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Fantasy Under the Sea

Damian came across Asher and Ace, he snickered slightly at their banter "you boys ready? Ace I'm sure you already have plans for these creatures, Asher do you have any plans for them?" Damian himself just wanted to learn from them, but he wasn't about to stop anyone elses plan for them.

He was curious to how Captain Renwick was going to capture the mermaid, surely ir would be rather difficult. They would obviously fight back, and when they did they would have the advantage of being on their turf.


"Guys, where are you" Harley said starting to panic, she hadn't heard anything from Avery nor Vera and she was afraid something might have attacked them as the wouldnt have seen it coming.

@JayKuro @FireMaiden @Aella @Leo Radomir @MisterUniverse


"Ah I'm right here don't worry." Avery said swimming over to where he last heard Harley's voice his hands still in front of him acting a a guide. "We should find Vera and leave quickly. This place gives me the creeps." He said shuddering a bit as he looked around the dark room in a futile attempt to see if he could make out anything.

His hand grasped something loosely and he immediately letting go knowing what it was.
"Harley, was that you?" He asked drawing his hands closely to his chest.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden

"No I'm at the edge of where the darkness starts" Harley called back "why what happened? Are you alright?" Harley said wringing her hand wondering if she should go it and find them, looking around to see a patch of light shining through a crack, giving her an idea. One of the items she picked up reflected the light maybe that could help.

Digging in the bad she pulled it out and swam to the light.

It took her a few tries but she managed to shine a spot of light into the dark room, although she couldn't see Avery
"Avery do you see the light? Follow it" She said laughing a bit as usually you are told not to follow the light.

@JayKuro @FireMaiden
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Avery looked over at the light and smiled following it as Harley had told him. He laughed a bit as he had heard that usually you don't follow the light, especially since one if their predators that made their prey follow the light before he are them.

He looked of int the direction of the light to see if he could see tre source of it,

Harley frowned when Avery didn't appear

"Oh silly me, here I wriggle it so you know it's me and not something else" she grinned realising that his mind had gone straight to a predator that lures prey by light. Good thinking on his part.

She wriggled he glass slighty to prove that it was her that was the light.

"Did you find Vera?" She asked worried for their friend whom they hadnt heard their friends voice in a while. Harley hoped she was alright.

"Always have been ready. Always will be." Asher smiled with a casual salute to the captain. "I wanna see what magic these mermaids 'ave hidden away from us." He said, responding to Damian's question. "They have so much unknown power in their scales. If I can just take a few, who knows what I could do." He put a fist against his chest proudly. "I'd be a legend."

There was a violent sound of chains from outside the outside as the ship prepared itself to take off.

"How bout you Damian? What'a you in it for? The fame? The women? The coin?"



"Ah I see it now." Avery said walking in the direction of he moving light. "Sadly I haven't found her yet, it's too dark to see anything." Avery said sighing a bit as bubbles flying out his mouth.

"Here, can you shine the light around a bit so u can see a little better?" He asked squinting up at the light seeing Harley behind it. "After we find Vera lets leave okay?"

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden
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The crew of The Violet Skull were almost ready to depart. The wind was in their favour and better still, Caltain Renwick had a good idea where the merfolk had gone. There were a few wrecks nearby, none too shallow that the ships wouldn't be able to come near yet still close enough to the surface for his men to cast the nets that would catch the merfolk. It was perfect.

The crew were preparing the special containers belowdecks where the merfolk could be kept and the anchor was almost fully drawn, now all they needed was the go-ahead from their captain.

But he was lost in thought perched up in the crows nest, his spyglass in hand as he scanned the waves for something only he would see. The first mate watched him and sighed as he gave the order to depart in The Captain's stead. He always got like this when the merfolk were spotted. The crew were used to it anyway.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @JayKuro @FireMaiden
Harley was glad that she could now see Avery, hearing bis question she nodded and moved the light around so that they could see the room that Avery was in

"I wonder why it is so dark, the other rooms were not this dark" Harley observed, talking more to herself then anything

"Hey Avery I don't see anything, perhaps she has left the wreck." Harley was worried about Vera, she hoped the other girl had found a way out was was waiting for them.


Damian turned to face Asher, thinking about his answer, it wasn't really all that difficutl but he found it hard to find the wording that he wanted.

"in my opinion women and fame are fleeting and dont stay very long. The money is a bonus but not all that important. No I want knowledge" Damian finally replied after some thought. The mermaids must have great knowledge on the ocean that no other living thing that talks has and this was a golden opportunity to gain it.

@JayKuro @FireMaiden @Aella @MisterUniverse
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"Ah yeah she probably has. If not I'm sure we would've spotted her by now." He said moving around a bit still not seeing Vera. "Alright, let's leave then. I'm sure she's already left the ship by now, usually if she comes with me to explore ships she's pretty loud." He said not meaning to sound rude or offensive in anyway.

He swam over to where the room got a bit brighter and found himself outside the dark room.
"Come on Harley, it's this way!" He said hoping she would follow the sound of his voice.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden
Harley raced after Avery, as interesting as the wreck was she did not want to be alone in it, especially the dark room.

It didnt take her long to catch up to Avery, although the room had given her the creeps, she wouldn't be returning to that wreck anytime soon, she would rather explore a different one instead.

"We got some amazing stuff today" Harley grinned looking at the little ring on her finger with am almost see through stone. She was never taking it off, she had fallen in love with it.

"Want to bask in the sunlight with me before we return? I have to regain some warmth after that creepy cold room" Harley asked once the were away from the wreck, she had spotted a lovely patch of sunlight on a rock that was close to where they were now.

Ace came out to the deck and heard their con and says" knowledge ay your get plenty of that once we catch one i'll be happy to share my notes, but make no mistake we have to be cleaver about this, i have something we might be able to use as bait and i created some depth charge bombs".


"Ah yeah! That would be fun!" Avery said happily as he took off the clothing casting them aside, glad to be out of them. While he did find them interesting and all, he would rather not wear it as he found it quite uncomfortable. "Yeah I agree, I'm glad I chose a pretty good day to come here." He said as he glanced back at the room for one last check to see if anything caught his eye.

He left the hole in the ship that they came from going slowly so that Harley could get in front of him and show him exactly which rock she was talking about. He started swimming up to the surface smiling as he felt his cold skin get a bit warmer and warmer by the minute as the sun pierced through the water.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @FireMaiden
Damian shook his head at Aces suggestion "no, do not interfere unless you are asked to. I do not want to jeopardise anything" Damian said and looked at the other ship sailing to where Asher said that he had sensed the mermaids.

He was very curious to how they were going to do this, he was excited about this and was glad he had made the deal with Captain Renwick when approached.


"Oh there it is" Harley said pointing to the lovely looking rock that was just calling her name. Glancing over to where Avery was going closer to the surface to get to the warmer area and smiled.

Today had been one of the best days of her life, she was glad taken the courage to join Avery on his adventures.

@JayKuro @Aella @FireMaiden @MisterUniverse @Leo Radomir


Avery smiled once Garley pointed out the Rock and swam up to the surface heading towards it. He sat on top of it and left more than enough room for Harley to sit next to him. "It's so big!" He exclaimed looking out at the ocean smiling at the beautiful scenery. He always thought the ocean was beautiful whether it be under or above the water.

"The containment system is ready, sir. We have two tanks and can fill a third if needed. The merfolk can stay in the tanks indefinitely, until we have a chance to study them. The surgery has also been prepared and we have-"

The ship surgeon was cut off from his speech by a noise coming from the crow's nest. Both the first mate and the surgeon looked at each other, then back to the Captain, who was laughing.

"Captain...?" The first mate started to ask.

"They've come out of the water!" He said. "The stupid vermin have come out of the water! This is a sign boys, we are meant to catch these things." He glued his eye back to the spyglass and started yelling instructions to the navigator, pausing only to tell the first mate to send a message to Captain Damian, informing him that the prey was about to be caught.

The first mate sighed as he hosted the flag signal indicating that the Captain was going ahead, hoping that the other ship would get the message and send someone to discuss their strategy.

"Avery isn't this amazing" Harley smiled hopping onto the rock "the sun feels so good, if it wasnt ao bad for me I would stay here forever" she grinned closing her eyes and tilted her head towards the sun in pure bliss.

"Where do you keep these treasure anyway. I forgot to ask" Harley questioned turning jer head to Avery's opening only one eye.


Damian got the message that they had spotted the mermaids and grinned. It was almost time, soon he would have some answers to his questions.

Quickly he sent a page boy to find a way to send Captain Renwick to go ahead and do whatever he felt best, Damian felt that the man knew exactly what he was doing and had a plan, Damian however didnt know much about the creatures. To help he sent over a couple of his crew men that were good with hunting and traps.

@Aella @JayKuro


"Hmm... I keep my treasure in a cave. It's full of all the treasure i've collected over the years If you'd like you can just out your bag in their." He said as he laid back and started tapping on his stomach as though it were a drum humming a bit as well. "It's always fun up here, you always get to do things you can't do under the surface. Besides there aren't many Merpeople,e so you don't have to be so cautious and worry about them." He said glancing at Harley for a moment before he went back to humming,

(Sorry I haven't really been online, all day I've been traveling to New Jersey.)

The ships were getting closer and closer to where the merfolk were sitting on a rock. The Captain had ordered the skull and crossbones to be taken down and replaced with a friendly merchant flag while a few members of his crew who were excellent mer-hunters began to sail towards the merfolk in a rowboat.

They would pretend to be run aground, in desperate need of the kind merfolk who had the power to help them. Then when they had gotten close enough to the ship the men would throw nets over the swimming merfolk and capture them.

Captain Damian had kindly sent a few men to help out. Those men would come in useful when they had to pull the struggling merfolk out of the water and below decks.

Once they had caught the merfolk, Captain Renwick and Captain Damian would have to discuss how to split the profits...

The rowboat had come within shouting distance of the rock now. The merfolk had been to engrossed with the sun to notice.

"Ahoy!" the friendliest looking sailor called. "We need your help! Please!"

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @JayKuro @FireMaiden & everyone else
"that would be amazing thank you, I was wondering where I would keep it" Harley said a bit relieved she had a place to stash her stuff.

She went back to baking in the sun when she heard some voices call out to them, looking towards the voices she almost fell off her rock. Humans were calling out to them for help.

"Avery" she gasped grabbing onto her friend "what should be do. Should we go back under?" Harley was freaking out, she had never had a human see her before much less ask for her help.

(Sorry about the short reply internet is down and I dont have much airtime)

@JayKuro @Aella


"Harley calm down. It's okay they look friendly." He whispered even if the humans did hear they wouldn't be able to understand. They were speaking in the mermaids tongue after all. "If it comes down to it we can always try to enchant them with out voices." He said the more he thought about it the more it was likely to be true, enchanting was hid specialty and while he doesn't do it on purpose he can always try to. "Just breathe and keep calm." He said as the humans got closer. "What do you need us to help with?" He called to them in their own tongue.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @Aella
The friendly man who had first spoken to them smiled hopefully. "Please accept our apology for disturbing you, sirens. We are in desperate need of your help. Our captain is a wise man and has heard tales of your kind who can do great things with the ocean. Our ship has run aground and our captain sent us to ask for your assistance. His wife is waiting for him on another ship close by, and she won't be able to see him if the ship is not freed. Please, will you help us?"

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @JayKuro


"Ah um sure, we can help, though we aren't sirens." Avery said not knowing what a "wife" was, mermaids don't usually marry, if they're in love they'll have kids and live together until they stop loving each other, then they can always leave and find a new lover. So far Avery has had around 20 different mothers and 24 different dads, it got so confusing that Avery had to stop keeping count, and he doesn't go home often anymore. He got off the rock and fell back into the water, the cool water enveloping him felt nice. He swam a bit closer to the sailors though not within arms reach, he didn't really trust them yet though he would still help.

@Aella @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed
Harley eyed man who was talking to them, he seemed friendly enough but she wasn't sure.

"Oh sure enchanting, the only one good at that is you...let's help them and be on our way then" Harley replied in the mermaid tongue not taking her eyes off the humans, she didn't exactly want to be near them but she would feel bad if she just left them and the captain wouldn't be able to see his wife, what ever that was.

Harley slid off the rock and into the water.

"Come on let's go help and then go look for Vera" Harley said itching to swim deep into the ocean.

@JayKuro @Aella
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"Ah yeah, that's what a good idea! I still wonder where she went, it's not particularly nice to leave us like that... Unless we left her, if so we owe her a big apology." He said in the mermaid tongue looking back at Nar.ey as he didn't swim any closer to the humans. "Well we're ready to go when you are." He said to them in their own tongue, he was a little rusty having not practiced in a while but he could still manage to do pretty well.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @Aella

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