Under the Sea.n(1x1) [Allison Chase & Red Death] [Inactive]

Allison Mustang

The Little Flame Alchemist
AllisonChase submitted a new role play:

Under the Sea.n(1x1) [Allison Chase & Red Death] - Yep this is the best tag line ever.

Two mermaid girls get dragged ashore by the waves, they attract the attention of two pirates, who takes them aboard their ship. The boys are brothers, they trained the girls to be pirates and how to survive on their own. A storm soon follows the ship, wrecking it and sending the crew over board.
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She woke up to her friend next to her. "Anna? Where are we?"
Anna looked down to see two human legs instead of her beautiful tail, "How did this happen?"

She tried to stand up but fell on her butt, "This is a lot harder than it looks."
"I see that," Alice chuckled. "That's why I'm still on the ground." She slowly stood up and managed to keep her balance. "Now to try and walk." She took a step and collapsed. "Anna do you hear that?" A sweet melody was coming from a nearby cave.
She wobbled as she tried to walk, "Sure. Let's go check it out."
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The singing stopped suddenly, "who's there?" Then two boys walked out from behind the rocks, they caught us. "Who are you?"

"I'm Alice." Alice said bravely.
Anna sat on the rock holding onto her leg, "I'm Anna."

Her leg was bleeding badly, "We need some help.

Anna whispered to Alice, "We need the help. I won't be able to live with this wound bleeding like it is."
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I looked up at the boy, "Do you really think I can walk with this cut?"

The boy with black hair smiled and picked me up, "That's okay, I'll just carry you."
She tried to move off her rock when she fell into the sand. "And it seems I cannot either." She looked to the other guy. "Would you mi- oh"

He had picked her up.

"No problem." He smiled.
Both guys carried us to their small boat and brought us to their ship, which was huge!

The boy with black hair looked at me, "Need some help?"

I nodded and he placed me on his back. I held on, while he climbed the ladder.

Once we were up, Alice was placed on the boys back as well, and the other boy started climbing up.
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The boy smiled, "Don't worry, we're almost in the ship, then I can let you down."

Both boys were very nice and yet they seemed so scary before. Once we all were on the ship, the crew came towards us to get a look at us. I instantly shrunk down, but it was hard to do with my injury. The boy with black hair noticed my wound first. He whispered something to the crewman, in which the man brought bandages, and kneeled next to me.

He looked at me, "May I?"

I nodded and let go of my wound. Once I did, he swiftly wrapped it up, "There you go. I would be careful walking for a little bit, but it should heal soon and you'll be able to walk in no time."

Once we both were checked up, and bandaged up, the boys started to ask a few questions about us.
"Where are you two from?" One boy asked.

"Do you need anything else?" Another boy asked.

"Are you hungry?" Asked another.

"Give Anna and Alice some room." The black haired boy came between us and the crew.

He turned around, "I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Akira. I am not going to harm you two and neither are the crew mates. You are welcome to stay as long as you want. I would also like to introduce you two to my best friend and co-captain."

Akira grabbed the other boy, that carried Alice, and smiled.
The one who carried Alice made a remark. " I'm actually the captain of this ship. Akira is just fooling." He Bowes toward her "I'm Jason"
Akira smiles, "I could never be a captian. I can't handle it very well."


Anna looked up at Jason, "Can we have something to eat, pefferiably seafood for me."

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