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Realistic or Modern Twisted Reality


Tomato Goddess
Name: Lynn

Age: Teen

Hair color: Dirty Blond

Eye color: Blue

Physical appearance: She's a little tall for her age, and slender as well. She likes to wear basic clothes like jeans and hoodies most of the time.

Personality: Lynn is a little shy, but it's mostly due to her hobbies more than actually shyness. She spends a lot of time on her computer or in the VR in her bedroom, and usually only goes out to go to school or eat. She has a few close friends, but hasn't seen them in a while due to everyone getting the new implants. She tends to be cautious and a little sarcastic towards strangers, but can also be very friendly once you get to know her.

Background: Lynn is an only child who grew up in a big city. She was never very active, due to some health issues as a young child, so she grew up spending a lot of time indoors and playing video games. She gets along fairly well with her parents, but doesn't see them very often as they both work full-time.
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Riley Wilson



Hair color:

Honey brown

Eye color:


Physical appearance:

She is rather short for her age and has a delicate and somewhat curved figure. Most often seen wearing some sort of plaid and always light colours.


Riley just wants people to like her. And so she goes out of her way to be a nice person. It can sometimes be a bit annoying but in general she is just an overly sweet and soft spoken girl who's happy to listen to others and help them in anyway possible. The most trouble she would be likely to get in normally is being late to volunteer work, and that's probably just because she was helping an old man up or something. This all goes out of the window during sport, where she if fierce and competitive but then back to normal and shaking the oppositions hand as soon as it's over, or when something happens to Holly. Basically mum friend tm


Riley was abandoned by her single mother when she was 10, she set her down on a bench and told her she would be back in 10 minutes, but she never returned. Riley was eventually taken to a police station and put into the foster care program, being taken in by a newly wed and rather well off, but innocent, lesbian couple. 3 years later they adopted Holly too. Riley immediately became extrodinarily protective of the young girl and attended to her every need, spoiling her ridiculously. Their foster parents thought it was cute. The two went everywhere together and were practically never apart.



Holly Mc'Clare


7 and three quarters

Hair color:


Eye color:


Physical appearance:

Holly is about average height for her age and hasn't lost her baby fat yet. She is going through the 'loving pink' stage and 'loving skirts' stage too, and she refuses to go in public without wearing one, or preferably both.


Holly is a rather spoiled child, and suffers from youngest child syndrome. She is vain about her looks and happy to throw a tantrum to get what she wants, as it has always worked with her family. She is very social, confident and enthusiastic as well as creative and looks upon the world with a fresh and young view. At the end of the day, though, she is just a child and will cling to Riley like a life line should she be scared


Holly doesn't remember much about her parents, and doesn't really care. All she knows is that one day they went out together, and then there were some police, then a while later she met her real parents and Riley and she's been happy ever since.

~ Riley and Holly ~

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@A Simple Egg

Awesome! Accepted. ^^

Though, there is one minor thing I thought I should point out. Riley probably won't be able to access the VR world anymore. Without giving spoilers, I can't say what's going on, but there likely wouldn't be any way for her to contact her family after the "fall".
Phadia said:
@A Simple Egg
Awesome! Accepted. ^^

Though, there is one minor thing I thought I should point out. Riley probably won't be able to access the VR world anymore. Without giving spoilers, I can't say what's going on, but there likely wouldn't be any way for her to contact her family after the "fall".
Ah, ok. I'll change it now, and thanks :)
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[QUOTE="A Simple Egg]Ah, ok. I'll change it now, and thanks :)

Love the pic of your characters, by the way. ^^ Really nice touch.

I usually don't add too much to my character sheets, because I like to reveal things in the RP. But I'm a little jealous of your awesome character sheet. :P

By the way, I'm debating whether or not we should start or wait for the others. I want a small group (you, me, and two others), and I've invited someone (who in turn, will likely invite someone else), but that person won't have stable internet access until the 18th. So, we can either start (just us), wait until the 18th (when my two friends will come and join), or I can try and round up a couple of other people.

The last option might be best now, but... I don't want to end up with too many people in the long run.

Do you have any preference?
Phadia said:
Love the pic of your characters, by the way. ^^ Really nice touch.
I usually don't add too much to my character sheets, because I like to reveal things in the RP. But I'm a little jealous of your awesome character sheet. :P

By the way, I'm debating whether or not we should start or wait for the others. I want a small group (you, me, and two others), and I've invited someone (who in turn, will likely invite someone else), but that person won't have stable internet access until the 18th. So, we can either start (just us), wait until the 18th (when my two friends will come and join), or I can try and round up a couple of other people.

The last option might be best now, but... I don't want to end up with too many people in the long run.

Do you have any preference?
Aw thank you :) and i'm a fan of your character to, it's rather annoying when someone plots every little detail of a character and leaves no room for character development

Hmm, I see your problem there. It's always better to wait until you have the whole team but the 18th is a while away... I don't think you should round up some people because, like you said, you only want a few people in this role play. Unless perhaps you could open up one more spot and then find an opportunity to involve your friends later in the plot? Like they were supposed to come at a later point and it's part of the story or something. Otherwise I would vouch we wait, but at the end of the day it's your choice :)
I just spoke with my friend @Thespian8719, and he says

Thespian8719 said:
That sounds awesome :-) You guys go on ahead, I don't want you to feel like you have to wait for us! I'll find some way of slipping in when we have internet again :-)
So, we can start if you like. Though, I am tempted to maybe invite one more person.
Phadia said:
I just spoke with my friend @Thespian8719, and he says
So, we can start if you like. Though, I am tempted to maybe invite one more person.
Yeah, people tend to lose interest faster in a one on one role play so definitely one or two more people I reckon

Name: Cole Thomas

Age: 16

Nationality: Russian American

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Description: Tall, Dark Brown hair, and Green eyes.

What does he uses his technology for: Videogames and story telling.

Likes: Online Competitive Gaming (CS:GO), Computers, Books, Coding.

Dislikes: MMORPGs (World of Warcraft), Jerks, Vegetables, and Hackers.

Biography: Born to a immigrant family, Cole never really had an easy life so far. He worked for everything he owned while going to school. When the new implants came out, he saved all the cash he could, and with his parent's permission, received a implant. He began to get into RPG adaptions of Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, and several RPGs. He's incredibly intelligent for his age, often able to code days worth of code for massive games of his own making.​

Leon Reese


Dark Brown Hair/Blue Eyes


Personality Leon is pretty friendly around everyone, even to those he dislikes. Despite this rather mature trait in his personality, he likes to act immature and often feigns ignorance to the situation despite his rather sharp awareness. When push comes to shove, he is as reliable as they come and his quick thinking can often help when troubled.

Biography Leon comes from a rather normal family. His father is an engineer and his mother is a businesswoman. Though they were usually busy with their hectic work schedules, Leon was never neglected and shares a very tight knit bond with his family. Not one to be spoiled by his parents, he grew up independent and capable. He was on his way to follow his father's footsteps, studying engineering, when the event occurred. Technology fascinates him and while not the best at gaming, he is passionate about computer and games.

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Name: Jeffrey Colins

Appearance: Stands tall, with a tan complexion and a kind face, with brown eyes

Age: 32

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 143lbs

Personality: Helpful and kind, is the kind of person to help anyone if they're in need of it.

Notice me Phadi-kun @Phadia
*stares at The Departure*

Oh... don't worry. I'm always watching. > :)

In case you didn't know, you're accepted.
Name: Summer Erahim

Appearance: pale skinned, with ghostly light blue eyes (NO, SHE'S NOT A GHOST >:c), with a frail look to her appearance. Wears a knee-length skirt and a short sleeved blouse, both purple.

Age: 13

Height: 4'8"

Weight: 89lbs

Personality: Outgoing and brave. Puts other's needs in front of hers to an extent, and learned a small amount of nursing skills and knowledge from her aunt, who's in college for said occupation and who spends a lot of time with her.

Notice me again Phadi-senpai I forgot to post this one along with the first one @Phadia
Not your senpai, but sure. O.o

You can have both characters.

And you can go ahead and post your intro...
  • Name: Ciaran Mesmer
  • Age: 26
  • Hair color: Dark
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Physical appearance: Thin, wears glasses.
  • Personality: Ciaran thinks and speaks rapidly, often excitable and passionate. He is unusually intelligent, humorous, and a little odd.
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Thespian8719 said:
  • Name: Ciaran Mesmer
  • Age: 26
  • Hair color: Dark
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Physical appearance: Average build, height etc. Sometimes glitches, as his actual real life appearance doesn't match the projected avatar in the virtual space.
  • Personality: Ciaran thinks and speaks rapidly, often excitable and passionate. He is unusually intelligent and reads others incredibly well. However, he is uncomfortable speaking about his real life persona, and is clearly hiding something. Regardless, his intentions and feelings towards others seem to be positive. He fears being disliked, and will often make compromises to cater for other people over his own well-being.
I like your character, but there's only one... slightly problem. It's a spoiler though.

He wouldn't have an avatar because the VR uses your actual body.
Not entirely a spoiler, but... it does hint at things to come. > :)

Man, I want to say more, but you'll just have to find out as the RP progresses.
Phadia said:
I like your character, but there's only one... slightly problem. It's a spoiler though.
He wouldn't have an avatar because the VR uses your actual body.
Not entirely a spoiler, but... it does hint at things to come. > :)

Man, I want to say more, but you'll just have to find out as the RP progresses.
Ahh, say no more :-) I'll make an edit! xD
BenjiBard87 said:
Ahh, say no more :-) I'll make an edit! xD
Oh! You changed your name! That completely threw me for a moment. xD

Okay, well you can join whenever you want.
Phadia said:
Oh! You changed your name! That completely threw me for a moment. xD
Okay, well you can join whenever you want.
Yeah, I figured it was kinda hard to abbreviate "thespian", and I like being called by my actual name :)

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