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Fantasy Warriors, Rogues, Mages.


The Faint Light In The Dark Tunnel Of Life
A rough image? A combo of Jumanji, Sword Art Online, and D&D. No dice, just reactions, imagination, and pure awesomeness.

Had an idea for a group of friends (3-6 people) who found this really strange looking table top game at a shady market. It looks old, kind of odd, and not from around here. The vendor told the kids it was imported from another country, so nobody from around the area would know it. It's set in a fantasy setting, all about venturing in this fantasy world, fighting demons, etc. It's name in the foreign language is hard to make out, but the guy told you it translates to Warriors, Rogues, and Mages. Simple enough. The friends are fans of fantasy things, so this table top game looks interesting. After everyone puts money in to pay for it, they all head to one of their houses for a weekend of gaming, focused on this game.

One thing the vendor forgot to mention...is that it's not from another country, it's not even a game. The box it comes in acts as a grave, a grave holding something dark and sinister. When the kids open the game and start to play, the evil magic bound to the board lashes out, causing the kids to become their characters. These kids, known as the loser/geeks of their high school, are now trapped as these characters...stuck as warriors, rogues and mages. They must live by the rules of the game, practically trapped in the board. A vast world full of mystery...and danger. As they are forced to fight through the world of the "game", it becomes clear they're fighting for more than survival.

Once they become strong enough, the game will send them back into the real world, only still as their characters. Once they're sent back, the game itself, and its evil, will follow them. Even stronger. Then it will be up to them to save their world from destruction, against all odds.

So...wanna play?
(@Metaphysics @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @rbshinichi ROLEPLAY STARTED)

As the final moments of the school day passed by, Amber scribbled in her notebook as the teacher rambled on about various things. Boring, wasteful, put-you-to-sleep things. The bell would ring in only 2 minutes, then she'd be free for a weekend of fun with her friends. There was this new store not far from school that she and the others had planned to visit after school. It looked interesting, kind of old...but new at the same time. In the window there were several things appealing to their nerdy interests, so it only seemed natural that they'd all see what it had to offer. She sketched a random character out of her imagination, nearly finishing it as the bell rang. She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god." She whispered to herself.

She collected her things and was the first one out the door of class. Students filled the halls as they prepared to go home for the weekend and go about their lives. She stopped at her locker, putting her books in it and making room in her bag for anything she might find at the shop. A few girls from the "popular" clique made jokes about her and called her names as they walked by. She paid them no mind. She closed her locker, only to be tripped on "accident" by one of the girls, making her fall flat on her face, people laughed at her. Everybody loved to pick on Amber...why? The boy she'd been crushing on, captain of the football team, saw her fall and he laughed. "Fuck you, slut!" She called to the mean girl. She wiped away the tear on her cheek as she collected herself and ran to the spot where she and her friends planned to meet. She sent out a quick text to them all. "Guys, plz hurry. Just wanna get outta here." She sent them all, leaning against the wall and calming herself.

(This isn't the length for all future posts, just wanted to make an entrance xD the action itself will start once we're all together and pretty much right after we leave the shop)
Harold slowly trudged through the halls of the school. He silently seethed at some jocks that were picking at some intelligent yet physically inferior people. People like him. He was left unnoticed as he passed by them with gritted teeth, the others should be so lucky...He unceremoniously dumped his belongings into his locker and closed it only to find himself face to face with one of thee jocks.

"Don't think we forgot about you!" the bully shouted as he reached for a grip at Harold's shirt. Harold gritted his teeth at the action. He hated bullies. "What do you want?" He said as he dodged the hand by stepping away. The bully cracked his knuckles and smirked before drawing his fist back for a punch. Harold kicked him in the crotch and walked away. 'Bullies. All muscle, no brain.' He thought. His phone vibrated and he opened it. He replied to the text with 'On my way'.
Just a few minutes before the bell announced the beginning of a weekend, a young man sat in a high tree in the park next to where he usually would go to school. This time though, not for the first time either, he wasn't sitting in the classroom listening to maybe one of the most boring teachers of all time. Oddly enough, the whole art of skipping class had become a habit for him. Once, a long time ago, he was the one to love everything about the school. But as he grew up the love turned into hatred. Not that he hated studying, he just couldn't get a hang of it, but it was the people in the building that caused him to feel this way. Pretty much everyone around here were shallow and fake, even worse than your typical jock. All of them were like this, every student except the small group of friends he usually would hang out with. He wouldn't really call them friends, he barely knew what friendship meant, but he liked hanging around them plus they liked sort of the same things as him.

William, the boy, laid down in the tree he sat in and let one of his legs dangle below. He closed his eyes for a while, thinking. For quite some time he had been spending his free-time alone with video-games, but for this once he actually had a few plans. He was supposed to meet up with his little group and head off to check out this new game he'd heard about. William turned his head towards the school building as he heard the bell ring loud enough for the whole block to hear. Just as students began streaming out of the doors his phone told him that he'd gotten a text. He blinked a few times before replying. 'I'm waiting outside.' William sat up only to jump down the six feet drop and heading back towards the main entrance to meet up with his friends.
Amber was relieved once she saw William outside. (There are 2 Williams, this could get weird lol) She let out a breath and check her face in her phone's camera. She looked alright, only a subtle shade of red on her cheeks, but it was hard to tell she'd been crying a few minutes ago. She sucked it up, that jock was probably a jerk anyway. She took a deep breath and approached William after reading Harold's text. "Hey," she said calmly, her regular self in action.
William brushed his knees off a little before straightening his back again. Completely out of nowhere he felt something bumping into him. As far as he knew, no one just awkwardly walk into someone that hard. And he wasn't wrong. There was no one shyly standing there apologizing. No. Instead, now in the distance, one of those famous jocks made his way through the crowd of people. The guy had turned his face towards William with a hideous grin. He was clearly just mocking him, for what he never knew. William shrugged the thought off, which was unusual, and instead put on some kind of glare towards the guy who was now long gone, at least until monday.

As William brushed off his shoulder he caught a glimpse of a familliar face. Not to be wrong, he saw the face of Amber. His own face lit up ever so slightly as she approached him. "Hey there" He said, his voice had as usual a deep yet raspy tone to it, just like he never got out from the morning voice that most people wake up with. "You excited for today?"

((Oh sorry for that, I could change his name if it's neccecary?))
Peachypants said:
William brushed his knees off a little before straightening his back again. Completely out of nowhere he felt something bumping into him. As far as he knew, no one just awkwardly walk into someone that hard. And he wasn't wrong. There was no one shyly standing there apologizing. No. Instead, now in the distance, one of those famous jocks made his way through the crowd of people. The guy had turned his face towards William with a hideous grin. He was clearly just mocking him, for what he never knew. William shrugged the thought off, which was unusual, and instead put on some kind of glare towards the guy who was now long gone, at least until monday.
As William brushed off his shoulder he caught a glimpse of a familliar face. Not to be wrong, he saw the face of Amber. His own face lit up ever so slightly as she approached him. "Hey there" He said, his voice had as usual a deep yet raspy tone to it, just like he never got out from the morning voice that most people wake up with. "You excited for today?"

((Oh sorry for that, I could change his name if it's neccecary?))
(Well if the other William doesn't reply, he's out lol. But no, we could just call one of them Will and the other William)

Amber nodded in response to William. "More than excited, that new shop looks awesome, I can't wait to see what's in store for us...or...in the store, I should say." She said. She adjusted her bag over her shoulder. "See any sign of the others?" She asked him, glancing all around at their surroundings.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Metaphysics
((That might be a good idea ^ Dibs for the full name xD ))

William blinked a few times while he himself also glanced around, however it was hard to tell since students of all heights and sizes were streaming out from the doors like a river. "I think I saw Harold through the window a little while back. But other than that, no." He said as he leaned on the tree right next to them. A cold breeze brushed past them that caused his black hair to fall down a little, covering a little bit of his blue eyes.
"Hey guys." Harold said as he manged to sneak behind them. He was looking sort off beat up. "I'm here, so where is everyone?" He said. He was used to waiting, and besides they had the whole vacation, a couple more minutes of waiting couldn't hurt. "...Anyone got a bandage?" He asked awkwardly. "Maybe some painkillers or something?" He comtinued. @Peachypants @PenBlade1326
Amber reached in her bag. "I think I have a ban--ah ha! Got one right here. Y'okay, Harold?" She asked, reaching a bandaid to the boy. She could tell he was kind of beat up, she looked at him curiously. "What happened? Assholes at it again?" She asked, already having a clue as to what may have happened.
"The usual, them going at it, me holding back until...well I kicked one in the crotch." He said sheepishly while grabbing the bandage. "Thanks." He said as he applied it on a small cut on his leg. "To be fair he kinda deserved it. But man karma works fast!" He exclaimed before chuckling and shaking himself off.
Afternoon came and it was almost time for school to end. Fortunately for Kheren, her teacher announced a week ago that she would not be coming to class today. That gave the Asian girl an opportunity to join her cosplay friends on an anime convention they wanted to go to. Living from different cities and provinces, they rarely meet. The only way they can hang out was through chat and forums. However today, she had fun and now ready to go meet up with another group of friends, which were also her schoolmates, a set of gamers who she can call her "close friends", although they spend most of their time in cyber communities.

"Bye guys! Until the next time!",
the Asian looking girl bid a group of people wearing Japanese-style school uniform goodbye as she packed her cute and girly looking school bag. "Where are you going?", one of her friends asked. "My friends and I were planning to check out a new store in town", she replied back while fixing how she looks in her own Japanese School Uniform outfit. And with that she said another farewell and left, riding an expensive car with the family driver driving her to the school. She did not bother changing outfits, although she would definitely look weird, because she thinks it was cute. Kheren knows pretty well anyway that her classmates are very much aware of what she is like anyway. They won't mind, she thought.

The car stopped in front of the school. She saw her friends by the entrance and smiled to herself. Kheren was pretty excited about the new game they were going to check at the new store. She can't wait to leave! And so the girl stepped out of the car and walked towards her friends. "HIIII!!!", she greeted them with both or her hands waving up high. When she got to them, she noticed that they were not complete yet. "Where are the others?", she asked.
Afternoon came and it was almost time for school to end. Fortunately for Kheren, her teacher announced a week ago that she would not be coming to class today. That gave the Asian girl an opportunity to join her cosplay friends on an anime convention they wanted to go to. Living from different cities and provinces, they rarely meet. The only way they can hang out was through chat and forums. However today, she had fun and now ready to go meet up with another group of friends, which were also her schoolmates, a set of gamers who she can call her "close friends", although they spend most of their time in cyber communities.

"Bye guys! Until the next time!",
the Asian looking girl bid a group of people wearing Japanese-style school uniform goodbye as she packed her cute and girly looking school bag. "Where are you going?", one of her friends asked. "My friends and I were planning to check out a new store in town", she replied back while fixing how she looks in her own Japanese School Uniform outfit. And with that she said another farewell and left, riding an expensive car with the family driver driving her to the school. She did not bother changing outfits, although she would definitely look weird, because she thinks it was cute. Kheren knows pretty well anyway that her classmates are very much aware of what she is like anyway. They won't mind, she thought.

The car stopped in front of the school. She saw her friends by the entrance and smiled to herself. Kheren was pretty excited about the new game they were going to check at the new store. She can't wait to leave! And so the girl stepped out of the car and walked towards her friends. "HIIII!!!", she greeted them with both or her hands waving up high. When she got to them, she noticed that they were not complete yet. "Where are the others?", she asked.

((Sorry for the long intro lol. Also the double post. Don't know how to delete))
Amber smiled once Kheren came over. "Not here yet." She said, then checked the time. "The store closes in about 30 minutes. Let's go on ahead and meet them there." She suggested. Amber sent out a text to the two remaining people (@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira ) "We;re headin' to the shop, meet us there xp"

With that being said, she put her phone away. "Alright guys, let's head out." She said and guided the group off campus and walked with Harold, Kheren and Willam to the new shop were something new, exciting, and different most likely awaited them.
Kheren followed Amber to the direction where the shop was along with the two other guys. On the way, she took her pink colored phone and checked out a few messages if there was any. "Oh!", she exclaimed and chuckled afterwards. "I didn't see your text message. Oh well", she giggled.
Marcus was just getting out of the locker room's showers when his cell buzzed for the second time. He dried himself off and put on some street clothes while reading the texts. "Aww c'mon Amber, fine I'll be there." He gathered his things and bolted out of the locker room. He was lucky enough to be a football players and passed them without harassment. It was when he passed the queen B and get group that he ran into some trouble. A girl with jet black hair approached him in a flirtatious manner putting her hand on his shoulder playfully. "Not today Vanessa I'm late for something." The girl crossed her arms, "I was just going to say hello..." Marcus looked at her out of the corner of his eyes. " Its never just hello with you Vanessa." "And yet is always just goodbye with you Marcus." Marcus nodded, "And it will stay that way until you and your little girlfriends grow up. Now excuse me I have to leave." Vanessa rolled her eyes, " Have fun hanging with the losers.
(Oh Damn it's already the third page???!! I was late. So will my Character be. LOL )

It was a bad decision for Bill (William. He goes by Bill. For our convenience.) to spend the whole night watching the new season of one of the latest anime. But for him it was a win win situation. He finished a good show and he missed an awkward day of school. Fake farewells, fake empathy and fake people greeting each other goodbyes and acting as though they would miss each other.

It was around late afternoon when he got up. He fixed himself up and got ready to go and watch another series. He saw his phone lying on his study table with it's LED blinking. He took it up and saw he's got a message. He opened it and it was a message from Amber. One of the people who he could label "real friends". Though from different classes and grades, they hang out pretty much most of the time, and he feels welcome and accepted the way he is. He doesn't need to front and act something he wasn't.

"Oh shoot." he exclaimed when he saw the timestamp of the message. He's damn late. Despite of that fact he still replied. "Hey, I'll be there in a jiff. I'm sorry I just read your message. Running late, but will be there. See you." he pressed the send button and he zoomed out of his room and off his apartment.
(Sorry I haven't replied, my power went out and my internet's been going buts. Please forgive me!! But I'm back in action! @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Metaphysics )

Amber had finally reached the store with the others. While Bill and Marcus were on the way, she was glad to finally meet the door. "Well guys...this is it." She said, opening the door for Harold, William and Kheren. After they all four walked inside, she began to browse around. "Uh...Hello? Anyone here?" She said, a weird echo running through the small shop. It was full of old-looking stuff, like it was straight out of a fantasy movie. Things appealing to everyone's interests were in the store...it was a geeky wonderland. She called out again, no answer. Where were the workers? Surely someone had to be here, the sign outside said 'open'.

A large wooden box caught her eye, hidden away in the corner of a dusty shelf. She tilted her head at the sight of it. Amber walked over to it carefully until she was only a few inches away. She extend her hand to touch it, only to have a sudden hand touch hers, making her gasp loudly. She quickly turned her gaze on an old man, who kind of reminded her of John Hurt. (If you don't know who that is...shame on you, google him lol) "Oh, sorry...you startled me." She said politely. "But...hi." She said, a gently smile curved on her lips.

The man smiled back. "Why hello, dear girl. Welcome, you and your friends, to my shop." He smiled at the others as they also looked around his store. He then looked upon the box. He picked it up. "I see you're interested in this?" He said to her, she nodded. "It looks interesting...what is it?" She asked.

"This, my dear girl, is...a game. A board game." He blew the dust off of it, making Amber cough, the dust managing to go around the store. Once the dust was clear, strange markings could be seen. The markings circled a group of letters, spelling out what the naked eye read out to be: Evyth Si Thy. "What...what's this?" She asked him, referring to the characters on the box. "It's...foreign. Not exactly sure what language this is, but it's from a different country." He told her. "From whta I can gather, it translates in English to Warriors, Rogues, Mages." Amber nodded as he told her this, her eyes not leaving the box. She started gesturing for the others to come over slowly.

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