Undine Isle (Dine Isle)


"Film Major"
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Given Name: My given name just so happens to be Undine. Call me Undies and I may have reason to hurt you...

Surname: Isle. Yes, I know, Undine Isle is pretty peculiar, but so are my parents.

Middle Name (Optional): Emilia. Kind of like Amelia with an E. Actually, it is like Amelia with an E. 

What is your official DWMA Nickname?

My official nickname is Isle, Dine, or Dine Isle, but people also call me Undies even though it ticks me off.

Provide a yearbook picture here:


I didn't want to take a picture so they caught me by surprise.

Age: 16 and thank god I'm not pregnant! Sorry, I'm getting off track, aren't I?

Gender: I'm a girl. 

Height: 5'5'' and decent enough

Hair Color: It's a bit of a lilac, lavenderish color, but sometimes it looks really purple and brown too. <strong>

Eye Color: I can say for sure that my eyes are brown, though.[/Tab]


Are you an EAT, NOT, or NEW student?

I'm technically NEW seeing as I've only been here for a month, but I'm in NOT classes.

Are you a weapon or a meister?

I'm a meister... Right? I am saying this right, right? I'm kidding! ^-^ 

If a meister, what is your preferred fighting style?

Well, I've never really thought much about it but I like going in with a plan; even if that plan is just me saying I have a plan, that's better than nothing. I go for weak points that I pick up on and strike hard, and hopefully I won't second guess myself. Speed and agility are something I like, but struggle with. *cough* lead feet*

How many years have you attended the DWMA?

I've been here for about a month, but I hope to be here for a couple of years!

Personal Profile

What would others say are your strengths?

I'm a logical thinker and I'm pretty good with details and observing (doesn't seem like I would be, right?), I have soul perception, although I'm not positive on how it really works, but it's still very helpful, and I fight hard with a force that most don't expect to see. 

What would others say are your flaws

I have lead feet, and I'm horrific at stealth thanks to it. My appetite is not the most common, seeing as I'm constantly hungry like the little robotic toys that never stop exclaiming, "Feed me! Feed me!" My stomach has a mind of its own. When I get angry, I get wicked. Like, burn your homework, doing tribal chants around a bonfire, evil. 

Describe your personality in 2 paragraphs or more: Weird; that's the best word to describe me, first of all, but not even the typical definition of weird. I'm not what can be described as "social" but I'm not "antisocial" either, I'm neutral and A-okay being that way.

My logic is pretty strong on the battlefield, but majorly flawed when it comes to regular life, because sometimes my mouth moves faster than my brain in comprehending a situation. I don't get the jokes people make the majority of the times, and have even been the butt of a few jokes because of it, but I'm not affected very easily by trivial things like that. I like to be evil (not evil, evill, but teen evil) and plot against people; whether it's over romance or a prank. I'm a lot more cunning than most perceive me to be. I meddle, it's what I do.

Typically, I don't get angry, just frustrated or irritated. But when I do get angry, I'm not the most pleasant. My game boy is a quick escape for me when I need a break from the reality I can never seem to keep up with. There's no hiding that I have enough optimism to be a little kid who caught santa, eating the cookies she'd left out, on her video camera... When it comes to food, of course. Even so, my slight positivity for other things (though I don't show it) is a talent I take pride in. It makes it impossible for me to stay angry longer than 3 hours; but that doesn't mean I can't hold a grudge. If you tell me what I should be doing with my and how I should be doing it, I may have to chop you ove the head. But besides that, we should be fine!

What do you like?

A nice video game


Ploying Being able to use Soul Perception

Ooh, I love to play card and group games!

What don't you like?

Medical Offices


Being sick

Not being good enough


Being Called Undies 

Give a 3 to 5 paragraph biography: I've grown up with two scientific parents who's favorite topic of study happened to be kishin eggs. They wanted to study the different stages a kishin went through on their journey to becoming a kishin. It was pretty foolish and risky of them (although they did get very far in their studies) to study such a topic, and thankfully, they came to the exact same conclusion.

My parents dropped the risque lifestyle for a more hovering, overbearing parentals lifestyle. Having ambitious parents such as my own meant that they expected me to be just as ambitious as them with the same Seizing Life By The Throat attitude. I was much more laid back and not as serious about the whole choking out my life thing as my parents and they weren't very pleased with me.

After giving up their adventurous lifestyle to raise their -ungrateful- daughter, they were very disappointed in how I didn't have much of a plan for my life. There was no goals I had or intended direction I wanted to go. So, as a simple solution they decided to send me to the DWMA to see if that would get me on track towards my future. At first, I didn't want to do anything because why should I? My parents had apparently begun developing an elaborate plan for my life, and I had no say in it whatsoever. But then I met my weapon and met some awesome people and decided that, "Fine, I'll study at the DWMA, and I'll try. But I'm doing this my way." I'm also doing this to show my little brother and sister that they can make the best of what may seem like the worst situation. Because if they play their hand right, the game can always serve to their advantage.

How do you feel about the DWMA?

I admit I wasn't the most ecstatic when I first arrived, but it's growing on me...

Why have you joined the DWMA? What motivates you?

It was more my parents' choice that I join the DWMA, not mine, but my motivation is to make it as a great meister because I want to be a great meister. 

What are your goals while attending the DWMA?

To prove to myself that just because I don't have this amazing lifestyle or a super detailed plan for the future, that I can still do something memorable with my life.

Personal Items:

Other Important Facts: Welp, time to go. 

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