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Realistic or Modern Unleashed






A group of 5 have all just went through a terrible tragedy, death. Andrew Scotts, their best friend, was shot and killed. He left behind a book for all of them and in a note, asked if they read it together. The police haven't caught the murderer/murderers and it's up to the group to go by the details their deceased friend gave them to find who is responsible. They're all at risk though because reading this book.. they were all changed. Fairy Tales come true and the group of humans turn into a vampire, werewolf, siren, ghost and shapeshifter. Will they be able to get used to their new lifestyle, or will they be too absorbed by the fact they're creatures who are wanted, and can't live long enough to find the one responsible for their best friends death?

Hey guys! This pretty much is a re-boot. I did this same exact title/plot but it died in the matter of three days. I have really been craving a group, supernatural RP. I won't be posting a character sheet for this UNTIL I get a few likes or comments-- people telling me that they're interested. I want this RP to last please, go through the plot... share ideas-- be friends! I hope this goes well and I am sorry this isn't pretty- I'm not used to the new HTML coding or whatever. !!! ♥

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