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One x One Underfell to Surfacetale - Corrupted Save File Restoration - Overview



The Tale of Underfell

After achieving the ending of what the monsters trapped within the Underground had hoped in eons to have, in which they reach the Surface, the human that chose Mercy over Fight decided to reset; destroying the happiest timeline.

However, after the reset, the timeline was not the same as before, they could sense it. Starting once again in the Underground, despite the Ruins' same appearance, the air felt different--heavier, foreboding. As soon as they locate a glinting star, the object that allows them to feel determination and save, they notice that their save file had been corrupted.

What effects would the corruption of their file be? Though... the main question that the human must seek the answer to would be on how it even became tainted in the very beginning.

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No longer a purple/gray hued area; the bricks that allow the RUINS to stand is stained with the colour of dark-shaded cherries.


After leaving RUINS, the forest that leads on from it may look the same, though if inspected closely the snow has become gray instead of whiteish-blue and the trees are of a even lighter gray.


The town that was known as Snowdin in the clean save file. The snowy path that leads to the entrance of Bloodbath slowly transition into pink. Once fully entering the town, the snow itself turns red and soon a darker shade the further you progress through. The shop remains open but not manned, and the Inn beside it is barred closed. Grillby's is now Grillblue's. Yet excluding these, the rest looks somewhat normal to the original.

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