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Fantasy Tribes: The Triad

Rubbing his hands together and exhaling heavily, Alexander wandered through the makeshift camp they'd set up to house everyone at the summit. They were the hosts of this attempt at peace-haggling and so the area where everything had been made ready was on the edge of the Jungle, far to the south of most of the other Tribes' homesteads. The day was grey, and barely any rays of sunlight slipped through the thick layer of clouds that slowly drifted across the sky. The other Tribes had also put up their own tents, each in their own part of the large camp. At the center of everything was the gathering tent where the negotiations would take place, and it had three doors pointing in the direction of every Tribe's side of the camp. They'd enter through the door with whatever bodyguard they wanted and with their second-in-command. Since the last Violet second-in-command was eaten by a pack of rabid @The Necromancer @Pushks @Azalea @Quill @SkyGinge @AshenLily @Circus

The Roleplay Is Now Open!



Soléy had an empty expression on her face. If at all describable, it was a tense and grim one. She had kept her distance - as requested - and tigered through the nearby woods. From a far, her eyes caught a glimpse of what she soon recognized to be the Violet commitee. "Hmph." Her eyes were now fixed on the tribe's leader. So much so that she completely stopped her semi-regular glancing towards the direction the Ebony clan had decided to arrive from. It wouldn't be a complete lie to say she didn't care all that much anyways, but now... now she had her goal in sight.

No, there was no attack or betrayal planned - at least not to the girl's knowledge - but it always paid to be extra careful. Afterall, this was what everyone thought of the Ebonies anyways, right? That they put results ahead of emotions or what's 'right'. So... why not act the part? Nobody was as suited as her for this kind of position. Given her absolute lack of interest in participating in political negotiations, even if she had a position of power, she feltl bored just thinking about the inside of the tent. But out here... that was more to her taste. Always alarmed, her shotgun ready to shoot whenever needed. Soléy didn't hate the other clans. Especially the Violet clan had her sympathies as of late. She knew their weakened state would force them into a somewhat less prideful position. But someone had to make sure that the Ebony tribe was ensure the pole position throughout such an event.

A boy... she thought, feeling uncomfortable and hoping that everything would go smoothly. She teleported behind a somewhat distanced tree, which granted her a good look onto the side the violets entered from. "Now let's see how this plays out..." A grumpy smirk formed on her face before it made way to her usually apathic expression.
Faustus Behruz had a special talent not many people had. He was comfortable in every damn place. Known or unknown, every space to him was like living room - from deserts of his home, The Wasteland, to the Jungle of Garr - the place the meeting was supposed to be held. He was sitting down, leaned on a tree, the valley opening up and spreading in front his eyes, heavy, dark clouds laying thickly on the green trees.

As far as Faustus was concerned, he could had been sitting on the softest silk. Well, let's be fair, he could had been - his tent was just a few steps behind him, but no. He enjoyed both the scenery and the dampness this place carried. Having grown up in a desert, this hazy atmosphere relaxed him.

But the situation that was to be discussed in that tent today was nowhere near relaxing. It actually fit the weather nicely - there will be some deciding done, some deciding that will affect many people's future and lives. Eh, his own too. Except he cared very little, soft and confident smile not leaving his face. Faustus Behruz had luck on his side, something his fellow tribesmen appreciated greatly, treating it with respect. And even though he didn't live home anymore, he still remembered to pray for the wheel on fortune to spin to his advance.

He was invited to attend the gathering, as one of vital, important people who have shaped the flow of the war. He was there both as a messenger of rich Golden tribe, and one of important allies to the Ebony tribe - personally invited by their leader, Jacques Grant, whom he was waiting for, so he could get moving.

"Look at this just marvelous scene, Efer! We certainly do not have this at home, do we?" he smirked, going over nearly satin like feathers of his falcon who sat on his shoulder. Faustus rarely parted his pet when it didn't fly, sending his messages to people. The yellow-eyed young man grabbed a piece of meat, splitting it with his hands, and threw it in the air for his bird to catch. "No. We don't." he added, his voice musical and light, sure of the outcome of the meeting.



@Pushks [adressed] @Sunbather [mentioned] @Prizzy Kriyze [mentioned] @Haruhi [mentioned]

The idea of meeting with the tribes to discuss that long hoped for peace had at first been nothing but a joke to the Ebony leader. Obviously the tribe who had called for the meeting, the Violets, were weakening, something he knew he'd have to take advantage of at some point. Jacques had recently heard the news of their second-in-command's gory death, and it had been enough to elicit at least a pinch of sympathy from Jacques.

Just a pinch.

How they were hoping to negotiate this peace had been a mystery to Jacques. What did the Violets, who'd kind of egged on the whole war between the Crimsons and the Ebony's have to offer in exchange for peace? Additionally, seeing those meddlesome overly-aggressive Crimsons again hadn't been a too attractive prospect. But the discussion itself had peaked his interest, the main reason he'd decided on attending.

He'd brought the powerful Gold member Faustus along mainly for his own entertainment, as these meetings tended to get quite boring. But he also knew that his bringing the second-in-command of the Gold tribe would possibly intimidate the other tribes a bit, if they thought to assume the Gold and Ebony tribes had forged an alliance of sorts.

Checking the grey watch he'd fastened to his wrist earlier, Jacques saw that the meeting was to start in five minutes.

A soft, inaudible sigh was uttered from the Ebony tribe's leader as he exited his tent, smoothing down the black-and-grey blazer he wore over a simple black shirt. About three of his clansmen hurried to meet him, surrounding him in a protective manner. Glancing upwards, Jacques took in the grey, sunless sky.

Any normal person would've frowned, and taken the sky to be a sign of the dreary day that was to follow. But something about the color alone was enough to illicit a brief smile to upturn the ebony leaders lips. Schooling his pale features into impassiveness, he stole a brief glance about himself before beginning to walk to the area he'd instructed Faustus to wait, his clansmen hurriedly accompanying him.

But the Gold's given tent was empty, had he hurried on ahead without him?

"- don't."

Turning in the direction of the words - or rather, the word- Jacques' moved in the general direction of the sound, his eyes falling on the tree upon which said man was leaning on.

"Come, now. Wouldn't want to be late for the meeting."

The words contained only the slightest amount of friendliness, Jacques temporarily meeting his eyes before swiveling his body in the direction of the tent where the tribes had been informed to meet. His second-in-command at the moment was nowhere to be seen, a thought that sent a prickle of annoyance through the Ebony leader. Hopefully she'd make her entrance soon, though he had hoped they could've entered together.

First impressions were everything.

His eyes darted towards the forest surrounding the encampment. Would it be wise to pull Soley from the forest to accompany him into a meeting? No, he decided with a slight shake of his head. She'd stay where she was, so she could report to him any trouble that could be brewing on the outside.

He begin to walk as his thoughts settled, entering the tent. His eyes first caught the Violet leader, who was lounging in the chair the closest to the entrance. Jacques noted the two guards who stood behind him before starting towards back seat.

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Katarya grimaced again, evaluating the gown laying on her cot with a cold gaze that belied the color of her eyes. "I've told you I don't see the reason for such... impractical clothing.The tribes are formally meeting for the first time in as long as anyone can remember. Who's to say it won't turn to bloodshed? God knows the Ebons and Violets haven't a single shred of honor. I wouldn't put it past either of them to feign diplomacy, and cut our throats while we're caught off guard. Suppose I wear this," she gestured to the elegant dress her mother had laid out on the cot for her, "and the meeting goes south--as I'm fairly certain it will--then what? I get to try fighting off the higherups of Ebony and Violet, wearing this?" She shook her head. "No. It's impractical. I refuse, and I won't speak any further on the subject." The words cut through the air like steel, as Katarya turned, and strode from the tent, only just managing to bite her tongue in an effort to keep from destroying the already rocky relationship she shared with her mother.

"Dammit, where is he?" Making her way through the camp, Katarya had yet to find a single sign of Graves. "Blast it all to hell. I suppose the only place I have yet to check is--" she turned and looked at the largest of the tents, in the center of the clearing. That was the area the meeting would be held, and though she didn't like the idea of walking into what could very well be a trap on her own, Katarya couldn't bear arriving neither early, nor late on any occasion.
Arriving early gives the impression that you don't mind waiting on those who are beneath you; while arriving late shows you lack respect for those both beneath and above you in rank. A proper Crimson should always arrive precisely on time, whenever possible. The words rang through her head, an echo of the lessons she'd been taught as a girl. A quick glance at one of the worn clocks hanging from the side of a tent showed what she was looking for. Katarya would be exactly on time. So, she headed toward the tent.

Stopping outside of the tent, Katarya straightened her chain vest, and ran a quick hand through her thick, crimson locks, doing her best to look as presentable as possible. First impressions were everything, and could easily determine the direction of the negotiations. Somewhat anxious to see Graves, she brushed aside the flap, and entered.

A quick glance around the tent, and Katarya released a frustrated, barely-audible groan. She was alone. At least, for the time being.
Men, she thought. His damn pride will be the death of him. Quickly running through the facts she knew about the much older leader, she came to the realization that unlike herself, he'd probably intended to arrive late. After all, what better way to assert your dominance over the other tribes, than to begin the negotiations by making them wait on you from the very start?

Katarya offered an exaggerated, almost-mocking bow to the other members present, accompanied with a short "Katarya, Second-in-Command of Crimson, at your service," before taking her seat away from the other members of the different tribes. Not particularly interested in exactly who the other members were, as far as the status within their tribes, Katarya busied herself tugging at the sides of her vest, more than content to pass the time in such a way, until the negotiations had begun.

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In the Crimson camp's main tent, Captain Andal Graves stood tall in the center, a serving girl fixing his flowing red cloak lined with fur around his shoulders. He faced forward, paying the girl no mind. With it firmly clasped, she bowed and silently moved to open then front flap for his departure. Outside the tent, the Crimson forces were lined in columns from the entrance. Dozens of warriors saluted with fist over heart at the sight of their leader as he marched down the pathway towards the meeting. Only the sound of heavy footfalls were heard over the obedient silence, just as Graves liked it. He proceeded with head high and forward, his fiery cape flowing behind him. As he reached the last units of his forces, they turned to face his back, filing in behind their Captain. The soldiers walked in unison, shaking the earth beneath them. One of the few members not in line was Katarya, given special permission to act as she saw fit, as long as it did not tarnish the Crimson name.

Graves approached the Crimson's entryway to the negotiation tent, a soldier bowing and opening the flap for him. He raised a hand and the soldiers behind him came to a halt. When his hand dropped, the units formed back into columns before the entrance. The leader relinquished his large battle axe to his subordinate who needed two hands to support its weight; it would not be needed at this meeting.

Andal Graves had entered the large tent, noticing the expected members from the major tribes: the Ebony leader, clad in black, looked as pale as ever, and the Violet leader, looking to contain his nervousness, seemed to be hiding something. He did not know the other men in the room and did not care to find out and it showed. Graves looked each leader in the eye before taking his own seat before his designated entrance. Katarya was already in her seat; Graves acknowledged her with a glance before returning his gaze in front of him.

Graves' posture was impeccable and imposing, his massiveness still prominent even while seated; it added to the tenseness in the air. He sat in silence, awaiting the Violet leader to start this discussion and explain the meaning of this meeting.
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Soley remained in her kneeled down position, outside the tents. Her eyes flickered over the perimiter, as she witnessed two Crimson members joining the group of leaders. She scoffed, disliking the pride they showcased, just in the way they walked, the way they carried themselves. Soléy despised the very idea of pride through heritage. It made her sick to her stomach whenever she was exposed to such behavior, be it by Crimsons, Violets or her own people.

Secretely, her rage boiled up. "Come on... just give me an excuse..." she thought. There were no intentions for violence, and usually, the woman hated the sheer thought of inflicting just that onto others. But something about this meeting made her feel rotten, like it was the wisest to just wipe each other out right now. Ending it all. She shook her head, trying to get rid off such thoughts. Her leader needed her to stay alert, to keep her mind sharp and aware... Curiousity now sprinkled into her mind. What would they be talking about? And would they accomplish anything? What would happen if they didn't? The idea made Soléy feel uncomfortable.
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The first to join him in the tent was Jacques Grant, the famous Ebony Tribe Leader. Alexander's first reaction was to smile at the man, but he quickly realized this wouldn't be noticed beneath his mask. The impulse to smile only came to him if he was to please someone or if he met someone he liked, and both those situation were quite unnatural, so he wasn't used to it. He gestured towards the seat the man was already headed for and said "Please, sit down." in the politest manner he could. Jacques was shorter than himself, but he carried himself with an imposing posture worthy of a leader. Alex couldn't help but think that his way of acting was more befitting of a Violet leader than an Ebony one, but then again, Alex himself was much more like an Ebony leader as well. He'd almost like him, if it wasn't for the sneaking hint of racism towards the ungifted he sometimes caught in the leader's gaze.

The second participant to enter the tent was an impressively tall and pretty girl, with blazing red hair and equally red eyes to accompany them. Alexander recognized her as the champion who was about half a dozen years younger than himself, Katarya of the Crimson Tribe. Her physical capabilities were talked about even amongst his own troops, and she was truly what a champion of the Red Clan should be. "You can remain at your own service, champion." Alexander joked and leaned his elbows onto the table in front of him in a weak attempt at lighting up the mood. His social side quickly subsided though, and he was caught up in thought again. He found himself tapping his fingers against the table as he waited for the last leader to arrive.

And when he did, Alexander could recognize him simply by the way he moved through the telekinetic field that subconsciously stretched far outside the tent. The Crimson Tribe was the only to have a considerable force at the ready, but Alex didn't let it bother him. Even if they decided to start a battle, he and everyone else on the Violet side were more than ready to withdraw. On the other hand, just before he entered the tent he left his large axe behind. A gesture that had not gone unnoticed, and certainly not unappreciated. He didn't utter a word as he sat down, but Alexander met him with friendly eyes nonetheless. "Greetings, Captain Graves. It is nice to see you in a position you have earned over the years. My condolences go out to Avus however, he died much younger than he should have."

Alexander looked around the room, then put his hands together before him as he started talking. "Now that the most important members have gathered, I believe it's for the better if we get this out of the way. You'll have until tomorrow to decide upon an answer either way, and on the behalf of all Violet Tribesmen I can also tell you that we're open for negotiations. Now, to the problem at hand..." He stretched out a hand, and the guardsman behind him pulled out a scroll of paper and handed it to him. "The Violet Tribe has decided we're done with this decades-long war. Too much senseless suffering started by petty grudges between powerful men, powerful men that are now dead." He put the scroll down on the table and rolled it out, revealing a very detailed map of the south-east quarter of the island. "It's fairly common knowledge that us of the Violet Clan have hit some hard times, but that certainly isn't the only reason for this. You should all be concerned - you see, the land is dying."

(I could go on, but I'd like for at least the leaders to throw in their reactions at this point :) )




@Pushks (You can retroactively state that your character entered during)
He followed Grant with his eyes. The man was one of rare, if not the only one Faustus felt something quite close to respect for. His persona just breathed with dignity of certain, elegant kind, and not even he could go unaffected.

He lazily stretched, yawning. The crude topics in the tent barely touched him. Besides, meetings always start late. He knew that - he was a first class businessman. When your falcon had a diamond ring for messages on his foot, you could afford being late.

"You heard him. Shall we?" He smiled to the bird on his shoulder, standing just a moment longer in the place, to soak in the sight of dark clouds swallowing the land.


When he entered the tent, the Violet leader had already started with his speech. Without shame, his head rosen highly, Faustus Behruz walked in like he walled into his own home. Quietly though - so he doesn't interrupt. He would've loved showing off here, but instead he just quickly waltzed to take the seat by Jacques, his predatory pet obediently sitting on his arm, looking around the room, just like his master. Faustus rose his legs up, to cross them in his lap - the way Golden tribe sat, his eyes travelling from one to other participiant of the conference. He noticed the leader of the Crimson tribe, along with his Champion. He had heard quite a deal about the girl. Katarya, if his memory served him well.

Actually, Faustus had heard quite a deal about everyone present. Nobody was below his trading standards - not a single forager, not a single thief.

And they liked to talk.

They also liked to listen to sound of golden ore clinking.

He listened to the introductory speech, face as cold as stone. Emotions didn't tend to get to him. They were just masks, used to push through certain business deals. Who would know it better than him?

"Don't let him manipulate you with the ecology talk." He leaned over to the leader of the Ebony, whispering so quietly only he could hear him. "We aren't here to build, we are here to make a deal. He is overexaggerating, and before we know it, he will use it to lower the paying rates later. I know you know, but it's in my duty to remind you. He will represent the Garr weaker than it really is, and later abuse our trust. Just a heads up. I know certain foragers who will swear on healthiness of Northern and Western parts of the jungle."

He leaned back in his place, looking at Alexander as he spoke, his eyes piercing him, as he was switching to thermal vision.

He then looked at Grant and murmured shortly.

"He is nervous. I can see it, in his body."

@Prizzy Kriyze @Azalea
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Graves noticed the golden-eyed man's late entrance as he nestled next to the Ebon's leader, the Captain maintained eye contact with Alexander, however. The Crimson leader, respectfully, remained silent until he was finished speaking, the words he spoke in response though were harsh. "Why should we care of the plight of the Violet? 'Our concern' is the eradication of your kind, Alexander. 'The land is dying'? Then die along with it. We will take what is ours and scorch the land Crimson, as we always have," Graves' fist rocked the table. "Do not presume to know of 'our concern', leader of Violet. There will be no end to this war.

And you, Jacques," he turned to the Ebony leader and let him taste his rage. "If you allow this thing to give you counsel," he looked at Faustus with eyes of fire, "then you are a bigger fool than I thought and I will make easy work of you." Graves did not hear their conversation, but any leader that listens to the words of a rival subordinate, is not worthy of the title. "Now, if you want to talk surrender, then I will listen to your plea." The man in Crimson sat back in his chair and smiled, "know that I am not as merciful as my predecessors, but I am justly. I am willing to keep your casualties to a minimum if you surrender and total annihilation if not."

Andal Graves would listen to their words, but a miss-step would leave them crushing the egg shells they were currently perched on.


Katarya greeted Graves as he entered with a short nod, but nothing more. He wasn't exactly the type for warm greetings, as far as she'd come to know. Looking down to her chain vest, she finally breathed a soft sigh of relief, pleased with the neatness of her presentation, before looking down to the sheathe at her side. She'd noted Graves had left his axe outside of the tent. Though she admired the man's courage, a part of her couldn't help but laugh at his foolishness. While it was doubtful that there were less than a dozen Crimson guards outside of the tent accompanying the axe, if it turned to bloodshed, it was possible that neither of them would even have the opportunity to make it halfway to the tent flap, before having their head freed from their neck.

Grasping the hilt tightly in her hand, she admired--not for the first time--the way the hilt seemed to fit perfectly in her palm. The sword wasn't special by any means, having been crafted by an ordinary smith, with ordinary steel, as far as Katarya was aware. Yet, she'd had it for nearly as long as she could remember. It was a fine weapon, and though it was worn, it hadn't let her down in the past.

"...Now, to the problem at hand..."

Katarya's train of thought was interrupted, as the conversation shifted from what had likely been the standard exchange of pleasantries, to the reason they'd been called here. Katarya listened intently, her expression blank, as she wondered what was so important to warrant the first meeting of the tribes, in the first time since the war had begun.

"...It's fairly common knowledge that us of the Violet Clan have hit some hard times, but that certainly isn't the only reason for this. You should all be concerned - you see, the land is dying."

Ahh, there it is. The sales pitch. A soft smirk played at the edges of her lips, only just barely contained, as she did her best to bite her tongue--for the time being. Of everyone in the room, Graves was of course the first to speak. Katarya wasn't even remotely surprised by this fact, nor by the words he had to say. Never having been one to interrupt her higher-ups, Katarya waited patiently for him to finish before chiming in. The sound of a soft, slow round of applause echoed through the tent, as she clapped, feigning over enthusiasm at her leader's words. "Very well spoken, Sir. Bravo! Without a doubt those words alone would have been enough to inspire all of Crimson into a frenzy powerful enough to wipe out all 7 tribes on their own--but, I digress." Turning now to Alexander, she continued speaking. "All jokes aside, Alexander, I do find it rather... well, convenient if you will, that the moment the Violets are ready to turn tail, and withdraw from this war, the land is 'dying'. Furthermore, if you'll all recall, the Ebons were the ones that started this damned war in the first place. And yet, you would simply have us let bygones be bygones, and stop this entire war, with no recompense from them? Clearly I don't speak for all of Crimson, but I do speak for my own warriors, and I can guarantee even suggesting such an idea to them would result in me being run through while I sleep."

All trace of a smile had vanished from the woman's face. She gently cleared her throat, and sat back in her seat, an overly sweet smile now spreading across her lips. "Apologies if I spoke out of turn, Sir," she said, quietly to Graves. "Though I feel we share a similar view on the matter."

Turning once more to Alexander, she raised her voice again, so she could be heard. "As it were, I believe Crimson tribe has made our intentions fairly clear, and somehow I doubt the Ebons will have anything much different to add. So unless you've anything further to add, I think I'll take my leave." Katarya raised an eyebrow slightly at the Violet leader, awaiting his response.


@Prizzy Kriyze

During the introductory speech the Golden Tribesman that had somehow conned his way into the Black Clan's ranks made his way next to Jacques and started whispering in his ear. If it had been up to Alexander he would've executed the man on the spot, but raising his hand against an ally of the opposing forces would definitely have repercussions. He wasn't the first to speak aloud though, that honor went to the Crimson Tribe's imposing leader. As Graves spoke up, Alexanders expression - which had previously been a weak smile - turned into a disappointed frown beneath his protective mask. His head was lowered as he rested his forehead on his hands, but it shot back up when Graves adressed Jacques.

"I will be fair to your opinions, Captain Graves, but insulting each other in a formal setting should be beneath you." He didn't have the opportunity to continue either, as the Crimson's beautiful champion decided to chime in. Alexander's nervosity quickly shifted over to decisiveness. He came here, ready to plead, but was faced with the Crimson's fiery - yet ignorant - attitude. It fueled his own flames. Arguments he liked, something he'd always liked. "Please, don't be so conclusional Katarya. There's plenty more to be added and not hearing all of it will certainly be to your disadvantage, even if you choose to continue this pointless battle. I'm offering free information, what's not to like?" Alexander stood up from his seat and leaned forward with his palms on the table yet again. "You've got it the wrong way around, anyway. The Violet Tribe isn't ready to turn tail when the land starts degrading, the Violet Tribe is ready to turn tail - as you would put it - because the land is degrading. Regarding your issue with the Ebony Tribe, that's something for you to settle amongst yourselves. I'd be perfectly willing to act as a negotiator in that case as well."

Alexander let out a sigh and let his head fall forward and his eyes meet the table before looking up again and aiming his face to Jacques, the Ebony leader. "Say, Jacques, do you have anything to add before I continue?"






Taking his chosen seat, Jacques nodded as way of greeting the Violet leader seated near the front. Silence settled its heavy hand over the area as Crinsom's female second-in-command took her seat, being quickly accompanied by the leader of the fools himself, Graves. Briefly, ebony eyes ran over each leader and second in command analytically as formalities were exchanged, most made by Alexander. Then the meeting begin. His attention would have been fixed purely on the violet leaders words alone if it weren't for the slight disturbance near the tents door, which alerted him to Faustus' entrance.

Inclining his head slightly in the mans general direction, Jadques allowed his gaze to fall on the Violet leader again, who seemed to be retrieving a scroll of some type from one of the guards he'd conveniently placed behind himself, for still unknown reasons. A map was revealed, bring accompanied by quite a many words from the Violet leader. A slightly disguised desperation - or was it nervousness? - coated Alexander's words, Jacques noted. Faustus' insight on the matter and his as usual helpful information was whispered to Jacques', an action he noticed was observed by the many faces in the room.


Grant uttered, half to himself, meeting the Gold tribe members eyes briefly before glancing back at the Violet leader. Peace, was of course an attractive prospect, but pursuing it at this moment in time seemed impossible. The lands dying was an of course shocking statement to make, but according to Faustus sources it wasn't correct. But he'd never branded the Violets to be a tribe of liers. The Ebonys were unaffected by this land crisis, but if the land was truly dying they'd soon be affected as well.

The Crimson's leaders harsh though as usual foolish little speech met the Violet leaders silence, and it was enough to bring an amused smile to Jacques' lips. Graves brought his own brand of unintended entertainment to every gathering. Then the fool had the dexterity to attempt to lecture him. Such stupidity wouldn't be graced by a response on his part. His words were met with over-zealous enthusiasm by his second in command, whose words were equally as useless and factually incorrect.

Leave it to the Crinsoms to attempt to twist every story, even history in their favor.

Alexander efforts at combating the stubbornly violent Crimsons who most likely wanted nothing more then a good fight out of the meeting would be met with nothing but more useless exchanges, more useless actions. Gathering his own thoughts, Jacques wondered how he could use the situation of the land and this "peace" to his tribes favor. The Crimson tribe was unwilling to accept the peace the Violet's seemed to so fervently hope for. Perhaps achieving a "peace" of some type between the Ebonys and the Violets would be enough for them to team up to drive out and eliminate this Crimson tribe once and for all, leaving their land free for conquest.

But... He was being much to hasty with his thoughts. He'd have to hear more before a proper decision was made. His thoughts on the matter were requested by Alexander, pulling the ebony leader free from his contemplative silence. If the Crimsons thought to assume he was thinking in the same direction as them, he'd leave them free to foolishly assume that.

"Not quite yet, please do continue."

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Graves edged a brow at Katarya's slow, sarcastic clap. It irked him but he did not let it show. I'll chop those hands off, woman, he thought. The other points she made were fair, but Graves refused to be undermined. He would make sure Katarya would learn that. Thus far, the meeting had gone as expected, a gathering of pointless chatter and blabble. Action was where Graves was best suited and most comfortable. There were things to be done outside of this tent and every second passing seemed to only irritate the Crimson leader further.

Alexander's bit of "free information" did catch his ear, however. Graves relied after Jacques. "Yes, if you have something to share, do it already; I am running short on patience." The Captain did not enjoy the way Alexander teased and side-stepped his point, however if the information was worthwhile Andal would hear it.
With his chin resting on his folded hands, Alexander met Jacques' gaze. "Mhm." He shortly responded, then took a deep breath to continue. "As I said, the land is dying. The effects are more obvious out in on the flats where we live, where the monster population is small and the fertile land is sparse. In recent years the fertile land hasn't been so fertile, and the monster population has grown. Both in very ominous ways." He stood up again and placed his hands on the map he'd spread before the group. He indicated an area of land that had emerged from the ocean floor only a few centuries ago, leaving very fertile land for the Violet Tribe to use. "It isn't going the way it naturally would, where the less fertile lands slowly wither until we only have the best areas left. Nor are the monsters increasing in size where they already were. It's going the wrong way around, as if something's trying to kill the land on purpose."

There were already markings and notes written out on the map, and Alexander twisted in and pushed it across the table for the other two leaders to see. "As you can see, the crops in Valora produced but a third of what they did four years ago, and Valora has always been our most succesful farm. Monsters have also started appearing in Glaet'wen, where the second crusade happened roughly twenty years ago leaving absolutely no monsters in its wake. Our scouts report similar situations from all over the island, but most obviously in the wasteland. The Jungle of Garr has only seen a real difference the amount of monsters that roam." With a loud sigh he fell back into his seat and leaned his head on his palm again.

"Now, of course this could only be a very strange circumstance and have no particular meaning what-so-ever, but it's all the things accompanying it that has us worried. We've gotten word from River Valley that there has been sightings of twisted shadows moving along the hills of the ancient summit. Tanner Ockshaw, their eldest, claims to have had a vision of the Dragons of ancient times living once more. All of our own elders agree that there's been something strange in the air as of late as well, but then we finally agreed to call this meeting when we found... Ehm, it's difficult to explain." Alexander paused and looked over his shoulder past the two guards behind him. "Bring it in!"

Two large men carrying a huge stretcher between them pushed through the flap covering the entrance. Something large rested on it beneath a large piece of cloth, and it put an obvious strain on the two musclemen to carry it. A wide table stood in the corner of the tent, devoid of items. "Set it down there." Alexander ordered, and the two men softly placed it down on the table and grabbed each end of the cloth covering it, and pulled it off in a seamless synchronized maneuvre.

The stench instantly filled the tent. It smelled like wet dog mixed with singed hair and sulfur. On the table rested a wolf the size of a bear with 7 large and broken-off spears sticking out of it's head and torso; One through its eye, one through its temple, 3 through its lungs and two through its heart. In the wounds there was some dried black liquid but the wolf's fur was a sort of reddish yellow. Besides all of those strange features, the by far most eye-catching feature on the wolf was its extra appendage. On the side of the wolf's neck there was an arm growing. Starting at just above the elbow a fully human arm erected from the wolf's neck, but it seemed to be covered in a dried form of the black liquid that ran out of the wolf's wounds. In random patterns all over the arm there were large perfect red circles. Not like blood, but almost like there were rubies growing on its skin. The nails were replaced with inch-long yellow claws.

Alexander, unbothered by the smell due to the bandages, walked over to the corpse and gestured towards it. "I assure you it took all of those spears to bring it down. It regrew the regular slash wounds within seconds, and any fire applied to it was quickly extinguished. In the end it took three strong warriors to force these enormous spears into it with telekinesis to actually kill it."
"Whatever you do, do not mess this up."

The words ran through his head over and over and over and over so much that he thought he'd gone mad and that his brain had melted into a broken cassette player. It wasn't just the words, though, that sent a chill down his spine and his heart a-pummeling against the cage of his ribs. More than that, the tone. It was seeped in venom. A poison which whispered sinisterly: 'Fail me again, Dallyptus, and I'll have your damn heart on a platter.'

Darius shuddered, wrapped his arms in the comfy embrace of his coat. It'd been a manic week, even by his standards. Monday had been an average morning; he'd had a scrap with some crimson scum, nearly killed their entire platoon with a tree, forced their group to retreat, got shouted at, got berated by the other soldiers, and then expelled to another group. But then on Tuesday, he'd suddenly found himself host to one of the Violet champions, a man by the name of Anistair. Alongside his striking, velvetty appearance, Anistair was renowned for being powerful, clever, and also hell-a creepy, so much so that he was seen as a sort of dark sheep amongst the Violet ranks. Even Darius knew that he was only allowed to do what he did because of his talent on the battlefield.

Given Darius' reputation, a matter it was impossible for even him to ignore, he'd figured this was the end of the line for him.

But, instead of murdering him, or worse, banishing him, the man had arrived with a message that took Darius completely by surprise. As he full well knew, he was down to the last straw. But in spite of that, Anistair informed him in a manner most polite that it was all because he was working in the wrong field. He wasn't cut out for life as a soldier, but the Violet leaders had decided he would make a fantastic squire. Anistair had hand-picked him, so he said! Darius was so beside himself with happiness! Finally, he'd actually pleased someone! Finally, he could cast aside his worrying reputation and rise to a position of respect.

Finally, he would be gifted a new start.

He'd been sent off on his first mission right away, and it was dead exciting like. He was to infiltrate the base of the crimson scum, persuade them that he was defecting, and then take them out from the inside. But then, just as he was leaving, he received word of the meeting. As a squire, he was now legally permitted to attend, which was simultaneously exciting and mortally terrifying. Not only that, Anistair arrived with another special mission. And left with those ominous words:
"Whatever you do, do not mess this up."

The problem was, messing up was second nature to Darius. And, sadly, he'd already succumbed to inevitable failure.

Striding through the camp with the composure of a chipmunk on a caffiene rush, Darius dashed towards the central meeting tent. He felt an awkward twitch journey from his heel all the way up to his finger. He'd already dreamed the entire situation the night before, of course, and things had ended badly then; therefore he knew he was screwed the moment unfortunate reality gave him his daily wake up slap.

Eventually, he reached the entrance, and was met by the giant palm of a bodyguard. "This is the leader's meeting tent, pipsqueak," The guard's voice was almost exactly as Darius would have imagined; deep, booming, and ear-throbbingly loud.

Darius cleared his voice three times, apologised four, and then announced: "I'm here as squire on behalf of Champion Anistair." He fumbled in his pack for a good half-minute until he withdrew the champion's unmistakable signature.

"Anistair, hey?" the bodyguard growled knowingly, "What the blazes is that lunatic up to now?" Perhaps realising the power of the youngster he was addressing (or not), the guard straightened up, and wordlessly opened the curtain to allow Darius in. Darius thanked him three times, and then, with the stealth of an elephant in a rainbow jumper, tried to take his seat in the tent without disturbing anyone.

He wasn't
that late, right?

@Prizzy Kriyze

@Everyone else

@Sorry I'm so late! D:
The pungent smell of death was sensed before any eyes were laid on the beast. Its putrid form reflected the stench well. The appendage growing from the creature's neck was surprising, sure, but the entirety of the monster itself was equally alarming. A wolf should not be nearly this size, nor its blood black. Graves glanced at the Ebony leader, no, this is not their doing. What trick are they trying to pull..., he pondered. Graves had seen gruesome sights before and was familiar with all forms of death, yet this was entirely different. Graves sensed an entirely different sort of omen. The Captain still remained suspicious but the source was still in question.

"What would you have us believe, Alexander, that there are several of these beasts to be afraid of? It looks as if you felled it well enough. Is there some reason for your concern aside from whispering elders?" Graves was growing tired of their speculations and feelings, a man of action required proof as well as purpose. The problems of others is of no consequence for him and the Crimson had not felt any of their plight. News of decaying land and monster attacks was nothing alarming, but a third-party threat was something to be weary of. The creature was certainly not anything of this world and a hasty decision would prove careless.

Graves looked at his second, "Katarya, what do you make of this?" It was a rare moment for Graves to ask for her opinion, or the opinion of anyone for that matter.

"Please, don't be so conclusional Katarya..."

The girl's eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly as she fixed a glare on the Violet leader. She ought to just challenge the damned fool right here and now to cleave his smug head from the rest of his sickeningly pale body, but Katarya said nothing more. As her patience waned, she found herself missing most of what the Violet leader was saying. until she smelled a faint, but sickening odor. Coming to attention, Katarya sat up, as two Violet soldiers entering the tent carrying a stretcher with what appeared to be a corpse of some sort, covered with a cloth. She watched with a blank expression as the cloth was swept off of the beast, and the overpowering odor filled the tent.

Her face remained expressionless as she took in the magnificent sight before her. The corpse was downright horrifying, and Katarya was forced to suppress her urge to gag as the odor hit her full force. The creature was definitely formidable. Even Katarya was forced to admit that she wasn't certain she could have brought the beast down on her own. Possibly not even with her best soldier or two fighting alongside her. After taking a moment to recover her composure, she overheard Graves speaking nearly the exact same thoughts she'd been having, herself. Even if these creatures were a threat to someone, they weren't a threat to the Crimson tribe.
For now, she amended.

"Katarya, what do you make of this?"

The initial shock of the situation had worn off, and by now Katarya had most her wits about her. She was definitely surprised to hear Graves ask for her take on the situation, and appeared thoughtful for a moment, before shrugging shortly. "Well, my professional opinion is that it appears to be a rather large wolf of some sort... with a human arm growing out of its neck, of course," she added helpfully.

"Jests aside, I see you've got a bit of a pest problem,
Violets," Katarya enunciated the word heavily, attempting to convey her thoughts that the problem belonged solely to the members of the Violet tribe. "Though I'm afraid I fail to see exactly how this concerns us. Certainly, if left unchecked, supposing there are actually more of these things, they'd likely be able to do some damage. That much I don't doubt. Yet, I fail to see how this involves Crimson. Forgive my rudeness, but I absolutely loathe stories on subjects such as this. If you do have a point, Alexander, and plan on tying the Crimson tribe into your story at some point, please do get there. And quickly. I fear I'm losing interest in this conversation at an alarming rate, and am in danger of dying of boredom." Katarya released an exaggerated sigh to punctuate her point, as her eyes fixed on the newcomer that had just crashed into the room, lingering for just a moment before flitting back again to Alexander.

@Prizzy Kriyze


@SkyGinge (sorta. I acknowledged your entrance. Whoo! :P )​


As Alexander continued his free-flow of information, Jacques leaned forward slightly in his seat, weighing the information in his head versus what intel he'd been given. Why the man was so spruce about sharing previously classified information on the Violet's was a question that still bothered him. Surely the Violet's knew the other tribes would take heed of their words, and of course use the information given for their own tribes benefit, perhaps even causing another war because of it. Was desperation making the Violet's stupid? Dismissing the stray thought as the fact of the monster populations increase was revealed and the new patch of land was motioned towards. The claim that someone could be killing the land on purpose was a strong accusation, and Jacques stored it in his head for later more thorough thought.

Looking over the map as it was pushed across the table towards him and the other leaders, Jacques nodded once again as more information was given to them, and more news on the monsters was given, and a particularly smelly specimen was brought in. Wrinkling up his nose delicately, Jacques leaned across the table with the other inhabitants to get a better look at the creature. It was bear-like in its immense size, sharing wolf characteristics as well. But what was most shocking to Jacques was the human arm that protruded from its side. Schooling his expression into one of impassivity as Alexander informed them of how much effort had been put into capturing the creature. Anothers loud entrance drew Jacques' attention briefly, though his eyes darted back over to the creature just as quickly and upward to catch the Crimson's thoughts on the matter.

It was obvious, in Jacques' opinion, how the rest of the tribes were linked into this but he still waited for the Violet leader to clarify it. At least for the Crimson tribe's sake.


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