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Realistic or Modern Troubled Youngsters

Hope Youngblood

New Member
Hope walks through the enormously big door, which is the entrance to the Maisy Jones hospital. She drags her bags alongside her and looks cautiously around, jumping at every small moment. She stops and realizes that she has no idea where she has to go. She knows she has to go to her room, which she shares with someone else -she gets shivers down her spine when she even thinks of that idea- but she doesn't know where that it. Lost, she just sits down against a wall, letting her bags fall on the floor.
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Chris Had Been Here For About A Week, He Walked Down The Hallway Where the Entrance Is. He Saw A Girl Who Looked Lost Or Confused. he Walked Up To Her And Said "Hey There New Girl You Lost" Sitting Down Next To Her.
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Hope looks up, seeing an unknown boy sitting down next to her. "Uh... yeah", she replies. "I- I have to get to my room, but I don't know where that is".
"I Can Show You Where it is" She Said Getting Up And Putting Out His Hand To Help Her Up
Hope quickly scans the boy with her eyes, looking for any signs that she can't trust him but she can't find anything. She hesitates a bit but then finally takes his hand, standing up.
As She Took His Hand It Started To Hurt Because It Was The Arm He Got Shot In, He Almost Dropped Her But He Was Able To Pull Her Up
Mercedes was walking when she spotted Chris, she had only been at the hospital since yesterday night. She had come in the dead of night and against her will technically. Chris had been the only one awake and had shown her to a room where she could sleep that had turned out to be her assigned room.

"Hey Chris, is she new here too? If so don't worry about showing her to her room, I'll take her to the girls wing and she can meet the head nurse on the way."

@Red Sky

@Hope Youngblood
Mercedes waits by a couch with another patient on it. As the new girl and Chris continues to conversate. She didn't mind being left out of the conversation but she kinda didn't like being ignored at the same time either. She sighed, thinking oh well it didn't really matter in the long run.

@Red Sky


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New people. . . . . It's quite uncommon to see new people in this institute.

Kimberly, currently the longest person living in here stared at the new person from a distance as she was hiding from behind the wall. Too bad the person was older than her. Everyone here seems to be older than her. . That's why she kept her distance since she knew how reckless they could be as they are approaching adulthood soon.
Chris Looked Around Again And Said To Hope Looking At Ashton And Kimberly "Thats Ashton And That Girl Peeping Over At The Wall over There Is Kim, And Oh I'm Chris"
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Max has already been here nearly two months and was getting pretty settled in he was out walking the halls after eating scribbling math and numbers into his notebook as he did still being very careful to watch where he is going as to avoid contact with anyone. As he passed a couple of people he heard them mentioning how terrible he looked so he stopped to look at his reflection and sure enough he was pale as a ghost and had bags under his eyes he hadn't been sleeping well the past several night so he shrugged it of as that and moved on after a while he rounded a corner and the hall ahead was filled with patients. He stopped dead in his tracks almost turning around but knew he needed to continue because the person he wished to speak to was on the other side of them. So he continued on trying not to get noticed but knew he would because Chris was in the hall and he has a way of noticing everything and everyone
As He said That He Saw max "Oh And That Max" He Said Waving At Max And Looking At Hope "So You Ready To Go To The Girl's Wing With Mercedes?"
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Max smiled shyly and waved with the hand holding his pencil and he continued walking wondering what was going on as he noticed he hadn't seen one of the girls before so he stopped and leaned against a wall out of the way
Kim narrowed her eyes at the new girl, observing her like a detective would. After that, she turned around and left as she passed through where Max is towards her secret spot.
Kim stops and turns around to stare at Max before making a simple handsign to him while pointing to the new girl as she opens her mouth with no voice.

'Leave her be. . . . .'

And with that she left Max and went somewhere else.
Max closed the notebook and studied the girl witch is something he did a lot he didn't like mysteries not knowing something made him very uncomfortable to the few that have gotten him to explain to them what he is doing he simply says Breaking them down after a moment max begins scribbling in his notebook looking up at the girl from time to time it wasn't an exact science but after max did this to a person or situation he usually had a pretty good grasp of whats going on
Carrying 3 bags and rolling a suitcase, Liza steps in through the double front doors of the hospital. As she slowly sets them sown and looks around, her eyes begin to fill with tears. What in the world am I doing in a place like this..she thinks to herself. One little incident and shes trapped in a hospital. How did her life spiral so far out of control?

She looks around to see a few new faces as she gathers her things back in her arms, scanning the hallway for any signs that might show her the way to her assigned room.
Kim sat at a soft crimson-blood chair upstairs as she was too busy drawing, but the sound of doors opening suddenly caught her attention. She turned around to see that another girl. Once again, older than her, standing in the middle as if she's looking for someone. Kim silently stared at her from above, observing her as she made no sound. . .
Liza takes a deep breath and starts walking down the hall, chewing her bottom lip lightly and keeping her eyes down as the rounds the corner to the right. She walks through another set of double doors and looks up for her room number, 7, then stepping inside. The walls are bright white and the one window in the room is covered with bars. Liza tosses her stuff onto the bed then steps closer to the window, looking out to see a tall blonde boy heading up toward the doors.

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