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Fantasy tsuki island - stockholm syndrome ☽



The girl was obviously very surprised at what had come behind her, she tried to move but, the chloroform knocked her leaving her body limp and soft with no movement whatsoever.

As he felt the girl go limp, Jin Hou smirked and carried across his back, Firefighter style. Surprisingly, He wasn't at all seem suspicions by bystanders, thinking he was her boyfriend and whatnot.

He honestly though that humans were like sheep; stupid and well, sheepish. They would always fall and never looked where they were going. Very dumb.

He then put her gently into the van, carefully, not intending hit her head or harm the person; he would probably do that later. She put her in the van next to their other girl, spotting two different girls, one with pig tails, one with pale and fair skin and the one he carried that had wavy hair. He then closed the doors of the van and looked around in the van. He then uttered,
"Well, I've done my deed." as the others had done them as well.


??Jin Hou??

  • Catching her eye roll, Sora couldn't help but feel a bit hot. Did I say something wrong? He thought, as he wondered if what he did wasn't normal. After all, it's been awhile since he talked to an actual human girl. He forgot what they liked. His only information on them are basically sappy romance movies, dramas, and the like.

    But he inwardly let out a sigh of relief as she answered him back, instead of running back. Finding something stuck in his throat he coughed up a few times before replied, catching up with her pace.
    "Haha, is that so? Well maybe it's just because I want to get to know you better." He then raised his brow in a questioning manner.

    "So would it be better if I straight up ask a cute girl for a date?"

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Yunn said:
Sora couldn't help but feel a bit hot
<===== hanaka


Hanaka turned around to the light-haired male, obviously finding him quite peculiar but nevertheless feeling flattered by his compliments. "Well.. I mean.. only if you take me straight home. Not to your house." The girl remarked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She didn't want to be taking any risks or anything, but figured that if she told him she would go with and then ditch him he would leave her alone. "...Where to, then? I'll take those flowers as well." Hanaka took the flowers out of his hands, feeling his soft pale skin. A pink flush arose on the apples of her cheeks. I'm definetly ditching him after this, The girl thought, trying to convince herself that he was just a creep and that he was in no way attractive to her.

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  • "Alright!" Sora said, and laughed that it went well. He had even went ahead and patted himself on the back. He felt good. Going along with this atmosphere, he took took the chance to hold her hand.

    A cafe, I'll treat you to a drink or something. Oh, and I hope you don't mind I'll introduce you to my buddies, we were planning on going there to study anyway." He casually lied, getting closer to the van.

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"is that my heart flying away"

Hanaka nodded, feeling the heat on her cheeks getting stronger as he held her hand. "D-Don't touch me." The girl slapped his hand and went back to crossing her arms. "Alright then... but if it's a date then why are your friends coming? Is it like a group date or something?" She began to grow suspicious, and looked around her for any other signs of human interaction besides him. "And anyways, why is the van so big? I wouldn't be surprised if you would be kidnapping me right now."
  • Having the girl slap his hand he pouted, and sulked. "But if I don't hold your hand then what am I gonna do if you get lost?" But he didn't try to take her hand again, and only put them in his pocket, and tried to rummage through it only now realizing. Shit, I forgot to bring the chloroform. Realizing this his eyes looked down in deep thought, before casually throwing his worries away. Meh, I'll just leave it to them.

    "Well I guess you could say it's a group date. Though sadly I'm the only one without a girlfriend. We all go to the same school so we normally study together, though this time I won't feel as left out." He gave himself a mental cheer for his answer, he was basic bull shitting the whole thing including his next answer. "Don't mind the size, we find it normal since we're a big group. It's a friend's anyway, and we sometimes use it to go on road trips."

    Upon opening the door to the van he saw his long haired friend, since he was in front of the girl she couldn't see his face. At that moment he gave out his own face signals, spelling out that he had forgotten the chloroform, before saying,
    "Oh, hey Hiro! Let me introduce you~" Grabbing the girl's arm, he lightly pulled her in front of him, letting Hiro take over.

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Hiro sighed.

"You really can't do anything, can you?" He asked and pulled out the handkerchief. He leaned over and put it to her mouth.

"Haven't your parents ever told you not to go with strangers? Sorry, kid.."

Hiro said softly as she fell into his arms.

@Yunn @Sunkissed

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