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Other Unable to view my own thread

The ability to access the Offsite Ads section, along with several other features, unlocks when your post count reaches 25. It looks like you've still got 11 or so to go; may I suggest joining in some discussions in other areas of the site?
I used to be able to access it though, why the change?

Also I've noticed a whole other thread of mine might have been deleted
So I just keep posting for 11 times to view my own thread. Wouldn't that be considered spam.
So I just keep posting for 11 times to view my own thread. Wouldn't that be considered spam.

Not really. Just go join some meaningful conversations and participate. Depending on how it goes, we might lower it again in the future, it has helped a lot with almost no compliants.
You can see it from your profile -- posts are called "Messages" there, but it's the same thing.
How do I check how many posts I have so far?

Click on your profile, or dropdown at the time or the easist that I like to do is simply click on your avatar here.

You have 11 messages.

Now my thread has been completely deleted, may I know why? You told me to get up to 25 posts, I tried to post in the forum to increase my post number so that I would be able to view the thread that I created. And now you've just removed the entire thread.

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