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He laughed, perking back up. He lightly smacked her again, winking at her. "Gotcha."

"Hobbies?" Think of something cool, Fin. You're pretty much a loser and if you tell her what you actually do at home, you'll be screwed forever.

"I uh..." He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. shrugging his shoulders.

"If you want an honest answer, I like to draw and play basketball. Not very good at both." He smiled, putting his hands by his sides.
Mallory nodded, "I'm sure you're perfectly good at both. I wish I could draw. Can't even draw a line with a ruler."

She laughed,"What kinda of things do you like to draw? Like people? Or things? Scenery?"

She loved watching people draw. Whenever she had an art class in school she spent half the time watching other people work rather than work on her own stuff.
He laughed lightly, shrugging again at his questions. "I draw animated people, if that works. Anime and stuff. I can do a little bit of scenery, and I'm okay with animals as well. I'm not very good at drawing, but there's always room to improve, I guess." He chuckled, standing up. He grabbed his sand infested towel and shook it, before laying it down next to hers. He sat down once more, laying back.

"What do you like to do?" He looked over up at the sky, placing his hands on his stomach.
She shrugged, what did she like to do?

"Um, movies, I'm a big movie person." She laughed, "Books too, reading is one of my favorite things."

She stopped again for a second, trying to think, "Oh! And music. I live for music. And concerts. There's this venue back home that my friends and I love. We try to go as much as possible. My friend knows the people that own it and sometimes we get free tickets."

She smiled to herself, remembering the first time they went there.

It really was a magical little place.
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"Sounds like fun, actually." He chuckled and smiled.

"What kind of movies? Romance, drama, comedy, etcetera." He kept looking up at the sky, quietly humming.

"Concerts, huh? I'm into music too, but I've actually never been to a concert."

He shrugged his shoulders, laughing. "It does sound like fun, though."
"I like most movies, but horror movies are my favorite. Found footage ones, to be exact." She smiled, and turned over to lay on her stomach, leaning on her elbows she looked over at Finlay.

"You've never been to a concert?" Mallory asked, clearly shocked.

"Before this summer is over I'm taking you to one." She announced, "I'll make it my mission." She laughed.

"What kind of music do you listen too?"
"Horror movies are cool. Not really scary." He laughed, trying to make him seem like he wasn't scared of anything.

"Nope, never been to a concert. I wouldn't say that I can, I listen to older music, 20 year old music, 90s, or the 50s. Half of the people I listen to are dead."

He snickered, looking over at her. "You can try all that you want, I probably won't go anyways."
"Half of the people I listen to are dead." He said, causing Mallory to laugh.

She shook her head, "That's cool. Different." She started, "But cool." She confirmed. "I bet I could find a concert with a band that plays old music. But I won't make you, go." She smiled, "Obviously."

They sat in silence for a few minutes before her phone vibrated, indicating a text.

I know you don't usually come out before the bonfire cause you're too good for us until we give you alcohol, lol jk, but you should come out to the tunnels tonight. Everyone's gonna be here.

She set her phone down and looked over at Finlay, "You wouldn't be opposed to meeting more people tonight, would you? My friend just texted me, wanted me to go out tonight."
Finlay sat up, shaking his head. "I'd love to meet some of your friends. Good to have some if I'm going to be here for the summer, y'know?" He yawned and looked around the beach.

"Where are we going? One of the places you said that opened up at night?" He cleared his throat, looking over at Mallory.
Mallory nodded, "Yeah, it never really closes. It's the tunnels. People use then to party in and stuff. It's just a place to hang out."

She quickly texted back her friend, Bryan, and told him that she was coming and bringing a friend.

"We're not really supposed to be down there and once the cops came down and arrested like half the people there, not to scare you or anything," she laughed, "after that they never really came back down there, I think they thought that we were like drug sealers or something, but I don't think they really care."

She laughed again, "But anyway, I think you'll like my friends. They're very...friendly." She said, for lack of a better word.
"Friendly, huh?" He chuckled, "Are they older than you?" He yawned again, shrugging his shoulders.

"Uhh..Names?" Finlay snickered, not knowing what else to question her about.

Finlay stood up and stretched, "When're we going?" He looked back down at her, waiting for her reply.

If she's friends with them, I'm sure we'll get along fine.
Mallory nodded, "A few of them are older, but I think the oldest one is only twenty, so not that much. They're names are, Bryan, Shane, Melody, Holly, and Kayla. Kayla is twenty." She clarified, just incase he was wondering.

"We can go now if you want, we have been here for a while. And the sun is starting to set." She smiled. "We can grab something to eat when we get back to the house, then we can meet up with them."

She stood up and put her shorts back on, not wanting to carry them, then shook her towel out.

"Ready?" She asked, smiling.
Finlay nodded at her question, re-thinking her plan over.

"Sounds good." He muttered, shaking out his towel. Finlay smiled over at her, putting on his converse.

He nodded slightly, humming to himself some more. "Ready if you are."

He got closer to her, standing by her.

Three guys, four girls. He thought to himself, lightly snickering.

Should be interesting. Wonder how good my game is. He stifled in a laugh, beginning to daydream about them all.
She smiled and played with her phone the walk home, hoping that Finlay wouldn't be too put off by her friends. They could come off a little strong sometimes. She would just have to warn him before they left.

"Mom? Dad? We're back!" She yelled, slipping her shoes off and walking into the living room, "Are you making dinner anytime soon?" She asked, hungry.

Her mom shook her head, setting her glass down, "We were actually going to go out to eat, will you be joining us?" Mallory's mom asked, smiling at the kids.

Mallory shook her head, "Nah, we're gonna go hang with Bryan and Holly and all them. We'll just eat with them."

Her mom nodded and smiled, "Okay, have fun. Yell when you're leaving."

Mallory nodded, "I'm gonna go get changed and then I'll be right down." She told Finlay.
Finlay walked in behind her, quickly taking off his converse, carrying them in his hand. He watched them talk, his head going back and forth between speaker.

"We'll just eat with them." Finlay smirked, stifling in laughter.

"I'm gonna go get changed and then I'll be right down." Mallory said, Finlay nodding.

He went up as well, changing into the clothing he had before. He picked up his wallet and phone, putting them into his jean pockets.

Afterwards, he waited outside of his room, texting a friend of his.

How's the vacation so far? Seen any hot girls? Get their #s for me.

Finlay snorted at the text, rolling his eyes in his mind.

Sure thing. You've got Alyssa. Stay in your lane.

He replied, putting his phone back into his pocket.
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She blow dried her hair, which was still somewhat wet, before slipping on a new pair of shorts and a tank top. She fixed her makeup and put her phone into her back pocket. She walked out of her room to see Finlay standing in front of his door.

"Hey, okay, I'm ready." She said, leading the way down the stairs.

"Mom! We're leaving!"

"Have fun guys!" She yelled.

Mallory opened the garage door, "We're gonna take the bikes so we don't have to walk." She said, then looked up at him, "It'll be faster that way too."

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and texted Bryan.

We're on our way. Meeting at the tunnels?

Bryan texted back a second later saying yeah.

"Okay, so, just a heads up," Mallory started, "My friends can come off a bit strong. They're really great people though." She assured him, "Just a little crazy." She laughed.
Finlay followed her down to the garage, nodding as she said they were taking bikes.

"Crazy? Great. Your friends are cannibals, we're dead." He joked, walking over to the bikes.

"Lead the way." He yawned, sitting on one of the bicycles, waiting.
She laughed at his joke and hopped on her bike. The entrance to the tunnels were about twenty minutes away. They got there fairly quickly though. Bryan was waiting for them at the entrance smoking a cigarette. He dropped it when he saw them and crushed it into the ground with his foot.

"Mal! My favorite gal!" He said, throwing his arms out.

She laughed and hugged him, "Hey Bryan! I've missed you! I thought you stopped smoking?" She asked, hitting his arm playfully.

He shrugged, "I did. For like a month. But it's whatever. Who's your friend?" He asked, pointing towards Finlay.

Mallory smiled, "Finlay this is Bryan. Bryan this is Finlay." She introduced, then turned to Bryan, "Be nice." She said.

"Hey," he laughed, "I'm always nice."

As if to prove it Bryan stuck out his hand to Finlay, "Hey, man, how's it going?"
Finlay chuckled slightly, shaking the male's hand. "Pretty good. Yourself?"

He tried to focus on Bryan, but he kept wanting to look around and explore. He still attempted to be as polite as he could be.

Fin wasn't sure if he should make a 'guy joke' or not, so he kept it to himself.

Shouldn't piss the guy off already. He thought.
Bryan nodded, "It's been pretty good around here. Better now that school's over."

Then he pointed to inside the tunnels, "You guys can head in if you want, I'll be right there."

Mallory nodded and linked her arm through Finaly's to pull him along. "Stop smoking Bryan." She said, knowing that's what he was staying out here to do.

He gave her the finger but laughed, "Get the hell inside." He said, still smiling.

She smiled at him then pulled Finlay along.
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Finlay let her drag him inside, snickering as they walked.

"Four more people to meet." He yawned, glancing around the tunnel.

"Bryan wasn't that bad, to my surprise." He teased.
Mallory laughed, "Just wait until he gets few drinks in him. He just says what's on his mind then. No filter what-so-ever."

They walked for a few minutes, following the sound of music until they saw a group of about ten people, "Mallory? Is that you?" Kayla asked, walking over.

Mallory unhooked her arm from Finlay and hugged her tightly, "Kayla!" She yelled, her voice slightly echoing in the tunnels.

"Where's Shane, Holly, and Mel?" She asked, pulling away from her friend.

"Holly's not here. She's working tonight. But Shane and Mel are over there." Kayla pointed towards where a few people where leaning against a wall.

Mallory nodded, "Kayla, this is Finlay. Finlay, Kayla." She laughed, "Only two more people to introduce you too. I'm gonna go get Shane and Mel."

Mallory ran over to her other friends and hugged them.

Kayla turned to Finlay and smiled, "Hi, it's nice to meet you."

((You can control Mallory's friends too.))
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Finlay stuck out her hand to Kayla, shaking it.

"My pleasure." He smiled at her.

He shyly put his hand back down to his side, glancing around the area.

"Do you guys hang out here all the time?"

Don't talk about the weather, talk about the area. Talk about something that isn't boring and won't kill the mood instantly.

Naahh, I'll let you do all the work xD )
(Hahah okay :) )

Kayla shrugged, "Sometimes. It varies between here, the beach, or someones house. Or just wander the streets. I would offer you a drink but I don't think there's any unopened. These people are savages." She joked.

She glanced over at Mallory, who was trying to drag her friends over to Kayla and Finlay.

"How long have you known Mallory?" She asked curiously.
Finlay shrugged. "I feel like we've met before, somewhere."

"I dunno, my dad knows her mother. But, uh, a couple hours, I guess?"

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