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Realistic or Modern Typical Highschool

katiebaby420 said:
Ok where should i start.
i put a time skip, you can lead onto that. Also, would you like Natasha and Angie friends?

"The name's Hazel. Just. Hazel."


"I'm 16."


"Sophomore, bitch!"


"I was born in Canada."


"I'm 5'6."

Bio: "I'm not telling you about my past. Creep."

Personality: "You could say I'm an asshole. Which is true but I would prefer to call it hot-headed. I guess I can be a nice person when yo don't make me want to smash your head against a wall."

Highschool Status/Stereotype:



"I'm bisexual. If you have a problem with me you can shove your irrelevant opinion up your ass."




Best Friend(s):


Enemy:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/hazelpt2.jpg.1333b807c26cd5eabe86b0a97ba1a56e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102143" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/hazelpt2.jpg.1333b807c26cd5eabe86b0a97ba1a56e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Hazel.jpg.b2b20866b8d3a77777fdb21401d53ec1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Hazel.jpg.b2b20866b8d3a77777fdb21401d53ec1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Dahlia Rosen


Age: 17

Grade: 11, Junior

Birthplace: Port Washington, New York

Height: 5'8

Bio (optional): Dahlia was born in Port Washington, New York, or at least as far as she can remember. She was in orphan living in an orphanage called Light For Orphans. It was mainly for girls and they were mostly problematic. Most of them were rude and looked like girls who'd grow up becoming druggies, but others were preppy and acted like they were all that, but they obviously weren't. These girls loved pulling each other's hair and getting into ridiculous fights, but Dahlia wasn't like that. She was composed and the girls loved to try to provoke her to fight, but it rarely worked. There was only one time when Dahlia was 8 and a redhead started calling her names and Dahlia threw a punch at her because she was sickened. So Dahlia was forced to stay in her own room until she was adopted by a German gay couple at age 12. From then, she thought it was completely normal for people to have same-sex parents. It wasn't a big deal! However, this was before LGBT rights were legally permitted. Once Dahlia started school at 9, this became a slightly bigger problem. She had a very big mouth at that age. Her fathers told her to never mention the fact that her fathers are married and just come up with an excuse. That was what Dahlia did. She pretended that her mother had recently died and her fathers were actually her mother's brother and her actual widow father. Strange enough, some kids "pretended" that her fathers were married and it was true.

As Dahlia grew older, she became quieter. She often refused to hang out with friends at parties and stayed home reading books. Twice a month, she would go to a library and pick out intriguing books that would last her a few months to read, usually in between 15 and 20. Her social activity deteriorated. Occasionally, through the power of junior high school gossip, she would learn that a few boys liked her and at one point bisexual girls started to like her, mainly for her looks and not her intelligence. She would always confront them peacefully, but say she doesn't like them back. As a result, she has broken the hearts of many boys and girls.

Personality: Although Dahlia is often complimented on her looks, she secretly couldn't give a squat. Dahlia is an extremely intelligent and frank person who doesn't fall for a boy with a wink and a smile. She spends her time reading and gaining knowledge in the best ways possible. When she's bored, she reads. When she's happy, she reads. When she's sad/angry, she reads. Reading is her basic addiction. Dahlia is quiet and not as outspoken as you might expect her to be, but when she has an opinion, she's going to tell you it as it is, especially if she has opinions about people. She actually likes gossip in a way which annoys people, but she's not the type of person who spreads it. She's more of the person who secretly knows about it and no one realizes. Dahlia, however, can be very emotional if you get through to her. She doesn't appreciate people trying to get to her emotions. Most of the time, she is not too sympathetic but makes expressions of disgust when disgusted and makes expressions of happiness or sadness let everyone around her know when she's in a bad mood or a good one. When she's in a bad mood, she is prone to taking anger out on everyone in a very irrational manner, so irrational that she barely remembers what she did wrong.

Highschool Status/Stereotype: Nerd/Rocker

Appearance description: Standing at 5'8 and weighing approximately 120 pounds, Dahlia is light and quite thin. Her skin is radiant and bronze and she has an upturned nose. Dahlia's eyes are large and almond-shaped and her irises are caramel brown but look rather hazel when seen in sunlight. They are filled with neither determination nor anxiety. Here eyes are mostly neutral, not expressing much emotion. Her face is oval with and has a blunt angular bone structure. Her hair is naturally fully jet black but was dyed to be in a black-to-brown ombre. Her hair is usually not in any particular style. She has a small mouth but full pale lips and a peaked Cupid's bow. Many people call her features exotic and beautiful.

Sexuality: Demisexual


Girlfriend/Boyfriend: (PM me/OOC)

Crush: (PM me/OOC)

Best Friend(s): (PM me/OOC)

Friend(s): (PM me/OOC)

Enemy: (PM me/OOC)

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Name: Nadine Constance Le'beau

Age: 16

Grade: Junior

Birthplace: Paris, France

Height: 5'7

Bio (optional): Nadine's family moved to America because her father got a huge business deal. So, Nadine's entire family learned english (basic english) and moved to America.

Personality: Nadine is sweet and kind and tries to help people that need help. She is compassionate and empathetic towards others, always trying to help them with their problems. She sometimes gets into things that she shouldn't, but she always means well.

Highschool Status/Stereotype: Average.



Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationships: Talk to me about it!



Best Friend(s):n/a


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Trip Alexander


19 (failed a grade)




Sydney, Australia.



Bio (optional):

Trip isn't one to talk about himself but if you get close enough to him he would probably tell you if he trusted you.


Trip has always been fascinated with anything that had an engine and wheels. His father owns a scrap yard. Trip is a outgoing guy who is normally the first to greet you at the door, however he has a short fuse when it comes to people and if they tick him off he will gladly hold it against you. Trip is bluntly honest and often doesnt care how it affects people. Trip is a nice, caring guy if you can get the chance to know him.

Highschool Status/Stereotype:

Grease Monkey/Skater






Girlfriend/Boyfriend: pm

Crush: pm

Best Friend(s): pm

Friend(s): pm

Enemy: pm

He also races in Motocross outside of school.


add a character, wait for someone to tell you yes your accepted. were stuck at a party for now, i doubt i can make the time go faster in the rp so I'm waiting on the owner myself )

Reece Saffron


Age: 18

Grade: 12

Birthplace: Chicago, U.S

Height: 5'5

BIO: Living the normal life of any girl, Reece has always been the likeable person in her family. "Family" being 4 other sisters and her selfless parents. Fighting over her own name has been a struggle for her, but her consistent attempts of attracting other's attention has heightened her self-esteem to the ultimate average. Even enough for people to start acknowledging her existence! She appreciates the life she has made for herself and has been fortunate to have built such a great status for her high school being.

Personality: Reece can seem to be perceived as incredibly rude, but just hang around for a while and she'll indefinitely shed her dead skin. Theoretically, of course. But the term "selfish" just doesn't cover ANYTHING. With her growing up with a lack of confidence and gifts; at least this way she can get everything she wants with only being caught with 3 broken nails and smudged eyeliner.

Stereotype: Cheerleader

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship: Uh, not sure yet, haha ^v^

EDIT: I'm pretty new to this so please bear with my slow catching up.

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Name: Fernando Andrade

Age: 17

Grade: 12th

Birthplace: Madrid, Spain

Height: 6'1''

Highschool Status: Loner (and a bit of a nerd, too)

Bio: Being the son and heir of an important businessman, Fernando was forced to adapt to a nomadic lifestyle, jumping from place to place where his dad's job took him. Together with his little sister, he's travelled far and wide, setting foot in every continent and adopting tidbits of each culture that hosted him. Now, in his final semester of secondary education, his father's job landed him in California, where he hopes to finish school once and for all.

Personality: Fernando isn't the most talkative person out there. Not used to having friends, he spends most of his time on his own, reading or playing around on his laptop. He is very polite in his speech, and tries his best to be friendly with everyone. However, he has a very strange and dark sense of humour, which tends to make some people uncomfortable.

Politically speaking, his family's right wing background influenced him greatly, giving him a very conservative and traditionalist outlook on politics and life in general. He sees all the strange high school fads as degrading, and is generally prejudiced against kids who go 'against the norm'.

He's also a big fan of military history, and loves to sink himself in books and papers about the old times. He has particular interest in WW2, as his great uncle is a veteran of the Eastern Front. This love also extended to militaria in general, and one of the first things he does when arriving in a new town is visiting the local military surplus stores.

Appearance: [image pending]

Standing a bit taller than his peers, Fernando sports somewhat long dark hair, white skin and brow eyes. He's of average build, not exactly muscled, but not scrawny either. He's often seen wearing dark jeans and shoes, a shirt tucked into his pants, and a four pocket beige jacket with several dark brown vertical lines dotting its surface.

Sexuality: Straight.

Relationships: None so far.
AmRosey said:

Reece Saffron


Age: 18

Grade: 12

Birthplace: Chicago, U.S

Height: 5'5

BIO: Living the normal life of any girl, Reece has always been the likeable person in her family. "Family" being 4 other sisters and her selfless parents. Fighting over her own name has been a struggle for her, but her consistent attempts of attracting other's attention has heightened her self-esteem to the ultimate average. Even enough for people to start acknowledging her existence! She appreciates the life she has made for herself and has been fortunate to have built such a great status for her high school being.

Personality: Reece can seem to be perceived as incredibly rude, but just hang around for a while and she'll indefinitely shed her dead skin. Theoretically, of course. But the term "selfish" just doesn't cover ANYTHING. With her growing up with a lack of confidence and gifts; at least this way she can get everything she wants with only being caught with 3 broken nails and smudged eyeliner.

Stereotype: Cheerleader

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship: Uh, not sure yet, haha ^v^

EDIT: I'm pretty new to this so please bear with my slow catching up.

[QUOTE="James Koach]
Name: Fernando Andrade
Age: 17

Grade: 12th

Birthplace: Madrid, Spain

Height: 6'1''

Highschool Status: Loner (and a bit of a nerd, too)

Bio: Being the son and heir of an important businessman, Fernando was forced to adapt to a nomadic lifestyle, jumping from place to place where his dad's job took him. Together with his little sister, he's travelled far and wide, setting foot in every continent and adopting tidbits of each culture that hosted him. Now, in his final semester of secondary education, his father's job landed him in California, where he hopes to finish school once and for all.

Personality: Fernando isn't the most talkative person out there. Not used to having friends, he spends most of his time on his own, reading or playing around on his laptop. He is very polite in his speech, and tries his best to be friendly with everyone. However, he has a very strange and dark sense of humour, which tends to make some people uncomfortable.

Politically speaking, his family's right wing background influenced him greatly, giving him a very conservative and traditionalist outlook on politics and life in general. He sees all the strange high school fads as degrading, and is generally prejudiced against kids who go 'against the norm'.

He's also a big fan of military history, and loves to sink himself in books and papers about the old times. He has particular interest in WW2, as his great uncle is a veteran of the Eastern Front. This love also extended to militaria in general, and one of the first things he does when arriving in a new town is visiting the local military surplus stores.

Appearance: [image pending]

Standing a bit taller than his peers, Fernando sports somewhat long dark hair, white skin and brow eyes. He's of average build, not exactly muscled, but not scrawny either. He's often seen wearing dark jeans and shoes, a shirt tucked into his pants, and a four pocket beige jacket with several dark brown vertical lines dotting its surface.

Sexuality: Straight.

Relationships: None so far.

Serena Rose

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c783ec9a5_Girl(teengoth2).jpg.14082badeadf53994a1f544caa9d7931.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103118" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c783ec9a5_Girl(teengoth2).jpg.14082badeadf53994a1f544caa9d7931.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Birthplace: Manchester, England

Height: 5'5

Bio: She was born and raised in Manchester, and hated to leave. She had friends and a life there. Her parents are in banking, and the company decided that they needed to branch out to the States.

Personality: Serena is usually kind, quiet, and in control. Its very rare to see her angry or mad.

Stereotype: Goth

Sexuality: Bi


Still has her accent (since she is just moving here)

Her parents bought her a car:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7840473e_Car(PontiacTransAm).jpg.5fca1f3c98c3735f5c15905865c60083.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7840473e_Car(PontiacTransAm).jpg.5fca1f3c98c3735f5c15905865c60083.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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