Undertale: A Public Message (Spoilers)


Nobody in Particular

So, assuming you've played UNDERTALE, I also assume you know all the different endings you can get,

Neutral, Pacifist and *shiver* G-Genocide...

I'm telling you now...


It makes you feel like a monster because you are if you do so! I don't care if you want to 100% the game just watch the runs on Youtube or something unless you want your psyche to break and have to question your morality. Killing everything in this game isn't like other games. Especially if it isn't your first run (NO one should do it first run, wait until you've done everything else to experience this heart break if you won't listen)

You will fall in love with the characters and having to kill them is terrible. It doesn't help that they call you a monster and "not human" but also when you kill them they aren't angry. Just disappointed.

And judging my polls most everyone's favourite character is Sans, and he's a great guy but. It's the worst killing him,

Calling you a "Filthy Brother Killer" and needing to kill you to save all timelines is rough. He's not the bad guy. You are. Infact, no one is really a bad guy besides Flowey.

I seriously suggest you revise your choice in route, you can always bail right now and just go for a Neutral run

i know you didn't answer me before, but... somewhere in there. i can feel it. there's a glimmer of a good person inside of you. the memory of someone who once wanted to do the right thing. someone who, in another time, might have even been... a friend? c'mon, buddy. do you remember me? please, if you're listening... let's forget all of this, ok?

//So... Your thoughts on Undertale and the Genocide route?

I'd gladly answer this question, if I'd ever actually taken the Genocide route. I'll probably get to it eventually, but right now I'm finishing up my first playthrough, taking the pacifist route. I do have a question though - The battle with King Asgore, is it possible to win without killing him? He kinda destroys the Mercy button xD
LegoLad659 said:
I'd gladly answer this question, if I'd ever actually taken the Genocide route. I'll probably get to it eventually, but right now I'm finishing up my first playthrough, taking the pacifist route. I do have a question though - The battle with King Asgore, is it possible to win without killing him? He kinda destroys the Mercy button xD

You fight him but when he's about to die you get to choose to Fight or Mercy, it's the only two options but---

When you mercy him he'll be killed by flowey anyways..."
[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]

You fight him but when he's about to die you get to choose to Fight or Mercy, it's the only two options but---

When you mercy him he'll be killed by flowey anyways..."

Thanks, but I already figured it out myself anyway xD I appreciate the help, though!

[QUOTE="Despairingly Lucky]Infact, no one is really a bad guy besides Flowey.

Debatable. That's some extremely heavy spoiler territory though. At the very least he certainly isn't a hero. You're correct in that you're the villain however. I mean, one of the boss's intro messages is literally

The heroine appears!

It's refreshing.

Did the genocide route. Finished it. Hated myself. It's the best. I disagree with the OP; it offers a lot of insight to some of the characters that can't be gained anywhere else. Two of the best fights in the entire game are contained to this path as well. Just know that if you're intent upon doing it you really need to push yourself to the end with it. Putting aside the fact that it easily has the most difficult battles in the game in it, it's also kind of...well, pun aside, soul crushing. When the cast in its entirety is so lovable and you have to go the extra mile to be the real monster that speaks volumes of how fantastic the writing is.
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I really feel that I'm in the minority with everyone else saying that the genocide run was heart-wrenching. I found it quite enjoyable and interesting, with actually finishing it feeling quite rewarding due to the difficulty. I really liked the characters, and I just simply saw playing the genocide route as seeing a different side of them. I will say that it felt extremely tedious and annoying at times due to having to grind enemies, but I'm pretty sure that was the point. Of course, my first run was basically a no-mercy run except for Papyrus, I only did the pacifist run AFTER the genocide run, and my personal favourite character is Flowey, so making me feel guilty for something has proved extremely difficult in the past.
Genocide route best route. I found it really fun. Also the Sans fight because of it was great. Took me three tries (I don't count the second try though because he cheated and attacked mid-monologue) to get but in the end, he was the one who had a bad time.
...Oooo I was looking for this.

Bwhahhaaahahhahahh >:3

*plops down*

She sans no more.
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I agree with the OP's statement that nobody should do a genocide run as their first play-through. The experience is so much more emotional if true pacifist is played first.

However, I highly suggest that everyone eventually plays the genocide route, as it is extremely enjoyable and provides way more depth to the characters we know and love.
Sans said:
I agree with the OP's statement that nobody should do a genocide run as their first play-through. The experience is so much more emotional if true pacifist is played first.
However, I highly suggest that everyone eventually plays the genocide route, as it is extremely enjoyable and provides way more depth to the characters we know and love.
I wouldn't be able to bring myself to do it for a while.
So, I just started the Genocide run... I only just left the ruins and I already feel bad for everybody T.T
I was so stupid... I let my little sis near the keyboard while playing... She thought you had to kill...
I like the boss fights in the genocide run (Except Papyrus, it made me feel like a inhumane creature, killing him) The Undyne fight beat the everliving hell out of me, and the Sans fight just added to the Mega death.
Okay, so initially when I first bought the game, I was thinking "I'll do a pacifist run first, and then genocide, and then another pacifist."

Of course, after beating the pacifist run and having my heart broken and gaining immense emotional attatcment to all of the characters, I didn't want to do the genocide run. I thought I wouldn't be able to do it.

"At first, I thought to myself, 'I don't like this. I'm just doing this because I HAVE to know what happens.'"

But eventually, I ended up doing a genocide run anyways. And surprisingly...I enjoyed it. Maybe that's because I've been expanding upon my interpretation of Chara, and it was easy for me to slip into his character, but...I'm probably making an excuse for myself. Doing the genocide run was certainly an experience, and it was one I actually liked. The emotional guilt caught me several times when I was killing main characters (I actually apologized to Undyne as she was melting), but most of the time I didn't care about the other monsters. I think the reason why I enjoyed the genocide run so much was that it gave me insight into Chara as a character. I'd seen his pacifist side, but I hadn't seen his other side until now, and it allowed me to flesh out his character a lot more and understand him as an individual being much more.

However, I didn't complete my run. I let Sans murder me 12 times, and then gave up and let him win. I reset and saved over my file. I'm not a complete demon; I know when to stop. Besides, there was really no point for me to continue- I already knew the ending. There wouldn't be any point to watching it other than having my emotions stabbed repeatedly when Flowey dies and then having to admit to the consequences of my actions and let Chara have my Soul.

All in all, it was a good experience, and it makes all the people who say "I can't do a genocide run!" kind of amusing to me. Because really, killing everyone isn't that hard. Yeah, it hurts sometimes, but... with enough LOVE, soon you won't care.

(Some of the things Chara said really made me hurt, though. xD That poor, soulless child.)
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Wow to each their own. Personally I couldn't bring myself to kill anyone. I'd just rather watch a video of it. It's not your average game where you save beforehand and wipe your slate clean with a reset/load you know. Even so I'm just not the type of person to be able to harm someone I care about intentionally. Nice to see people actually enjoyed all sides of the game though.

I however also suggest that you go for the True Pacifist ending first, considering playing through the genocide route forever changes how that ending turns out after doing it before it.
I never got why people were so torn up over the genocide route. Not even close to the saddest thing the industry has produced, imo. It was really slow and grindy, and the boss fights were... Eh...? Undyne gave me more trouble than Sans. (but don't mind me I've played NES games.) The one thing I could appreciate was the ability to skip the long monologues. I don't want to go around stepping on toes, because I know people do like this game, but personally... It was meh. Nothing against you if you like it, though.
I'm currently doing the Genocide route... just got to the Hotland area, still have like 20 enemies to kill before I kill Muffet. Undyne was such a tough battle... gosh. My hands were shaking.. xD
I'm firmly in the basket that really super enjoys the Genocide route.

So I played the game three times prior to playing Genocide (oh... four times, technically). I played Neutral (playing blind and not knowing what to do), then Pacifist (knowing now to keep going with Act and that it's actually doing something) and then True Pacifist (since you need to do Pacifist first once for the True version).

I fell very hard for the Pacifist version, was a little surprised at how connected I was to the characters in-game. (I guess it helps that they talk through the fourth wall so often and I used my real name to name the Fallen Child).

I actually had to leave the game as is for at least a day before starting a genocide route (and yes I'm a filthy cheater who copied all my undertale save files before restarting the game). And yes, Flowey's frigging message at the start before resetting a True Pacifist ending broke my heart and I had to wait longer.

But eventually I started a Genocide run... minus Papyrus. I'd heard Sans only fights you because of Papyrus and I was curious. (Spoiler alert - trying for a genocide run but sparing literally any boss is super disappointing, at least in my opinion. Feel free to poke me about that). Though it's maybe worth it just for Flowey's message right at the end.

And finally as my fifth run I did a full-on Genocide run.

Holy heck it was the most fun thing I have played. At least as fulfilling as the Pacifist runs, though obviously in an entirely different way. I could tell right off the bat why we were forced to grind for enemies to kill - found that so awesome as an idea that it was rewarding. (Helped that I found a bug to let me walk around, triggering fights, while I did other stuff on the comp). Found the chilling horror/thriller-film style of the genocide game to be fantastic and beautifully creepy.

My favourite moment, out of all the routes, is coming upon Snowdin Town in a Genocide route and visiting the store/inn.

The empty store, especially. I took the time to read through the note - the whole 'please don't hurt us' thing? And my gosh never has a game made stealing feel so realistic.
It made me feel like a complete bad guy in a way morality metre games don't usually manage (yes I'm the guy that tries to play the Dark Side character in morality bar games).

Undyne the Undying kicked my arse very hard, but it was just as rewarding to slaughter her. Talking to Flowey at the end before Sans fight is creepy and excellent and hints at more story which is beautiful. I'm actually stuck on the Sans fight, as his fight is so damn fun to play but has also made me stubbornly want to fight him just for the satisfaction of taking away that one last HP he has.

My only complain about the genocide route is that I want to get passed Sans already so I can hear the rest of the story first hand (I don't want to hear it second hand, especially after coming so far). Though on the other hand I'd love to just keep playing the Sans battle over and over and over.

(And yes I know this means the game is playing on my Pride to keep me eternally stuck, but I just give more kudos to the game for that. Good on it, using my flaws against me. I don't care, that's a smart thing to do. I respect it for being that smart yet still being fun.)
I played both endings.

Honestly, the Genocide option is the first time in any video game that I have ever truly felt like the villain. In other games, the evil stuff is just petty stuff. Like punching some guy in the face. The game just moves on as if nothing happened. They do not respond to the murdering monster walking down the street.

In Undertale, I felt like the villain. People were laying down their lives in an attempt to try and stop me. They flee from me and hope I don't kill them. Sure the Sans fight was a nightmare but I eventually got it hours later... The last time I felt this drained from a video game was Spec Ops the Line. This is much worse since you have a choice to do this evil.

Excuse me while I have a good cry.

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