

Ruling unknown Kingdoms
Character Quote:

Appearance: (Realistic roleplay, actual people)

Name: (First, Mid(Op.), Last)

Nickname: (Opt.)

Age: (We're in highschool)

Origination: (Where they were born, Kent Washington is where the roleplay takes place)



Mask: (Photo Please, it has to do with their personality somewhat)

Personality summed up:

+(Positive traits at least three)

-(Negative traits at least five)

Personality: (At least a paragraph, paragraph=four sentences)

History: (Opt.)

Hobbie(s): (Opt.)

Likes: (What brightens their day, what will they love?)

Dislikes: (What dampers their mood?)

My character will be up soon.
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"Why is it called Facebook? How ironic can you get."



"My middle name is danger baby...I'm so sorry. Where's the door I'll let myself out."

Asena Dorcas


"I got this, I know this one."



"I think the accent says a lot."

Manchester, London


"Romance isn't something i've been raised to think about."

Asexual seemingly


"I don't know what it is but you're not the first to ask this."



"I only keep it so my mother and sister don't know."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.ad3ced132bca8052a7317560c20f2e1e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.ad3ced132bca8052a7317560c20f2e1e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personalty summed up:

"Give me a moment, I can list about a million negative ones but positive? Give me a moment."

+Understanding, Ambitious, Imaginative, Dorky

- Forgetful, Procrastinator, Unmotivated, Socially Awkward, Easy Liar, Sarcastic


"Well this is going to ruin any chances of us being friends."

Asena doesn't allow what has happened to him to appear in his personality to much, instead he's found to be a fairly energetic figure. He finds great interest in showing what he knows and expressing what he feels visually in large ambitious projects that aren't always finished. They can most often times be left alone once the motivation has faded for it does very easily, his determination if it were an object would be a light switch for anything and anyone can cause him to stop what is planning though its mainly himself. Asena needs his own personal time amount to do something, much of his assignments are most commonly late due to this unfortunate trait. The brunette though most commonly can be found to forget what he has began and stuff it beneath his bed or within his desks drawers only to be found later, to which the cycle begins its round again.

Asena is though very kind hearted and big brotherly, though he can be found to be somewhat of a pessimist he'll try to keep it to himself so he won't burden others with the same mind set. This leads him to being fairly skilled in the lying category, it has become somewhat of an instinct recently to not tell others of his negative thoughts.

But don't worry, he'll forget it soon enough due to stuffing it in a chest within his brain where only later on will he remember.



"Sorry can't do that."

Asenas username hadn't been something he had seemed to find the most interesting, but an actual representation of himself and his life.

Asena was naturally talented in the music category. This involving many instruments though mainly the piano, an instrument he would most commonly be found hunched over as he'd attempt to teach himself the best he could before his father and mother had given him actual lessons which would be taught by the paid tutor which he and his father would drive to each Tuesday and Thursday so they could spend a fair amount of time; only on occasion would anyone else accompany them as Asenas mother would mainly stay home to watch over his younger sister or get what work she could done.

It was normal, and everything was well until a fateful fall day where Asena and his fathers car had blown a tire on the edge of the freeway sending them tumbling towards the would when Asenas father had jerked the cars wheel so intensely. At first glance it would seem that neither survived such a treacherous accident, but that statement was only half true, for fifteen year old Asena had, though barely. The brunette boy had been quickly rushed to the hospital and had been in a coma for weeks before finally awakening, though with much missing. There was nothing within his database, speaking for many minutes upon awakening was a difficult task. doctors and such had approached him on different occasions as well as a women and a younger looking girl, asking whether or not he could recall anything. But, he couldn't.

Such a crash had done a reasonable amount of damage to his mental state, consisting of him losing what memories he had formed over the years and a few of the skills he had mastered before. Things such as his talent in music, reading and small points of writing. Even now he can be struggling with reading small remarks within the chat rooms and forums, he'll squint his eyes, fix his reading glasses but in most scenarios he'll find himself looking up the word to find what it meant. His remaining family had chosen to move after he seemed to regain most of what he had known academically not liking the feeling of Manchester any longer.

When they had moved to the U.S. he still held a fairly open mindset somewhat naive to the world still due to the accident despite it being a couple years ago, and seeing more masks somewhat dampened his mood. Asena doesn't enjoy the sight of people hiding themselves for who he used to be is hiding away from him and it irritates him slightly, this caused him to remove his mask and come up with the idea of beginning a club having to do with expressing yourself.


"Scrolling the interweb for twelve consecutive hours and procrastination. Bam, there you go."

Asena despite his current state finds a great amount of interest in writing and illustrating. After the car accident as he was found to be rendered a bit incapable to do a few of the given therapeutic activities, they'd ask him much of the time to sketch out the type of emotions he would feel within himself or where he wants to be, what he wants to do, who he wants to see. There would be a different theme each time, but much of the time it was to abstract for both those observing and himself to dictate. Even as the themes would grow more scarce Asena would continue to draw what was left within his mind, until he had grown somewhat as a writer to which he would instead put what he drew into words in an attempt to try and understand what he felt.


"Okay, I got this..."



-Rain, cold weather



-Interacting Others

-Browsing the interweb

-Seeing others faces


"Oh don't even get me started, I could go on forever..."

-People questioning his low academic level

-Reflections, his own most of all


-People hiding themselves away

-Being lied to

-Forgetting things

-Ironically remembering things

-The current generation

-Being bullied or frowned upon

-Recently Musical instruments


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