Untitled (for now)

Disclaimer: I suck at descriptions and naming rps ^^;;

In the magical city of Fayfall, two prestigious schools are always battling. Hawksburn's School of Magic, A girls boarding school, and Howleon's School of Magic, a boarding school for boys. These two host a tournament at the end of every school year and Howleon always wins.

The Head Mistress of Hawksburn is started to get very agitated with this and thinks the other school is cheating. So she calls upon her best student to go and spy on the Boy's school, but the catch is, using a special cloaking magic, turns her student into a guy. She will change back into a girl at night, but during the day she is a boy.

These schools are very different in magic and the way they use it. Hawksburn uses a mix of Healing, water, air and protective magic and gracefully use their magic. While on the other hang Howleon uses earth, fire and fighting magic and are aggressive in their styles.

My character:

Name: Sylvia Monroe (Sylver when she turns into a guy)

Age: 17

Appearance: She has medium length light green hair that's short in the back and comes out longer in the front. She has light purple eyes and wears glasses. She is pale and athletic and kinda tall.

Guy form: She/he would have shorter light green hair and a deeper set of purple eyes. She gets a more lanky frame as a guy and keeps her glasses and isn't that athletic looking which makes it hard for her to keep up with the other guys at the school.

Bio: Being the smartest and more talented girl at Hawksburn, she's had it easy. She always had a natural thing with magic and it shows in her performances. She was the natural choice for this mission, even though she hates the idea of being a guy. Though as a guy she acts like a complete wuss, since it's part of her 'character' and doesn't want to be the one everyone stares at.

Magic skills: Very talented in all aspects of magic taught at Hawksburn, but fails at the magic in Howleon's school.

((Again, I need a guy. I intend this to be a kind of romantic comedy ^^;; )
Name: Vincent Taros

Age: 17

Appearance: A member of the Howleon Magic Dodgeball team, his body is well-toned from intense training. He likes to train at the beach so he is usually seen wearing swimming trunks and sliders. He is of above average height, but nothing significantly overwhelming. He has short, messy brown hair and uniquely sea green eyes.

Bio: Every year, Vince tries out for the tournament team, but gets rejected. This might be because his magic is horrible. The best he can do with fire is light a birthday candle. When he tries to make a more powerful flame, he merely causes the spell to explode and leave his hair and eyebrows sizzled. Earth magic also eludes him, as when he tries to move earth, he merely causes a sprout to pop out from the ground. He is constantly laughed at by his friends when he tries to do magic, but because of his physical prowess, he is respected in that regard. Vince always feels best when he is swimming, something about the water just makes him feel powerful.

(I'm thinking of him having super strong potential in water magic, but since he's a Howleon student, they don't really unlock his potential? Would sorta help have a "Romeo and Juliet" sorta thing in case Sylvia is ever found out:big grin: )

Magic skills: Not very skillful. Can do elementary magic, but when attempting advanced magic, interesting results happen.
Exactly! Kinda like romeo and juliet if she is fou d out which is most liky the case xD . He coukd have a knack for water magic bit n its not trained at Howleon. And thanks for joining!

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