character, so aside from her being a female, you can make her whatever you want.

- You may, at any time, leave the RP without further notice if you don't feel like it anymore and if you hate speaking out. I know how it feels. Don't worry.

- Be OOC friends with me. Please.

- I will post once a day, at least, and when I can't, I'll announce, so don't worry.

- Don't control my character. I won't control yours.

If you read this, send me a PM or comment with a writing sample. That way, I'll know that you read the rules and also, I'll know if you are or are not the RP-er I'm looking for!
And here is a writing sample straight out of one of my RPs, so you know what my RP style looks like:


He noticed her attitude and territorial dominance from the first time she shouted. But he wasn't expecting her to be that much. Yes, he has seen temperamental women before, but all of them were just big mouths and empty words who would get immediately thrown to the side if they started shit. But she... she was widely different, and she managed to force him to respect her authority to a degree, even though this annoyed the fuck out of him. He kept himself together, even after she took his cigarette away and smothered it. He only gave a squint of the eyes at the gesture and at the last words, before a grin inevitably made its way on his lips.

"You got balls, I'll give you that. Listen, sugar, I ain't trying to start shit around here, I know how the rule goes. This is your territory, the redneck fucker made it very clear and you repeated it. But I still wanna see Jared. I don't think he'd refuse a new man on board. So I ain't moving out until I see Jared Hawk. Your dogs started the shit, so don't bash me in the fucking head for it. And next time, get some more competent guards. I'm sure those are not the brightest beans in the pot you got here." He said, shrugging.

A moment of silence befell the scenery, before the two could hear something in the distance. By this time, Todd, who had been almost knocked out cold, finally managed to stand up and seeing as the authority of Wis was there, he simply moved back inside the bar, letting her handle herself. He knew what she was capable of. They all knew. The sounds in the distance were at least ten motorbikes that were approaching, and now the stranger couldn't stop wondering if these were also Blood Angels, or Razorblades. But before he could even ask, a trail of motorcycles and choppers began parking in the places around his bike, some strategically surrounding it while the rest being placed around the man and Wisteria, like a ring.

An old chevrolet semi-truck also stopped, the only car that ran along with the gang for special occasions such as when they either needed to carry something. The something that they carried today, however, was a sillhouette on the right seat, tied up and gagged. Another biker, with his nose caked in blood and looking as helpless as he could. Out of all the mass of bikes that have flooded the spot, one specific Harley stood out, along with its rider. The only bike that had red flames painted upon the black of its body. The rider, who wore black shades, dismounted ever so slowly and ominously whilst gazing from behind his shades at the scene between Wisteria and the stranger biker.

The older biker looked well in his fourties, perhaps, fifties at most. A fit body, tall as they come, and a short, black beard that began gaining shades of gray here and there. Chains and skulls and all sorts of other badazzling adorned him, and a black bandana was tied to his seemingly bald head. The man took a few steps in the direction of the stranger, taking a moment to take off his shades and neatly tuck them into the chest pocket of his vest with a very careful gesture. His icy blue eyes gazed as Wisteria, then at the stranger, then back at Wisteria and finally, at the stranger, leaving the awkward, almost creepy silence to sink in. A smooth voice, and a calm tone, the kind of calm that makes one's blood freeze in their veins, came out as the man spoke out his first sentence.

"Well... well... well. What have we got here? A new face. A new face that is, well, apparently having a discussion with my daughter." He said, and for the first time, the strange could feel the thorn of insecurity push its way into his heart. This man's aura was as unsettling as it could be. "What were you trying to do, son? Charm the pants off her? Get her to ride with you into the sunset? Because you surely wanted something from her. And I want to know... what?"

The stranger stood and listened carefully to the man. He could guess, by a thousand miles, that this was the man he was looking for. However, he preferred to take the way of playing the ignorant. "I'm looking to speak with Jared Hawk. The Blood Angels' leader?" He asked, pulling his best impression of complete ignorance. "Look at you, you son of a bitch." Jared said with a high tone betraying a lot of sarcasm. "You're looking for the man when you're standing right before the man. Listen." He continued, taking a step to the closest biker to him, and extending his arm. The biker reached for the baseball bat that was sheathed on his motorcycle, pulled it out, then handed it to Jared, who skillfully twirled it in his hand as he returned his attention to the stranger.

"I am Jared Hawk. And this pretty girl here is Wisteria, my daughter. If you touch one single hair off her head, I'll parade you through the whole fucking town with your balls hanging as a collar by your neck, then feed you to my mutts. Alive. But just pray for your own sake that this is not the case. What's your name, son? And what do you want? You don't wear any gang's jacket, so I assume you are a loner. I'm a very generous man, sonny boy. Painfully generous, even. So I will give you a chance. You've got exactly one minute to speak out, and tell me what you want with me, before I put this bat to good use and beat the shit out of you. We got ourselves a deal?" He inquired, twirling the bat a few more times as he paced back and forth in front of the stranger, who tried his best to hide the nervousness caused by finding himself in this situation. "I'm John. John Glasgow. I wanted to join the Blood Angels." He said, coming back to his cold blood.

"You want to... join my gang?" Jared asked, fully mocking the way John said it. "Look at him boys." He said, almost laughing, turning to the other bikers who were already snickering. "The boy wants to join us!" Turning around again, he pointed his bat directly to John's face, causing the latter to pull his head back to gaze at it. "This is my house, Johnny boy. And you know what I price the most in my house? Respect..." He said, revealing the main tattoo on his inner left forearm, that read exactly the word. "... and Honesty." He continued, revealing his right forearm, with a tattoo that read the latter word. "Cross any of them, son, and you'll leave this place in pieces. I'll personally lick the fucking stamp that I'll stick to the package in which I'll send pieces of you to your poor, mourning mother. I did that before, and I'll do it again." He said, threateningly, causing John to unadmittedly feel somewhat sick to the stomach. "But... you're lucky. 'cause I'm a good fucking mood today!" Jared said, handing away the bat and putting on a strange smile.

"I finally got my hands on that motherfucker." He pointed to the truck in which the tied up biker was. "And if you wanna join the gang, all you'll have to do is beat the everloving shit out of him. Come. I'll explain it to you on the way. Bring that son of a whore in." Jared said before turning around and moving towards the innards of the bar, followed by his people, and also, by John, who made his way silently at his side.
And now, down to the actual plot:

Character A (you) is living a normal life, and everything seems to be fine and peaceful, until one night she hears a sound coming from one of the rooms in her house. Scared, she goes however to check it out, only to find character B (me) standing in the middle of the room, confused like hell. First, she believes that he was a robber, however, him being in only shorts and a shirt, with ruffled hair, cuts that possibility out. But as she tries to approach him, the man confusedly throws her a gaze before suddenly dissapearing, leaving her all alone in the room.

Days pass by and the peace installs itself back in character A's life until, surprise, she notices a man as she passes by him. Character B. Curious as about just what the hell happened that night and what was he doing there, she decides to follow him and eventually question him about it. But all he gets back is a shrug and a rather scared look on his face. The moment drags on until a second, when a full-speed truck loses control and drifts from the street and plows on the sidewalk, coming a mere inch to striking character A and B, moment in which character B grabs character A and dissapears with her, only to reappear on the other side of the sidewalk.

From here on, we'll see how it plays out.
So, this is it! Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you!
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