Travel To The Past (Meiji Period of Japan) to Save the Future(?)


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This is actually still a super vague idea I have, inspired heavily by two visual novels I'd played. There's still a lot of things that need to be explained and make sense of, but I thought I have an idea and I might as well hurry and drop it down.

Note that while I'm using an actual historical period in Japan, I am not necessarily following their government conflict or truths back then, many factors I created on my own.

This roleplay is also fantasy, therefore there will be unrealistic elements.

This roleplay deals with time travel, in which modern people are suddenly removed from their world to wake up in a historical setting in Japan, whether you're westerner or not.

The idea is this--

During that period in Japan, it's around the time when westerners first really engaged itself into the small country, bringing with them their own ideologies and technology, their idea of spreading their culture and economic spheres across the world resulting in their increasing involvement in Japan, whereas it's economy, politic (military), or socially. Japan, being in an era that hadn't encountered such advanced goods such as guns and western clothings, beginning to adapt to their ideas as well.

Nevertheless, great opposition still exists in allowing the westerners to "take over" Japan. The most that have their voices heard about it are the people within the government, who actually takes military action in order to remove the westerners and force them back to the country. Second are the common people who raged rebellion against adapting to the western culture.

Now I haven't thought too deeply about how the military action will work and such, and how much the westerners could've influenced Japan's government and be part of its politics, it'd be great if you guys also point out some weird parts in my settings or further questions.

Either way, that's the really basic, vague overview of the conflict between the east and west.

I will now further add the fantasy element---during that period, "bourei" are really commonly known. They are ghosts/spirits of the deceased, we'll just call them spirits for now. After a person dies, if his/her spirit is unable to pass to the afterlife, it'd continue to linger in the human world, the longer it stays the more "resentment" it grows inside of it, until it becomes an evil spirit, becoming existences that are extremely dangerous to the common people. That's when exorcists come into play, you know, the typical jobs, eliminating these kinds of spirits, who wield inhuman, spiritual powers. Its intensity depends on how strong its resentment is, especially if it still have any regrets during its lifetime. If one has gone so strong, they would've taken a monster form.

The "evil spirits" attack people with of course, its negative energy and physical powers. When a person dies under it, however, that person would also become one of them, increasing the numbers of these spirits.

During that time period, where easterners and westerners are constantly killed with their conflicts, the numbers of these spirits too increased.

That's when the Japanese government who are against the westerners began to take on the idea of perhaps controlling these evil spirits, because they actually wield great powers and would be really beneficial in an army if they're really able to control it. In the visual novel, the government is able to create an army of people possessed by these spirits, controlling it through curses and incantation. In the second visual novel I played, the government is planning to control it loose.

I haven't thought about that yet.

Anyways, because of this idea, the government wants to be able to control all evil spirits, by also controlling the ghosts of the people who'd just died, who could have the ability to pass to the afterlife. They want to change it so that all spirits have the resentment power within them and are able to be controlled. This is their plan on using such mighty army of inhuman powers to go against the westerners---

I haven't thought about how powerful the westerners who entered Japan could be either---

Now, it makes it sound like the Japanese government is purely the evil, bad ones. True, they play the more antagonist role in the end, but note that most westerners would view the Japanese as the lesser ones, and think themselves as superior, actually wanting to take over Japan.

With that said, going back to the point about controlling the evil spirits. While seemingly acquiring ways of controlling it, what the government is unaware of is the risks their idea would be followed by. After all, humans should not really have the powers to control supernatural existences. Soon, if their action continues, basically raising the power of these evil spirits under their own, they would eventually lose control over it---these evil spirits would break free, their powers combined, and create a huge, truly dark evil force that is so powerful as to possibly destroy the world (woah, being dramatic here! I'm still thinking if the effect is going to be that huge or not).

FINALLY, it's time to mention you guys.

I haven't thought of why you guys are from the modern world yet. In the visual novel, the protagonist is long the special, "chosen" one to help save the world, and she's the only one available with eight protectors. For you guys, I'm thinking there will be more of you "chosen ones," who will work together in order to prevent what I just said about the evil spirits losing control, and save the world. This is something that will happen in the past, in which you guys must go back and change, in order for your future to last.

Throughout the roleplay, characters will have to face, depending on your race---westerner or easterner, conflict between these two races, as you can see, while you can be an easterner openly adapting to the western culture, you may also very well oppose it, especially if you decide if you're part of the government force (still thinking.)

You'll have to fight against the spirits, "bourei" who are hurting the people. Through the roleplay and with each arc, these spirits will be increasing in numbers, and also you guys will eventually learn about the government wanting to control it, etc etc.

You'll eventually have to face the conflict of dealing with the government or not.

I'm thinking of opening several roles, however. While you may very well be the "protagonists" traveling from the future to save the past, I'm thinking that you can also be one of the "exorcists" from the time period. Similarly, you may be an "oni" or a "youkai" (?) I'm thinking if I should allow spiritual creatures into the roleplay, who weird supernatural powers, such as fox spirits, cat spirits, or if it's eastern, vampires.....

There's a lot of stuffs I haven't thought of yet! For example, the whole setting is super vague, why the hell are you guys from the modern world isn't explained yet, and it'd be great if you guys can look through this and offer more questions as well as suggestions and corrections.

I decide I must write this idea down somewhere so. >_>

Thank you so much!
This is sorta like Amatsuki. :o (Amatsuki is a manga in which a modern-day Japanese high schooler is supposedly sent back to the Edo period, where there's a war raging on between humans and spirits. After making friends on both sides and learning that he's gained a reality-warping power, he decides he wants to find a way to solve the center of their conflict without hurting their respective "armies" much. At least, that's how I understand it so far--I'm only about halfway through what's currently translated.) So the similarity has me interested! And I have a tengu OC I'd like to flesh out a little so if youkai are an option for characters, I could toss them into this... If you do make this hmu!
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@ItsCursorBby I just searched up the manga and it looks cool! I might read it. xD

I would love to make this roleplay if enough people expressed interest so I know it's worth it, meaning I won't have to make it just so like 2 people sign up, or they barely contribute to the story or sign up but not replying. ;w; There's also still a lot of things as you can see that I have to come up with. xD

But yeah, definitely nice that you've showed interest! Hmm, I'll probably add youkais in, seeing it makes the fantasy setting more "fantasy-like" if youkais are around.

Thanks for expressing interest though!
This is all pretty interesting actually. You mentioned story arcs, so I'm also assuming that if this indeed becomes a roleplay, it's going to be a long one; which is fun if done right :3

Also curious though, what are the names of these visual novels you took the basic ideas from? They seem pretty interesting, might check them out when I get the opportunity.
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Just saw this reply! (I was busy)

Yes, I'm hoping for this to be a long one with nice story arcs. Hopefully I'll be able to do them right, but they do take awhile to plan. >< But thanks for expressing interest! If I make it I hope the two of you will be willing to join. xD

Regarding the visual novels, they are only available in Japanese, one is reverse harem and the other is actually...yaoi haha. Anyways, the names are "Harukanaru Toki no Naka de (Haruka, Beyond the Stream of Time.) 6" (It's the sixth sequel that I'm basing the idea mainly off from.) The yaoi visual novel is called "Taisho Mebiusline."
I'm fine with either actually, detailed or casual :)
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19 dAYS RULE OmG bless you. You have a great taste my friend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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