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Fandom U.A. Roster: Class 1-Ω



Aqueous Knight
Student CS

//Copy here//

[Image of character here]

[Quote from character here] - [name of character]

Name: (Japanese if you can, as I will be only allowing one foreign exchange student in this class)

Age: (15 - 16)

Appearance: (A short Paragraph or two explaining your character’s appearance either if they don’t have an image or if you did post an image on top please put a short paragraph explaining any difference in the image that you posted OR post a second image if you don’t feel like explaining how they appear of somehow if the image fits your character perfectly)

Quirk: (What it does and if it has any major drawbacks or other effects on the character. Also I like to add that the more stronger a quirk is the more likely that the quirk has a big drawback and if it doesn’t explain how. Hot tip the only explanation I will take for a powerful quirk with no major drawbacks is quirk marriage this is a fair heads up. )

Personality: (A long paragraph or two explaining their personality)

History: (A long paragraph explaining how they got to this point in their life.)

Likes: (3 - 8)

Dislikes: (3 -8)

Strengths: (3-6)

Weaknesses: (3-6)

*Delete this text once you’re posting/ You have 15 points to distribute among your 5 stats, this is more of a estimation than a hard fact about your characters*






Entrance Exam placement: (41 - 252 What was your character’s placement in the Entrance Exam?)

Reason for Entry into Class 1-Ω: (Leave this alone. This is to be edited in when you are done as I will give you a PM on the site or a DM on discord for this when your character is accepted)

//End copy here//

(A long paragraph is 5 - 12 sentences a short paragraph is 4 - 7 sentences)

- Class 1-Ω's Home teacher -
“You will be something Extraordinary, and I will do everything to prove it to you and the world. ”

- Hinata Tachibana


Hinata Tachibana

Hero Title:

The Techno hero: Techno-Blaster




Hinata is a slender man of average height with messy, short white hair that sticks out all over the place and his reaches just below his glowing pink eyes. Hinata is recognized for his intense appearance, often appearing ready for battle or teaching (Both often coinciding). His glowing pink eyes often leaves a trail of light behind him even during casual conversations and little movement on his part.

Hinata Sports a fancy looking black and purple suit with added modifications to look intimidating but mostly to assist him in Pro-heroing as the shoulder pad on his left shoulder is in fact a computer. And a black and purple backpack that contains 6 drone like weapons.



Hinata can manipulate any and and all technology and data through physical contact even though gloves and clothes. Hinata can control even the most basic of technology as long as it has even the slightest amount of electricity running through it. And he can control the most complex of technological marvels but the more complex a piece of tech is the harder he needs to focus to control it. Also Hinata’s brain can process information and data at an incredible rate being able to read entire E-books or thousands of Emails in matter of minutes.


Hinata’s past and personal history is a complete mystery, making him the greatest enigma in the Pro-hero Scene. Hinata is known for his intense expressions, voice, teachings, opinions, and combat style, he doesn’t do anything in moderation. He is a man of passion and flare but he is also intelligent both emotionally and intellectually thus he is a man with an understanding of most everything and everyone around him. Hinata is an avid tech nerd to nobody surprise. He has a penchant for tinkering with and modding existing technology. While friendly if intense, he has a tendency of getting exasperated over the antics of his follow teachers and of his more colorful student. Surprisingly Hinata is a rather modest; some would even consider the man self-conscious as he is often critical of himself and his mistakes and also the fact he feels like he doesn’t fit in with the rest of U.A,’s staff or even among pro-heroes as a whole.




Modern Tech

Retro Tech

Video games

Techno music

Kids and Teens



Not being good enough

His Mistakes


People treating their tech badly

Rustic towns





Strong and flexible quirk for the modern day


Trained in hand to hand combat


Quirk is useless in nature or very rustic areas

Self conscious

May be too intense for some people


Reliant on tools for bigger dangers


Combat drones - 6 stake likes drones attached to very long wire cables that are able to retract quickly stored in a backpack that Hinata always has on. These highly advance drones are incredibly tough and the tips are sharp and powerful enough to be able to stab through cement and metal giving Hinata the maneuverability and combat abilities needed to be a Pro-hero. These drones have cameras and highly sensitive microphones on them as well making Hinata able to spy on others even from a distance away.

Techno-Blastr - A highly advanced computer which uses hologram interface, Wi-fi, Bluetooth, and a whole host of programs and functionalities, it was created by Hinata himself to help him on the field.

Power: 3

Speed: 5

Technique: 6

Intelligence: 5

Cooperativeness: 4
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["Burrrrrrn!"] - [Yami Otokonoko]

Name: Yami Otokonoko

Age: 15

Appearance: Pic

Quirk: Hell Flame - Hell Flame gives Yami pyrokinetic abilities. He can create and control fire at will, as well as shape the flames as he sees fit. He also has the ability to control the fire's temperature. His quirk can be overpowered by water and ice.

Personality: Yami's two dominant traits is his stupidity and bravery. Yami can easily be amazed by the simplest things, such as a parrot. During long and complex explanations of something, it usually goes through one ear and out the other. Yami's personality is like that of a child's, in the sense that he tends to go to the extremes. He can either be extremely greedy, especially in cases of food, or extraordinarily selfless.

Yami has an extreme thirst for adventure. He has no actual sense of caution and in fact, has been known to literally laugh in the face of danger and walk into potentially harmful situations with a massive grin. Yami is very loyal to his friends, and can lose his temper quickly if they are harmed in any way. Yami is willing to do drastic things to avenge and defend those dear to him. Despite all his peculiar traits and habits, Yami's most defining part of his personality is the ability to make allies out of almost anyone.

History: Yami was born near Shizuoka Prefecture. When he was four years old, he saw a pro hero in action and ever since that day, that hero inspired him to be a pro hero. During elementary and middle school, Yami excelled. His dream was to become the best hero. (I don't know if we've been accepted already or not but here's what I put.) Once he received an invitation to the renowned school, U.A. his excitement grew. Now, as a high schooler, attending the infamous hero school, U.A. Yami begins his adventure.

Likes: (3 - 8)
Cool things

Dislikes: (3 -8)
People who mess with his loved ones
Messed up people
People who try to get in the way of his goal

Strengths: (3-6)
Making allies

Weaknesses: (3-6)

Power: 4

Speed: 3

Technique: 4

Intelligence: 1

Cooperativeness: 3

Entrance Exam placement: 41

Reason for Entry into Class 1-Ω: (Leave this alone. This is to be edited in when you are done as I will give you a PM on the site or a DM on discord for this when your character is accepted)

"I'll show you what a speedster can really do!"
- Hansuke Motomiya​

Name: Hansuke Motomiya

Age: 16

Appearance: Hansuke is a largely unintimidating person by nature. He shows just how easygoing he is through posture alone as he's usually at ease no matter where you place him in. He has brown hair that sticks out here and there, and all means to put it down has been met with futility so he just decided to let it stay that way. He has warm, chocolate brown eyes that are usually glowing with happiness. Becuase of his Quirk, he typically wears headphones everywhere just in case he needs to activate his Quirk. Along with this, it's connected to a music player that's hidden within his clothing. The music player itself is made up of strong materials so it doesn't break as easily.

Quirk: Music Amplified Speed, or MAS for short, allows the user to speed themselves up using the power of music. Depending on the music the user is listening to, they can speed up to non-human levels - essentially making them a speedster of circumstance. Like all speedsters, they run the danger of going too fast and not making a sufficient break to turn - resulting in them smashing into the object; but this can be trained to be avoided. They are also prone to slipping up on slippery surfaces - caution is advised.

Of course, the MAS provides advantage over slower opponents and those who do not expect the quirk. Hansuke has taken his Quirk into consideration and has different playlists for different speeds he needs to go into depending on situation at hand. It must be noted that he cannot go any slower than he already is; hence how slow music does not affect him in any adverse ways. The main danger with this Quirk is when he loses the capability to listen to any music leaving him useless.

Personality: Hansuke is a rather simple person. He's easygoing and generally just taking things one step at a time. He's not as passionate as others at becoming a hero, though he seems to look forward to being one despite all that. He's a generally caring person and comes across as the 'big brother' type who cares more about other people than himself. He is also protective of those he deems his friends and will go above and beyond to help them out. He has his personal set of moral compass, of course, but he's willing to bend it if his friends are passionate enough about what they want.

Despite Hansuke not looking like it, he's pretty smart. He likes tinkering with things and loves attempting to understand anything and everything he can. He likes wrapping himself up in books. He also tends to make strategies to make himself more efficient. After all, he only has extra speed, not extra strength. He's cautious and he thinks before he leaps. One could say that Hansuke is different when he's fighting. Instead of being his normal easygoing self, he takes things more seriously. After all, he would like to not die.

History: Hansuke was born in Akihabara - surrounded by everything technology-related, and anime-related. Ever since he was a kid, he was absorbed in this world. He would never be found not doing something. It was either he was listening to music, watching an anime, reading books or manga or whatever kind of hobby you can think of. Even though he has mostly introverted hobbies, he has tons of friends that he could play with. Most of them awakened to their Quirks early enough, but Hansuke didn't find out about it until he turned ten years old whereupon he finally understood what could activate his quirk. His mother was sound-based and his father was speed-based. So, he went on to try it out. And that's how he figured what his Quirk was.

His desire to be a hero didn't come until he was on his last year at middle school. His friends were talking about taking an exam at UA. Wanting to still be with his friends, he decided to try out as well. Even before then, however, he trained his speed and his quirk since it was useful in terms of when he's running late. Though Hansuke isn't as passionate as the others to become a hero, he soon found a desire to see it to the end. Deciding that it was for the best if he could make strategies just in case his speed wasn't enough, he mapped out his own strengths and weaknesses in an attempt to try and cover his bases.

  • Music
  • Speeding up
  • Taking it easy
  • Reading
  • Tinkering
  • Having fun
  • Being forced to do something
  • Bland food
  • Opening up
  • Staying still
  • Being trapped
  • Being underestimated
  • Even without the use of his Quirk, he's already rather fast as he's trained in that area for quite some time.
  • He's quite the smart and strategic person, and he's easily underestimated.
  • He's both observant and analytical - even towards his allies
  • His Quirk is rather effective against flesh and meat
  • He's willing to put himself in danger if it means protecting someone he cares about
  • He isn't as effective with things that can't be hurt through punches and kicks, and needs to rely on weapons in that case
  • He can and will slip when the surface he's running on is slippery. There are instances where he can trip as well.
  • Losing his source of music means he is incapable of activating his Quirk
Power: 2

Speed: 4

Technique: 4

Intelligence: 3

Cooperativeness: 2

Entrance Exam placement: 51

Reason for Entry into Class 1-Ω: (Leave this alone. This is to be edited in when you are done as I will give you a PM on the site or a DM on discord for this when your character is accepted)
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"The only true larceny is a life of lechery, you know..!" - Kaito Akiza.

Name: Akiza Kaito.
Age: Sixteen.
A timid looking young girl, Akiza's general vibe is that of a rather unapproachable nerd type. She doesn't appear very talkative to first glance, and even the kind of person who would shy away from others. Though some may not notice due to her avoidant eye contact, her irises are a rather alluring emerald hue and match her honeyed hazel haircut quite well. She wears glasses, though whether or not she truly needs them for corrective vision remains debatable. Overall, she stands at a rough 5'4" and weighs equivalent to that of roughly two hefty rabbits.

On both of her hands, her index and middle fingers have two special pad-like surfaces resembling the kanji for steal.

Theft - By making physical contact with and placing the two pads on her index and middle finger, Akiza can temporarily "steal" a quality from the object. This Quirk can steal both physical qualities, such as colour refraction, speed or surface tension, or metaphorical qualities-- such as smell or emotion. Akiza cannot keep stolen qualities forever, as she will automatically transfer the quality she'd stolen from an object to another upon making physical contact with her pads. Note that, despite this usefulness, Akiza cannot steal qualities brought into existence by other Quirks-- though she can steal things that would benefit other Quirks. For example, she cannot steal the heat generated by fire expelled by a fire quirk-- but she can steal existing sound being used to amplify a sound quirk.

By extension of this, she cannot steal other Quirks. But, she can steal literal physical objects.

Personality: A product of a lifestyle not of her own choice, Akiza is notably rather hard to talk to. If anything, she's completely avoidant towards other people as a general whole. She doesn't like people, quite honestly. Despite such, she is known to be rather deceptively keen to the thought processes of others and is a gifted tactician as far as reading other people can go. Akiza generally doesn't have much confidence in herself or her Quirk, and appears rather bitter about even being in the borderline hero programme-- even U.A. as a whole. She doesn't care much for heroics, generally.

...Though, there seems to be a longing for more-- a confident powerhouse waiting to be unleashed from within.

Akiza Kaito was born as the second child of the Kaito family, a union of semi-Quirk marriage between Daiki Kaito and Kairi Kaito. Her father, a notorious "gentleman thief" outlaw famous in the inner Tokyo junctions, was often absent from her life with his life of career theft. Her mother, once an average hero now retired from the life and supported her children through a paralegal job in Osaka. Akiza's lifestyle was rather normal to begin with-- though, with the common knowledge of being related to a criminal, her self-confidence growing up with such staunch advocates for heroism plummeted in comparison. She faced small bullying, stating that she was rather evil by virtue of living related to Daiki-- but, when faced with administration, she was promised no justice or care.

In the oncoming years of her middle school education, the Kaito family had moved from Osaka to a small Tokyo apartment. Akiza's life took a small turn for the better-- though, as the years of her Quirk's activation became rather... active, her self-confidence in becoming a normal person began to drop again. She developed an anxious front, a fear of becoming as profoundly "chaotic" as the legends of her father had once stated. Despite her desire to live an average life, her elder brother and her mother both pushed for a therapeutic self-journey for Akiza. By virtue of being, they made her at least put in an application to attend the high-profile UA School for Heroes. ...Though, they never ordered her that she needed to try...

Likes: Peace, quiet, writing novels, living out of the spotlight, reading novels, true crime mysteries.
Dislikes: Being put on the spot, heist films, coffee without cream and sugar, bitter candy.

*Delete this text once you’re posting/ You have 15 points to distribute among your 5 stats, this is more of a estimation than a hard fact about your characters*


Entrance Exam placement: (41 - 252 What was your character’s placement in the Entrance Exam?)
Reason for Entry into Class 1-Ω: (Leave this alone. This is to be edited in when you are done as I will give you a PM on the site or a DM on discord for this when your character is accepted)

//End copy here//

(A long paragraph is 5 - 12 sentences a short paragraph is 4 - 7 sentences)

Where there's smoke there's not always fire - Kemuri Hata

General Info

Name: Kemuri Hata
Nickname: Kemu
Age: 16. Born on the 17th of March
Gender: Male

Quirk: Smoke
Kemuri can create smoke by exhaling vast quantities of it, and he can then proceed to control and shape the smoke. He has full control of the density of the smoke and what area it covers, but it has some severe drawbacks; even if they don't effect Kemuri. The smoke is toxic as a result of the chemicals that make it up, it can be hard to see through, and as if that wasn't enough, it also deoxygenates the space it occupies. All these factors make Kemuri's smoke into quite the obstacle for friend and foe alike. But, with the right equipment and/or quirks, they are merely inconveniences.


Appearance: Tall, pale and skinny. Kemuri often finds himself being one of the tallest guys in the room (at least when it comes to his age range), as he stands somewhere close to 5'11. Kemuri has blue eyes and red hair with a few lighter wisps here and there, and to call his hair unruly is an understatement. Wild strains have a habit of poking out all over the place, and there is no fixing it, no matter how much Kemuri beats it down with gel or wax. (He has debated wearing hats.)
Clothes: His usual style consists of black jeans, a single colored t-shirt, and a shirt or jacket.
Height: 180 cm.
Weight: 73 kg.
Hair Color: Red.
Eye Color: Blue.
Scars: He has a scar just above his right eyebrow.


Kemuri's most defining traits are his loyalty and fidgetiness. Kemu is quite the energetic guy, finding it hard to stay motionless for long periods of time, often getting quite fidgety if he has to remain still and focus on something that he finds boring. Despite this fidgetiness, he can devote hours upon hours of his life doing just one thing if it manages to capture his interest. He will always strive to do better than last time, and anything below amazing is a failure. Kemu is loyal to a fault. If he thinks you are to be trusted, that you are a friend, he will come to your side no matter the situation. He is carefree, friendly, but maybe a bit too naive. He thinks that everyone is good deep down, and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, even if it has come to bite him in the ass two or three times before.

+ Reading
+ Coffee, the darker the better.
+ Sleep
+ Rain
+ Flowers
+ Video Games

- Fish.
- Sour candy.
- Blood.
- Thunder.
- Very spicy food
- Romantic comedies

+ Quick learner.
+ Loyal.
+ Determined.
+ Immune to the effects of smoke
+ Has a quirk

- A bit of a perfectionist
- A bit fidgety.
- Insomnia.
- Not a fighter.
- Stubborn.
- Easily flustered.
- His quirk has a series of drawbacks. Those being that he can easily hurt others if he isn't careful, his smoke is very ineffective on inorganic enemies or people that have the needed equipment to counter him.


There is no such thing as love at first sight; it is just a saying people use to fool themselves into believing that mister/misses right will come along one day. That one day they will get swept off their feet into some love story that rivaling even Romeo and Juliet. But, that day won't come, at least not for 99,9% of us. However, lust at first sight? Now that's a bit more believable, and Kemuri is the proof. But let's get this back on track.
Kemuri was born the 17th of March, to a woman named Julia Lindahl, a woman with no clue of how to take care of herself, let alone the baby she had just brought into the world, but that didn't mean she was going to give up her little miracle. Every day had its own set of challenges, but by the time Kemu started kindergarten, his mother had turned her life around. She worked her butt off, but Kemu never needed for anything. They had a roof over their head and food on the table. It was by no means a life of luxury, but it was enough.
As he grew, Kemuri kept asking about his dad, wanting to know everything there was to know about him, who he was, what he worked as, and what his name was. But around age 13, Kemu stopped asking; slowly learning that his mother had no info to give him. She could describe his father as a tall, handsome man, with blue eyes and brown hair, and then the next day he suddenly had brown eyes and blonde hair. It hurt knowing that he would never meet his father, the chances of stumbling across a man his mother couldn't even describe were astronomical, and so Kemu learned to live with it.

Important life events:

The manifestation:
The first time Kemuri's quirk manifested was a few weeks after he turned three. His mother blew out a candle and as Kemu waved his hands towards the smoke and the smoke mimicked his movements. Kemu's mother was a bit baffled as her quirk was to emit air and she was 90% sure that Kemu's father had a tail, so smoke wasn't really what she had imagined for her child. But hey, it was better than nothing.
A breath of not so fresh air:
Up until the age of seven, Kemu's quirk had been registered as the ability to influence and control smoke. However, during a fight at school he had the air knocked out of him, but instead of air, smoke came leaking out and quickly coated the playground. Since then Kemu has gotten better and better at emitting smoke, as well as controlling just how much that seeps out.
Applying for school:
Kemu had never seen his quirk as something useful to becoming a hero, but where was the harm in trying? It would make his mother proud, and if things worked out, his future was sorted.

Test Results

Power: 2

Speed: 2

Technique: 4

Intelligence: 4

Cooperativeness: 3

Entrance Exam placement: 147

Reason for Entry into Class 1-Ω:


Hopefully, we can finish before supper - Hitoshi Sato

Name: Hitoshi Sato

Age: 16, born on the 20th of June.

Appearance: Hitoshi is an unnaturally pale, short boy, luckily his iconical striped black sweatshirt and jeans outfit covers the rest of his extremely skinny physique.His image does not get improved by his long, unkempt jet black hair paired with the extremely fishy dead eyes. As aforementioned he usually wears black clothes that contrast a lot with his pale skin.The only eccentric thing that adorns his outward appearance is two ear piercings on his left ear.Therefore shortly speaking, Hitoshi is a 5'7 boy who weighs 50 kilos with the most basic, most standard features that anyone, in Japan at least, could have. That makes it extremely easy for him to be ignored, which is why he purposefully decided to look like this.

Quirk: Biological Shapeshifting on a Cellular level. As the name suggests Hitoshi can change his very cellular structure using his mind, this ability gives away to limitless possibilities, unfortunately for Hitoshi, his ability does have a lot of setbacks. He has to actually conceptualize the changes to his anatomy, to an extremely detailed level for them to manifest, although they do manifest at an alarming rate, and they need actual resources to create new parts of his body, so the amount he can alter his body depends on how much he has digested. At this point in time, the most calories he ever had at his disposal have been 23359 that case paired with the fact that an alteration to his arm can cost as much as 2000 calories and one for his leg can cost up to 7000 he is very limited.

Personality: Completly oppositely to his outward appearance he isn't an edgy pre-teen, every single one of his movements is precise and calculated, much like the English gentlemen of old he acts to the clock. This is a show of his great self-control, from his body to his personality, and while most would assume that this is because he is a respectable young man who wants to improve himself, in reality, he just does it so he can be as lazy as humanly possible. Every effective move he does to save time is in order to save more time to be lazy, a fact quickly found out by people who try to approach him. He also gets extremely irritated when something that he didn't plan for happens, though if you do ask politely for a favor he will groan and then help you.

While Hitoshi doesn't come from a rich family he does come from a relatively well-known one, his father is a respectable hero with a regenerative healing factor while his mother is a researcher who can change the molecular structure with her touch. The two of them met while the company his mother worked for made her perform research on his father and from there over a period of time where his mother would purposefully cut his father in the name of science their love grew.

A few years later that love's efforts came to fruition and Hitoshi, sadly his mother died during childbirth, due to an infection, or at least that what his father told him. In reality, the reason for his mother's death during childbirth was Hitoshi's quirck manifesting while he was still in her womb, without the reasoning of a developed brain Hitoshi instinctively used his quirck to become a parasite sucking away at the life of his mother. And while this did make him develop instrumentally faster by the time he would be time to give birth his mother would die during childbirth. She had a choice of terminating the baby or dying for her son to live and she chose the former, much to the disapproval of her side of the family. The birth of Hitoshi placed a heavy burden on his father, with his wife now dead and having a child to provide for he had to make a choice. Hitoshi was placed in the care of his paternal grandparents in the countryside, and his father would continue being a professional hero in the city.

Hitoshi's childhood wasn't the worse but he still experienced pain from the lack of his actual parents, luckily he had his grandparents to act like parental figures so it wasn't so bad. Of course, he did experience quite a bit of bullying, being the son of a professional hero in a remote place with a weird quirk is bound to attract the wrong kind of attention. Due to that very reason, Hitoshi went out of his way to become as normal as possible, and to do that he had to learn human anatomy and overall biology, which became one of his hobbies.

After his 15th birthday, he was invited back to the city where he lived with his father, who had learned to accept Hitoshi for what he was, rekindling their relationship and learning how to control his quirk even better. And at the recommendation of his father, he attended the hero entrance exam in order to take, from what he understood, the easiest way to success.


He loves being lazy.
Things going the way he planned.
Studying on anatomy and biology
While he doesn't like admitting it, he thinks the earings look quite cool.

Dislikes: (3 -8)

Annoying people or situations popping out.
Being recognized.

  1. Extremely Adaptive
  2. Patient and calculated
  3. He's very unpredictable
  1. His ability is quite slow since he has to elaborate on it in his mind.
  2. Not very co-operative
  3. He's limited by how he has digested, so his fighting prowess depends on what he's eaten before.

Power: 4

Speed: 1

Technique: 4

Intelligence: 4

Cooperativeness: 2

Entrance Exam placement: Purposefully on 250

Reason for Entry into Class 1-Ω:
WIP - Gonna keep working on it, but the basic idea is here. Think Taz from Loonytoons, with a few extra bits.

1523222933448.png[You spin me right round baby, right round]

Name: Watanabe Souma

Age: 15

Appearance: Short even for a Japanese teenager, suffering from a bad case of baby face. There’s no denying it. Souma is, unquestionably, absolutely, positively adorable. Easily mistaken for a child, Souma is chronically underestimated because of his apparent age. With big eyes and a wonderful smile, there really isn’t much he can do to avoid it.

Quirk: Tornado Top – Souma can spin. Really, REALLY, fast. The rapid motion lets him generate a personal tornado around him. Forming the basis of his abilities, it lets him attack, defend and move. Buzzing around the battle field like a storm, his main offensive ability lets him strike dozens of times a second. The air current rips at his opponents battering them and adding weight to each strike. By breaking out of his tornado, he can deflect attacks, though it leaves him open to attack in the few seconds it takes to restart the tornado. The suction force of the air in this form is enough to pull him forward at high speeds.

His secondary ability works on a similar principle. With slower motions, he can cast lower power gusts at a wider range. He uses this to deflect attacks and objects, directing them back at his opponent. He can also use it for short range blasts of wind to knock opponents back. However, it is far weaker than his main form, making it more difficult to deal damage, requiring more effort. He also has to drop out of spin form to use correctly.

When spinning fast enough, he can overclock his spin form, at a risk. He can generate lightning inside the tornado, massively increasing his attack power. However the electricity feeds back into himself, meaning it will quickly leave him debilitated.

Personality: Calm and patient, Souma is usually willing to put in time and effort to hone his skill. And he takes his hero training VERY serious, working late into night to perfect his abilities and gain access to the more advanced elements of his Quirk.

However, Souma has something of a complex. He’s tiny and childlike. And he HATES it. As such he gets very touchy when people bring it up. It’s usually enough to set him off on its own. While usually calm, his temper is something ferocious.

History: As a baby, Souma was something of a challenging child. While most kids take time to move, learning first to crawl, then to walk, Souma manifested his quirk very early, spending much of his formative years spinning around the house, tearing up the furniture. The youngest of four brothers, he had a lot to compete against, especially when each of his elder brothers found a way to apply his power to flight, if only for short times. As he grew older he found himself getting left behind by the Flying Edge Brothers. Irritated by being abandoned, he redoubled his effort, striving to reach the standard of Pro-Hero, striving to match them.


Mochi rice sweets.

Old school rock music

Saturday Morning cartoons.

Stuffed toys.


Cheesy pop music.

Being told he looks like a child.

Green peppers.

Bed time.


Good situational awareness.

A drive for perfection.

Good at tactical thinking.

Always trying to improve.


Easily angered

Moves rapidly, making it hard to dodge attacks when moving in spin form.

Short, can’t reach things on high shelves.

If he spins fast enough, he can generate lightning in his spin form. It can be an advantage, however, the electricity feeds back into him, meaning tha the has to use his powers sparingly.

Power: 4

Speed: 5

Technique: 2

Intelligence: 2

Cooperativeness: 2

Entrance Exam placement: 91

Reason for Entry into Class 1-Ω:

Name: Raiju Enomoto

Age: 16

Appearance: A somewhat intimidating looking person at first glance, he appears to be tired most of the time, with visible bags under his eyes. His usual attire consists of preppy clothing, as he likes to keep his appearance as well maintained as possible - though, he despises makeup. He has an interesting eye color, appearing to be somewhat orange, with a silverish-gray sort of haircolor. His height is above normal, standing at around 6'2, he could be considered quite tall compared to others. Along with that, he is generally average weight for someone his height, with a few extra pounds packed on due to muscle, but nothing too crazy.

Quirk: Sound Surfing - A self explanatory power, Raiju has the ability to "surf" on soundwaves whenever they are produced, be it from any source, as long as there's sound, the quirk allows him to "cling" to the waves and move along with them. This ability allows the user to move incredibly fast, and for the most part, allows them to fly if they so please. They do not need ground to travel with sound, so if sound is produced, they can move in any which way they please, even straight up. Depending on the vibrations of the sound, it can effect how the user travels. Usually louder sounds will allow the user to move very quickly in a shorter amount of time, while lower, quieter sounds allow the user to travel much greater distances. While they can cover more grounds, they move slower than they would if they were to travel with louder sounds. The general movement speed can be used in combat as well, as they are relatively hard to hit and speed equals powers.

This quirk can be trained, in a way. Raiju is still mastering his quirk and can improve, meaning that he can surf the soundwaves better in time and generally get faster as he improves himself. Obviously, Raiju can only use his quirk when sound is being produced - so if someone can physically negate sound waves in an area, he becomes practically useless. Though, he can still travel soundwaves even if he were to be deaf. Along with that, he can produce sound himself pretty easily, and others usually will produce sound unintentionally themselves, meaning disabling his quirk is a bit tricky. Along with that, he does not become sound itself when travelling on the waves - though he does seem to enter a sort of ethereal looking state to the human eyes. At this point his top speed is not the speed of sound itself, but it can still be improved.

Personality: While his appearance may seem a little intimidating, he's not necessarily aggressive to strangers and fellow students. His way of speaking is rather casual, and he seems to be aloof and carefree, though his appearance makes him slightly less approachable than he could be. He's loyal to the cause of being a hero and helping those in need, enjoying the feeling of being there for someone and helping them. Raiju is always striving to push himself to greater heights, be it improving his power's capabilities or his physical form, he always wants to try to be the best that he can be. As he gets to know others, he can tend to be very talkative depending on his mood, or relatively quiet - for the most part, though, he's not very outgoing. When Raiju is involved with something he has a passion in - such as hero work - his carefree demeanor will disappear for the most part, as things he's passionate about will be a primary focus in his life. Smarts is one of his strengths for sure, as he's a logical and strategic thinker, though he doesn't usually apply this knowledge in school.

History: Raiju was born in a middle class family that was loving and appreciative of their child. His parents were both there for him from the day that he was born, though his father constantly went on business trips since he was just a baby, so he hadn't gotten extremely close to him. He was an only child through all of his life, not having a proper sister of brother to be there for him, but he didn't mind. He felt independent as a person due to this, and it made him stronger mentally, preparing him for his future. When his quirk manifested, it was truly an exciting moment. It was a very unique and interesting quirk to him, and he was constantly fascinated on how it worked. As he grew, he still remained incredibly close to his mother, and somewhat close to his father. He's had an easy and well life up to this point, remaining generally happy as a person.

Likes: (3 - 8)

Music in general, most genres.

The outside world and nature.

Enjoyable smells, mostly sweet.

Writing and reading.

Rainy days.

Dislikes: (3 -8)


Unorganized spaces, messes.

Incredibly hot, sunny days.

The quiet.

Strengths: (3-6)

Weaknesses: (3-6)

*Delete this text once you’re posting/ You have 15 points to distribute among your 5 stats, this is more of a estimation than a hard fact about your characters*

Power: 3

Speed: 5

Technique: 2

Intelligence: 3

Cooperativeness: 2

Entrance Exam placement: 57

Reason for Entry into Class 1-Ω: (Leave this alone. This is to be edited in when you are done as I will give you a PM on the site or a DM on discord for this when your character is accepted)

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