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Fantasy Tribes: The Triad

Prizzy Kriyze

Multiple Stab Wounds

Please don't build your character around a certain role, the role section of your CS is only for expressing interest in one.


Leader (One available per Tribe)

Second-in-Command (One available per Tribe)

Champion (Two available per Tribe)

Forager (As many as you'd like per Tribe)






Appearance (remember to have a modern look)





Preferred role

Physical Description



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Name: Soléy Ravous

Age: 22

Gender: Female ♀

Tribe: Ebony (Off-spring of an Ebony Tribesman and a Gray Tribeswoman)

Preferred role: Champion

Physical Description: Somewhat tall, standing at 5'10". Rather toned, but not excessively muscular. Aside from her length, Soléy's rather petitely build, not being very shapely.

Personality: Soléy is a rather lonely being. She's quiet and reserved, usually
enjoying isolation more than companionship. This stems mostly from the fact that she struggles with her tribe's ideals. Even though she follows and believes in the "Do what needs to be done." mentality, she often finds herself having an inner struggle with the rather reckless and cold aspects of such an approach. This may come from her half/half heritage, as the Grey Tribe tends to be rather neutral and somber, often concerning themselves with spiritual and existential questions. From an early age, she decided that she would be happier not being dependent on anyone, nor making anyone dependent on her. This way, she could minimize the amount of people she would have to hurt or be hurt by.

One attribute she possesses, that falls in line with most people's perception of the Ebony Tribe, is her love for animals. Just like the earliest ancestors of her father's tribe, she has always been drawn to them. Even beyond the domestication process of useful creatures. She had always felt a deep connection to the purer nature of most animals. Soléy appreciates how, while she may never be able to expect certain behavior, noone will ever have to fear unjust betrayal at the hands of an animal. When the girl was 16, she came across a young panther, lost and without a mother, instantly connecting to the helpless animal. To this day, it remains by her side most of the time, acting as both, a loyal friend and an ally in conflicts.

Soléy has no strong bond to her tribe, disliking the hostility the different clans have. This mindset is strongly connected to her encounter with a boy of the Gold Clan** and, even though she isn't aware of it, her mixed blood. If it was up to her, she would abandon the very concept of tribes and encourage everyone to work together in a more peaceful way.

Background: Soléy was born to highly regarded parents, even though the couple's romance was alway kept a secret. Now, that her mother has died and her father has disappeared several years ago, there isn't a soul left to tell this tale. Her mother belonged to the Grey Tribe, which is synonymous with an exceptional perception to her surroundings, gave her in inherent understanding of human and animal movements, the structure of the lands and an affinity to powerful and bursty but short-lived fire magic, that was infamous for the amount of smoke it produced. Her father, however, was even more offensively gifted. Widely considered one of the most respected users of the Ebony's powerful fire magic, he was able to scorch landstripes without much of a struggle.

Oddly enough, Soléy's fire magic is NOT extra-ordinary, falling more into the spectrum of below-average to flat out useless. She can control and damage targets, but it's a laughable threat in 9/10th of the time, especially considering that the Ebony Tribe has the generally most adept users of the fiery element, and the Grey Tribe had the most bursty ones.

Where the girl shines, however, is the teleportation magic. Her parents often joked that the harmless flames of a teleport are about as threatening as her offensive powers. "Maybe this is fate's idea of irony.", her peers would tease her. Soléy is quite content with her abilities nontheless.

It is to be assumed that, would she be at least somewhat competent with fire, and thus give off a more talented image, she'd be considered one of the most powerful users of the teleport skill ever, as she can use her ability with considerably less of a build-up period than almost anyone else. Sometimes, she even vanishes almost instantly.Similar to... you guessed it, smoke. It's not unlikely that her very defined and unusally (under)developed abilities are a result of her bloodline.

Given her talent with this particular skill, her obsessesion with guns*, her rather athletic physique and her excellent ability to perfectly use the Propulsion - something that is probably a result of the Grey Tribe's exceptional perception - Soléy is considered a very efficent single-target fighter. Like an assassin, she can cross incredible distances in the blink of an eye, combining the teleport and the propulsion masterfully. This combination usually opens most enemies up for her to shoot them.

**One of the most influential events in her life, Soley, roughly around the age of eleven, had struggled to control her teleportation powers. She was mind-boggingly powerful, even at a young age, but lacked the willpower and discipline to properly seal and release her gift. As she had to evaluate where she was, and how to get back, she came across a boy of the Gold Tribe, seemingly in a similar age range. From a very early age, like most Ebony children, Soléy had been taught to fight for what had to be achieved. Fight to the very death, if necessary. At the moment, two goals seemed to present themself. For one, survival. She didn't know the boy, she didn't know where she was. Simply put: This was danger. Secondly, A member of an opposing tribe was to be eradicated in her people's eyes. This was a rare opportunity to meet an opposing tribesmen all by himself. As Soléy, with her still child-like mind, tried to prepare herself for her first fight, the boy simply smiled at her, helping her getting back home and making it out of the area safely. This encounter had forever engraved itself into the girl's mind, destroying the belief other tribes were inherently bad, and making her wish for the abandonment of all hostility.

Other: *Soléy has a rather odd liking for guns. She is unusually skillful with them, presumably because of her extra-ordinary skillset, having succeeded in confrontations against tribesmen who would otherwise scoff at the thought of a firearm. Noone except Soléy herself knows why she loves to utilize revolvers and shotuns so much.. In reality, she considers guns, given her ability to make the usually uneffective weapon work well, a quick and painless death, one that she prefers over making people suffer.
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Ravyn Knur

29 ~ Female

T r i b e:


P r e f e r r e d R o l e:

Second in Command

P h y s i c a l D e s c r i p t i o n:

Ravyn is rather tall for a female - roughly around six two - with a thin, but lean frame an oddly pale skin that seems to glow in some lighting. Her hair is a slick silky black that reaches down to the middle of her thigh.

P e r s o n a l i t y:

Ravyn is blunt, charming, sharp and somewhat harsh when it comes to the Ebony's conduct which she follows whole-heartedly and will question anyone who does not. Some would say that she is (so called) "stuck up" but she was raised to be better - to succeed in everything she sets herself up for; and she does with her chin held high an a straight posture. Ravyn is not the one to care for people unless they are important, not to say that her tribe is not, she simply is not one to heal wounds as much as she loves to create them. The woman has a interest for beautiful objects and happenings. She enjoys watching animals, especially in the dark. Ravyn believes everything is more magical in the dark; most creatures are lively an other objects seem to show off their "true colors."

B a c k g r o u n d:

((warning!)) Ravyn has a dark an a somewhat psychotic past. She grew up in the Ebony Tribe with her two parents whom she had nothing to do with. Her whole childhood was spent training to be something/somebody with countless hours of battle-work and proper etiquette being drilled into her brain. At the age of 23, her parents passed. She never talks about it, being that she was the one who tore them apart and covered the scene up perfectly. As Ravyn was aging, she was also setting her parents up - causing them to fight often and make their lived miserable. Her father strangled her mother (Ravyn gave him a wild berry that he was allergic to and then making his parents fight) then later on, her father was supposedly mauled by an animal (a bear with cubs).

O t h e r:

When Ravyn meets new people, she always describes them mentally - taking in their features and guessing their personality (which she is normally right about).



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Avus Numbyr

I'm no beast out of free will, but now that I actually am a monster... Well, let's just say it's not that bad. It is my desire to remain as I am, and therefore I will.
Avus Numbyr


27 years of ®age





Preferred role


Physical Description

Avus is a very tall, broad, and overall intimidating character. With eyes much akin to the praying gaze of the worst of beasts. With strange markings born with him under his eyes, and the traditional Circle of Fire above his eyes, Avus can be thought of as nothing but a pure beasts in human disguise. Whilst honour is as real within Avus' blood as any other of Crimson, he is far less chivalrous than most when it comes to battle, this is seen 'gracefully' upon his body as it's covered in 'trophy marks' gifted to him during grand battle. Overall, to stand in his shadow is to be as terrifying as fighting him in glorious battle, and it's certainly nothing any sane man would want to witness. To add onto this, he carries a most impressive array of muscle. No matter what emotion befalls this man's soul, it is amplified a thousandfold, and then given obvious form.


Avus is an interesting man with an interesting desire for interesting things. Whilst he holds traditional to long standing Crimson ideals and desires, he is, unlike most human beings, remorseless and beastly, often leeching out at any given hostility with terrifying roars and displays of dominance. His physical gifts, that of wolf eyes and a sharp teeth unlike any other, simply adds to his intimidating demeanour. Whilst there have been people who've befriended him, even those who can stand at his side and cool him down, they all cower before him on the battlefield, a place where he may finally lash out and bring his anger to battle. With his body in perfect sync with the fire and flame, they battle at each others' side with extreme elegance.

Something few may expect, and most have no clue about, is that during times of starry nights and deep sleep, Avus goes out into the deep woods, into the wild, and cares for a local pack of
Avurian Wolves. It was these who helped him survive during the time of his origin story, and saved him in the wild. With them he practices his flame, shaping it and bending it to beauty. It is a thing to keep the peace in his mind, to keep him sane, and the only ones he's thus far loved, are these wolves. They are his treasure, they are magical to him. Now, if there will be others whom matter as much as these wolves is questionable, but one thing is for certain, these wolves have protected him, and now, that he is capable, he will repay the favor one thousand times over.


Avus, man born from great people, and destined to become great himself. No matter what he chose, this destiny would come to stick with him until death dawns in few days, and darkness would be all until sun sparks anew, and new destinies dawn. With his father being a man of many words, and a poet of fame, he was seen as the poet's son, and often thought of as weak and traitorous. This saw it's last few days when he was led into the deep jungles by those of his own young age.

It was a gruesome time, fear and terror mustering within his body like no other, however, the night grew brighter when he found his assistance. Help came through the manifestation of the wolf, not a simply wolf, but an avurian wolf. It protected him, and around him, they formed a pack. After the long time of no return, where his parents had lost their hope and ventured on in grief, Avus returned, and at his side there was the alpha, the great avurian wolf: Balaz. With newfound respect amongst the tribe, he came to quickly dominate his area of expertise, revealing the extent of his powers, and even scaring some into submission in his race for the throne.


Avus is seen as quite mysterious, his ability and prowess not really known of in the tribe. This has become to distress a fair few people into worry, however, no one really dares voice their opinions to him directly, at least, not thus far.

Thanks, @Azalea, for the great idea.
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Faustus Behruz

R o l e


- at least he says so. Being an outcast, he has no role.

T r i b e


(got a special permission from Priz to do this thing :P )



Age: 23

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Faustus is a tall, lean young man with yellow eyes - the mark of tribe he grew up in. His body is sleek - breathing with fine manners and polished gestures of someone who has spent their life surrounded by luxury wherever he went, in a very rich and never-lacking-of-anything home, a tent made of silk. His hair is black and messy, a bit longer, so he wears it in a small tail as shown in the picture.

However, ever since he was little, he was trained to be able to fight along with being gracious, so he does have some not-too-overshown muscle beneath his skin.

His skin is light brown colour, a trait of the golden tribe. He also has light facial hair (not shown in the picture).

He dresses in a very flamboyant way, mostly in black, his clothes elegant - showing his status. Mostly it's aristocratic suits, and when not in his tribe, he wears something with vague military theme. His clothes always has at least some accessories made from gold or gems.

Personality: Eccentric, talkative persona.

A charming guy, with ability to make people smile. He smiles awfully lot himself too.

He is ready to talk to anyone about anything ever, and rarely dislikes people - mostly because he rarely likes them too. Faustus has strange wishes in strange moments. Even his sentences may sound unrelated sometimes, as he is making various connections in his head, without explaining the thought proccess behind whatever he's about to say. Maybe you're talking about sky being blue? Faustus nods, and simply says "strawberries". His actions often surprise people. He barely ever watches his tongue. His gestures may be graceful, but his manners often may be not, because he is used to doing things without experiencing consequences. He is from a rich family - from a very greedy tribe, not to forget, and has always been able to pursue whatever he wanted, and tie people with power of gold to himself. So it really comes to no surprise he is spoiled. He is not used to being ignored or not being able to get something. When such things happen, his dark side comes out, and he isn't above manipulation, lying, stealing, torturing, or whatever. His greed for power and goods is nearly sexual.

He is also a very intelligent and smart man, curious - someone who can get interested in whatever. With great sense for business and talent for using things to his advantage, it's easy to see why he rejects nothing - he sees potential in every single thing, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. That's mostly why he is messed up in the whole politics of tribes he does not belong to - he is trying to get something out of it.

A great liar, be wary of making deals with him. Because the said deals always have a certain catch or a loophole to them.

Background: Faustus has grown up in the, very rich, golden tribe, belonging to one of highest aristocratic families with long lineage. Being a very intelligent kid, he was very appreciated by all the other people in the tribe, and they predicted lovely fortune for him. However, a thing happened - a thing where Faustus let down his whole family, and ended up being an outcast from the tribe.

He collected his goods, and set off to a journey to get some more, not having enough. Well. Let's face it - he will never have enough. He decided to intervene in the war of t he tribes, presenting himself as a spokeman from the Golden tribe - lying about his position in it.

Nobody knows he was outcasted. They all just know(think?) he is very rich, and very powerful.


- Faustus has a pet - a falcon he uses for getting his messages around. His name is Efer.

- He drinks tea with more alcohol in it than tea.

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Preferred role:


Physical Description:

Despite his lack of extreme height, Jacques seems to carry an aura of authority about him, only further helped by his rather deep voice. Dark-haired with ebony eyes so dark they appear almost dark blue, Jacques is rather slender in stature when compared to the average male in his tribe. A smile of genuine cheerfulness rarely touches his lips, more commonly one of stoic concentration. His skin is absent of color, being a pale porcelain color that may generate quite a few 'as pale as a vampire' remarks. He often wears black, readily admitting to liking the color much better then the others.


Around most Jacques is quiet, preferring to observe those around him before opening his mouth. Because of this, many can view him as shy in their first impression, something which is ultimately untrue of him. Confidence, tinged with slight arrogance is something that has been practically indoctrinated into him, and it motivates his every action. Sarcasm is truly Jacques' forte, and he exercises his ability in the manipulation of others quite often, always justifying his actions by saying they are for 'the greater good', something he usually truly believes.

Towards the few he may forge an emotional attachment with, Jacques' is quietly loyal to, doing almost anything to keep their trust. Anger, as well as humor is something he rarely displays, his emotions usually fluctuating between amused and neutral. Few things can generate strong emotion from him, and rarely can anyone get under his skin, and even if someone does manage, his expressions are so controlled that they can rarely tell.


The son of a Champion who was held in high regard by the rest of the tribe, as well as the daughter of the tribe's leader, a lot was expected of Jacques from the moment of his birth. His parents managed to instill an unshakable confidence into their son, though this came with the expected dose of arrogance - not that they minded. He was rarely around the other children while young, his parents preferring to raise him around the adults as they felt the children would put unapproved thoughts into his head.

Jacques didn't mind this, as he thought the adults much more interesting. But often, he would find himself alone at times, something which has made him able to be independent. Towards the other tribes Jacques' was quite indifferent for some time, as he was too sheltered to ever experience being in contact with them. Humans, or non-magic wielding tribe members his parents thought of as quite annoying, and they often would make comments to this effect to the young, quite influencable Jacques.


Musically inclined, though his parents thought this a useless skill.

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Adesola Mandeyo


Age: 29

Gender: Female

Tribe: Ebony

Preferred Role: Second in command? If that's too high ranking or already taken, Hunter

Physical Description

Adesola has a short stature, but the proportions of her long limbs and neck make her look gangly. Her fingers are tapered and her unmanicured nails cut short for convenience. Thanks to regular exercise, her physique is lean and tough, but opponents who don't look beyond Deso's height often underestimate her physical strength. She usually keeps her shoulder-length black hair with a bronze shine in a braided bun. Deso eschews make-up, dresses, and jewelry and likes to wear a simple tank top, jacket and shorts. She is almost always dressed in shades of gray, which is her favorite color. In a crowd, she'll almost always blend in, which is exactly how she likes it.


Deso is typically quiet and observant. She doesn't like being watched, preferring to watch others. A deeply curious person, she loves making new and unexpected experiences and consequently can sometimes take foolhardy risks, although she has gotten a lot cooler since young adulthood. While she believes firmly that the ends justify the means, Deso is also an empathetic person who loathes gratuitous suffering. She's willing to do whatever it takes for the greater good, and generally places the interests of the collective above the interests of the individual in society. She is loyal to the cause of justice in the sense that the Ebony society has taught her and expects similar commitment to these ideals from her peers. Thus, she distrusts and usually dislikes those who put selfish concerns ahead of the general welfare. Her face is very expressive, making it difficult for her to conceal her emotions, and she feels strongly about most issues, but her deliberation and interest in viewing a problem from diverse and unconventional perspectives tempers the passionate impulsivity that motivated her behavior in her youth. Deso's best quality is probably her resourcefulness; she enjoys the challenge of coming up with a creative way to get out of a scrape, and she is excited by change.


Adesola grew up to loving parents who cared deeply about each other, their family, and their community. From an early age on, this instilled Deso with a sense of the importance of solidarity and compromise. In her prime, her mother, a fierce warrior, was one of Ebony Tribe's most magically skilled warriors, notably able to learn the teleportation skill, although she never fully mastered it. Deso's stepfather was a particularly physically strong and disciplined warrior of the tribe. They always hoped that their daughter would follow in their footsteps. However, Deso's biological father, whom she never met and whom her mother did not like to speak about, was non-magical, and not a tribesman. When she was younger she used to have ambitions about finding her father or compelling her mother to explain their relationship, but now she has accepted her mother's silence on the subject and sees her stepfather as her true father. Growing up, Deso was consistently embarrassed by her below average magical talents, which she blamed on her mixed heritage, and tried to compensate by excelling in physical combat. She can generate some weak dark fire, but her propulsion skills, which enhance her natural agility and amplify the impact of her physical attacks, are most useful to her fighting style. In particular, she can use propulsion magic to leap supernaturally high and far.

NOTE: I will not be accepting characters as of yet. I will start accepting and dealing out roles on the date which comes first: Next friday, 24th of July/When I'm done with the Lore section

Darius Dallyptus







Preferred role

Forager; heck, the world would be a very messed up place if this kid somehow became second in command!


Physical Description

Though he likes to put on an air of dignified sensibility and control, Darius' every muscle betrays this effort. His face is wide-eyed and expressionate, betraying his age and inexperience. His hair is an unruly mop of untidy brown that he is constantly fiddling with and rearranging. For some reason, he is almost always clenching his teeth, as if gnawing down on an invisible steak is the once way to escape a stressful life. He's somewhat of a weed; pale, slim and only 5'7'', with gangly limbs that seem remarkably flexible when he wriggles them in panic. In spite of the weather, he is always wearing his brown cloak over navy blue skinny jeans and plain grey shoes. His grin is almost scarily mad.


Everybody knows the Violet stereotype: a smarty-pants who's dry as sandpaper in the desert. Smart, clinical, efficient (and about as interesting) as a paper-clip factory. Dull as a broken light-bulb, right? But there's always a few oddballs who love to buck the trend.

Meet Darius, one of the most confusing guys you'll ever encounter. Darius is wild and unpredictable, and not the good and fun kinds. One minute he'll be greeting you sensibly; the next minute, he'll be lifting a tree out of the ground; the next he'll be spouting off some ridiculous story. Flamboyant, grandiose, he has an eccentric and elaborate form of speech, and is about as calm and predictable as a raging hurricane. He attempts to break the unfriendly mould by sometimes making very elaborate compliments of varying truth, though he's not particularly good at being social so these can often fall flat.

And yet despite the outward flamboyance, the real inside Darius is just about as stereotypical as the rest. Though he is extremely talkative, most of it is just babble, and Darius is nigh incapable of actually empathising and carrying out meaningful conversation. He very much defines himself by the shell of what he wants to be, but in his arrogance fails to realise what little substance he's left himself. Though he does a lot of stupid things, he can be a genius when he sets his mind to it. The problem is, these moments are few and far between as he's constantly stuck in a convoluted melting pot of allegiances and self-imposed responsibilities, and he's far more inclined to clumsily mess something up.

Somewhere within all that confusion, Darius just wants to please people. Or rather, he just wants the positive attention of pleasing people. Its rather a whopping shame then that he's absolutely horrific at this. Because he never wants to get on the bad side of anyone, he is very easily influenced and manipulated, and will switch lie and hop between allegiances just to please people. He's floundering on the end of the metaphorical line, and has absolutely no idea what he's doing with himself. Clinging to the last remnants of the goals he once has, Darius is cowardly, insecure, volatile and very hard to understand.


Darius grew up as the only child to two very traditional Violet parents, and was almost immediately introduced to the Violet cultural mind-set: keep calm, concentrated and dedicated, and you will be able to do anything efficiently and effectively. His parent's cold seriousness, not to mention their practical neglect, deeply affected the impressionable young boy, and he set about joining the ranks as any other Violet child might.

And he was doing fine! Though he was never going to win any medals for his smarts, Darius was dedicated even by Violet standards. So dedicated in fact that he neglected what little social life Violet people allowed themselves. A proper teacher's pet, his goal in life was to work his hardest to get to the top. What he'd do when presented with the responsibilities of illustrious power, he never grew up enough to consider.

Around that time, a convoy of people from another friendly tribe visited the town, and Darius soon noticed that his new temporary classmates weren't particularly personable towards him and his fellow Violets. This confused him, and conflicted with his inner ideals; if you worked hard enough, wouldn't everybody respect you? Eventually, he found himself so consumed with curiosity that he plucked up the courage to ask them directly. And hence he was first presented with a negative outlook on the Violet stereotype.

Darius thought as long and as deep as his young mind would allow him, and came to the conclusion that he didn't want to be a stick in the mud. He
really, really didn't want to be a stick in the mud. Suddenly it became clear; even his classmates didn't respect him. So he had to try something different! Trouble was, he also really didn't want to disappoint his parents. Then he had an idea; he didn't have to be the same person all the time! He could switch himself up to please everyone independently!

The trouble is, as life progressed, Darius found himself being pulled in and increasing amount of directions, and as the new faces sprung up, so did new 'versions of himself'. Soon Darius was lying to almost everyone, and the entire process was hindered by the fact that he really isn't very convincing. He became known as a kind of a fool to his tribesmen as the aimless youth confused not just himself, but literally everyone who tried to make sense of his antics, which were especially pricey in tough combat situations. Until eventually, someone at the top had a good idea of manipulating his impressionability to send him away from the Violet tribe, where he was nothing but an embarrassment. Thus, Darius travels towards one of the enemy tribes with what he thinks is a special mission: convince them that you're defecting, and then destroy them from within! Little does he know that it was all merely to get him out of the way, and that he's only hurtling into a convoluted situation that will only grow more troublesome for him.


Darius is hugely paranoid, and a massive fidgit; he literally can't keep still, and he has real problems sleeping. There are a few rare topics of conversation which fascinate him genuinely enough to break his convoluted web of self-imposed floundering. The first of these is powers; Darius put so much effort into study that it does genuinely interest him to see what other people can do. The second of these is dreams; Darius keeps a dream diary, and is prone to rattling off random and obscure dreams to try and explain situations, often with a very questionable moral and interpretation provided at the end.

In spite of his reputation and status, Darius is actually pretty talented with his powers, probably the best for his young age. He is fairly creative, if unconventional, when it comes to usage of his fire, and can actually use telekenesis with relatively little problem. Sadly he's normally too occupied with trying to come up with crazy schemes and frankly atrocious strategies to really use his powers to proper effect, and his clumsiness often leads to near-fatal mistakes. He carries around a rather battered looking sword that he's passable but certainly not brilliant with; he learnt as all Violets do in order to hunt, though his precision is somewhat wayward. He's both similataniously extremely lucky and extremely unlucky; when in combat he almost always manages to dodge his way out of lasting danger, but socially, and in more mundane situation, it seems as if Ryven the Coloured is setting him up as the protagonist of a sit-com.

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Katarya Bahlyzs (WIP?)

Appearance -


Katarya has what would best be described as tribal tattoos painted across most of her body. (Will attach pics later if I can find any.)

Age -


Gender -


Tribe -

Crimson (Duh.)

Preferred role -


Physical Description -

Katarya is seen as somewhat "lacking" physically, as far as members of Crimson tribe go. Though she stands at nearly 6'2", she's only slightly above average height for her tribe. While still more physically built than most members of other tribes, she's considered rather delicate, and slight of frame among the members of her own. Her hair and eyes blaze Crimson red, the hue almost unbelievably bright, even among the other members of Crimson. Tattoos adorn her body, and her fiery hair comes to rest just below her waistline. Her face is typically void of emotion, concealing whatever thoughts or feelings she may have.

Personality -

Katarya's personality very much matches that of her appearance. In a word, fiery. Extremely prideful, and quick to anger, Katarya is both stubborn and outspoken. Above all, Katarya hates weakness, and looks down on those who are unable to defend themselves.

Katarya is also very exciteable in the right situations, among those she considers her equals, and though she's typically reluctant to showcase it, has a rather healthy sense of humor. She is sarcastic at times, but usually only in close company.

As many in Crimson do, Katarya values honor above nearly everything, save victory. Katarya is a firm believer that honor and virtue are of utmost important in combat--at least, while she's got the uppear hand.

"What's honor to the dead?"

Background -

Born the bastard of a failed relationship between her mother, of Crimson, and a man of Ebony, Katarya was looked down on from an early age. Her build was slight compared to others in her tribe, and she was often mocked because of it. The mockery was her determination become the strongest warrior in Crimson. While most in the tribe saw her lack of physique as a weakness, Katarya took after her father as much as she did her mother. Her smaller frame allowed her to adapt her own combat style, her speed and cunning in combat a result of her somewhat diminished--though still higher than the average members of other tribes--sturdiness.

While Katarya excels in physical combat, she is rather lacking in the way of magic. Though she's learned considerable control over her flames, she's only able to perform the most basic of enchantments, to a rather underwhelming effect.

Other -

Katarya typically fights with a simple longsword, worn sheathed at her hip, though also carries a greatsword strapped into a harness across her back, for more sturdy foes.
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Captain Andal Graves

Male, 45

Tribe: Crimson

Preferred role: Second-in-Command

Physical Description: A large man, standing 6'6" and 250 lbs, Captain Graves has a graying beard, with a face worn by war. Over his armor, he brands a fiery red cloak trimmed with white fur, the armor itself a mixture of metal and hardened leather. Beneath that lies a toughened body scarred from years of fighting. Over his left eye is an eyepatch he received and worn as a boy.

Personality: Graves is a stern, hardened man, well-respected by peers and foe alike. A military leader and war veteran, Graves has a no-nonsense approach on and off the field of battle. Graves has a deep growl of a voice, that tends to intimidate lesser folk. He is a man of honor and it is reflected in his words and how he carries himself.

Background: Andal Graves, born in the tribe of Crimson, lived his life for the good fight. In every major battle, Graves was on the front-lines, demolishing all that were unlucky enough to stand before his might. He moved up the ranks from a lowly soldier to champion and to Second-in-Command. Thought to be the strongest of them all, Graves was rumored to be the next Leader of Crimson. However, as it so happened, a man younger than himself, was promoted to the position. Thought as a slight to Captain Graves from his camp, Graves raised a hand to these folk as an act of disrespect. He bowed before the newly appointed leader and walked away, returning to the front of the fight where he belonged. Still, behind closed doors, some believe the Captain to be the rightful leader while others argue he would never have taken the position even if offered. Graves ignored these kinds of talks and resumed his duty as he always had.


Maintains a sidearm to accompany his two-handed battle axe, Grave's primary choice of weapon.


Alexander Schultz









Physical Description

Tall, strong, flexible. Years of honing his skill, eating specific diets and focusing his powers have left him with a very powerful physique. His skin is sickly pale and devoid of all hair, save that on his head. Even the hair on his head is getting thinner, but it's still long and thick enough that it doesn't make him look that sick. His nails are black and both his lungs and mouth are scarred from a young hydra he fought in one on one combat a few years since. The hydra exhaled poisonous gases, which both burned Alexander's lungs and mouth as well as gave him a weakening sickness he's been suffering from for years. He covers his mouth both to stop spreading it and to hide his disfigured features.


Calm, attentive and imposing with a will burning like the sun beneath his chest. Born in the beginning of the long war between the Tribes, Alexander is stout-hearted and determined to save as many people in his clan as possible. He's very loyal to the dynasty and is often considered the ideal human a Violet Tribesman should be, so it wasn't unexpected when he came to be the clan's leader.

Calm like the wind, fierce like the storm. His mind is difficult to dent, but he's far from afraid to dispatch of anyone who'd threaten himself or anyone in his Tribe. Family first is brought to a new level around this guy and as so he's very friendly towards anyone from Violet, often even taking squires upon himself for short amounts of time to personally train them. Being one of the most powerful warriors in the Violet Tribe's history has also given him a lot of confidence, and he wouldn't back down from any foe if someone under his protection is in danger.


Born at the brink of the war, Alexander saw people fall in battle all around him throughout his early life. Death, disease, hunger and threats became commonplace for him and he never had the opportunity to live a regular childhood. He was molded by fighting, trained to do battle and to protect those dear to him and so that's the only thing still on his mind. His father was a champion within the tribe, and was often considered so barbaric that he was almost thrown out of the Tribe. His only redeeming feature was his endless loyalty and battle prowess, something that the clan could never sign away in this dire time. As the main rolemodel in Alexanders life, his father taught him all his morals and everything about fighting.

The day eventually came when his father had been overpowered and killed in combat, but when that day came Alex was already 15 long summers old. He was jaded and used to the death. The only difference that came when his father died was the expectations put on him. His father had lead charges, went on massacres, and turned tides of battle all by himself. Without a fighter like that left, they looked to his son for the next war hero.

Alexander, who was far more civilized than his father was, was deemed fit to be properly trained in the art of warfare, strategy and all. He went on to become a powerful sergeant at an early age, and before long he was one of the most respected fighters in the village. After a particularly gruesome battle clashing with the crimson clan, both clans were more or less completely decomissioned for a while. The warriors who weren't dead were severely wounded, and only a handful men including Alex and the leader Tribesman at the time were left to protect the outpost they were at. Just after the dust of battle settled, a young 30ft tall Hydra arose from the jungle and attacked the camp. It had been intrigued by the smell of blood, and a fierce battle ensued.

When the hydra finally laid slain, only three Tribesmen still stood. Alex and two others, but the leader wasn't with them. After this the Tribe crowned Alex the new leader, and he's been reigning for 7 years. During the battle with the Hydra he did contract a rather debilitating disease that put him to bed for several weeks, but it would have killed lesser men. He's still not as physically strong as he was back then, but to make up for this he's honed his mind to extreme lengths.











Alex's Protectee

Physical Description

Echo looks unlike most other Violet Tribesmen. His body is naturally muscular and he's not especially short nor tall. His golden hair is almost unheard of within the clan, and his eyes are a much brighter purple than most's. His skin is slightly tanned, even after he spent a year on the ancient summit with barely any sun at all. His skin is completely free from disfiguring, no pimples, no scar tissue, no nothing. It's also surprisingly smooth to the touch. He never has to eat anything, and to many a surprise he doesn't have any genitalia at all. He was only given male pronouns to match his appearance.


Echo is timid, quiet and shy. He has a very disarming smile, and never raises his hand even to attack a fly. He almost never talks, even when talked to, but he's been getting better. Innocent and happy, he refuses to partake in any sort of battle and always seems to enjoy the small beautiful things in life. He goes around looking at flowers and insects and has even been found in groups of usually aggressive wildlife, acting as if the direwolves were just another litter of puppies. He is, all in all, pretty mysterious but undeniably adorable.



Echo was found 4 years ago in the jungle. A lonely naked kid standing alone on one of the less travelled paths between two Violet outposts. Scouts travelling along the road took him in because of his purple eyes and brought him to Alexander for evalutation. The child, refusing to speak to anyone and hiding behind the garb of the female scout who found him first at every chance he had, was a difficult case to say the least. Together with the scout Alexander tried to get the child to communicate for a very long time, and even though they never spoke he seemed to get more attached.

Unfortunately the scout fell in combat a few months later, and when she did Echo seemed to know immediately. Up until this point Echo simply had been known as "that one strange child" or just "kid" by those around him, but when he awoke Alexander crying that night he decided to take him into the cavern of souls. The cavern of souls was an old natural cave close to the Violet camp, and in the early days of the violet tribe's arrival on the island every fallen soldier had been recorded here. It was still used for that purpose, but it wasn't revered as holy any longer. Alexander took him deep into the cave and let the boy record her name himself, and when Alexander said a few words for her the cavern echoed. The boy seemed very intimidated by this, and Alex explained to him that it was only echo. To his surprise, the kid looked up at him and repeated the word. Alex decided to call him Echo from there on out.


Echo is not a fighter, but on different occasions he's shown the ability to manipulate more than a single color's power.

(No, you can not have this power. This is for plot >:c )

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