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Fantasy Undisclosed Desires


Nerdy stoner
Roleplay Availability
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Anari had pushed her long white hair back into a braid as she sat in the car, waiting patiently for her friend and colleague to join her in their latest ghost hunt to a farm house in the country. She had camera equipment in the backseat along with an overnight bag in case they decided to spend the night at the nearby inn, which would probably be what they ended up doing. They usually did so they could spend a few days hunting down ghosts in their next location. So far, they hadn't found any, much to the white haired witch's dismay. She had the rare gift of being able to see and speak to ghosts, and so far hadn't seen anything remotely interesting at any of the hotspots they went to.

Her red eyes looked to the time on the dashboard, as she input the location in the GPS. It was ten in the morning. A later start that normal when it came to their ghost hunts, but she had just gotten the call from the farmer that morning around 9am, so it was only right she'd be waiting an hour later for the girl to come out. They sometimes shared a room together in one of their houses, each having a place of their own to relax and recuperate in but usually they ended up staying with one another after their adventures. To say she was sweet on her partner was an understatement, the Irish woman adored her colleague more than she let on, but she didn't let her know of this in fear she wouldn't return the feelings, so she was content on pretending that the girl didn't have her heart in such a way


Daerys pushed her black hair out of her face as she wondered the halls of the school, looking for someone who could at least see her so she knew where she was. Her footsteps echoed in the hall as she walked, her fingers smoothing her rather short skirt down as she did. When was the last time she actually spoke with someone? A month? Maybe two? She didn't remember, but she felt a little out of place as she passed by some students who didn't seem to even notice her there. Her purple eyes were sad as she walked, knowing she probably wouldn't find someone to talk to.

The young woman was about seventeen when she died in her sleep after a night of underage drinking, having choked on her own vomit when she had rolled onto her back. She had drank plenty the night of a party and had fallen asleep on the sofa in the common room of her dormitory, but when she awoke she found herself unable to converse with anyone. She had scared a few people by taking books off shelves, for all they saw was a floating book. She sighed to herself as she walked, smoothing the white shirt of her uniform down as she did. Today felt a little different though, like she'd finally find someone who could see and converse with her, so she continued her search, eager to find a new friend.
Ashton's old, rust-addled bike pulled up on the driveway, the owner of the bike adjusting her backpack as she rode up next to the car. She pushed some loose strands of her light brown hair away from her face and tapped on the car window to let Anari know she had arrived. Ashton bounced up and down softly, looking around with a smile on her face. Ash was honestly the human personification of a Border Collie. She was cheerful, energetic and loyal, and was even colored similarly to such a dog, with her hair in its various shades of brown. She adjusted the brown leather strap of her old-fashioned camera and looked at the window she had already tapped on.

The window was fogged slightly, and Ashton drew a heart on it with her finger, smiling at the girl inside the car after she did so. Ash was very fond of her partner, they had been together through so much and Ashton felt closer than her than she had ever felt to anyone. Given how her parents had moved around often during her childhood, she hadn't really been able to make long-lasting friends, and she was grateful for anyone who came into her life. Ashton shook her head, her dangling cloud earrings whipping around as she did so and looking around at the sky, smiling to herself slightly.

Maybrie opened her locker, humming under her breath as she did so. Today was going to be a better day then yesterday, she had resolved that to herself. She liked to think like that. It was nice, and it made her day a lot better when she thought that it would be. May supposed that was manifesting, although she wasn't really sure that worked. She re-tied the scarlet ribbon in her pale gold-colored hair, before picking up her books and glancing at herself in the mirror. There were tired, gray smudges under her olive green eyes, but she thought she looked alright regardless. Nobody would be able to tell that she was completely, totally sleep-deprived. Satisfied, Maybrie shut her locker and turned around.

She began walking to her next class, still humming under her breath. Maybrie glanced at the other people in the hallway, giving them small nods of the head if they noticed her. Her gaze lingered on a certain girl, however. She didn't recognize her, and, yes, May didn't know everyone at the school, naturally, but still... She knew the usual people she passed in this hallway, and this girl definitely wasn't one of them. Odd. Maybrie frowned slightly, wondering if maybe she took a wrong turn. She stepped up to the girl, putting a bright smile on her face. "Hi there!" She said cheerfully, clutching her books tighter.
When the knock on the window came, Anari turned the radio down and rolled down the window after looking curiously at the heart she had drawn in the mist. It was a bit of a foggy morning, which was why her white hair was wavy instead of straight like the length would normally allow. She smiled at Ashton as she rolled the window down. "The doors open." She chuckled, obviously pleased that she was finally there. She had known she had been out for she hadn't seen her bike in the driveway, but had been content on waiting for her to arrive.

"We're going to the old Fray farm." She told her as she watched her get in, starting the engine of her Chevy when she was seated and the door had been shut. "We'll spend the better part of the week there, I have high hopes for this one. I've done a little research and things might get a little rough if what I found is correct." She continued as she pressed a button on the GPS to give them directions even though she was fairly certain she knew the way. "I have some clothes for you in my overnight bag," She hummed as she drove, feeling relaxed as she did. Her ringed fingers were clasped on the steering wheel as she drove, her red eyes glancing at her friend as she did. "We'll have another location to go to in the coming weeks. A boarding school if I'm correct." She liked Ashton's brown hair, it was different to her white one, although she knew Ashton was fond of the white hair she had. She often let her play with and braid it when they were relaxing in their rooms, although here lately the idea of her hands being elsewhere on her body was something that frequently crossed her mind. She didn't voice it though, for fear Ashton didn't feel the same way. Anari was bisexual, and had many partners in her twenty three years of life, but Ashton had had her eye for the better part of the past two years of them knowing each other. Sure she dated the occasional man or woman, but they never really led anywhere serious.


Daerys had continued to wonder until she came face to face with a gold haired girl, purple eyes widening in shock that the girl had seen her much less actually spoke to her. Her shock disappeared as soon as it showed though, replaced with a cheeky smile. "Hello!" She greeted happily, waving her slender fingers at her as she did. "I'm Daerys Strong." She hummed as she looked her over, noticing she was about her age and looking like she had had a long night.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss...?" She continued, pushing her curly black locks out of her face as she did. Nobody else seemed to notice her as they passed by them, something the girl had grown used to even if she was in her human form. She teetered on the edge of life and death, forever stuck in a state of limbo in the confines of the boarding school they attended. She had a ghostly form where she grew a tail that tethered her to her body, but she didn't stay in that form too often.
Ashton smiled, her eyes lighting up. "I forgot we were going to a farm!!!" She said excitedly. Ashton had lived on a farm for a long time, her parent's last-ditch attempt at success in a business. Of course, this farm was abandoned, and there weren't any animals or anything, but she was still excited. "Maybe we'll see a stray cat or something!! I love cats so much..." Ashton paused, before laughing. "And, you know, I hope we see ghosts there..!" She crossed her legs over each other and looked out the window. "Oh, by the way, I brought my vintage camera, since I know you like it so much." Ash said cheerfully, holding the camera up so it was level with her chest. Ash loved cameras of all kinds, but this camera was especially special to her. It belonged to her beloved great-aunt, and she used it for almost all her photography. She smiled at Anari brightly, dropping her camera and turning back around, closing her eyes softly.

Maybrie continued smiling, adjusting her grip on her books slightly. "Maybrie Sinclair." She said brightly. Daerys still didn't seem familiar to her, and it was...odd. Still, she didn't look like a new student, so maybe she was just passing by this area? Maybrie sighed slightly, looking down at the ground before looking back up at Daerys with a bright, happy smile. "What class are you headed to?" She asked as cheerfully as she could.
"Yeah, the farmer rang me this morning around 8:30. I sent you the text to be ready when I got out the shower." Anari chuckled, eyes on the road as she drove. She glanced her way when she spoke of the camera, smiling to herself as she looked at it. "It was a good idea, we could get some money out of your photos at least." She commented gently, knowing she was fond of the old camera that had been Ashton's great aunt's.

She smiled to herself, returning her gaze to the road as she left the city to head to the old farm. It was abandoned to say the least, but the farmer still took care of the building and occasionally there'd be stray animals that nested there. She wondered if they would see a cat, just so she could see Ashton's excitement for the feline. She had gifted her a kitten one Christmas, a tabby that she had found in a box. Anari had snakes that she cared for, so she couldn't keep a feline in fear they'd not get along, but she did play with Ashton's cat whenever she stayed with her. "I went on a date the other night." She told her, glancing her way to see her reaction. It had been some time since Anari had gone on a date. "He was a nice man, a business man, but he didn't really tickle my fancy." Taking Ashton to a fancy dinner had been what had been on her mind throughout the date, to say the least. She hadn't even slept with the man either, something she knew Ashton would find different as it was no secret that Anari would share a bed with whomever she dated whether it was the first night or the fifth night together. "I didn't fuck him though. He didn't seem too keen on sex the first night." She chuckled, red eyes in the road as she drove, leaving the pavement for dirt pathways as she headed outside of town towards the old farm.


Daerys smiled when the girl introduced herself, holding out a hand to shake in greeting. "Pleased to meet you Miss Sinclair." She hummed, pulling her hand away when the girl shook it. "I was... Heading to English I think?" She said a little slowly as she watched her under a careful gaze, confused as to where she had been going in the first place. "I.. can walk you to your class first though, if you'd like?"
Ashton adjusted her pink wool sweater, the sleeves falling over her wrist and concealing the old, faded friendship bracelet she wore on her right arm. Ash sighed, although she was smiling. "Shocking development." Ash laughed, brushing her fluffy brown hair away from her eyes. "Well. I saw my ex at Dairy Queen the other day. I guess she works there now? Anyways she didn't even acknowledge me, which was rude as hell. Like, she's the one who dumped me, you know? Doesn't have to avoid me like i'm damn satan incarnate." Ash sighed and then smiled again. "Anyways. I got new pillows!! Theyre really cute, i'll show you them next time you come over." She said cheerfully, turning back to Anari.


"Oh, uhm, alright!" May nodded. "I was headed to geometry..." She smiled slightly. "I failed it last year, so, here I am, taking it again! Haha..." May sighed and held her books even tighter, turning to walk off. "I really hoped I would get to be top of the class this year. My parents did, too, but...I guess we can't all be perfect, huh?"

(sorry this is short!! <3)
"Would you have preferred I take you on a date?" Anari teased her as she drove, quite liking the idea herself. The Irish woman didn't shy away at times of showing her affections for Ashton, though she never thought the woman took it to heart.

She sighed to herself when she spoke of her ex, frowning as she did. She didn't like the girl Ashton spoke of, and had told her that much when they first got together. She had seen nothing but negative energy surrounding the woman in question, so it didn't surprise her that the woman had ignored Ashton's existence when she saw her. "She doesn't understand what she's missing out on." She commented softly as she drove, seeing the old farmhouse come into view as she neared it. "Such a bloody idiot, that one. Let a good woman slip through her fingers for the chance at another." She grumbled, obviously unhappy about the woman.


Daerys smiled again when she said she could escort her, knowing she'd just wonder the halls again as she didn't seem to be noticed by anyone except this girl in front of her. "I could help you with your studies. I'm very smart." She offered, tilting her head as she looked at her curiously.

She pushed her dark locks behind her ear as she looked over the girl, quite liking what she saw. Daerys was a full blown lesbian, and had often been caught with her hands up the skirt of a fellow girl while they were hidden in a closet, but it had been some time since she had last been intimate with another. She didn't think this girl would share her sentiments, so she sighed to herself as she licked her lips. "What other classes do you have today? I could be your escort for the day."

(That's okay!)
Ashton blushed slightly and turned, biting down on her smile momentarily. "Well, you know what they say. C'est la vie." Ash turned and looked out the window excitedly. "We're almost here!!!" She said, practically squealing with excitement. "Oh, i'm so excited!! I love these janky old buildings, they're so cool-looking!!" Ash picked her camera up again, her red-painted fingernails tapping on the sides of the camera in her excitement. "You think i'd get a good shot of it from the car?" She asked Anari excitedly, leaning her head on the other girl's shoulder as she did.

Maybrie adjusted the sleeves of her jacket and turned to Daerys, giving her a momentary, full-lipped smile. "I wouldn't mind having you around all day." She said brightly. "I don't really....have a lot of friends in my classes..." She frowned for a moment, grabbing the locket she was wearing. "So it'll be nice to have someone to talk to!" She said, her bubbliness returning in full. Maybrie spun around on the heel of her shiny Mary Jane shoes, her skirt billowing around her momentarily. "But.... you're sure you aren't, like, missing out on anything?"
"Perhaps I take you on one after our jobs are done. I could use a few drinks and I quite like your company." She chuckled as she drove, smiling to herself at the change of topic and the idea of spending a night on the town with her.

When she asked if she could pictures from the car, Anari stopped the vehicle so she could, quite enjoying the feeling of her head on her shoulder. "Perhaps we get out that bottle of wine tonight when we retire? It's been some time since we shared a drink." They had shared a few drunken kisses before, but Ashton never seemed to remember it the next morning which always did sadden her a little. She would have quite liked to show Ashton a night she could remember, knowing it would be great fun for the both of them, but never letting it show as she feared Ashton didn't share her affections. "Take your pictures, my dear. We're a little early as is." She chuckled to herself, smiling at the brunette.


Daerys seemed pleased that she would let her be her escort, turning her purple gaze back onto her own as she listened to her speak. "I could certainly tutor you." She told her gently, humming at the idea. It seemed Maybrie was the only one who could see and interact with her. She glanced to the clock on the wall nearby, noticing it was getting close for classes to begin. "Come, let's get you to geometry." She hummed, motioning her to follow her.

"I take your in Mr. Weavers' class?" She asked as she walked, her long hair flowing behind her as she walked. She glanced at the others in the hallway, boys and girls that didn't seem to notice her with Maybrie as they walked. She frowned to herself, knowing Maybrie wouldn't notice this difference.
Ashton smiled and held up her camera, capturing the full landscape in the lens. "Wow...it's like, pretty in its own way. Definitely good bones." Ash murmured to herself, sitting up on her knees and leaning forward. "I'm sure if there was some real intense flipping done, this place would be hella nice." She sighed dreamily, turning to Anari. "I think i got some pretty cute pictures! The morning dew makes everything so nice, doesn't it?" She said brightly, still propped up on her knees. Ash turned to look out the window again, putting a hand against her face. "I can't wait to start investigating in there...." Ash chimed brightly, still looking at the farm in the distance.


Maybrie nodded. "Yep." She said simply, giving a light shrug. Maybrie turned to look at the girl behind her for a moment. She was very pretty, almost....etheral looking. May blushed and turned back around, biting her lip. "So, uhm.....we're almost there." May finished, smiling slightly to herself. "Sorry, that was dumb."
"Definitely." Anari agreed with a smile as she watched her taking the pictures and when she was, done steered the car towards the building, eyeing it carefully as she thought she caught sight of a wisp in one of the windows. "This may serve us some good. Let's get started." She grinned as she turned off the engine and stuffed the keys in the pocket of her flannel, opening the back seat door to grab one of the cameras to film the area.

She stood nearby the car as she filmed the outside of the building, red eyes thoughtful as she moved to head inside, motioning Ashton to follow her as she did. She sighed to herself, feeling the energy of the spirit that resided there. "Hello!" She called as she entered the house, scanning the room with her eyes and recording camera as she did. "I can feel your presence! We've come to see why you've not passed on!" Her Irish accent echoed throughout the house, hearing it echo back to her as she stepped further into the room.


Daerys grinned to herself as she felt her eyes on her, seemingly pleased by it as they walked. Maybe she could use her charms to hear the girls moans of pleasure one of these coming days? She chuckled to herself at the thought of it, obviously amused. "Well, here we are." She commented as she stopped beside the door leading to the proper classroom.

"I shall be here when you're done." She told her gently, watching as other students filed into the room, none seeming to notice her standing there. She smoothed her skirt and white top as she turned her gaze on her, purple eyes warm as she looked at her. "I take it'll be a little over a hour before class is over?" She hummed as she looked her over, eyes darkening a little as naughty thoughts passed her mind as she pulled her gaze to meet hers again.
Ashton followed after Anari, her black heeled boots clip-clopping on the ground. She held up her camera, occasionally snapping a photo of the surrounding area. "Do they really come when you call them?" Ash asked, tilting her head to the side and causing her hair to fall over in a cascade. "If they do, they're probably like cats. They only come, like, occasionally." She said thoughtfully, lowering her camera for a moment. It was cold and run-down in the house, but it certainly looked interesting. Ash was pretty familiar with farm houses, she'd known a lot of people who lived in them and had seen the sort of architecture that was synonymous with such houses. Ash frowned as she walked through a spider web, brushing the translucent material off of her sweater. There would probably be a....lot of them around here.

Maybrie nodded, flushing under the other girl's attention. "Uhm, yes, about an hour?" She said shyly, tugging on her hair ribbon and then the matching one she wore around her neck. "I....suppose i'll see you then." She said, giving her a small smile before turning to the classroom door hesitantly.
"No, not always." Anari heard herself respond to her friend's question, red eyes looking around the room for a moment longer. "I saw something in one of the rooms upstairs when we pulled up. Let's go investigate the up stair rooms now." She continued, chuckling at the comment about spirits being like cats. "They're nothing like cats, although having one would help lead us to where they're hiding." She mused as she used a green Converse covered foot to test the staircase, deciding it was sturdy enough to support their weight before she climbed it. The energy on the second floor was stronger, she noted to herself as she walked. She scanned each room, finding nothing there until they came to the last one.

The ghost of a woman in white stood in the middle of the room, Anari's red eyes immediately locking on with her own. "Hello," She greeted as she held the camera up to capture it's presence. "Hello," The ghostly woman replied as she watched the two woman under a cautious gaze. "Why haven't you crossed over? What keeps you locked on this plane?" Anari asked the spirit as she watched her, frowning when the woman only stared at her. "I'm a witch." She said gently. "It's my job to help lost souls like yourself to pass on. Is there anything of yours around here for us to bury?" Burying the objects that once belonged to the dead where easy ways to ensure they passed on into the afterlife, but often than not they didn't remember what had once been there's and Anari's trained eyes would have to seek out the object that held a glow that linked it to the ghost. Her red gaze scanned the room, eyeing the portrait of a woman with twin children, seeing the soft blue glow surrounding it.

"Are these your children?" She asked her as she crossed the room, recording the portrait before turning back to the ghost. The woman only nodded her head in response. Anari knew that it looked like she were talking to herself, since Ashton didn't share the rare gift she did. Only the witches in her long family line had this gift, and it was highly coveted by the churches in the world as a sin to possess, even when they themselves used the witches to meet some means to an end. "We must bury this portrait." She told Ashton as she watched the ghost, frowning to herself as she thought. "Your children are waiting for you, I can feel them." She said as she looked briefly to Ashton, knowing she would want to get a picture of the ghost and that nothing but an orb would appear on film. It wouldn't be the first time Ashton tried to photograph what Anari saw.


Daerys grinned to herself at the blush in the girl's cheeks, obviously pleased that her attention on her had brought it forth. "I shall see you when you are done." She told her gently, watching as she went into the room. She moved across the hall and leaned again the wall, looking outside the window as as sigh left her lips. When was the last time she felt a stirring for the companionship of a woman? She couldn't remember. Nor could she remember the events of how she came to lay on her back after a night of drinking, considering she had slept on her side on the sofa of the common room with a bucket nearby for her to vomit in. It angered her a little to think that someone had moved her and caused her death, causing her form to flicker lightly in the light.

She ran a hand through her hair as the minutes passed, still looking out the window as she saw no need to go to any classes. Nobody seemed to remember that she had once been a student at the school, it was like she had been erased from their memories the night she had passed away. She raised a hand to the sunlight, watched as it passed through her as if she weren't there, frowning at the sight. She couldn't remember the last time she felt the sun on her skin or the wind in her hair. She could travel the grounds of the school and inside the school itself, but trying to go into the nearby town was unthinkable. Her soul had attached itself to the school where she died, she wouldn't be able to leave the grounds without the help of a powerful witch who could take the spell that bound her to the building away. Part of her hoped she'd find herself face to face with such a being, as when she was living she had a fascination with witches, and often thought of going to work for one as an apprentice when she left school. Alas any plans she had had where long out of her grasp now.
Ashton gripped her camera, watching the exchange. She always felt slightly uneasy while watching Anari communicate with ghosts. She knew she shouldn't, but just the thought that there was something there, that she couldn't see... Ash shivered. She snapped a few pictures of the surrounding room, staying mostly in the background. Ghosts were very hard to catch on film, she knew that, but it was still tempting to try and get a photo of whoever was there. Still, it didn't really do her and Anari much good. The photos were either dismissed as a hoax, or just stated as unrecognizable. Frowning slightly, Ash retreated back to the corner she stood in, still watching the other woman speak.

In class, Maybrie chewed on her pencil and thought. This was a strange situation. Not just that she didn't know this girl, but also that she wanted to walk to class with her? That was odd. Most people ignored May, and the ones that didn't were either just acquaintances or borderline hated her. It was strange for someone to want to spend time around her willingly, and strange too that it was someone she barely knew...
Anari watched the ghost of a woman closely as she reached a free hand to grab the portrait off the wall, watching for any signs of malice from the ghost. But nothing happened when she took the picture down, the ghost merely watching them as she told Ashton to go photograph some of the other rooms while she went to bury the portrait. She put the camera back in the case it belonged in, fishing out her shovel and crossing the grounds for a soft patch of earth.

When she found it, she placed the portrait nearby and began the task of digging a hole big enough for it. She grunted as she dug a fairly large hole, frowning to herself as she did. It seemed to easy, this one, but she thought that maybe the ghost had wanted to pass on to be with her children again. At least Ashton hadn't been injured this time, unlike the last time they encountered a ghost. It had put rather large scratches on her back when Anari had pressed it with questions, only being able to cast a spell to defend herself and it hadn't reached Ashton in time. Ashton had a habit of staying far from her when she conversed with spirits, something Anari was constantly chastising her for.

She buried the portrait and sighed as she finished covering it with dirt once more, heading back into the house to watch the spirit ascend as she did every time she helped a spirit part from their world. They gave her glimpses of their memories, usually soft and fond ones in response to her help. It fueled her power whenever it happened, and she found herself growing stronger with each soul she helped pass on. "Well," She said when she found the brunette again. "I think our job here is done. We can go to the farmer for our pay here when you're done taking pictures." She ran a tired hand through her white locks as she leaned against the door frame, brushing dirt off her green flannel as she did.


Daerys waited patiently outside the classroom, wondering to herself if she could even feel pleasure now that she had been long dead for a couple months now. She knew to herself that she had a human form, one that could be touched by the living and a ghostly form with a tail that tethered her to her body. She hadn't had the pleasure of touching someone in a long time, and didn't think the girl she found herself drawn to only because she could see and converse with her would appreciate any advances on her.

She sighed as she looked at the nearby clock, noticing the time. Ten more minutes. She thought to herself as she smoothed her shirt, her fingers running over her breasts softly as she did. This girl intrigued her because before her nobody had ever seemed to notice her unless she was holding something in her hands, and even then they only saw a floating object and not herself. She sighed as she pushed her hair back, trying to remember the faces of her parents as she looked back out the window. Did the mourn her death? Did they even know she died? What had they told her little brother when she died? That she died in her sleep or that she was just away and couldn't come home again? It made her heart ache to think about it, so she pushed the thoughts out of her mind. There was no use in lingering on something she'd never know of.
Ashton smiled slightly, nuzzling against Anari's shoulder. She was shorter than the other girl, but with her platform boots on, it was barely noticeable. "You alright?" She asked softly, looking up at her. "You seem really tired..." Ash said lightly, before turning to look at her photographs. "I think i've got enough pictures, if you want to leave." Ash smiled, laying back against Anari and sighing softly. She was looking forward to getting to sleep. Ash was always sleepy, it was just an effect of all the late-night ghost-hunting sessions.

Maybrie glanced down at her journal. All she had written was an intelligible miasma of swirls and the occasional word. Well. May wasn't going to get anything done in class. So she let her mind wander, to that girl she had met today. Daerys, her name was. Maybrie sighed, her tone barely audible. Daerys was certainly very pretty. It had been a long time since a pretty girl had paid attention to her. There were always girls Maybrie had found attractive, but they usually either treated her with disdain or ignored her. The thought of a girl actually feeling the same for her... Maybrie flushed and shook her head slightly. It was unfathomable, really. She should just be paying attention....The moment she thought that, she was startled out of her thoughts by the bell ringing.
"I'm fine." Anari sighed, smiling at Ashton to ease her concern. "Let's go get our money and retire to the inn in town. It's closer than driving all the way back to my house." She hummed, taking her hand in hers and leading the way out after she said that she had taken enough photos for the evening. "I could use a drink. Perhaps we stop at a gas station and grab something stronger than wine?" Anari was known to be a hearty drinker, and often after their ghost adventures she'd be seen with a glass and bottle of whiskey or rum nearby her to calm her overshot energies. She packed into the driver's seat, waiting for Ashton to get in as she turned on the engine and steered the car in the direction of the nearby property, humming to herself. She excused herself briefly to speak with the old farmer who was sitting on the porch and returned, counting the money as she did. "Three hundred as agreed upon." She grinned as she sta in the driver's seat again, the door closed and the radio playing Who We Love by Sam Smith and Ed Sheeran. "Your photos should get us a couple more hundred. I say tonight was a success." She turned her red gaze on the girl beside her, looking at her fondly as she did. "Now for a drink and the room?" Anari asked in a bit of a purr, unable to hide her want of the girl in that brief moment.


Daerys grinned when she heard the bell go off, and straightened her shirt as she waited to see Maybrie exit the room once again. "I told you I'd wait for you." She hummed as she looked at her when she finally appeared, eyeing her over slowly. "What class is next?" She asked her gently as she watched her, turning her purple gaze back onto her eyes as she waited her response. While she had been waiting, the black haired girl had made herself ache thinking about bedding the young girl she came in contact with, but she didn't let it show aside from her eyes lingering a little too long on the short skirt she wore.
Ashton nodded sleepily, running a hand through her hair and snuggling against the seat. "Suresies! Different rooms are always fun." She said lightly, glancing out the window. "I don't know why i'm so tired. Sorry." She murmured, glancing up at Anari and smiling softly. "I guess I haven't been sleeping that great lately." Ash trailed off, before blushing slightly and turning her gaze away from Anari. "I usually sleep pretty well when I share a room with you, though..." She said quietly, flicking her gaze back to meet Anari's for a moment.

Maybrie gave her a small smile, glancing down at her shoes. "It was very kind of you to wait. A-and I have history next, in the right wing." She said hurriedly, looking back up at Daerys. "What've you been up to?" She asked, trying to make the question sound light-hearted, although her gaze lingered on Daerys for quite a long time.

(sorry this is short!!)
Anari chuckled, turning the car around and heading back to town to stop at a gas station to buy a bottle of spiced rum before they would retire for the night. She wanted to go through the pictures Ashton had taken, but that could wait till the morning. Something told her tonight would they would be more intimate than normal. Sure they shared a few drunken kisses, but Anari would normally put a stop to it thinking if she did in fact have her way with Ashton that it'd ruin their friendship and she valued her friendship more than anything. Parking the car in the parking lot of the small inn after the brief stop at the gas station, the white haired woman grabbed the overnight bag from the back seat and took her hand in hers as she led the way into the inn. The older woman at the desk gave her their key after she paid for the room, and when they got there and inside she was amused to find it only had one bed. "I take we'll be sharing the bed tonight." Anari hummed as she placed the duffle bag on the table nearby, peeling off her flannel to reveal the fishnet tank top she wore underneath. She grabbed themselves each a plastic cup and poured them each a fair bit of the rum, handing Ashton her cup as she sipped at her own. "Do you want to change before you get too drunk? I don't want you sleeping in your day clothes." She asked curiously, crossing the room to shift through the bag to find Ashton's spare pjs.


Daerys nodded as she listened, humming to herself until she heard her asked what she had gotten into while she had been in class. "Oh I just hung around. Not much for me to do these days." She replied offhandedly as she waved a dismissive hand, motioning her to follow her as she moved to lead the way to her next class. "What things tickle your fancy? Do you have a partner?" She asked her as they walked, curious if the girl was available for her playing or not.
Ashton stretched and nodded, smiling. "Not like I don't do that anyways." She laughed. Ash usually fell asleep pretty quickly when she was drunk, which she felt was slightly fortunate, so she could avoid embarrassing herself in any way. She balanced her cup precariously on her thighs, still stretching out slightly. "I probably should change, though." She said lightly, putting her hands on her cheeks and smiling a little. "Nice of you to think of that." She said quietly, picking up her cup again and staring into it.

Maybrie laughed, covering her mouth with her hand and shaking her head. "Oh, definitely not. I had a maybe-girlfriend when I was, like, twelve? But girls tend to avoid me now, haha..." She turned to smile Daerys with bright eyes. "What about you?" She asked, her tone about as light as she could make it, although she was genuinely curious, and maybe even a little hopeful..
"Aha!" Anari cheered when she found the sleep shirt and shorts she had been looking for, tossing them over to Ashton before looking for her own pj's. They were a pair of woman's boxers and a tank top. She downed her first cup of booze and poured another, setting it on the table carefully before she went to change quickly. She returned from the bathroom, scratching the collarbone snake tattoo as she did, her nipples hard in the warm room. She sat at the table, listening to whatever it was Ashton put on the TV as she sipped her drink, glad for the moment of relaxation after the adventure they had. Her red eyes looked over Ashton slowly when she returned from changing, a little dark as she thought to herself. "You'll probably pass out here soon." She teased her behind her cup, grinning to herself. "You usually do."


Daerys grinned at her as they walked, listening quietly as she spoke. "How old are you now?" She asked her gently, turning to look at her as she thought about her response to her question. "I've... Fancied some girls before but nothing serious ever came from it." She said slowly, humming as she looked at her. "I'm seventeen." She told her gently, thinking she wouldn't act on her want if the girl was too young. She didn't think she was, she looked about her own age, but she wanted to be sure before she started flirting with her.
Ash laughed and put her head on the table, her fluffy brown hair spreading out around her. Ashton was very fond of making her hair as fluffy as possible, which gave her a definite 80's vibe, something she liked to play up with her outfits. "Let's just hope I don't land on the floor again." She said, smiling to herself. She had kept her trademark scarlet lipstick on, Ash usually left her lipstick on until she actually went to bed, just because she liked it so much. "That'd be unfortunate." She said, looking up at Anari with her wide, hazel eyes.

"Oh, I am too!" Maybrie said brightly, turning to Daerys. "I'm turning eighteen in four months. I know I don't look like it, though." She giggled, tugging on her neck ribbon again, something she did when she was nervous or excited. "It's cool we're the same age, though...! It's nice to have a friend in the same grade as me." She said, before frowning slightly. "We are friends.....right?" She asked, giving Daerys a nervous, doe-eyed look.
"Would you fancy a game?" Anari asked her as she watched her from where she sat, pulling a deck of cards out of the duffle bag. "Strip poker perhaps?" The Irish woman was known for her teasing when drunk, often confessing her affections for Ashton in small ways when they were together. She grinned at the idea of the game, knowing Ashton might be a little hesitant on it. "I shouldn't get you too drunk, though. You won't last the night with me if you do." She teased, smiling to herself as she shuffled the cards, moving with her cup in hand to sit across from her on the bed to deal them their cards. "Loser has to strip a piece of clothing." She told her gently, looking over her own cards as she sipped her second cup of rum. Anari would be up late after Ashton passed out for the night, playing with herself quietly as to not wake her and alert her to her pleasures. It was a dangerous game to play, but one she fancied.


Daerys grinned at her words, pleased that they were the same age after all. "Well happy early birthday." She hummed, smiling still. "Ph I like to think we're friends." She hummed, nodding to herself. "Maybe we could find ourselves a little more than friends? I quite fancy the idea of finding myself between those pretty little legs of yours." She continued, obviously not ashamed in the fact she was flirting with her now.
"Oh my god, noooo, you know how bad I am at poker!!" Ash laughed, pulling her hair back into a clumsy ponytail secured by a hot pink scrunchie. "You've met Fantina, right? She'll tell you first hand how many times i've lost that game...." Ash shook her head slightly. "It's just not my forte." She turned to Anari, smiling mischievously. "Or did you choose this game because of that?" She asked teasingly, in a tone very unlike her. Ash wasn't really one for flirting, she wasn't very good at it, but she was feeling a little more....confident, now, and she was very obviously showing it.
Maybrie flushed and looked away, burying her face in her books. "U-uhm, haha, yeah..." She laughed shyly, looking down. Maybrie couldn't believe that she just....SAID that. It was...well...nice that she felt the same as May did, seemingly, but still...she certainly wasn't expecting the other girl to be so....forward about it. "Wow..." She murmured, her face still bright red, although she turned back to look at Daerys with a shy smile.
Anari grinned at her when she accused her of choosing poker because Ashton was poor at the game. "Perhaps." She teased, finishing her second cup of rum as she did. "Humor me with just one or two games?" She asked her gently, though she knew she wouldn't force her into playing if she really didn't want to. "We could play rummy or blackjack or spades? Though I'm not too good at spades, I don't remember the rules." She chuckled, eyeing her curiously as she waited her response.


Daerys grinned even brighter as the girl seemed to get flustered and shy away at her bold comment, pleased with herself. She hadn't lost her touch for making a girl squirm with her words at least. "Does the idea of me between your legs tickle your fancy? Perhaps you could skip this next class and we find a place to hide away just so I could show you had good I am with my tongue and fingers?" She hummed as she continued in her attempts to woo the girl, obviously amused at how shy she seemed to be.

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