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Realistic or Modern Twisted Reality

Phadia said:
There is a time for everything; a time to be
Ecclesiastes 3:2
born and a time to die.
Ecclesiastes 3:2

"10..." Lynn glanced over at the clock.

"9..." Right on time.

"8..." A firework boomed nearby.

"7..." Followed by another.

"6..." And another.

"5..." She picked up her glass of Italian soda.

"4..." Raised it to the others nearby.

"3..." Clang!

"2..." A toast....

"1..." ...to a wonderful year.

The cheers were deafening. A fitting welcome for the year 2017.

With so many technological advances at the end of 2016, 2017 was bound to be amazing. What had really set 2016 apart, however, was the new Virtual Reality implants.

It was so tiny. A small little microchip that one could have implanted in their brain. Sounds scary, or at least that's what Lynn had originally thought. Yet, after it's release in mid-August, it quickly topped the charts. Everyone was getting one! Virtual Reality soon took the place of "real life" so to speak, with "virtual jobs" becoming one of the tops most used Virtual Reality applications. Even newborns were being implanted with the device.

One could have a virtual job, virtual pet, virtual house- if it's in your imagination, it's been made into an application.

The best thing about the implant, was that it was not only virtual reality for the eyes, but the other senses as well.

Too cold? Use a virtual blanket.

Too hot? Flip the switch and your virtual air conditioner is here.

Poverty rates had gone down dramatically, and crime was almost eliminated completely. Why steal, when you can make it real? Even obesity rates had dropped. With virtual snacks, who needs real junk?

Though, the implants were not without fault.

The "switch" to turn off the VR would sometimes jam for a up to a few hours. People even reported severe headaches, extreme fatigue, and even more serious complications like seizures.

Lynn hadn't experienced any of these herself, but she did occasionally have a minor "switch jam", or mild headache from periods of overuse. After all, virtual reality was never meant to replace the real thing. Everyone needs a break from time to time.

The cheering was getting louder now, and the fireworks were rumbling constantly. Lynn sighed, deciding the "VR New Year's Countdown Party" app had been running long enough, and flipped the switch.


Switch jam again.

Lynn wasn't really surprised. It was time to get a new switch anyway. Yet, she couldn't help but be mildly... put off. This jam was lasting a lot longer than normal. She'd expected to be back in her bedroom any minute, but instead, the scene of the New Year's party remained frozen in her field of vision.

C'mon! I have to go to school tomorrow. I need to get to bed!

She flicked the switch again.

Still, nothing.

The cheering in the background had become a deafening cacophony, and Lynn realized with a brief flash of alarm, that the cheering wasn't... well, cheering anymore.

It sounded more like screaming. Panicked masses of people screaming in terror.

Huh? That's not right... The app must be malfunctioning.

Lynn reached for the panic button around her neck. Similar to pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del on a computer keyboard, the panic button would force the app to shutdown in the event of an emergency.

She pressed the button with a hollow sounding

The picture flashed off almost immediately, leaving Lynn in the dark. She raised a hand to her face, instinctively squinting in the darkness. Nothing. Even the switch and panic button had disappeared.

This... this isn't right! My switch...I must have dropped it! No, that's not right either. The panic button was around my neck. There's no way...

Confused and scared, Lynn tried walking forward, reaching out blindly. She could still feel the floor beneath her feet, but her hands flailed around uselessly in the air, grabbing onto nothing.

Then, in one terrifying sensation, the floor vanished from underneath her, plunging her into a blind free-fall.

She tried to cry out, but her sense of hearing must have malfunctioned as well, leaving her falling silently.

Down, down, down, down...

She felt her body twisting in the air, and she tried to grab onto something, anything to stop her fall, but it was no use.

She wasn't even sure which way was up at this point.

It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. It's just a glitch!

All she could do was keep thinking the same thoughts over and over as she wondered when the fall would finally come to a end.

Then it did just that.

Pain. It was the first sensation she noticed. Her hearing popped back on at the same time the earth came to a gut wrenching halt.

She felt like a squashed bug, pressed onto an uneven pavement, something cold seeping up from underneath her clothes.

Lynn tried to move. To open her eyes. Anything to know that she was still alive.

"... help..." she managed to choke out a single word, though it was barely more than a whisper.

Problem is I don't know how to work with that little bit right there xD
@Sugar Honey Iced Tea Does that mean you want in? :o

@The Departure What little bit? xD Just jump in like you normally do. You can either interact with Lynn or not. Chances are you character would be just as injured as she is. Which you'll find out more later...
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I'd like to insert

that the CS is tiny and I'm not sure if it will be traded in favor of a bigger one


that I'm also not sure how to implement a character into this.

We have no information as to where we could be. Can we hear Lynn? Can we see her? Is there any light? Are we near Lynn? Do we know Lynn? Are we in pain as well? Do we know this mysterious land? Are there any inhabitants of this mysterious land?

just saying

I ask a lot of questions.
@Sugar Honey Iced Tea

-In answer to your first question, I will probably add more to my character sheet. (It was only a place-holder because I had to go to bed last night, but I wanted to get this up and running).

-You're in the same place as her, and yes. You can see and hear her. Bear in mind, you will have all "fallen" from the same place, may or may not be injured (your choice, but likely you would be). You will all have been using the implants before you "fell", so you're all going to be confused.

-Yes, you can see. And hear. And whatever else... Or you can gradually get your senses back after your fall. It's up to you, but you are able to get them back, it just takes a little time.

-The setting will be revealed later, but for now, picture being stuck under a bunch of rubble.

-As for inhabitants it's just our characters... for now. > :)
Phadia said:
picture being stuck under a bunch of rubble
To elaborate on this further, this place would be dark, with fallen beams, broken furniture, and rubble everywhere. There's probably going to be water dripping out from snapped water mains, as well as potentially gas leaks, loose wires, etc.

Not a very safe or fun place to be celebrating the end of the year. ;)
Phadia said:
@Sugar Honey Iced Tea
-In answer to your first question, I will probably add more to my character sheet. (It was only a place-holder because I had to go to bed last night, but I wanted to get this up and running).

-You're in the same place as her, and yes. You can see and hear her. Bear in mind, you will have all "fallen" from the same place, may or may not be injured (your choice, but likely you would be). You will all have been using the implants before you "fell", so you're all going to be confused.

-Yes, you can see. And hear. And whatever else... Or you can gradually get your senses back after your fall. It's up to you, but you are able to get them back, it just takes a little time.

-The setting will be revealed later, but for now, picture being stuck under a bunch of rubble.

-As for inhabitants it's just our characters... for now. > :)
You scare me XDD
@Phadia[/URL] are a great writer. Do I make my cs or did you plan on extending it?
Aww. Thank you. Feel free to go ahead and make a character sheet, but I may not be replying for a while... Just had something happen today and it may take me a couple of days to get it sorted.
[QUOTE="A Simple Egg]Ok, good luck with your thing :)

Thank you! The thing was resolved today, actually. I have no idea how it worked out- but it did. :) So please, feel free to post a character sheet.
Hey......is this RP still open for new chars?

Am planning on a 20+ yo guy..
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A Simple Egg]Hey [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6671-maxacec/ said:
@maxacec[/URL], youre the gentleman who offered for lava to take the place. Fancy meeting you here :)
Ahaha... lmao xD

Yeah, been looking for an RP ^^

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