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Fandom Undertale Au party Rp

"I'm....fine." She says. "Why do you ask?" She asks, letting out a nervous chuckle. She could feel herself panicing, but for what reason? She was absolutley clueless.

"Who are you going to fight now?" Frisk asks, climbing out of the crater. "That was cool and entertaining to be honest." She says, dusting the dirt off her sweater.
Chill frowned and gave Raven a look. “I call absolute bullshit.”

Undyne tapped her chin before shrugging. “I guess whoever else pops up at the party. But till then why don’t we go back and help Alphys cook?”
"I'm sorry..." Raven mumbles. "What do you want me to tell you?"

Frisk nods. "Good idea." She says, heading inside.
“Doesn’t have to be the complete truth, just give me the gist behind why your soul is cracked and has stitches.” She shrugged acting nonchalant. In all honesty she saw a lot of who she used to be in Raven.
"Aww....come on...you dont wanna know about all that, do you?" She asks, a flicker of fear in her eyes. She could tell she did. "Fine.....I'll tell you.....A long time ago, before I ever came to the Underground, I lived with my father whose name has been forgoten to me. He was a brilliant scientest, but he was never right in his mind. He had constantly used me in experiments, none really having bad sidefects, until his last one. He was attempting to create the most powerful superhuman known to the Earth. The experiment failed, breaking my soul with unreversable damage. I ran away, fell into the Underground, and never went back." Tears rolled down her face, filling her with embarassment. "Ya know......Your the only one who knows about all of this...." She laughs grimly. "I feel so damn pathetic..."

Frisk helped Alphys bake the last of the pies, putting them in the oven. "Hey, where's Chill?"
Chill’s attention went straight to Raven’s soul, her own soul aching. “I remember all of the resets. Each and everyone. In one of them Frisk…no at this point it was Chara…they pushed me into the Core. Frisk just got me out of there. At a price.” Chill leans forward with her hands on her face. “This isn’t my original Timeline. I jumped from my original to this one. The one I came from collapsed, and everyone else was dead. In this one I had vanished, just gone, so when I arrived everyone was confused. I’d been missing for a few years.” She looked Raven in the eyes again. “I can fix your soul, but you have to want it, you have to have the determination to except my magic.”

Undyne and Alphys both shrugged. “Probably napping somewhere in the house. As far as I know she hasn’t used magic in years, so using that much at once is draining.” Undyne said while pulling a pumpkin pie from the oven.

Raven stares, new tears forming. "I'm sorry about the resets, I rembered a few, and your right. Everyone was gone. I......didn't know about you, if I did, I would've helped you. And if you can fix my soul, would it hurt you? I........Chill I don't want it to hurt you......."

Frisk nods. "Your probaly right."
Chill only grinned. “Ok, you know about the seven well known souls correct? Well, there are more than just those seven. There are mixtures and there are solids. As far as I’m aware I’m the only one with a Mahogany soul, the soul of Life.” She grins wider, glee and happiness apparent as she explains. “My soul was made to fix others, so give others the little boost they need for their souls to heal properly.”

Alphys glances at the two nervously before her eyes wonder to the kitchen doorway. She felt magic beginning to stir in the air.
The purring kitty pretty much studied everyone around him, cocking his head to the side he huffed silently and sat down on the couch. "Okay then..."

//Sorry, back...
(I'm back online)

Raven smile in relief. "Ok. I trust you Chill. I really do." She glances over at the monster who hadn't given a name before looking back at Chill.

Frisk pats Alphys. "They're fine."
Chill only nosed before her expression turned slightly serious. “I will have to take your soul out to heal it. I need your permission first before I do this.”

Alphys shook her head before nodding firmly. “Y-you’re right.”

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