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Fandom Undertale: Surface

[QUOTE="Flowey Dreemurr]Toriel:ok if you roll a 6 you beat photoshop flowey (omega)

Toriel:No asgore I roll

Shoot toriel I th-

*grillby opens the door*


(Lets not get silly. Toriel doesn't know PHOTOSHOP flowey. And yeah.)
Toriel:cool the omega flowey!

Tori is that photo-

she covers my mouth

no that's omega

Cool omega Whos that?

Toriel is blue I'm red

Toriel facepalms

Omega Flowey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Toriel you know you don't know who omega flowey is

What do you mean?

A very nice friend told me

Who sans!

What no!?

Anyways it's my turn to roll

Listen smart goat it's my turn

[QUOTE="Roxa Yuno](BTW you can not be all characters at once.)
(Only 2. Toriel and ASGORE You can be.)


i'm sorry i'm new here
(I'm home .-.)


''What do you mean? I'm right here!'' He walked into the room, confused.
(Hey, wanna have a FriskXAsriel ship going on to make things interesting? I do not want this RP to get bored, as of its such a good one?)
(I never take it too far. And enjoy your meal )


''My eyes doing just fine, how was work?'' He asked.

They replied with tireing and sat down

"What year in school would we be in" she asked
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''Well, atleast i hope you had fun!'' Asriel replied, sitting down on the sofa. ''I don't know CHARA. But surely i'm not yours due to my looks, and my age.'' He said, showing how small he is and how old he is.

(How old do you want FRISK and CHARA to be?)
(Because i was thinking to make CHARA older than FRISK. But i'll make you make the decision.)
(Chara will be 15 Frisk will be 13)

"Yea your right...that sucks"she said
(Asriel will be 13 also then. Was 15 but aged back to 13.)


They watched Mettaton's show for a bit. Then Asriel got up, went to the kitchen and came back with chocolate bars and drinks. I'd pass them to Chara and Frisk and kept a chocolate bar and a drink for himself. Everyone got one of each. ''Enjoy!''
Chara thanked him and opened the chocolate bar and put the drink down "do you know when we start. Frisk are you going?"

Frisk replies that they cant because of their job
(This is how ASRIEL will look like BTW)



''Aww, Frisk, come on, go to school with us, it'll be fun! At this age you shouldn't be even working in the first place, so c'mon!'' He begged.
(Chara looks lke my profile pic and frisk <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/anime-frisk-(undertale)-games-2630918.jpeg.29f25cc1bcf49a03893940a4620c4cf1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/anime-frisk-(undertale)-games-2630918.jpeg.29f25cc1bcf49a03893940a4620c4cf1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> )

Frisk said that they do have off for a little bit and need somethig to occupy there time



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