$&* Twilight Saga *&$

The Joker

Elder Member

Welcome to the "Twilight Saga!" :hello girls:

By: Belbo


Dear RolePlayer,

I am Belbo! i have decided to make a "twilight" Rp. i mean they are so popular these days and the last movie to the saga just came out. What i plan to do here is everything just happened from the books/movies. and this is after. Bella had her kid, she is married to Edward. Jacob like Bella's daughter, and blah blah blah. so i hope you like it and everyone is always welcomed to join! thank you!



1.) no to much kissing, ect.

2.) please be descriptive

3.) if you are kicked out of this RP please go, if not, i will report you.

4.) be nice and keep it going

5.) you may have one power, per vampire

6.) choose if you are human, vampire, or werewolf

What you can be

Well its sort of a "duh" thing but, just making sure you guys all know.

1) Vampire

2) Were-wolf

3) Human


name: (can be from movie/books)



kind: (vampire,were-wolf, ect.)






My Skelly

name: (can be from movie/books) Bella Swan

age: 20? i think

gender: female

kind: (vampire,were-wolf, ect.) vampire

crush: i married... to Edward

http://media.photobucket.com/image/bella swan/dylan-is-back/b012.jpg?o=17

personality: shy, protective

history: i think you know

other: she has a daughter

name: (can be from movie/books) Robert, Rob

age: 16


kind: (vampire,were-wolf, ect.) werewolf

crush: nope

http://media.photobucket.com/image/young werewolf/darkshadowwolfie/rp/Gabriel-Werewolf.jpg?o=8

wolf form:
http://media.photobucket.com/image/werewolf/tonsphotobucket/Death Gallery/caspian-werewolf-artwork.jpg?o=19

personality: mean, and dangerous, super hot

history: he lost his parents in a car-crash, but he hates to talk about his history

Name: Edward Cullen

Age: 17 (170)

Gender: Male

Kind: Vampire

Crush: Married to Bella



Personality: Meet him


Other: Nope

Name: Ever Jayde Cullen

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Kind: Vampire

Crush: Nah



Personality: Meet her


lol kewl, accepted! :)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Bella.::. she walked, shy, holding her hands together. she saw Edward and ran to him. she hugged him "where were you?!" she said looking into his eyes

Robert.::. he walked with his hands in his pockets and started at the ground
Edward smiled and wrapped his arms around her "Just halping Ever with some homework." he said.

Ever glanced up and smiled "Hey, Bella!" she said.
Bella.::. she smiled at him. "Oh my god! Hi Ever!!!" she waved to her

Robert.::. he looked up at the sun. it was burning his eyes. he smelled something. Bacon? No. Meat? Maybe...No. Vampire? Yes. he started walking faster. he heard them. he looked in a bush. hmmm... what are they thinking/talking about... he squinted his eyes trying to see who it was
name: Alice Cullen

age: "Hmmm...good question,"

gender: Female of course.

kind: Vampire

crush: Jasper, but you can hardly call it a crush.

appearance: Short, petite, spiky black hair, white marble skin


personality: *Folds arms* You read the book didn't you?

history: Repeat statement from above.

other: Kinda' self explanitory...
Ever smiled "Miss me?" she said and set her pencil down.Edward smiled "Just back from Romania." he said and ruffled Ever's long ble hair.
accepted! and ps. haii MagicPocket!

Bella.::. "you wish" she said joking. she smiled and hugged her

Robert.::. he walked the sun killing him. he went under the shade. "Man, im noo vampire" he said whispering to himself
Alice lowered the 'Cosmo' magazine in front of her face and surveyed them, "Ever, do tell," she smirked then said sarcastically, "You know I don't like to be kept waiting in suspense," She closed her magazine and set it in the white modern airchair as she vacated it. Alice flitted across the room and perched on top of the back of the sofa.

--- Merged Double Post ---

:3 hi thur!
8-P soo how it going?

Bella.::. she smiled, then looked at Edward and hugged him. he didnt want to loose him.. ever. she could never bring herself to it. she just couldnt. know that she had it all, became a vampire, married to Edward, and even had a daughter. she just couldnt let go of it all

Robert.::. he walked in the shade, squinting his eyes. crap, its so bright today. easy to spot vampires at least. instead of smelling their foul smell. he shivered in disgust. he looked at the leaves, crumpling and falling where he walked, and where he was going to walk. he was a dark, cold world to him. he sighed, walking to lay on his bed at home. but instead his legs lead him down to, what seemed like the endless sidewalk, but really to a park. he smiled when he saw little kids playing tag, and swinging from trees.
Name: Renesme 'Nessie' Cullen

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Kind: Half Vampire and half human

Crush: Nah, but Jacob likes me.



Personality: Meet her


Other: My Parents Are Bella and Edward. And I have a British accent.
name: Thomas Gabriel

age: 19

gender: male

kind: werewolf

crush: none, yet



personality: Not much of a romantic, easy to provoke into a fight, doesnt trust that easily but can make a friend if he wants to.

history: Thomas grew up in Detroit, but with a rough upbringing. He got a descent education, especially in mechanics, but his mother died in the cross-fire of a gang fight and his father was arrested for vigilante justice. So he was left on his own and wasnt told
about his ancestral heritage. With them gone, he had to depend on himself to bring in an income, . He took small jobs at first, but it wasnt enough so he turned to street fighting matches. Over the years, he hardened up and learned how to survive on the streets, how to fight (karate, kick-boxing, dirty-tactics, etc.) Then he got himself into a few gang wars, hence on how he got his scar. Eventually, he was forced to flee the city and assume a new life. Riding north on a motorcycle, and armed with a 9mm and his wit, he went from town to town, taking part in side jobs, street fights, earning his money and living a hard life. Taking whatever is thrown at him.

other: When turning into a wolf, it's the same size as Jacob's wolf-form, but milky white fur, with black paws.
Renesme walked in at that moment she smiled as she saw Ever. She raced downthe rest of the stairs "Aunt Ever!" she screamed. She jumped the last three steps and ran over to Ever.

Ever wrapPed her arms around Renesme and smiled "Hey, kiddo." she said and ruffled her hair.

Edward smIled as his daughter raced in "Hey, Nessie." he said as she raced past him into Ever's arms.
Name:: Jacob Black. Age:: appearance of a 16 year old, but actually about 20. Species:: Werewolf. Crush:: Imprint on Renesme, but he's more of an older brother or a best friend to her than anything. Appearance:: (I'm on my iPod I'll get one laterz) Personality:: You've probably read the books so it's probably self explanatory as well as the history part. Other:: When he shifts into his wolf form he turns into a giant russet-coppery coloured wolf. He is also the leader of his own separate pack away from Sam's; including, Seth, Leah, Embrey(can't remember), Quil, and a few others.
accepted! happy jacob and renesme have joined too

Bella.::. "Renesme!" she said happy, that her daughter was here. she hugged her, like she would never let go. "How was your day?" she said looking at her from the same eye level. her red eyes appeared then changed brown. she blinked it away. she looked back at her, smiling.

Robert.::. he shivered of the smell of vampires. "Bleh" he said to himself. he saw a boy, didnt smell vampire. so he shouldnt bother. maybe another human...or werewolf he thought to himself.
The bike parks on the side of some cafe, and Thomas got off and locked it in place. Walking through, it looked like some kind of old fashioned red-neck bar with a few extras. Sitting on the stool, he called an order for a burger with bacon. He didnt know why, but he was famished and hungrier than usual. He rummaged through his ruck-sack and counted his money. He had enough to last a few days here, but eventually he had to find some form of work. Or the alternative. There's always a fight club in the rural parts of America. All he had to do was sniff it out.
Robert.::. it began to become twilight again. he sighed at thought of something he could do for fun. maybe a night club will cheer me up... he thought to himself. he grabbed a map of the town and found a night club 'Mickey's Bar' it read. 'Mickey's Bar? what kind a name is that? he shrugged then headed in the direction of the club.
Alice sits on the back of the couch combing the future, seeing some blank places as well as some future trends in the fashion industry. Alice pouted, as she observed everyone's clothing as well as eye colour, of course, her eyes fell back on one specific person, "Bella!" she exclaimed, "What are you wearing?!" Alice crossed her arms over her chest and said in her chirping voice, "To be fair I think we need to take a trip to Seattle, we can get everyone new clothes Bella will actually wear, and...." she paused as if no one was quick enough to fill in the blank, "We can go hunting up north--it's a win-win situation,"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Jacob walked along the rocky stretch of beach, he had left Embry and Claire playing along the shoreline, they hardly noticed his disappearance. Jacob started thinking about Renesme, he had been basically living with the Cullens recently, staying at their house almost all day long. He had taken the day away to spend some time with Billy and the pack, however a lot of them already had plans and Embry invited him along on his little play date...sad. Jacob sighed, then noticed another person farther along the beach, a quick sniff of the air and he realized it was a werewolf. He waved and jogged a bit to catch up to him, "What's up, Rob?" he asked Robert with an easy smile, he decided he could go to the Cullens in a bit.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Is it okay if Jacob tags along with Robert? If so do you want them to meet up via Pack talk or something while theyre shifted or what? Whose pack is Rob in?
Robert.::. he was walking, his head in the map, bearly looking at where he was walking. he was on the edge of the cliff and stopped walking. he heard someone call his name. he looked up and realized where he was. he jumped, shaking. "Oh god!" he yelled staring into the mist of the cliff and beyond. he looked in the direction where he heard a familiar voice. "Hello?" he said not realizing it was he old friend. he squinted his eyes. it was Jacob, Jacob Black. he was shocked. he hasnt seen him since.... forever. He waved to him "Dude! its you!" he yelled to him. "and im just trying to find a stupid night club to party at.... having a bit of trouble thought, im not sure if this map works thought, or is right..." he said examining the map again.
Jacob grinned, "Well I'm pretty sure that any clubs your looking for would be over in the opposite direction from the ocean," he laughed and leaned forward to look at the paper then looked behind them and pointed, "About over there, just go straight. You mind if I join you, and you know, catch up? My pack ditched me, so I'm particularly free tonight!" he chuckled a bit at his own patheticness.
Robert.::. "sure... im looking for a buddy" he said chuckling. "stupid map" he said throwing it. he walked with Jacob to the club "so, how is it going? i mean with a pack and all?" he said still looking forward
"Well, you know," Jacob said with a shrug, "Same old same old. We cross paths with Sam's pack over border patrol--course', you already knew that. Anyway, Leah went off to college at Washington State--wow...about two plus years ago? It doesnt seem like it wasn't that long...at least since she cooled it with all the nagging and became more pleasant...She goes wolf sometimes, every other month--you know, cuz she never did like being apart of the pack, she's always wanted to distance herself I guess--but it's good for the kid. Seth likes hearing from her every once and a while. What about you and Sam?" Jacob stuffed his hands in his pockets.
Robert.::. he nodded as he talked. "Sam... has been OK, at times he can be good, at other times... well not so good. like once he almost killed me because... i dont know, i was with his wife, alone. but i swear i did nothing. just a friendly visit. but i guess he took it the wrong way. his wife almost killed him after that. actually it was sort of funny." he said shrugging. he saw the night club sigh "hey... is that the sigh?" he said pointing to it
"Yup," Jacob said simply, they walking in the club/bar. It was dark with lots of neon signs, there was game hanging on plaques on the walls, deer heads and stuff. Jacob when to sit at the bar counter. An Indian woman from the reservation came up to the two kids, handing them menus and asking what they wanted to drink. Jacob remember he was technically old enough to drink alcohol, but it did nothing for him--he was already happy, he didn't need synthetic happiness to fill him up drunk. Plus he didn't want to know what Bella would do if she knew he was drinking and hanging around her kid--of course she would know, she would be able to smell the tiniest drop of alcohol on him. Jacob ordered a tall Coke for himself then looked at Robert waiting for him.

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