Ulexa Rasui Sustrai


Ulexa Rasui Sustrai

emerald's kid.jpg

Name Ulexa Rasui Sustrai

Name Meaning Ulexa is named for Ulexite, a silky white mineral. Sustrai is Basque for "thief", and Rasui is an Egyptian name meaning "dream".

Age 18

Gender Female

Orientation "I like hot people." Honestly, nobody's really sure. Ulexa isn't attracted to people very often, and when she is, it doesn't really follow any pattern of gender presentation.

Parents Emerald Sustrai, Iah Rasui

Race Faunus

Height 5'5'' (165 cm)

Weight 119 lbs (54 kg)

Body Type A narrow frame with lean muscles all over and few curves to speak of.

Faunus Trait Snake fangs that aren't venomous, but definitely hurt if she bites you with them.

Weapon Glory and Gore

Weapon Description Two giant mechanical hands that fit over her own like gloves. The fingers can move like normal fingers, including curling into a massive fist to punch, and the knuckles can be loaded with dust canisters and high-caliber bullets. She limits herself to ice and lightning dust as these are less likely to damage her weapons.

Other Weapon Facts Glory and Gore are incredibly cumbersome to move with, and although they can fold down to a more manageable size resembling regular gloves, this takes precious seconds (about seven).

Fighting Style [COLOR= rgb(105, 105, 105)] [/COLOR]Ulexa can't really waste time constantly folding and unfolding to run around the battlefield, so she usually picks a place and stays with it. Once she's where she needs to be, she can use Glory and Gore to wreak havoc on her enemies, and her semblance can keep them from running away.

Aura Color Ulexite white

Semblance One could say that Ulexa can toggle a huge gravitational pull on and off for her body. When she uses her semblance, everything within a ten-foot radius will gain a slight milky-white glow, and people and things within that radius will slide towards her as if rolling slowly down a slope. She can increase the speed at which they're drawn to her, but it takes proportionately more aura to do so.


[COLOR= rgb(105, 105, 105)]Hand-To-Hand/Melee Combat: [/COLOR]7

[COLOR= rgb(105, 105, 105)]Ranged Combat: [/COLOR]3

[COLOR= rgb(105, 105, 105)]Agility/Speed:[/COLOR] 0

[COLOR= rgb(105, 105, 105)]Overall Strength: [/COLOR]5

[COLOR= rgb(105, 105, 105)]Logic/Critical Thinking: [/COLOR]5

Personality "There's honor among thieves. And I guess among people with giant ballistic fists, whatever we are."

Ulexa became a Huntress out of compassion - she saw the destruction left in the wake of the Battle of Beacon, and how her parents created order in its chaos, and believed she should have a similar fate. Her sense of right and wrong is closest to "be kind to those with less, and if you don't, you're wrong". She goes out of her way to help people whenever she can, and feels very disheartened when she can't.

She tends to be playful with people, sometimes jocular, and acts warmly towards anyone who doesn't cross her. She likes laying on praise, taking people under her wing, playing with words, and making physical contact like throwing an arm around someone. Her temper flares up whenever she sees something she perceives as injustice - someone being victimized by bullies, a villain escaping without getting their just desserts, even a character in a book who didn't meet the fate she wished they did. When this happens, she often impulsively lashes out at people with her words. She never hits people, but a quirk of hers is challenging people who wrong others to mutual combat to atone for their sins.

Relationship with Parents "They provide everything for me so I can rise even higher."

[SIZE= 14px]Since birth, Ulexa has been a rich girl in an impoverished area of the city. This has resulted in her feeling an intense gratitude to her parents, without really understanding the struggle they went through to get where they are now. She gets along with them, but resents the way her parents seem to connect her to their past instead of just letting her be who she wants to be - a Huntress, not a thief or an entrepreneur. Both of her parents were very against the idea of their pride and joy taking such a dangerous path, so she had to wait to pursue her dream.[/SIZE]

History "It's almost like I'm part of their redemption story, whether I want to be or not."

After Beacon fell, Emerald had a falling-out with Cinder that resulted in Emerald fleeing to the outskirts of Vale. The young thief fended for herself, shooting Grimm and stealing to eat, in a world more dangerous than she'd ever been in. She met Iah when he saved her from a group of White Fang operatives who'd stayed behind to pick off stragglers. Iah was a mob boss turned landlord, disgraced when his gang, a group that broke away from the White Fang, had been nearly completely wiped out by its parent organization. He let Emerald tell him her story, and took her into his home out of both compassion and attraction.

Over the next three years, Emerald's relationship with Iah deepened, and they decided both to marry and to clean up the piece of Vale Iah had carved out. With the last of Iah's mob, they were able to make the area livable for the urban underclass of Vale, and Emerald took joint ownership of Iah's rapidly-filling apartment complex. They decided to have a child who'd inherit their hard work, and that child was Ulexa. This daughter wandered the streets of Vale as a sort of symbol of Emerald and Iah's triumph over their lots in life. She grew up without needing to learn to steal, due to how wealthy the family was. 

Additional Images

Polished ulexite


Iah Rasui

iah rasui.jpg


I'd rather not bring Ulexa into the RP until I'm sure a team needs her, and I'd appreciate players with only one character taking priority. I am glad I got to make her, though, and it'll be fun if I do get a chance to play her.
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