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Fandom Undertale

name: Lilly-Chan


route: pacifist

height: 4'8

weapon: stick

armor: bandage

bio: was frisk BFF and learned he/she was going to the mounton so she ran there and tripped and fell after frisk.

personality: flirty

extra: chara likes me more xD
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Would I have to do a CS if I were to want to be Sans? Also, I assume this would be either during game or post Neutral run?
The one issue I have potentially is how would you get Gaster to come into... existence? Just my two cents
Well he dosent exist because he is outside space and time and with frisk playing about with space and time he could force himself into the world
You need to organize this, ask me for help if you need any but i'll make a formal CS for this RP based on what you posted.





Side: (Pacifist, Genocide, or neutral)

Relations to cannon-characters:



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Name: W.D Gaster

Age: unknown

Species: formerly a skeleton

Gender: male

Side: has seen all the endings play out countless times he prefers the pacifist ending.

Relations to cannon-characters: depending on who joins his relations can change only confirmed is he is a former friend of Asgore, and is somehow related to sans and papyrus also likely knows Chara and Asirel.

Bio: He is the forgotten former royal scientist, who was erased when he fell into the core. Little is actually known about him aside that he made the core and may have engaged in his own experiments into determination. In the end he fell into the core and was erased from existence , though the question remains why did he fall? An experiment gone wrong, guilt over what he had done, sabotage from a jealous assistant, a banana peel and no railing? no one knows.

Personality: Gaster is rather maddened from his existence in the void having come in contact with every other him in existence and many that never did. He tends to forget what timeline he is in if outside of the void often growing angry for things that didn't happen. Still he can be a rather nice guy when he isn't crazy or cold, he doesn't care for humans.



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