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Realistic or Modern Troubled Youngsters

I looked down at the girl with dark hair and nodded. "Hey~ Sup?" Mercy asked casually as she waited for the two to be done subtly flirting. Upon hearing her name mentioned she stood and was about to just go before she looked back at the girl and smirked. "I guess I'll just have to catch you another time huh?" I waved before heading bac chris and the other new girl. "Alrighty so we need to get you to your room,do you have any idea what your number is? Mine is 9, which means i'm ground floor. if its above ten then its second floor; or do we need to go ask the women's wing nurse?"

@Hope Youngblood
@TenshuZninja @Hope Youngblood

Ashton nods as she gets up and goes to the music room. The one thing she likes in this whole freaking prison. She looks at the guitar softly and picks its up. She starts to play softly. She was playing her sister favorite song. She miss her so much. She started to hum along to the song

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