Two Worlds Apart

Charlotte Emerson

If you close your eyes, you can almost pretend that everything is fine.
Charlotte Emerson

  • tumblr_mk6ni471sz1rkwr9fo1_500_large.jpg
    Charlie sports a pale complexion contrasted by her dark brown hair that often is wavy or curly and, on occasion, slightly frizzy. Her hair is often left down and allowed to appear in whatever way natural. Her hair and her appearance isn't of much concern to her although she often wears makeup. Since makeup is a scarcity, she has to go out of her way to obtain it so it's hard to imagine that her appearance doesn't mean much to her. She has naturally well-maintained features and her eyebrow are neat and even as well as being one of the most striking features about here after her eyes. Her smooth skin and pale complexion give her an innocent appearance which she often uses to her advantage. Her hair and eyebrows are matching shades of brunette but her eyes are half a shade darker than the two. She's been told that her smile is incredibly disarming, when she wears it. Her demeanor is often bitter and a smile rarely ever graces her features.

    She has a moderately tall but lean frame which helps her to maneuver easily but maintains a girlish shape. She has high chin bones, giving her a lingering ghost of a smile. Her high cheekbones taper down into a strong jawline and a pointed chin which give her a bit of an elvish look. Her eyes often catch the light making it seem as if they were always twinkling due to some unknown joke she kept to herself or the formation of a devious plot. Her facial features rarely hint to any emotion she wants to keep hidden and seem perpetually set to her 'poker face' around people she is unfamiliar with. Whenever she allows herself to give away whatever she's feeling, the emotion is clear on her features despite the muscles in her face not seeing much use.

    • Height & Weight: 5'8", 126 lbs.

    • Body Type: Lean, slightly muscular

    • Markings/Scars/Tattoos: A small blue jay in flight at the base of her neck
      Although not scarring, her hands often sport calluses or cuts indicating she uses them often

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Kyle Kennington

Ever wonder what it's like to have nothing to lose? I have. And it's terrifying.
Kyle Kennington

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    Despite Kyle having insisted on a number of occasions that his looks are not something for people to be concerned over, he has been described by others as being "quite handsome" (particularly by his parents), his physical traits often being what people gloss over first due to fitting something reminiscent of 'an image of perfection' despite the fact that conditions are not top-notch in the district he lives in. Usually, his face is nearly spotless when looked at, though at times he'll decide to let his facial hair grow and stubble around his chin, jaws and upper lip can be seen when that happens before he shaves it off, preferring for it to stay under a manageable state for the sake of making things convenient for himself rather than for the sake of looking nicer. His dark brown hair takes on an almost odd sort of style and will stick out all over the place if not tended to, though Kyle makes a point every now and then (just as he does with his facial hair) to straighten it out so it isn't too messy. Along with his hair, his eyebrows- which sit at an even level with each other above his eyelids- also take on the same color, though his eyes have a significantly lighter shade of it when paid attention to. They're two orbs that speak many volumes when accompanied by the movement of the skin that surrounds them, and they can truly suck people into their depths if they focus on them for a long enough time. Kyle also has a curved jawline, and an overall frame that is fit though not necessarily built in a muscular sense.

    Mostly, what Kyle pays attention to is how he conveys his emotions to others; his face has a lot of quirks and memorized muscle contortions that help him out with that, and most of the time when he's seen, his face displays the look of an innocent boy who enjoys day to day life and doesn't have a thing to worry about. However, the muscles in that area are familiar with adjustments that show very different feelings from several experiences he's been through over time, and they can reveal emotions that are buried underneath the surface of a barricade that he has erected to keep people from believing otherwise.

    • Height & Weight: 5'11", 152 lbs.

    • Body Type: Lean, slightly muscular

    • Markings/Scars/Tattoos: None (Kyle has had no interest in having any sort of tattoos, and he hasn't gotten into anything significant enough yet that would incite notable scarring on his skin)


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