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Fantasy Twisted Game

The idea of going in human and (( hopefully )) coming out a different creature intrigued me. Could you elaborate on this subject?
TerrinX said:
The idea of going in human and (( hopefully )) coming out a different creature intrigued me. Could you elaborate on this subject?
I won't do anything that would truly anger a person, but beyond that I really don't know. I have an idea for where to start, but beyond that I was just going to go with the flow and see how best to screw with everyone's characters.
Shog said:
I won't do anything that would truly anger a person, but beyond that I really don't know. I have an idea for where to start, but beyond that I was just going to go with the flow and see how best to screw with everyone's characters.
Im kind of....A TF fetishst, im mean in this sense mostly pg stuff, but I am very interested and the idea excites me. I was wonder what kind of things we may become?
TerrinX said:
Im kind of....A TF fetishst, im mean in this sense mostly pg stuff, but I am very interested and the idea excites me. I was wonder what kind of things we may become?
It really wouldn't be the characters choice (though I will check with people before changing them) and probably wouldn't be something all too pleasant. Regardless, the changing thing wouldn't be a too much of a factor.
I'm going to be away for a week so if anyone is interested in my character they can take it or you can just kill him off.
Oh. That probably would have alerted whatever Shog has planned down there if that's the case. I'll see what happens next and then come and get you out. Off to edit my post! :D
Did you really say "She looked at the girl and looked scary" xD XD Im really sorry but thats probably the worst thing Iv'e ever read.

I know that was rude but im just being honest

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