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Fantasy Unnatural Academy

TheAdept said:
Looks okay to me
But explain Eragin. Is it like telepathy?
Okay when you use Eragin you 'ask' the mystical energies around a mind to make that mind do something. The mystical energies then find a memory/thought in that mind to make them do that task. E.G Alyn wants to distract a sentinal. Mystical energies find a thought about hunger in that sentinels' mind. Alyn easily sneaks past sentinal. (That was amazingly descriptive writing.)

Now telepathy is when someone directly reads/alters the mystical energies of a mind. They could be grouped together.
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Character Sheet #1

Name: Roth (No longer uses/denounced his last name)

Age: 22

Gender: Male



6'4" height, 185 lbs,

Personality: With enough observation, one could determine Roth to have “two personalities”. One persona he displays around strangers. Second is the persona only a select few “close friends” ever encounter...

  • Stranger Persona: Standoffish, (tends to be) blunt & rash, Stoic, and (semi) cruel/easily roused.
  • True Persona: Calculative (maybe even strategic.), Deceptive, Neutral/Self motivated, Passionate, (tends to be) headstrong/stubborn.


  • Fulgurmancy (lightning): 10

Non-Magical Combat:

  • Rod: 7
  • Martial Arts (Muay Thai): 3

Support Skills:

  • Deception: 7
  • Stealth: 3

History: After enough trouble had been caused by Roth, partly due to influence by his family/peers. Enough attention was narrowed onto Roth to allow himself to be "placed" into Merlinus Academy. One part to "gain control of his life and attitude", another part to "Educate and utilize the skills which he possesses". Asking him personally, Roth could fabricate hundreds of stories on "what his past could be". In reality, what his superiors are fully aware of, Roth was apart of a family or organization of sorts, well known for criminal acts. Their criminal acts were also committed with magic, thus intensifying the problems they caused.

Roth never asked for the life he was given, merely did what he could with the cards dealt. Painful as it was, Roth made the decision himself, to depart from his old lifestyle. Of course, he was between a rock and a hard place when making this decision. Albiet most of his decision stemmed from his knowledge of right and wrong. Roth certainly knew his family/organization was in the wrong, at times he had even attempted to even reverse these habits. But those within the organization, only greeted those ideas with violence. Now, Roth hopes to stay away from the life he once experienced. While proceeding to get as strong as possible, so that he may one day help those of his old organization. To save them from the life he escaped.

Notable Items: One metal rod (Approx 2-3ft in length. Also contains a handle of sorts)
Seraph said:
Name: Ira McKean
Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ira has very bleached long hair and bright blue eyes with teeth that shine white. He has a acrobats build to his body and his skin only slightly darker than pale. Ira's jawline is strong but he has a scar running from the bottom right jawline down his neck. Often he wears baggy blue jeans and high combat boots. His favorite kinds of shirts to wear are plaid with the sleeves rolled up. Finally, he normally stands about 6"1' and weighs in at 178lbs.

Personality: Ira tends to be quite laid back and takes what the world gives him. He will hand most situations nonchalantly as he does like to allow things to stress him out. Ira will often practice keeping his calm outside amongst the plants and animals of the world. He doesn't like to take things seriously with two exceptions being school and the environment. He takes studying his specific type of magic very seriously because even though he does use them, he doesn't wish to be foolish about it. Then nature is what he is closest too and perhaps the only thing he will get into fights about. In fights or disagreements Ira will always try to take the easy way out or find some sort of neutral ground.

Magic: Animal Shaman Based Abilities-10 (Abilities that revolve around summoning, harnessing the abilities and powers of or merging with spirit animals.)

Non-Magical Combat: Hand to Hand-10 (Specifically uses the style pankration for its power.)

Support Skills: Animal Handling-3 (Works best with animals that can handle the cold.)

Intimidate: 7


Notable Items: Various necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and ear rings that appear to be mainly animal oriented parts made from many indigenous cultures.
Oh. didn't see this. I accept
TheAdept said:
"Altering the mystical energies around everything" is actually what magic, in this rp, is.
Okay ummmm well I am dumb. Seeing mystical energies maybe? Or I could remove it or change it into telepathy (which I don't want to do as he is not a jock).

Okay I ment like the mystical energies binding everything (gravity in the real world).
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ishnorb said:
Thank you!
Due to my username being Ishnorb, i am commonly calld "Ish" as a nickname. ^-^
Oh and thought it ment that you had to change something to be accepted.
Name: Ruth Daniels (goes by Rue)

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long red hair in a ponytail and bright brown eyes. She's a bit on the short side wearing a yellow sweater dress a white jacket over it with short boots.

Personality: Depends on which you ask. Sometimes she's really nice to others especially her friends but on the other hand she can change directions and be a total jerk to others.


Illusion: 7

Telepathy: 3

Non-Magical Combat:

Krav Maga: 4

Knife: 6

Support Skills:

Stealth: 5

Silver tongue: 5

History: She grew up in the let's just say not so good side of town back home. As a kid her father taught her how to defend herself from creeps on the street. The knife? Well that was her own choice a bit later in life. Punches don't shake everyone in their boots but a good knife helps. She used her magic to help herself get along and avoid other people though she wasn't afraid to punch someone now and again to make them back off. When using her magic people just though they were seeing things or high sometimes both. But it didn't go unnoticed by others apparently when she got an invite to the school.

Notable Items: A small knife always hid in its sheath in her left boot.
Name: Eva Hazel Green

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Eva has purple hair which is stops till her hips, she mostly keeps it up. Has electric blue eyes and wears an eye patch on her right eye. Mostly wears jeans and a black leather jacket (Her fathers) or hoodies. Eva`s skin is naturally tanned. She mostly smirks or smiles.

Personality: Is always funny, tries to look at the bright side when can. Has a British accent, She`s very into adventures but also likes being a bit lazy. Even though she is funny and goofy. She knows when to be serious (but only on rare occasions).


Telekinesis: 6

Non-Magic Combat:

Hand to Hand: 4 (Needs help in training)

Guns/ archery: 7 (Uses telekinesis to help her aim)

Support Skills:

Mechanics: 5

Charisma: 7

History: She never knew her parents all she has of them is her father`s black leather jacket. Eva has a brother (Twins) but was separated from him at the age of 10. She is a late bloomer she didn`t have her powers until 5 and it was hard for her to read or write or even speak words when she was a child. Eva and her brother (Marius) where raised by a friend of their parents named Lilith Primrose who is a doctor and use to do test on Eva and Marius. Eva and Marius where Lilith`s guinea pigs but she had taken Marius away from Eva. Eva was a troubled kids and always gotten into fights (Her last fight had earned her a bleeding eye)

Notable Items: Demon arrows.
[QUOTE="The Arrival]Sorry for all the additions for my character, I think in bursts xD

Click on more, then edit. Your welcome :)

Shot25 said:
Name: Eva Hazel Green
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Eva has purple hair which is stops till her hips, she mostly keeps it up. Has electric blue eyes and wears an eye patch on her right eye. Mostly wears jeans and a black leather jacket (Her fathers) or hoodies. Eva`s skin is naturally tanned. She mostly smirks or smiles.

Personality: Is always funny, tries to look at the bright side when can. Has a British accent, She`s very into adventures but also likes being a bit lazy. Even though she is funny and goofy. She knows when to be serious (but only on rare occasions).


Telekinesis: 6

Non-Magic Combat:

Hand to Hand: 4 (Needs help in training)

Guns/ archery: 7 (Uses telekinesis to help her aim)

Support Skills:

Mechanics: 5

Charisma: 7

History: She never knew her parents all she has of them is her father`s black leather jacket. Eva has a brother (Twins) but was separated from him at the age of 10. She is a late bloomer she didn`t have her powers until 5 and it was hard for her to read or write or even speak words when she was a child. Eva and her brother (Marius) where raised by a friend of their parents named Lilith Primrose who is a doctor and use to do test on Eva and Marius. Eva and Marius where Lilith`s guinea pigs but she had taken Marius away from Eva. Eva was a troubled kids and always gotten into fights (Her last fight had earned her a bleeding eye)

Notable Items: Demon arrows.
Each skill category (Magical Powers, Non-Magic Combat, Support Skills) has ten points total for all skills combined. Other then that it seems okay but I have no authority to accept.
Kyubi said:
Click on more, then edit. Your welcome :)
Each skill category (Magical Powers, Non-Magic Combat, Support Skills) has ten points total for all skills combined. Other then that it seems okay but I have no authority to accept.
Oh okay i just need to fix that. Thank you :)
Name: Eva Hazel Green

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Eva has purple hair which is stops till her hips, she mostly keeps it up. Has electric blue eyes and wears an eye patch on her right eye. Mostly wears jeans and a black leather jacket (Her fathers) or hoodies. Eva`s skin is naturally tanned. She mostly smirks or smiles.

Personality: Is always funny, tries to look at the bright side when can. Has a British accent, She`s very into adventures but also likes being a bit lazy. Even though she is funny and goofy. She knows when to be serious (but only on rare occasions).


Telekinesis: 2

Non-Magic Combat:

Hand to Hand: 2 (

Guns/ archery: 2 (Uses telekinesis to help her aim)

Support Skills:

Mechanics: 2

Charisma: 2

History: She never knew her parents all she has of them is her father`s black leather jacket. Eva has a brother (Twins) but was separated from him at the age of 10. She is a late bloomer she didn`t have her powers until 5 and it was hard for her to read or write or even speak words when she was a child. Eva and her brother (Marius) where raised by a friend of their parents named Lilith Primrose who is a doctor and use to do test on Eva and Marius. Eva and Marius where Lilith`s guinea pigs but she had taken Marius away from Eva. Eva was a troubled kids and always gotten into fights (Her last fight had earned her a bleeding eye)

Notable Items: Demon arrows.
Shot25 said:
Name: Eva Hazel Green
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Eva has purple hair which is stops till her hips, she mostly keeps it up. Has electric blue eyes and wears an eye patch on her right eye. Mostly wears jeans and a black leather jacket (Her fathers) or hoodies. Eva`s skin is naturally tanned. She mostly smirks or smiles.

Personality: Is always funny, tries to look at the bright side when can. Has a British accent, She`s very into adventures but also likes being a bit lazy. Even though she is funny and goofy. She knows when to be serious (but only on rare occasions).


Telekinesis: 2

Non-Magic Combat:

Hand to Hand: 2 (

Guns/ archery: 2 (Uses telekinesis to help her aim)

Support Skills:

Mechanics: 2

Charisma: 2

History: She never knew her parents all she has of them is her father`s black leather jacket. Eva has a brother (Twins) but was separated from him at the age of 10. She is a late bloomer she didn`t have her powers until 5 and it was hard for her to read or write or even speak words when she was a child. Eva and her brother (Marius) where raised by a friend of their parents named Lilith Primrose who is a doctor and use to do test on Eva and Marius. Eva and Marius where Lilith`s guinea pigs but she had taken Marius away from Eva. Eva was a troubled kids and always gotten into fights (Her last fight had earned her a bleeding eye)

Notable Items: Demon arrows.
Why didn't you edit it?

Why is every thing 2? The total for Magic is 10, the total for Support is 10, the total for non magical combat is 10. You can have it as less but I telling you incase you misunderstood me.
Shot25 said:
Name: Eva Hazel Green
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Eva has purple hair which is stops till her hips, she mostly keeps it up. Has electric blue eyes and wears an eye patch on her right eye. Mostly wears jeans and a black leather jacket (Her fathers) or hoodies. Eva`s skin is naturally tanned. She mostly smirks or smiles.

Personality: Is always funny, tries to look at the bright side when can. Has a British accent, She`s very into adventures but also likes being a bit lazy. Even though she is funny and goofy. She knows when to be serious (but only on rare occasions).


Telekinesis: 2

Non-Magic Combat:

Hand to Hand: 2 (

Guns/ archery: 2 (Uses telekinesis to help her aim)

Support Skills:

Mechanics: 2

Charisma: 2

History: She never knew her parents all she has of them is her father`s black leather jacket. Eva has a brother (Twins) but was separated from him at the age of 10. She is a late bloomer she didn`t have her powers until 5 and it was hard for her to read or write or even speak words when she was a child. Eva and her brother (Marius) where raised by a friend of their parents named Lilith Primrose who is a doctor and use to do test on Eva and Marius. Eva and Marius where Lilith`s guinea pigs but she had taken Marius away from Eva. Eva was a troubled kids and always gotten into fights (Her last fight had earned her a bleeding eye)

Notable Items: Demon arrows.
It's not that he meant all the the total abilities have to equal ten. Each ability has ten points itself. So you get ten point for magic ten points for non magic and ten for skills.
Shot25 said:
Name: Eva Hazel Green
Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Eva has purple hair which is stops till her hips, she mostly keeps it up. Has electric blue eyes and wears an eye patch on her right eye. Mostly wears jeans and a black leather jacket (Her fathers) or hoodies. Eva`s skin is naturally tanned. She mostly smirks or smiles.

Personality: Is always funny, tries to look at the bright side when can. Has a British accent, She`s very into adventures but also likes being a bit lazy. Even though she is funny and goofy. She knows when to be serious (but only on rare occasions).


Telekinesis: 2

Non-Magic Combat:

Hand to Hand: 2 (

Guns/ archery: 2 (Uses telekinesis to help her aim)

Support Skills:

Mechanics: 2

Charisma: 2

History: She never knew her parents all she has of them is her father`s black leather jacket. Eva has a brother (Twins) but was separated from him at the age of 10. She is a late bloomer she didn`t have her powers until 5 and it was hard for her to read or write or even speak words when she was a child. Eva and her brother (Marius) where raised by a friend of their parents named Lilith Primrose who is a doctor and use to do test on Eva and Marius. Eva and Marius where Lilith`s guinea pigs but she had taken Marius away from Eva. Eva was a troubled kids and always gotten into fights (Her last fight had earned her a bleeding eye)

Notable Items: Demon arrows.
I would prefer all characters be at least 17-18

As for the skill points, look at the skill points for the character WinglessNia posted for reference.

Also, please define "demon arrows." This RP verse has a certain lore, which you will find out about later, but there is only one type of "demon."

Also, you can't lump guns and archery as one skill. They are separate. And what kind of gun is she good with?
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[QUOTE="The Arrival]

Gender: Male

Appearance: Is tall and burly for his age, has mixed complexity, has medium-length black curly hair, and has warm brown eyes, and is covered with scars all over his back.

Personality: Oddly gentle and kind, but often stern and sarcastic.


Magical Direct Manipulation-6 (made clear with "says with a odd calmness" or something of the like)

Magic Anticipation-4

Non-Magical Combat:

Hand-To-Hand Combat-4

Guns (pistols specifically)-6

Support Skills:

Basic Alchemy-4

Logistic Thinking (you'd be suprised.....)-6

History: At a young age, his parents abandoned him, so he was sent to live with his uncle, who was extremely abusive to him and sent him to the army at the age of 12, and with the help of Ytter's large size and a fake document, he got in. For 3 years, he was fighting in a huge war in a place far, far away called Lux. There, he met an old sage named Dusk who helped him unlock his magical abilities and master them as well as he could. Ytter eventually heard about the Academy, and after a tearful goodbye, he left for the academy, a day late, with no knowledge of anything about the school beyond that it was a highly rated magical adacemy. But while he was growing to be 12, his uncle always had a set of demonic tasks for him such as stealing from devils, entering a brawling tournament for money for money for his uncle, and once having to go into the depths of hell to collect some ingredients, during which a feisty imp tried to seduce him into spending his life in hell with her for the rest of his life (and it nearly worked). Note- if as not obvious, his uncle was a sorcerer, and died a year ago from attacks sustained from defending against a goblin raid.

Notable Items: Carries an MK23 and a Handcannon that he got while in the army. Always wears a single outfit, a pair of jeans, a tight black t-shirt that shows off his strength (not his idea, though, he usually prefers to appear modest.), and combat boots. Rarely wears something else. Also wears a amulet from Dusk, which is made of pure chromium, and is shaped like a cube which he wears on a copper string.

Sorry if this sucks, it was difficult to tell the exact guidelines of this rp in my defence xD

Mind bumping that age up to 17 or 18?

Skill points look good, but can you please explain "Magical Direct Manipulation?"

As for the history, please take out the part about "stealing from devils" and "entering hell and being seduced by feisty imps?" The concept of Heaven and Hell in this rp is different, and so are the devils. Also, there are no goblins. His uncle could have been killed by a mysterious group of men sporting power armor though.

Also, its understandable if he would have a gun on him, but make it so he has only one and a limited amount of ammo.

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