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One x One Undertale Roleplay!

Thug Pug Johnnie

Emo Prince







Race (monster, or human):






Love interest




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Name: Clark

Age: Young adult

Gender: Female

Sexuality: PanRomantic Asexual

Personality: Clark is shy but sweet. However getting to know her isn't quite easy. She takes a while to really warm up to you but once she does she will share her kind heart and humor with you. She loves cynical satirical humor and loves to share her own jokes with her friends.

Appearance: A pale blue flame girl, she is short and chubby. Her flames form straight square bangs and twin buns. She is known for wearing shirts with ironic messages and skirts.

Race (monster, or human): Flame monster

Strengths: Clark is very book smart and artistic. She shows great creative potential by making murals in various areas of the underground. She loves psychology and has a knack for dissecting why those around her do what they do. She is a perfect shoulder to cry on. Clark loves sharing her wisdom to cheer up friends.

Weaknesses: Clark has very bad social anxiety, this is so bad that she is forced to make most of her friends online. Clark is often taken advantage of and used by those she cares for because she is a bit of a push over. Often times, Clarks sensitivity gets in the way of her success. She also is a lover not a fighter, so she is very easy to defeat in battle.

Likes: comedy, lots of food, sleeping in, lazy nights, quiet, academics and helping out others.

Dislikes: Fighting, Working out, Being stared at, The outdoors and discrimination.

Fears: Abandonment, loneliness, social situations and losing those she holds dear.

Love interest: No one yet

Background: Related to, though not closely, to Grillby.

Bio: Grew up in Snowdin, She lived with her mother and younger brother who inspired her very much to make the world better. Unfortunately at a young age Clark and her brother was taken from their mother because she grew too ill to care for them. This caused Clark to grow very independent very fast and leads her to have some emotional issues on occasion. Clark currently resides in Hotland.

Extra: Clark enjoys spending time with Napstablook on occasion, they get along very well and even listen to similar music.

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