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Fantasy Toulouse Academy of Refinement

Nodding her head Celena smiled and linked with Nikki's arm on the other side of Alex and giggled, "Let's make this night fantabulous!"
Alex laughed a bit and released her arm. "I will see you two in there. I told Nocte that I'd meet him just before the ball," she said giving them each a hug. "And each of you owe me a dance," she laughed.
Waving good bye Celena held up her pinkie, "It's a promise Alex," and then turning to Nikki she questioned her, "What do you mean you have something for the two of us?"
Alex smiled and turned, starting to head for the boy's dorms. She remembered she didn't have a clue as to which was his so she decided to roam up and down the halls until he showed. @Firelava
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Looking at Celena nodded and smiled, "Yeah I have heard about the red string. It is suppose to invisibly link you to your soul mate!"
Blushing slightly by realising what she was planning to do Celena chuckled and patted her head, "Good luck Cupid!"
Copying her Celena posed with her and Yuki jumped around them happily wagging his tail.

"So where are we going exactly...?"
Opening the door Celena smiled as she looked around at the amazing decorations. Grabbing her camera Celena began to take some pictures.
"Oh! Lets go dance!"

Taking hold of Nikki's hands Celena laughed as they made their way to the dance floor and began to dance like any other teenager.
Celena laughed happily and got Yuki to stand on his two hind legs and helped dance a little before he went back to his four legs.
(Sorry guys, been uber busy!)

Winnie dressed once the girls left, not caring if she was fashionably late. And she took her time, doing her usual natural make up after getting into her dress and curled her hair lightly. After adding a pair of simple black heels and a pearl necklace, she deemed herself ready and headed towards the large gym that had been transformed into a fabulously decorated dance with sparkly streamers and a disco ball. Definitely not her usual part, Winnie noted almost sadly and stayed near the wall, waiting for a chance to escape unnoticed by anyone.

@killgor911 @Forlorn @Z Greatest001 (That's all I can recall but I need all your characters present!!)
Nichole giggled and said"go yuki its your birthday! Go yuki!" Dancing and smiled. Yuki danced and barked. Nichole saw someone standing by herself and walked over."are you alright?" She asked winnie.
"Yes, perfectly fine." Winnie smiled politely, both a bit annoyed and a bit touched at Nichole's concern. "I just don't prefer parties. I'm here to make an appearance and leave." She admitted. "I like your dog." It was small talk, something Winnie was familiar with, and her eyes scanned the crowd for anyone else who might interrupt her daring escape plan.
Noticing Nikki walking over to talk to someone Celena stopped dancing with Yuki and walked over to her, "Hello there! I don't think we have formally introduced each other. My name is Celena!"
Nichole said"ok if you say so. Oh!" She gave her a red string. "Tie this around your pinky and the pinky of the guy you love. It symbolizes your love and bond." Smiling. "And thanks. His name is yuki!"

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