Umbrage Asylum for the Insane

I'm just adding a few more details about him right now, so he'll be up n' ready in no time.
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That extremely awkward moment where the creator is behind and has to read everything to catch up and even post....

Ways to incorporate students

1. Shields

2. Ransom(?) for freedom cause if students die the facility will look bad

3. Students go with to try and lead Iris and her fellows to them once they are out, out

4. Students want to join facility

5. Students hate facility but have seen too much so leave as well but are also chased down.
We need to find a way to tie the students into the rp and also probably plan a restart. Maybe check everyones characters for op? I wanted to use them as shields in the rp that was my idea.
I'd be okay with that... Hm.. well students could be new experiments if we really want to go there and incorporate them. They are more as a means to help distract.

So how do you guys want to restart?
I honestly have no idea. I'm reading CS looking for OPness. I'll let you know if something seems... OP.
I think we should make it to where the students have to be the reason that the patients get out otherwise whats the real point of them being there in the first place. Accidently press something or something like that I will be a evil experiment for the first bit and stick with Iris
Or find a way to open the doors and so on. Let a few out on accident. Like if a student turned off the lights in Christian's room he'd be out in almost a heart beat

I can create someone else... hold on one sec

The Control Twins

Rafe and Irial Donoghue l 20 l Patient; Sub Level 2 l Compulsion. Rafe needs eye contact and Irial needs to touch the person, but once they've done so and given the command, you cannot resist. l Crazy? Ha. How couldn't we be when we've been blindfolded and tied up for years?

^^^Like they could get everyone out very quick

If I made them
Haha, yeah. I just have no idea what's going on in this RP, some people are killing, some are wondering around, ect. How about everyone comes together before we attempt an escape plan :P

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