Two Worlds, One Love (1x1 AnnelieseBeilschmidt x Dark Mousy)

Music boomed through the entire club as people danced with their partners, everyone but Mitsi. She sat in the far corner of the busy night club in the very back, where nobody could see her at all. She watched the people in different crowds, hungry for their blood. Mitsi was a pure blood vampire, looking for a certain person to feed off of. It had been days since her last feeding and she really needed it bad.

The music changed to another song just as she drank her small glass of vodka. Ever since she got into the night club, Mitsi had the feeling someone was watching her. There in the opposite corner to her in the other end of the club, was a handsome man maybe not too much older than she was. She brushed her long raven black hair away from her face, giving a smile toward him. Her red eyes stared into his from across the room, almost beckoning him to her.
Jake sat walked around the club until he found a nice quiet place to sit. The point of coming was to hang out and dance, but he saw no point. He was on his second glass of whiskey as a girl from across the room smiled at him. She was different, but he didn't know if she was like him or different. Here eyes were scarlet red, and had to be the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Jake grinned back at her and waved his fingers at her.
Mitsi stood from her seat at the other end of the club, making her way over toward the guy waving at her. She sat down next to him, moving closer replying as the music died down," So what is it that brings you here? Is there something you want to say? " She took a sip of her vodka again, while her beautiful red eyes bored into his own.
Jake's hand dropped as the girl moved. "Just checking the place out." He scooted over giving her some room, and turned to face her. "What about you. You seem very interested in people watching." Her eyes were more beautiful up close, so immobilizing.
" You seemed to be doing the same. " Mitsi chuckled lightly, while stroking her finger across his lips," I think you're really attractive....Now tell me why you have been staring at me for the past thirty minutes? " She moved her hand against his leg, giving his knee a slight squeeze.
Jake jumped, and grabbed her hand moving it off his knee. "I wasn't staring at you." He paused letting go of her hand. "I was just watching people dance. Is that a crime?" The glass of whiskey was now empty, and he called for another. "Get her a vodka too."
Mitsi stared into her glass feeling awkward. She would get him to talk one way or the other. Her eyes shifted away from him as he called over to the server and moved away a little to give him some space. She crossed one leg over the other and as the server came back with their drinks, Mitsi replied solemnly," I'm sorry for my actions......Don't worry about the drink I think I've had enough. " She stood gathering her bag leaving a tip for the server after downing the vodka.

Walking toward the door, Mitsi looked back at the guy with a slight smirk.
Jake thought the change in her actions was odd. He thought he saw the scarlet in here eyes fade. "Bye?" The girl hadn't told him her name, or said anything about herself. Sure he could track her by sent, and he knew he probably should. "Thank you. Here keep the change." He handed the waiter almost fifty dollars, and left before she could detest.

Jake hadn't left too long after her, but he could not see her. She hadn't left a scent trail, actually he didn't smell any type of odor from her as they sat together.
Mitsi walked down the dark alley finding her way home. She came across the mansion that lay dormant in the dark first outside of town. She could feel him following her all the way from the night club. She stopped at the door turning around to see him exactly a few paces behind. "Why did you follow me.....?"
Jake kept a straight face. "You, you didn't tell me your name." He walked closer to her, stopping about a foot in front of her. "I'm Jake, and you are?" Following her home, he realized, wasn't the smartest idea. It was so dark, and she was heading near the cemetery.
" Mitsi.....Nice to meet you Jake. It would be best if you didn't follow me...." She began walking into the cemetery ahead, making it past to the path that lead to the mansion," I'm not the best person to be around, Jake. I think you're cute and all, but......I don't want you hurt..." Making her way to the door, she got out her keys searching for the right one to unlock the door.
Jake slightly smiled. "Yes. That seems to be the problem. Though, Mitsi, I don't think you seem so dangerous. You probably couldn't hurt me anyway." He started to walk away as she searched through her keys. Slowly, he traveled out of the cemetery waiting to see if she would tell him to stop.
" That depends if I chose to or not....Come inside...let's talk for a while..." Mitsi answered calmly, a glint shining in her red eyes. A smirk made its way across her lips, turning to Jake only to smile instead, beckoning him to follow.
Jake turned around and returned her smile. "Here we go." He whispered to himself, but replied to Mitsi with, "Okay." Inside, it looked normal to Jake, but to anybody else it would have been creepy. "Can I keep my shoes on?" Some people don't like him to wear his shoes in the house because they are usually muddy.
Mitsi turned up the lights a little with a switch next to the door and nodded slightly with a smile," You don't have to. Make yourself at home, Jake. " She walked over to the black leather chair after taking her black boots off, setting them beside her. Crossing one leg over the other, Mitsi smirked a little this time showing her fangs,"I want to know why you have been following me for a while....Don't lie to me either. "
Jake sat across from Mitsi, keeping his shoes on. "So its true. You are a vampire then?" He smiled spreading his wings. "Just curious. You seemed unnatural." His wings were raven black, and silky smooth. They were half the size of the room they were in.
She scoffed a little in his direction, her arm propping her head up. " So how come you wouldn't let me flirt with you down at the club? I was only being playful. It's not like I'll actually hurt you, sweetie. " Mitsi answered coolly, biting her lip hard.
Jake just smiled at Mitsi. "Just because I'm a demon doesn't mean I want people, or vampires I should say, flirting with me." He rolled his eyes. "Its not that you won't hurt me. It's that you can't."
" I didn't flirt with you for that reason, Jake... I did it because I actually thought you were cute. " Her scarlet eyes glistened when the moon light hit them. She took her other hand and brushed her long hair back again, staring at him with a smirk.
Jake nodded. "Yeah. Not what I thought at the time. Now you answer my question." He thought it was only fair that if she asked a question he got to. "Why were you looking for a snack in a public place?" Jake's wings folded back, and became invisible again.
Mitsi stood from her chair and walked over slowly toward Jake, only to lean behind whispering in his ear," I was hungry. Why else would I look for someone? I hadn't eaten in almost two months because no one had that special touch to their blood I wanted. But....I took my mind off that when I saw you. "

She went back to sit on the sofa near him and moved in close to Jake. Tilting her head out of curiosity, Mitsi asked him," So tell me....Why follow someone like me? It has to be something. "
Jake felt her heat radiating against him. "It is something, but that's another story for another time." He stood, and started walking toward the door. "I assume you can find me when ever you wish." The door opened, and he walked out, closing the door behind him. "Bye Mitsi!"
Mitsi sat in the living room for the longest time thinking about what just happened. She met someone she really took an attraction to. Someone who wouldn't be her next meal. She would definitely see Jake again. Walking upstairs into her bedroom, Mitsi laid there, the dark curtains shielding her from the sunlight.
It didn't take long for Jake to get home. He couldn't get to sleep, so he just laid in his bed thinking. Sometime at night he drifted off, and next thing he knew it was morning. "Ugh. Another day." He rolled off the bed, and put on different clothes. Wandering around town, he found a breakfast buffet place. "Time for breakfast."
Mitsi opened her eyes when it had turned early evening. She stretched her arms and went to shower, find fresh clothes, and headed out of the mansion. Locking the door, she walked the path out of the forest and out into the city slowly. It was bustling with people who were still shopping. Friday nights were the busiest nights.

Spotting a restaurant nearby as it turned dark, Mitsi went inside to go for a small cup of coffee.

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