

One Thousand Club
For your characters: (Feel free to fill this out as detailed, or not, as you'd like :) )





History: (what was your life like before you ended up here?)

Appearance: (description, picture, or both if you want.)

Other: (Anything extra you'd like to add about them.)
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Name: Collin Hayes

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Personality: He's pretty outgoing and is usually sympathetic. He's rash and isn't afraid to speak his mind, and often thinks best on his feet. Collin isn't one for foresight, but he'd usually admit his mistakes when he makes one. He's often a bit cautious around people he doesn't know.

Appearance: Standing at about 6'2", he's decently tall, with a large build. Collin is fairly fit, with a light tan and short, dark brown hair. His eyes are hazel and he has thick eyebrows, with a squared jaw. He often has a serious look to him, though he doesn't seem to notice.

History: Collin grew up in a small town, with a decently happy family. He was very athletic as he grew up, joining several different sports teams over the years. During high school, however, his knee was injured, ending any chances of him becoming a professional athlete. He went on to college and soon got a decent job, living alone for quite some time.

Other: Has a slight knee injury in his left leg. Can't run for long periods of time, and it's more likely to be injured than his right knee.
Name: Alexandria 'Alex' Elridge

Age: 23

Personality(two-sided) :





* Fearless


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/uploadfromtaptalk1395783281608.jpg.9d7b21a43d4e8506abda432fa7db224f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15129" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/uploadfromtaptalk1395783281608.jpg.9d7b21a43d4e8506abda432fa7db224f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: (gotta think of something)

Other: she has sleeves and a tattoo on her hip.

(Not finished)

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Name: Jack Bane.

Age: 25.

Gender: Male.

Appearance: At around six foot and somewhat built with arms and broad shoulders, Jack's size shouldn't be judged too lightly. He really has no use for exercise due to being a bit guilty if laziness. He has jet-black hair that's not too long yet not too short either. His hair matches stunningly well with emerald green eyes that could immediately light up a room from their beauty and their size. His skin is fair to which dark shadow on his strong jaw compliments it. His teeth are always Crest white to which could give away that his hygiene is somewhat kept.

Personality: Jack is very manipulative, cynical, and is clearly a sociopath. Though his alter ego is the exact opposite. To most, Jack can be described as a very outgoing person who prefers socializing if anything else. He also has the art of being charming when it comes to women that he takes interest in. Although a few have turned his affections down, that doesn't stop him from trying everything in his power to impress a pretty lady - even if it disgusts him to the core when it comes to being a slave for one.

History: Jack grew up fairly wealthy due to both of his parents being medical professionals. His father was a surgeon while his mother was a traveling nurse. As a child, he didn't care much for physical activities. Instead, he aimed his attention toward violent video games and schoolwork. He was known as being a "nerd" during this school days, but he never really was the target for any serious bullying. During his teenage years, however, he became a bit rebellious and soon dropped out of high school despite his intelligence. He began to show signs of being a sociopath around age seventeen and was kept drugged up for a period of time until the day he finally stopped taking medication. Escaping home at eighteen, he landed a job in construction and has been living several different "friends."

Other: Jack believes that voices communicate with him, telling him what to do. For the most part, he can ignore them easily. However, it has become more difficult as time passes on.
Name: Eric Hodgeins

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Hobby: tinkering

Appearance: Eric is chubby, but tall. He wears dress shirts with jeans and sneakers and has a few gadgets on him at all times. He usually brings his tool kit with him too, for fixing electronics. He wears glasses with subtle frames. He has black hair and green eyes. His face is usually scruffy. His hands are scarred.

Personality: Eric isn't overly friendly with anyway. He's nice enough but he doesn't talk much. He prefers to keep to himself as much as possible. He's intelligent and enjoys problem-solving. He reacts to bullying by becoming meeker, but he's never faced the ostracism of an entire community before, having always had at least one friend and guardian in his life.

History: Eric was raised by his aunt. His parents died when he was ten. His childhood wasn't too bad, or too great. His mother was a classical musician and he knows a bit about it because of her. He's still not sure if he truly loves classical music or not, but he often listens to it on his music player whenever he needs a little comforting. He got his GED early and went straight into college, where he's been focusing singlemindedly on getting a mechanical and electrical engineering degree. His aunt passed away almost right after he got his GED and he had a temporary guardian in her place until he turned 18. Fortunately his aunt didn't leave many expenses behind and he inherited her house and car, along with a bit of money from his parents that she'd invested for him. He's by no means rich, or even very happy, but he can't complain.

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